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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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This is why we can't have nice things. ¯\_ツ_/¯ All play styles should be able to coexist together, but they don't. And while some of that is on Bioware, at least half is on us, the players, and our maturity.
This forum has better moderation than the game itself does. You can blame players all you like, and I get where you're coming from with that, but it boils down to accountability and the lack of it IN-GAME. ONE week of cracking down on jackholes IN-GAME would go a LOOOOONG way in reducing it. There are very few people I've met in 5+ years of playing this game that have truly bothered me...even if the few bad apples lost their account, the good it would do would more than make up for it.


You credit us, the players, with 50% of it, and that's simply not true. It's 1-3% tops and it's because they are free to say and do whatever they like in-game, without any repercussions. 97-99% of this is directly on Bioware and their lack of policing the game itself.


I'm not asking Bioware to police every typed word, but the report function NEEDS to have weight behind it...right now, it has zero...and the online trolls know it means nothing and they abuse that knowledge, and Bioware's customers.

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This forum has better moderation than the game itself does. You can blame players all you like, and I get where you're coming from with that, but it boils down to accountability and the lack of it IN-GAME. ONE week of cracking down on jackholes IN-GAME would go a LOOOOONG way in reducing it. There are very few people I've met in 5+ years of playing this game that have truly bothered me...even if the few bad apples lost their account, the good it would do would more than make up for it.


You credit us, the players, with 50% of it, and that's simply not true. It's 1-3% tops and it's because they are free to say and do whatever they like in-game, without any repercussions. 97-99% of this is directly on Bioware and their lack of policing the game itself.


I'm not asking Bioware to police every typed word, but the report function NEEDS to have weight behind it...right now, it has zero...and the online trolls know it means nothing and they abuse that knowledge, and Bioware's customers.


Admittedly I was being a little too unrealistic, I just thought it would be better if is said "us" and "our", and, maybe I've been on YT too much it's starting to rub off haha. :p


It's times like these I wish the forum had a tagging feature, that way we could tag Keith/Eric, but then I have no doubt that feature would become abused.

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Admittedly I was being a little too unrealistic, I just thought it would be better if is said "us" and "our", and, maybe I've been on YT too much it's starting to rub off haha. :p


It's times like these I wish the forum had a tagging feature, that way we could tag Keith/Eric, but then I have no doubt that feature would become abused.

I understand :)


It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch!

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I'm not asking Bioware to police every typed word, but the report function NEEDS to have weight behind it...right now, it has zero...and the online trolls know it means nothing and they abuse that knowledge, and Bioware's customers.


Personally I think a moderator would be the way to go but if there were also a penalty for falsely reporting someone (which of course is a stickier situation), the report function could be sufficient. I am for immediate action or at least the threat that there might be immediate action. One or two people booted instantly for "toxic" comments would go a long way to dissuading others from going in that direction.

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Personally I think a moderator would be the way to go but if there were also a penalty for falsely reporting someone (which of course is a stickier situation), the report function could be sufficient. I am for immediate action or at least the threat that there might be immediate action. One or two people booted instantly for "toxic" comments would go a long way to dissuading others from going in that direction.


falsely reporting someone could become murky, yeah, like, with the people that sell their referral. I don't consider that spam (assuming they wait every 30 minutes or so) and aren't repeatedly throwing it up on gen-chat.


Moderators could be a good idea, I've been playing PokeMMO whenever the mood strikes, though rare as it might be. It's a little fan-made mmo that's actually pretty decent. They actually have moderators in-game, I'm not sure if that is what you meant, but that would definitely fix some of the toxicity if only for the stern warnings froma moderator. Heck, I wouldn't even mind grouping with these "moderators", and I'm sure everyone in this thread would agree that playing with one would be neat. It would probably help to humanize the devs, too.

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I don't know if anyone has thought of this yet, but I see a lot of people complaining about loosing guild property during a merger. That can be solved easily via refunds. I've been a guild leader for most of this game's existence, including the last round of server mergers (which were a blessing at the time). Back then, customer services refunded you the price of forming a guild, your guild bank & any tabs you may have had once you arrived on your destination server. This could easily be done again, but also with regards to guild strongholds/flagships & decos. BW would have to catalog what everyone had, but it would be easy enough for Customer Service to refund the appropriate amount of credits & decos to the guilds GM after mergers were complete.

