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Just curious


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Just curious, but how does a Republic player representing the Empire on Iokath actually communicate with Imperial players representing the Empire {lol}? I admit I have not tried asking in game nor have I actually tried to team up in the area yet.


But I chose to represent the Empire there on at least one character and would like to be able to communicate with other players also representing the Empire there {not just other Reps that decided to go Imp for the area} without using /say or just randomly joining them on the field for pvp.


If I missed something, then I apologize.....but all I am seeing is gen chat from other Reps {no matter whom they support on Iokath}. Sort of defeats the purpose of representing the Empire {or Imps going Rep for Iokath}, but not being able to actually communicate properly with my chosen faction is a bit of an oversight to say the least.

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IIRC the only change is when you group on Iocath, you'll be grouped with people who choose your supported faction. Gen chat is still only gonna show your actual faction like normal.


Okay thanks. Just too bad if a player does the faction crossover there that they are sort of gimped communication wise. I admit I never even thought about it before making a Rep player represent the Empire there {would have anyhow}, but knowing they did not even think about this aspect in design does piss me off slightly. Par for the course.

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Well simple, he doesnt :)


I found this a major issue was i played with my Merc and "spacebared" the story and clicked the rep option so my imp was rep sided and i couldnt change back.


Thats why i had trouble doing the dailies that needed a group as i didnt have a way to communicate with reps.

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Well simple, he doesnt :)


I found this a major issue was i played with my Merc and "spacebared" the story and clicked the rep option so my imp was rep sided and i couldnt change back.


Thats why i had trouble doing the dailies that needed a group as i didnt have a way to communicate with reps.


Yeah I am scratching my head at how they did not even consider that.....can make the "crossover" pointless to a lot of folks if they cannot actually talk in gen or see gen chat from others needing a group etc. Guess I will just pretend I am an NPC in the region lol.

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