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Devs, please add the following already completed hood down armors to the game.


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This part infuriates me. It's absurd that my juggernaught looks better as a Jedi than my guardian. It's as if they took out all of the hood down robes and gave them to the empire just to prove they're biased.


Wait a second! I don't play Empire, and I haven't paid close enough attention during pvp encounters to see this, but did they REALLY give hood down robes to the Sith?? If so, that is so messed up on so many levels.


Now, since this thread is starting to get a little long, I haven't read some of the middle pages, but has anyone recommended or mentioned the armors you get on Tython? I'm thinking of The Aspiring Knight's set, or the one from the Chamber of Speech. TBH, both of those blew my mind with how cool they looked. Why not make a moddable version of those?


For example:



So has anyone discovered any good recommendations for hoodless armor?

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When you create a JK in the character creation screen, there should be a disclaimer stating the following: "No matter what your character looks like in this creator, your JK will appear an indistinct hooded figure for 50 levels."


Please, Bioware, we implore you:Fix this state of affairs, as it is obviously a major drawback in the experience of most players.

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I doubt anything will happen with this before half a year has passed or so, seems they are only thinking about balancing issues and such in PvP like every other MMO I have played.


I am starting to get fed up with developers and not taking looks in games like this seriously, it seems that gear designers in MMOs are just bad at their job, I mean who thinks that hoods that makes you bald would be acceptable?

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I wish they would start caring about issues like this and not only focus on pointless PvP balancing. A game with different classes and a large difference in capability dependand on gear is impossible to balance, I have yet to see a game that has been balanced in PvP where these things are present.


Instead fix minor issues like this and make those who care about your main selling point of the game (story) happy.

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Please for the love of all that is good in this world add in the armors or the hood toggle. This thread and the hood toggle thread is approaching 80 pages and still none of you seam to care or even bother to keep us posted. People have unsubscribed over this issue and it is an issue because every jedi knight is suffering from a major identity crisis when they cant even see there faces! We shouldnt have to wear trooper or smuggler armor we should be able to enjoy our OWN CLASSES equipment! In beta there were so many wonderful options that are completely absent from the final version THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE BIOWARE. Especially when there are so many ways to solve this issue. I am not the only frustrated poster on this issue and nor will I be the last until this issue is fixed ASAP
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I'm running around in trooper armor. As a Jedi knight. But my aim stats are AWESOME......


(Worse, when I'm outside battle, I take it off altogether because it annoys me so much. And that gets me a whole other sort of attention.)


*Sigh* The Jedi's coolness has been nerfed by bathrobes.

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I feel silly for saying this, but the hood issue is one of the reasons I decided to make a Bouny Hunter before a Knight.


The fact that some species have features that may not work well with hoods makes it even stranger -- Twi'lek missing their headbands (with disappearing hoods), Miraluka masks clipping, and Zabraks losing their horns when wearing hooded robes.


Incidentally, the first time I checked out the GTN on the Empire side I found heavy armor versions of hood-down robes and even some skirt type bottoms. My BH will be wearing those for sure, yet when I make a Jedi Knight it will not be so easy.

Edited by Gwena
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I just felt like I would add my two cents on an issue that I see cropping up over and over here, namely the "I hate armour and Jedi should wear robes" argument. Yes I understand that the Jedi Look comprised of a brown robe and a lightsaber in hand but I don't think an offhand dismissal of any type of armour makes any real sense. The Jedi in this time period (especially the Knights) are soldiers and warriors not scholars or peacekeepers. The robes are more of a standard garrison dress, in combat you are going to wear something more combat oriented. Shrapnel would still be a major concern to a Jedi and it makes sense for them to have some type of protective clothing. I don't exactly want a bunch of Ultramarines running around but stuff like this http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes/jedi-knight not only makes sense but still looks ******.


I am in favour of adding an unhooded/hoos down option to the game but my post was more to address the few posts I've seen where people say that Jedi should be wearing nothing but robes. Not to mention without things like shoulder pads, armour plate and the like you are going to run out of robe options very quick as robes by their very nature are plain and modest.


Which leads me to my next point, I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately held a lot of their best looks and textures back in order to still have content to release later on. If they give us all the most amazing armours and ideas right away what is there to add on later that would look better? "Yep here's every combination of robe/armour/hood up/hood down options we could think of in the first 60 days now enjoy the fact that we've already hit the limit of this artistic style and have no new gear upcoming over the next 10 content patches" doesn't sound like a good idea.

Edited by Tekzerand
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This is completely cosmetic concerns at this point. I'd much prefer BioWare spend their time fixing game mechanic issues than having to spend time pleasing you lot with a "down hood".


If you've cared enough about it, you would have researched like I have and found that there are head gears that will show you without a hood. :rolleyes:

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This is completely cosmetic concerns at this point. I'd much prefer BioWare spend their time fixing game mechanic issues than having to spend time pleasing you lot with a "down hood".


If you've cared enough about it, you would have researched like I have and found that there are head gears that will show you without a hood. :rolleyes:


Sure. They remove the hood completely and give you a cyclops visor.


"Completely cosmetic" perhaps. But how your character looks is one of the central points of an MMO. Why spend so much time gathering gear if it wasn't important? Why not all look the same? For some players, "cosmetic" concerns are exactly as important as changes in the hp numbers caused by various abilities, and game mechanics could be dismissed as "balancing" issues that shouldn't be tackled when whole classes have no access to the gear they were advertised with, as is the case here.