PS: Please merge, I would like to be able to PvP again.........

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I don't know if anyone has thought of this yet, but I see a lot of people complaining about loosing guild property during a merger. That can be solved easily via refunds. I've been a guild leader for most of this game's existence, including the last round of server mergers (which were a blessing at the time). Back then, customer services refunded you the price of forming a guild, your guild bank & any tabs you may have had once you arrived on your destination server. This could easily be done again, but also with regards to guild strongholds/flagships & decos. BW would have to catalog what everyone had, but it would be easy enough for Customer Service to refund the appropriate amount of credits & decos to the guilds GM after mergers were complete.

PS: Please merge, I would like to be able to PvP again.........


I was here at the last merger, wasn't as easy done as you say. My guild empty our guild banks and our officers took the item, we disbanded our guild, restarted it and then contacted them about getting our bank and tabs back and it took them 4 ....months to get our bank and tabs back. We considered just buying another one but decided no that they were supposed to do this quickly and easy. It wasn't and we were not the only ones that had this sort of problems. So no not easily done and I shudder to think of the mess they make now with more assets.

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I don't know if anyone has thought of this yet, but I see a lot of people complaining about loosing guild property during a merger. That can be solved easily via refunds. I've been a guild leader for most of this game's existence, including the last round of server mergers (which were a blessing at the time). Back then, customer services refunded you the price of forming a guild, your guild bank & any tabs you may have had once you arrived on your destination server. This could easily be done again, but also with regards to guild strongholds/flagships & decos. BW would have to catalog what everyone had, but it would be easy enough for Customer Service to refund the appropriate amount of credits & decos to the guilds GM after mergers were complete.

PS: Please merge, I would like to be able to PvP again.........


It's nice that you're trying to find ways to help, but in all honesty, while those suggestions are fine, I don't see customer service refunding me all the credits I paid to buy the materials to make 500 dark projects, or the 10 million extra credits I paid, in addition to the 50 million of the ship. To get all the Exo Iso's and war supplies cost me a flipping fortune. On average, I spent 135K for each Exo Iso alone, you need 4 for each dark project and you need 250 of the dark projects to unlock another room + 5million. So, just for the exo iso's alone I spent over 135 million. Nevermind what I've spent on the war supplies, because I have to buy these things off the GTN. Multiply that by two rooms and I've spent over 280,000,000 (if you include the 5mill x2 per room). Never mind all the decorations I've bought for the ship. Some of these decos you can't even buy anymore for any price. Then there is the business of my strongholds for the guilds. I have two guilds, imp and pub side that have fully opened and furnished strongholds.


I've done all this on my own, for the guild I have for mine and my hubby's alts. it's taken me years to do it all.


If I were to lose all this stuff, it would be devastating and I would quit. No ifs, ands, or buts. The amount of money both credits and real life dollars I've sunk into the game is daunting if I think about it too much. So I really don't think customer service can refund me all that I've put into it. They can be assured of one thing, another pair of reliably paid subs would be out the door. So pardon me, this kind of loss makes it impossible for me to sympathize with someone wanting a faster queue time. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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Honestly, servers do NOT need to be separated. PvE, PvP or RP...they should all be able to coexist without any issue. Pretending they're separate is one of the greatest mistakes MMO designers make imo. .


Now that is a profound observation and one that should never be forgotten. Kinda like flavors of ice cream is still ice cream!

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It's nice that you're trying to find ways to help, but in all honesty, while those suggestions are fine, I don't see customer service refunding me all the credits I paid to buy the materials to make 500 dark projects, or the 10 million extra credits I paid, in addition to the 50 million of the ship. To get all the Exo Iso's and war supplies cost me a flipping fortune. On average, I spent 135K for each Exo Iso alone, you need 4 for each dark project and you need 250 of the dark projects to unlock another room + 5million. So, just for the exo iso's alone I spent over 135 million. Nevermind what I've spent on the war supplies, because I have to buy these things off the GTN. Multiply that by two rooms and I've spent over 280,000,000 (if you include the 5mill x2 per room). Never mind all the decorations I've bought for the ship. Some of these decos you can't even buy anymore for any price. Then there is the business of my strongholds for the guilds. I have two guilds, imp and pub side that have strongholds.


