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Devs, please add the following already completed hood down armors to the game.


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BTW, if they would just explain whats going on and answer the concers properly (not a might be added, will be changed answer), if they would handle us the same way they did on that other speculation thread, people would not feel bad, would not speculate, would not rage.
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And it isn't like this is not a big. It is a very big deal for me. I've already unsubbed, because of this issue. Every day that passes I check the PTR cause I do want to continue playing, but as long as the hood thing is an issue, I don't want to sub. The second I see patch notes giving us a toggle, I will resub. Edited by eimi
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Stephen Reid just said on Reddit that a Hood Toggle was difficult to add to the game. He has been an honest Communtiy Rep and I accept him at his word, so I get that may not come for a while.


I don't understand why a hood toggle is difficult to implement. If I'm wearing a hooded robe and use the preview window to view a helmet (not a headband, a helmet), my hood disappears and is replaced by the helmet while the rest of my robe remains intact.


If it works with a helmet, why can't the hood just disappear and be replaced by my head without the helmet? This seems stupid-simple.

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I don't understand why a hood toggle is difficult to implement. If I'm wearing a hooded robe and use the preview window to view a helmet (not a headband, a helmet), my hood disappears and is replaced by the helmet while the rest of my robe remains intact.


If it works with a helmet, why can't the hood just disappear and be replaced by my head without the helmet? This seems stupid-simple.


Well, I think by a hood toggle, people mean one that would switch the hoo dup with a hood down, not just make it disappear completely. Now why that would be hard I'm not sure, but it requires two hood positions to be saved with the item.


I'm not a coder, but that seems like why, but it's a guess.


If it's too hard, fine, don't do it, but put in all of the hood down versions of the moddable gear instead and let us choose. Sith have a variety of hood down choices, why can't we? When they are already completed and all over this website.

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I have tried and tried to make my character look the part, but it is impossible. I have tried going with light armor, but it does not look armored enough for the class. I have tried Trooper armor but it just does not fit right. I have tried Smuggler armor and that to does not look right. What I want is just a armored robe like on the character creation screen with the hood down.


Also the fact that not only does all our robes have the hood up, but we also have a giant bum sticking out making lots of cutscenes look so stupid, and if it is done to reduce clipping or whatever, then it is not fixed as there is lots of clipping still with the robes. Only way I can see this being fixed is to redesign all the robes to not have the belt over the robe (which does not make much sense) like the light armor robes as they do not have this issue and not that much clipping.


Since the game was announced I have waited so long to enjoy playing Jedi Knight, and it is just sad that it is ruined by such a minor issue like this. And I bet that this wont be fixed until a year or so have passed, as issues like this are never a high priority.

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Bump. Yes, this is an odd issue that is also important for me to get fixed! It wouldn't even be so bad if the hair wasn't simply made invisible, making it look like I'm hiding my baldness with a hood.


While a hood toggle would be my ideal solution, at this point, I would be happy if we'd just get some hood down, orange modifiable versions of the armor that so many NPCs are wearing in the game already.

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Why do you guys think that Stephen Reid just vanished on us?


I really thought he would give us an update.


There's like five other crap storms whirling right now. I'm sure he is dealing with them now. But yes, an answer today would be appreciated.

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And it isn't like this is not a big. It is a very big deal for me. I've already unsubbed, because of this issue. Every day that passes I check the PTR cause I do want to continue playing, but as long as the hood thing is an issue, I don't want to sub. The second I see patch notes giving us a toggle, I will resub.


Very much considering doing the same.

I'm playing non-jedi alts and empire right now, but if we don't get some kind of an update before the 19th, I'm likely to unsub until this is addressed.

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Same here, I`m not continouing to play until this is addressed.


I want my main, my Jedi to go through the content first.


Well, I have 6 days left. Fingers crossed and praying... They really could add hood down versions to 1.1, same stats as the hood-ups.


Overall visual variety is required anyways in this game. But Jedi suffer the most.

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Just maybe three looks for Guardians and three looks for Sentinel of orange moddable hood down armor would be enough to keep most Jedi players happy until more could be added in.


I can think of no reason in the world why the Dev's wouldn't do this as soon as they possibly could.

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Just maybe three looks for Guardians and three looks for Sentinel of orange moddable hood down armor would be enough to keep most Jedi players happy until more could be added in.


