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Companions that *should* have been romanceable

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I've finally played the Jedi Consular *female* and while Tharan was a fun distraction, Zenith should have been romanceable. Seriously. He'd have been awesome. What a missed opportunity there! Oh how I wish they could change it and make Zenith romanceable. I'd even roll a Twi'lek to have the chance.


Are there any that you feel should have been romaceable?


Here's some others: Risha/female Smuggler. Kaliyo/female agent. And I *MUST* add BALKAR/Female Trooper. I know, he isn't a companion per se, but he proposes marriage! Why must we turn him down?! :p

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#1 on my list would be Talos, followed closely by Scourge. Zenith is third. Tharan and Pierce don't do much for me, but I can see how they appeal to some. While I think Vik would be hella fun for a dark sider, I can't get past the Weequay looks. Gault has a girl already, so he's out, but he would have been very fun too.
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#1 on my list would be Talos, followed closely by Scourge. Zenith is third. Tharan and Pierce don't do much for me, but I can see how they appeal to some. While I think Vik would be hella fun for a dark sider, I can't get past the Weequay looks. Gault has a girl already, so he's out, but he would have been very fun too.


Scourge would definitely have been interesting.

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For both Zenith and Scourge, I'd say that it would be wildly out of character. Both of them are monomaniacs of a sort, and that monomania manifests itself as a sort of dedicated intensity. I understand how that might be appealing, but I doubt the appeal would be reciprocated.


I believe there might also be "lore-related" reasons for Scourge not participating in that sort of thing, linked to how he obtained his longevity.

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Talos. They even teased us with a few flirt options. Some incorrect website even falsely listed him as a romanceable companion, giving me false expectations, expectations blown all out of proportion when I met the lovable gentleman! My Inquisitor and I (and since the Alliance, my entire damn Legacy) lament this lack of further character development.


Rusk. I think the Jedi Knight is messed up for female romances. My Chiss Jedi has him out for colour co-ordination and as I'm asexual it kind of works anyway as I can essentially imagine romances with anyone, to an extent (although it's still disappointing to lack the character exploration you get with the better romances).


Closer Relations Between Anyone for Anyone It seems unfair to miss out on some of that stuff just because you don't want to get into someone's space-pants. Nadia, for example, is so utterly precious, and I rolled a male consular to see her romance through (and later deleted him because, ergh...) But it would have been nice to have a female consular form a closer friendship to Nadia but more like a deeper sisterly bond that warrants those private chats, rather than a hot girl-on-girl romance (but that too, because we should have all the things!) And the same goes for male characters too. Bromances as well as gay romances.


I'm only getting greedy now because of KotFE and KotET and how much they made me like characters I didn't at the start of the expansions. Speaking of which:



Arcann Because of the whole character arc. And the SoR and Zakuul companions would make for nice FULL romanceable companions, i.e. marriage material. My agent has grown and only married because he was the only one available, as with my Merc.



I must say, companions are a huge part of the game for me. As an asexual, physical-contact-averse, depressive, with social anxiety who doensn't quite function in the world of organic interaction, SWTOR is my preference and the companions are a nice little thing, tagging along to make you feel a little less lonely in the face of (unfortunately) being a social species, with their little background quips to make you smile (Vette, Koth, Kira, Kaliyo) to the full on immersion of voice acting and their backstories to complement class stories. Wishful and theoretical thinking here is just another layer to personal immersion and by no means a complaint :jawa_smile:

Edited by inCelesphere
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You can't romance Scourge. That wouldn't make any sense. A side effect of his immortality is that he cannot feel anything, literally.


Zenith is a good choice.


Risha didn't give any bi vibes.


Kaliyo... should be fluid

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Rusk. I think the Jedi Knight is messed up for female romances. My Chiss Jedi has him out for colour co-ordination and as I'm asexual it kind of works anyway as I can essentially imagine romances with anyone, to an extent (although it's still disappointing to lack the character exploration you get with the better romances).


My first choice would certainly have been Scourge, sense or no sense. But I would have been happier romancing Rusk than I was Doc. Rusk meshed well with my dark Jedi and if he wasn't so overshadowed by Scourge's presence I'd run with Rusk as my jedi's main companion.

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Arcann! My shadow would definitely go for him. Consulars and male smugglers got cheated. Bareyl was the only decent option for. My Smuggler and she's only there twice!


My female smuggler feels cheated. I don't have any feelings for Corso, or any of the other smuggler companions. I like Gus as much as anyone, but not enough to level him to 50 and have all my adventures with the guy :/ My smuggler literally has no one.

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My female smuggler feels cheated. I don't have any feelings for Corso, or any of the other smuggler companions. I like Gus as much as anyone, but not enough to level him to 50 and have all my adventures with the guy :/ My smuggler literally has no one.


Tell me about it.

My Smuggler is kinda disgusted by the man-child but there are no other choices till much later.

Honestly I think Corso's advances have pushed her to the other side, bring on Lana.

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My female smuggler feels cheated. I don't have any feelings for Corso, or any of the other smuggler companions. I like Gus as much as anyone, but not enough to level him to 50 and have all my adventures with the guy :/ My smuggler literally has no one.


Yes, mine too. I only took Corso because there was no other choice, but my female smuggler did...every...single...guy in a spaceport for Corso's reaction.


The sad thing is, the way it's now, you can flirt with the Voss guy. Corso goes all alpha male to which I chose, hey it's not like we're married. Corso threatens that one day, he won't be there when we come slinking back to the ship then he leaves. The Voss guy acknowledges that we're both hurting people but my smuggler didn't care. The very moment I'm back on the ship, Corso is all, let's get married...NOW. Yeah, cause that's the best thing to do after that conversation on Voss. :eek: I actually felt bad for him.


