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Bad Ideas


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Uh Oh!


BW seems to have adapted several STO devices. :eek:


The Good: Scavenging resource gear dohickeys, make the discarded pipes and piles of metal more visable.


The Bad: A Test Server! Using server resources better dedicated to game use.


The Ugly: Website congestion leading to page loading failures. Not fun especially with a Security Key. Also probably from resource reallocation.



Edited by Thlaylie
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As long as there are still ques resources should not be used for test servers.


Clear up all ques before extraneous test servers are initiated.


Queues aren't there because the server can't handle the population. They're there to incentivize players moving over to less populated servers thus redistributing the population. A whole bunch of moderately populated servers is a better gameplay experience for the majority of the playerbase than a handful of absolutely jam packed servers and then a dozen empty ones. So they put queues on the high pop servers, players get sick of waiting in queue, and reroll elsewhere. Or that's the idea anyway. It's not because the server is so full of players it's about to crash.

Edited by marshalleck
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This is my forth MMO.


I don't remember a test server in Eve or Aion?


Just don't want SWTOR to follow the path of STO.


"Once upon the path......"


Biggest MMO on the market = WoW.


MMO that has a test server = WoW.


I think that trumps EvE (LOL) and Aion (going great in Korea)

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The glow thing was in beta too for what ever reason it was disabled at launch. Glad it is back you try finding a stone tablet on the ground under tall grass sometime. Also it will not be visable unless you have the skill needed to harvest it.
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