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Update on Roadmap


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I guess a lot of other people who like pvp, operations, and other group content will be happy.....maybe they outnumber us story people, I don't know. But honestly, after reading this......I could just cry. I don't know how much longer I can justify keeping my sub going. Being able to customize companions is nice, but pretty small compensation for what we really want. I am playing vanilla class stories over and over now and still enjoying those somewhat, but it's slowing down.


The original stories are by far the best part of the game. The story has gotten worse as the game has gone on and KOTET was a mess even worse than KOTFE. There is no Star Wars feel to it and it isn't that good and certainly not worth repeating.

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The original stories are by far the best part of the game. The story has gotten worse as the game has gone on and KOTET was a mess even worse than KOTFE. There is no Star Wars feel to it and it isn't that good and certainly not worth repeating.


^ This.


KotFE/KotET/Iokath do not feel like Star Wars at all, and compared to the Class Stories they never had done.


If the FE/ET/Iokath Stories had been presented via a medium other than Star Wars MMORPG they would have been laughed off the shelf.


For instance: After the escape from Asylum Vailyn tells Arcann that "mother spared her life", and a few chapters later Senya says that something Vailyn told her struck her to the core and while she was unable to act, Vailyn "slipped away".


Basic Plot Hole 101 that any 12 year old would have spotted at first read through, yet somehow it makes it through beta testing and to Live?


Next time I have a week off work I may actually play through all of KotFE/KotET just to record the glaring plot holes. Bioware used to have a reputation as good story tellers - FE/ET trashed that, as well as the Star Wars feel.


All The Best

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The original stories are by far the best part of the game. The story has gotten worse as the game has gone on and KOTET was a mess even worse than KOTFE. There is no Star Wars feel to it and it isn't that good and certainly not worth repeating.


The biggest problem with FE and ET story is that it makes no sense for non force users.

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I would like to know what the class balance team has been doing all year that they're not going to have any changes for yet another 2 months. We've been complaining about how overpowered Commandos/Mercenaries are literally all year, and now it's another 8 weeks of dealing with them (assuming they get balanced correctly on that first pass)?
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It is certainly a decent "Roadmap" there is much to look forward to even though it drifts into obscenely vague in several areas. All said it is a very decent commitment to setting the game back to ground zero once again.


That said it's not enough to draw me back in at this time and we will see if they can manage to actually deliver any where near on time or at all for that matter.


Damage has been done to the player base and they will have to show me something before I resubscribe to this game.


Are they talking a good game, absolutely! I intend to see how they walk before I become a subscriber again.


Meanwhile I will be catching up on the WoW scene in my spare time... Honestly SWToR has managed to put me off gaming a bit so we will see.

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The original stories are by far the best part of the game. The story has gotten worse as the game has gone on and KOTET was a mess even worse than KOTFE. There is no Star Wars feel to it and it isn't that good and certainly not worth repeating.


Yet you're still here complaining?


You took a whole 2 monthso ff after, iirc, going on and on about how bad things were and how your sub was about to end and that'll show them.


Yet you last 2 months before you forked over more cash ... seems whatever they are doing is getting you paying.

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If we get back 2-3 group players for every 1 of the story only players who leaves, I'll take it. The story folk still have stuff to look forward to, they just need to be patient, like everyone else was. I'd rather have the raiders back tbh.

What stuff do story people have to look forward to? That is what I don't see on the road map. Also, everyone else was not patient at all. :p They posted about the content they wanted on the forum, just as some story people are doing now.

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What stuff do story people have to look forward to? That is what I don't see on the road map. Also, everyone else was not patient at all. :p They posted about the content they wanted on the forum, just as some story people are doing now.


1) It is explicitly stated in the roadmap that the story will continue with the Umbara flashpoint. Read what you're criticizing.


2) When you have to wait two and a half years for a single story update (which is how long we had to wait for a single ops boss), instead of just complaining about a three month wait (after being catered to for two straight expansions while raiders got nothing), THEN we can talk about who's not patient and who is. :p

Edited by AscendingSky
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What stuff do story people have to look forward to? That is what I don't see on the road map. Also, everyone else was not patient at all. :p They posted about the content they wanted on the forum, just as some story people are doing now.


Umbara FP and the associated activities.

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1) It is explicitly stated in the roadmap that the story will continue with the Umbara flashpoint. Read what you're criticizing.


2) When you have to wait two and a half years for a single story update (which is how long we had to wait for a single ops boss), instead of just complaining about a three month wait (after being catered to for two straight expansions while raiders got nothing), THEN we can talk about who's not patient and who is. :p


Well, to be fair, we are still waiting for a GOOD story. FE/ET sure wasn't that. So any story people still here after the massive waste of time and effort that was FE/ET, have indeed been patient. :p

Edited by Damask_Rose
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If we get back 2-3 group players for every 1 of the story only players who leaves, I'll take it. The story folk still have stuff to look forward to, they just need to be patient, like everyone else was. I'd rather have the raiders back tbh.


As a player that only does PvE content solo and loves the story content in this game, I completely agree with this.