Also, the entire point of this thread is that you don't have to feel that the Devs are ignoring the game mechanics you care about to please us, because it will take them NO WORK AT ALL to please us.


What we want is already finished on their desk, as the first post of this thread points out. All they need to do is put them in the game.

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This is completely cosmetic concerns at this point. I'd much prefer BioWare spend their time fixing game mechanic issues than having to spend time pleasing you lot with a "down hood".


If you've cared enough about it, you would have researched like I have and found that there are head gears that will show you without a hood. :rolleyes:


Then you do not understand what we want. The head pieces that removes the hood removes it completly which makes it look like we are wearing a bathrobe. We want the hood down model on our robes, not the complete removal of our hood.


And It might not be a big concern for you, but for me at least this is much more important than most issues people seem to have with the game as I have yet to encounter anything concerning game mechanics that really annoys me. I have never been one who tries to get the best statwise gear in game, I have always been one who tries to get the best looking gear in the game.

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umm... implementing a hood toggle is difficult? seriously?


I mean ...***

I can only judge by my lvl 40 Guardian, but when i hit 40 i bought the pvp armor... nice white (wow t2-like) shoulders with, obviously, a hood...

now some time later on Hoth I got myself a new headpiece (geordy laforge goggles) ... i put them on and "bam" hood is gone...

toggling headpiece visibility also toggled the hood (headpiece not shown = hood; headpice shown = no hood)



so ... i can't be that hard can it?

Edited by Ordric
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umm... implementing a hood toggle is difficult? seriously?


I mean ...***

I can only judge by my lvl 40 Guardian, but when i hit 40 i bought the pvp armor... nice white (wow t2-like) shoulders with, obviously, a hood...

now some time later on Hoth I got myself a new headpiece (geordy laforge goggles) ... i put them on and "bam" hood is gone...

toggling headpiece visibility also toggled the hood (headpiece not shown = hood; headpice shown = no hood)



so ... i can't be that hard can it?


I think you're on to something. The problem here *I think* is that the hood toggle would take the hood down, meaning you'd see it on the Jedi's back, but down. I could understand how that could be complicated. But my goodness, why not just run with the idea you mentioned of removing the hood completely, as well as allowing us to remove the goofy goggles completely as well... at least for a temp fix. I don't know programming, so I apologize if I'm saying something asinine, but it seems like this quick fix is right in front of the devs.


So devs.. Can we *pretty please* have jedi heavy armor without hoods?? And god, I'd kill for a moddable set that resembles the Aspiring Knight's series you get on Tython.

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I'd kill for a moddable set that resembles the Aspiring Knight's series you get on Tython.


You can. It is call exactly that: Aspiring Knight Vest. Any synthweaver that has the schem can make it for you. Schem's are bonus drops from 10-16 Underworld Trading. It is lvl 15 medium armor. I solo'd clear to 50 using this armor as a guardian. It's a viable alternative to a hooded robe. I have a decked out trooper chestpiece I use in flashpoints tho. So I don't know how viable this armor would be for use there. Each of my chest pieces are identically equipped with Guardian Armor 22A, the Aspiring Knight Vest has a 200 point lower AC.


I am a synthweaver and I try to keep a ready supply of this armor on the GTN (Daragon Tail server)


Now you know it's out there, all you need to do is find one! ;)


Oh, and ya put me down as a +1 on this topic.

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You can. It is call exactly that: Aspiring Knight Vest.


As a synthweaver who has crafted and uses the Aspiring Knight's Vest, I can attest that it is not the same piece as the one received on Tython... not by a longshot.


The piece called Aspiring Knight's Vest received on Tython is part of a larger set of rich tan leather garments. The vest has a jacket and undershirt component, has a high collar, and is highly designed. After getting it on my Jedi Knight on Tython, I knew at once I would be disappointed when I found something higher level. Especially as part of a set, the Aspiring Knight gear just looks cool.


Imagine my excitement when I saw the schematic called Aspiring Knight's Vest on the GTN. I immediately worked up my synthweaving to 60 just to craft this piece... only to discover that it looked like a gray version of the Watchman's Vest you can buy on Tython with Commendations. The orange, moddable Aspiring Knight's Vest is gray, has a wrap around the midriff (or a bare midriff for females), and a hood which is down, as well as straps on the biceps. It's a nice piece, to be sure, but not the fantastic piece I had so loved from the end of the initial Tython arc.


Boo to whoever gave these two pieces the same name, thus deceiving this poor, fashion conscious Jedi. ;)

Edited by SillyJoel
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I like *cough sarcasm* how the Class trainers have robes with hoods down yet we're stuck with our hoods up. The models are there, just get some with some stats on them and we have our hood down robes. Edited by Firavin
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>< I'd be fine if my twi'lek knight's headband showed back up. She looks awful without it, and I've played to 37 dealing with whatever headpieces came my way. I was actually a little disappointed there wasn't a fix for the lekku to be put into a hood, but that WOULD be a pain in the *** for the art department, so I'm not really complaining.


I rerolled a trooper with the helm permanently toggled off and I'm enjoying him just because he doesn't look terrible.


I totally agree though, if the models are already in game, just implement them! What's the point of hoarding them for 'update' content when your player base is clearly upset? Put them in and go back to focusing on game play and performance.

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