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As much as I'd like to say Scourge here, it wouldnt fit his back story. Dude doesn't feel anything, he said it himself. So no, I'll count him out, for lore.


I have a soft spot of the older gents myself, I would love to romance Lokin or Drellik.

Zenith, Tharan, Pierce and Rusk would also be welcome romances for any gender. It's funny how every female companion (excluding Scorpio) are romance-able, but half of the guys arent. Whats up with that?

Also, Pierce's reaction to being wooed by female Warrior made me think he might be closet gay. Which would be pretty awesome fyi. I'm Bi guy myself.

Edited by Kiesu
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Ya know - "romancing" a character is just a few [flirt] dialogues and a couple of small "kiss" cutscenes. Beyond that, the romanced character doesn't do much "romancing".

So you can, within your own personal RP, romance anyone. For example, my Chiss Sniper has a relationship with Master Ranos, whether there's [flirts] or not. :)


(I also have a Chiss Sorcerer who is an identical twin of Ranos :) )

Edited by JediQuaker
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Well A. I like male smugglers for my current legacy saga. B. As a woman I Adore Corso! I want an old fashioned straight up gentleman in real life I'm 33 and have no patience for any less. Edited by JakRoanin
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My first choice would certainly have been Scourge, sense or no sense. But I would have been happier romancing Rusk than I was Doc. Rusk meshed well with my dark Jedi and if he wasn't so overshadowed by Scourge's presence I'd run with Rusk as my jedi's main companion.


Scourge would have made for a much more interesting dynamic than the cringeworthy playboy Doc. He'd have made more sense running into the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter but not a Jedi. That said, I also understand the following comment:

As much as I'd like to say Scourge here, it wouldnt fit his back story. Dude doesn't feel anything, he said it himself. So no, I'll count him out, for lore.


I have a soft spot of the older gents myself, I would love to romance Lokin or Drellik.

Zenith, Tharan, Pierce and Rusk would also be welcome romances for any gender. It's funny how every female companion (excluding Scorpio) are romance-able, but half of the guys arent. Whats up with that?

Also, Pierce's reaction to being wooed by female Warrior made me think he might be closet gay. Which would be pretty awesome fyi. I'm Bi guy myself.

I also tend to prefer the older gents. Torian makes me uncomfortable being the youngest companion of them all, younger even than Mako. My Mercenary has regretted it ever since but, rules and honour and all that. On top of that she made a HUGE decision that cost someone close to her and she's still stuck with him and now she's better suited to someone else who probably won't become romanceable and she's pure LS dealing with all this and I in RL have HUGE sensitivity to guilt-issues so it's still really bothering me. #ChoicesMatter :jawa_frown:

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Ya know - "romancing" a character is just a few [flirt] dialogues and a couple of small "kiss" cutscenes. Beyond that, the romanced character doesn't do much "romancing".

So you can, within your own personal RP, romance anyone. For example, my Chiss Sniper has a relationship with Master Ranos, whether there's [flirts] or not. :)


This is what I do with a lot of them. Actually, the lack of awkwardly animated kiss scenes is a positive thing for me (tired of seeing my toons suddenly change height for no reason and/or get their nose mouthed :p .

My Twi'lek inq is romancing Khem. Even though there are no flirt options, I absolutely LOVE the line-reading of the inq voice actress when she calls him her morose monster. It sounds so loving when she says it. Unfortunately I'm keeping her out of KOTFE until I know we'll get Khem back someday.


I tried to do the same with Zenith but he's a hard nut to crack. Was disappointed nothing came from that when I first tried, I figured he would be romanceable at SOME point.


Talos would have also been nice. Not a fan of Andronikos

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Arcann... gods yes. With the whole amount of Sturm und Drang you go through with him all throughout KotFE, and if you redeemed him in KotET? Yeah. He needs to be romanceable. At least he's my Juggernaut's boo in my personal RP for her.
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I've finally played the Jedi Consular *female* and while Tharan was a fun distraction, Zenith should have been romanceable. Seriously. He'd have been awesome. What a missed opportunity there! Oh how I wish they could change it and make Zenith romanceable. I'd even roll a Twi'lek to have the chance.


Are there any that you feel should have been romaceable?


Here's some others: Risha/female Smuggler. Kaliyo/female agent. And I *MUST* add BALKAR/Female Trooper. I know, he isn't a companion per se, but he proposes marriage! Why must we turn him down?! :p




Don't get me wrong, I like Jorgan well enough, but Balkar absolutely should have been the Jaxo for the female trooper. He was a great recurring NPC with a fun personality. When the prelude to SoR gave us a coded letter from him I had a little squee moment.


Zenith would have been a nice romance option too. It would probably be hard to get him to open up, but I sure liked him more than Iresso.


Also, it would have been nice if you could have more than a one night stand with Lieutenant Pierce. Especially after Quinn betrays you, since you can choose to end your romance with him then.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I can't see Zenith as a choice for romance, he is a dangerous man, a terrorist who has likely used people in the past, sent people to their deaths, perhaps foolishly, perhaps in an act to make some time or just because he could. He isn't the type to accept a different point of view otherwise what was he fighting for?


a romance wouldn't work with him unless the one trying to get into a romance is similar to him in a lot of ways but has the ability to love him for what he is. Zenith is more the type to fall for the likes of Kaliyo except not for her double dealing nature. but there is no gaurantees he won't use you and your relationship to escape from the imperials or eternal empire to escape, especially if the situation comes to his place.

Edited by Celise
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