The game just rolled off a year and a half of getting little but story content. That needs to end pronto and this needs to be the year of endgame group content or the game will die.

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1) It is explicitly stated in the roadmap that the story will continue with the Umbara flashpoint. Read what you're criticizing.


2) When you have to wait two and a half years for a single story update (which is how long we had to wait for a single ops boss), instead of just complaining about a three month wait (after being catered to for two straight expansions while PvE players got nothing), THEN we can talk about who's not patient and who is. :p

Anyways, I can't wait two and a half years. I know I am not that patient. So that is why I am posting now.

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Anyways, I can't wait two and a half years. I know I am not that patient. So that is why I am posting now.


Well, those of us who like raiding in this game DID wait two and a half years. And now it's our turn for more focus and love. So now YOU can wait--and for a much shorter amount of time than we had to at that, since the Umbara flashpoint is coming out in August! :rolleyes:

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Well, to be fair, we are still waiting for a GOOD story. FE/ET sure wasn't that. So any story people still here after the massive waste of time and effort that was FE/ET, have indeed been patient. :p


KotFEET had its ups (Odessen) and downs (Iokath) but the fact remains that for a year and a half the endgame has been neglected in favor of story content. If they don't have the staffing to balance development of both then there needs to be a focus shift for a while.

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Well, those of us who like raiding in this game DID wait two and a half years. And now it's our turn for more focus and love. So now YOU can wait--and for a much shorter amount of time than we had to at that, since the Umbara flashpoint is coming out in August! :rolleyes:

Or you could do exactly what plenty of raiders did and vote with your wallet - i.e. leave the game, let BW know the reason you're leaving the game is that they've stopped / slowed producing the content type you are here for, and say you'll only be back once they get back to making that content.


As a third option, you could do exactly what plenty of other raiders did - stick around, but post constantly about how much it stinks that they are ignoring the content you like. It's not like raiders were exactly suffering in silence these past two and a half years.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Or you could do exactly what plenty of raiders did and vote with your wallet - i.e. leave the game, let BW know the reason you're leaving the game is that they've stopped / slowed producing the content type you are here for, and say you'll only be back once they get back to making that content.


As a third option, you could do exactly what plenty of other raiders did - stick around, but post constantly about how much it stinks that they are ignoring the content you like. It's not like raiders were exactly suffering in silence these past two and a half years.


Remind me again, when was the last story update? Oh yeah, back in April, less than two months ago.


Tell me... how serious would you have taken raiders' complaints if, less than two months after the last operation dropped, we were already complaining about how long it was taking for another operation to come out? And talking about how horribly disappointed we were and how we were going to unsubscribe because we weren't getting new ops content every single month? And saying we wanted to cry because we weren't getting another ops boss for oh no, a whole three months!?


Yeah... that's how I feel about the story players whining about having to wait until August to get more story. I can't take it at all seriously. They've been catered to exclusively for the past two expansions, and that focus has not been good for this game's continued survival. So now they have to cool their heels for a few months and not get 99% of the devs' attention? Somehow I think they'll survive.

Edited by AscendingSky
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1) It is explicitly stated in the roadmap that the story will continue with the Umbara flashpoint. Read what you're criticizing.


2) When you have to wait two and a half years for a single story update (which is how long we had to wait for a single ops boss), instead of just complaining about a three month wait (after being catered to for two straight expansions while raiders got nothing), THEN we can talk about who's not patient and who is. :p


Why would we want a new OP?


I get it. People like OPs. No problem with that. However, what does a new OP mean? It means waiting around longer for all of them to queue up!

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"We’ve already changed how our level or ‘Tier’ gear drops in Operations, now we’ll be adding a platinum quality item you can earn from defeating certain bosses in Veteran and Master modes (our two more challenging modes vs. Story mode). In an upcoming post, we’ll let you know which bosses drop rewards and what items you will have a chance to earn."




This mean wath? gear above 248 or something like in 4.0, a boss have chance to drop 248 in hm?

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Remind me again, when was the last story update? Oh yeah, back in April, less than two months ago.


Tell me... how serious would you have taken raiders' complaints if, less than two months after the last operation dropped, we were already complaining about how long it was taking for another operation to come out? And talking about how horribly disappointed we were and how we were going to unsubscribe because we weren't getting new ops content every single month? And saying we wanted to cry because we weren't getting another ops boss for oh no, a whole three months!?


Yeah... that's how I feel about the story players whining about having to wait until August to get more story. I can't take it at all seriously. They've been catered to exclusively for the past two expansions, and that focus has not been good for this game's continued survival. So now they have to cool their heels for a few months and not get 99% of the devs' attention? Somehow I think they'll survive.

BW: "Hey, you know that thing we were doing before? We're not doing it anymore."

Player: "Oh man, I really liked that thing - I'm not sure that I want to keep playing if they're not going to be doing that thing. But I guess I need to wait an arbitrary amount of time before I say so... because... reasons."


Whether "that thing" is more Operations or monthly story updates, if you know not having it is a deal-breaker, then it makes sense to give that feedback once you have a reason to believe they're not going to be supplying it anymore.

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