I've done all this on my own, for the guild I have for mine and my hubby's alts. it's taken me years to do it all.


If I were to lose all this stuff, it would be devastating and I would quit. No ifs, ands, or buts. The amount of money both credits and real life dollars I've sunk into the game is daunting if I think about it too much. So I really don't think customer service can refund me all that I've put into it. They can be assured of one thing, another pair of reliably paid subs would be out the door. So pardon me, this kind of loss makes it impossible for me to sympathize with someone wanting a faster queue time. :(


This. This is enough to prove a merger would be a bad idea. UNTIL BW can find a way, that no one will lose absolutely nothing, and all other problems associated with a merger it really isn't an option. If someone wants a little faster queue time, then they can pay a measly 90 CC and transfer to a bigger server, might I suggest either Harby, or EH.

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Once our guildship was fully unlocked and loaded with pricey decos members lost interest in it and the newer folks don't really bother with it. Guilds I've joined since I've never gone up to the guildship because the novelty has worn off.


It would really be lame that some kind of guildship/guild tab inconvenience was the reason the devs felt apprehensive about merges. In the scope of things they are just castles in the sand...........

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Once our guildship was fully unlocked and loaded with pricey decos members lost interest in it and the newer folks don't really bother with it. Guilds I've joined since I've never gone up to the guildship because the novelty has worn off.


It would really be lame that some kind of guildship/guild tab inconvenience was the reason the devs felt apprehensive about merges. In the scope of things they are just castles in the sand...........


Ah, the "X doesn't matter to me personally and therefore I decree X must be unimportant to everyone" form of invalid argument.


By that same 'logic', since I don't care for PvP and rarely engage in it anymore (and I have never touched ranked at all), therefore PvP is unimportant to this game. Therefore, again by that same 'logic', trying to increase PvP pops is NOT a reason to merge servers, because I don't care about PvP and therefore PvP is not important to anyone, so why would we go through the hassle of merging servers to increase pops for something that doesn't matter? Wow, it would really be lame if we went through with server merges over something that didn't matter, right? After all, in the grand scope of things your ranked PvP ratings, your valor ranks, and all your PvP achievements are just castles in the sand, numbers in a database that mean nothing in the real world...


See how silly and unreasonable that sounds? Your argument that "I don't care about guild ships and therefore preserving guild ships isn't important" sounds just as terrible. Think of other people's playstyles for once please. They're just as valid as your own. We all pay a subscription to this game, same as you. Our interests and issues deserve equal consideration to yours.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Think of other people's playstyles for once please. They're just as valid as your own. We all pay a subscription to this game, same as you. Our interests and issues deserve equal consideration to yours.


This is true, but the people who have legitimate concerns about server population and those who don't have any ability to play certain aspects of the game because their server does not support it are not being given equal consideration by the anti-merger people. Half of them are writing off those concerns completely. Everyone in this thread is pushing their own agenda for what they want for the game, yourself included.


Bioware's chosen course of action to the "between a rock and a hard place situation" they are in, is to do nothing. The end result of that choice is the game is going to die faster than it would otherwise.

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This is true, but the people who have legitimate concerns about server population and those who don't have any ability to play certain aspects of the game because their server does not support it are not being given equal consideration by the anti-merger people. Half of them are writing off those concerns completely. Everyone in this thread is pushing their own agenda for what they want for the game, yourself included.


Bioware's chosen course of action to the "between a rock and a hard place situation" they are in, is to do nothing. The end result of that choice is the game is going to die faster than it would otherwise.


That is untrue, it has been stated multiple times how server transfers are only 90 CCs. That's a quick, easy solution until Bioware are ABLE to transfer everything, without anyone losing ANYTHING. That is the main issue here, guilds, and how a bunch of people are going to lose not only their guilds, but millions upon millions of credits and other belongings.


There isn't anyone on this forum that can say that a measly 90 CCs is an expensive compromise. Is it ideal? Probably not. Will you be able to transfer all characters in one go? Probably not, but you (general you) can move them over slowly. I suggest starting with your favorite characters.


You will have your (again, general your) faster queue pops, and no one will need to lose their assets. Surely, this is a reasonable compromise where everybody wins?


If I am wrong, please correct me and inform me who is getting the raw deal? I'll wait.