I can think of no reason in the world why the Dev's wouldn't do this as soon as they possibly could.


Because it's only aesthetic and has no impact on gameplay therefore would get the lowest priority. That's why. You can only change/fix so many things at once everything must be prioritized. Working in the industry teaches you this.

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I was wondering a lot why the armors were removed in the first place. In beta there was much more variety, not just for jedi.


At this point I would love to here some speculation. It makes me go nuts, not being able to wear hood downs that were already in beta. Makes no sense to me. And why we are told its a big undertaking when we all know it is not..


An honest answer would be great. Stephen Reid sir, please don`t forget our update on this! Can hardly belive the art department is still low on bodies...

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I was wondering a lot why the armors were removed in the first place. In beta there was much more variety, not just for jedi.


At this point I would love to here some speculation. It makes me go nuts, not being able to wear hood downs that were already in beta. Makes no sense to me. And why we are told its a big undertaking when we all know it is not..


An honest answer would be great. Stephen Reid sir, please don`t forget our update on this! Can hardly belive the art department is still low on bodies...


They already answered why:




Look for Stephen Reid quote

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If I am not completly wrong, that is about high quality textures, not gear varity and hoods on jedi robes.


I don't see any correlation between the texture issue and the hood down armors being removed from the game.


Hood down armors are still available on the Sith side.


They could easily be available on our side. The textures are no different.

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I don't see any correlation between the texture issue and the hood down armors being removed from the game.


Hood down armors are still available on the Sith side.


They could easily be available on our side. The textures are no different.


Yeah exactly, what puzzles me is how on earth could they make such a stupid choice to make all armors for Jedi Knight be hood up, I mean it must have been extra work for the devs to take armors they have allready designed and just give them the hood up.

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Couldn't agree with the OP more.


Hell, just make all the robes display hoodless like they do on Twi'leks and in in the dressing room, and I'd be happy. As it stands my character is forced to be bald and to wear a hood at all times. At least 3 out of 4 Jedi (probably more, but I'm being fair) that I have talked to on this subject would prefer their hood down, or just completely gone.


I just don't understand the intentions behind only including hooded armors for JK, unless it has something to do with:


1) Too many people play JKs, so the devs are trying to get people to play other classes. This makes little sense, because more people play SWs and they have hood downs.


2) Bioware wants Jedi Knights to be easily recognized from Consulars in PvP. Again, this is illogical and unlikely because the same would then be true for the Sith equivalents, not to mention modifiable armor would be restricted to the class it was intended for.


3) Bioware wants to swoop in and "save the day"(also see 'renew interest') by giving us a hood toggle feature(they'll probably do this whenever they release the new version of unify colors to chestpiece that they were apparently worried everyone would hate) months down the road.


4) EA



One way or another, I wish Bioware would realize that we are not beta testers anymore, but paying customers. And I believe that as such, we deserve to not only be listened to, but actually given answers when the community is THIS concerned about something.


As it stands stupid decisions are being made that contradict what players want, apparently because Bioware is so arrogant that they believe that people will play the game no matter what. Many of us will not stick around if there isn't even a promise of improvement on the horizon, which is sad considering that all some of us want are the appearance options that we had in beta, for months.

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I also have to give my support to this idea. I've been using one chestpiece and a pair of matching pants since I got them at level 15 on my Knight. She's not gotten anything new and is now nearing the 40's(Though, I'm starting to lose the joy of it as the Sentinel/Marauder thing is a bit -too- much of a glass cannon with no decent abilities to provide some means of control over a fight outside of trying to finish stuff before it finishes me.)


Back to what I wanted to say though: This outfit's a moddable version of the level 8 medium chest you could get on Tython with commendations. The Aspiring Knight's set. And while it's not all bad, I'd like the option to have something different too. (And let's be fair, it's a bit revealing..plus not exactly the thing I'd ever consider wearing on a planet like Hoth if I could help it.) Even just the option of more hood-down armor sets would already encourage me more to keep working on this character.


Making them actually useful end-game(Tried raiding on Empire side, we ended up replacing our Marauder since she was a waste of a DPS spot and ate a crapload of extra healing due to being hit by all sorts of crap that's easier to avoid as ranged), and giving them some sort of..I don't know, survivability buff or something for soloing? would help a lot too, of course, but even then, I'd just as much like the ability to look good too.

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