Edited by TyonYlle
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That is untrue, it has been stated multiple times how server transfers are only 90 CCs. That's a quick, easy solution until Bioware are ABLE to transfer everything, without anyone losing ANYTHING. That is the main issue here, guilds, and how a bunch of people are going to lose not only their guilds, but millions upon millions of credits and other belongings.


There isn't anyone on this forum that can say that a measly 90 CCs is an expensive compromise. Is it ideal? Probably not. Will you be able to transfer all characters in one go? Probably not, but you (general you) can move them over slowly. I suggest starting with your favorite characters.


You will have your (again, general your) faster queue pops, and no one will need to lose their assets. Surely, this is a reasonable compromise where everybody wins?


If I am wrong, please correct me and inform me who is getting the raw deal? I'll wait.


I want to thank you for proving my point in spectacular fashion.

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I want to thank you for proving my point in spectacular fashion.


How, how did I prove your point? I'm giving another option BESIDES to merge the servers. Can you guarantee that people won't lose their guilds, millions and their belongings? If so, then PLEASE let me in on what I don't know if it's so easy.


What is so difficult and dreadful about using the 90CCs server transfer?

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If the hypocrisy of asking for empathy while refusing to give any is lost on you I don't think I am going to be able to explain it to you.


How did I not show empathy, what, by offering up a perfectly reasonable alternative until Bioware are able to transfer everything without losing nothing. Okay then. I guess I'm unempathetic ¯\_ツ_/¯

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What is so difficult and dreadful about using the 90CCs server transfer?


I shouldn't have to pay additional money on top of my sub to have worse ping. Its not fair to East coast players to have no option for steady ranked queues on the East coast.

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I shouldn't have to pay additional money on top of my sub to have worse ping. Its not fair to East coast players to have no option for steady ranked queues on the East coast.


1. So, what do you say to all those players that will lose their guilds, millions of credits and their assets?


2. It is actually free, subs receive 500 cartel coins a month free of charge not included in your sub.


3. How would server transfers fix the ping for East to West coast players?


If you want me to show empathy, you gotta show me what the other side is getting because from where I am standing they're losing out on far more.


Suggest anything, like I had with the 90 CCs transfers, at least I tried to offer up an alternative.

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2. It is actually free, subs receive 500 cartel coins a month free of charge not included in your sub.


Don't forget the 100 cartel coins for using a security key, that's 6 characters you can transfer a month essentially 'free of charge'.


The players who want the merge can so easily increase their pops by transferring over voluntarily, but because they are valuing their stuff over the increased pop (which is the reason they want the merges) they wont and want to force the consequences onto everyone else. I for one DON'T WANT:-


1) Increased competition for open world objectives (there are already enough ninja's out there as it is without adding more)

2) Convoluted General chat (Yes I enjoy Gen chat) with too many people about chat can get messy.


3) Chances of loosing character names


4) While some general chats can be ok some servers can be down right hostile not something I particularly want to see either.

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1. So, what do you say to all those players that will lose their guilds, millions of credits and their assets?


2. It is actually free, subs receive 500 cartel coins a month free of charge not included in your sub.


3. How would server transfers fix the ping for East to West coast players?


If you want me to show empathy, you gotta show me what the other side is getting because from where I am standing they're losing out on far more.


Suggest anything, like I had with the 90 CCs transfers, at least I tried to offer up an alternative.



But don't you know this is not important to people like him. He accuses you of not caring when people like him have proved over and over they don't care about what others will lose if bw hasn't gotten a system to move everything from guild assets to personal assets to another server.

Edited by casirabit
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I shouldn't have to pay additional money on top of my sub to have worse ping. Its not fair to East coast players to have no option for steady ranked queues on the East coast.


And people shouldn't have to lose guild assets and person assets just to satisfy your pvp queing either. See it goes both ways not just one.

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I shouldn't have to pay additional money on top of my sub to have worse ping. Its not fair to East coast players to have no option for steady ranked queues on the East coast.


What if Bioware were to offer free character transfers for a period of time. Would that answer your cost question? As far as ping goes, some are saying it makes a difference others don't. That does argue against mega servers which some people are pushing. Ping is a reasonable concern but you would be exchanging ping for better pop times. Does the ping increase make the game unplayable? (I don't know so I am asking the question).

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