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Keith - As the new producer........


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Congrats Keith. Something you might want to consider is merging a few servers, especially Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands, as well as whatever dead servers are left with the live ones. It's really hurting the game.


Let's be honest, the game has problems and it''s best to start solving them.


@ Keith I would say merging servers isn't the answer, get people into the game! that's the real answer, stop turning this game into a its a "Oh No this game is Dead" to a wholly crap SWTOR is making a comeback! thanks :)

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Congratz Keith. Class stories and Companions are always popular. Guaranteed ways to make the players (Customers) happy again.

That's likely the reason Ben has been "reassigned"...stories suck. You play them once. MMOs are about repeatable group content, not stories and solo play.

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That's likely the reason Ben has been "reassigned"...stories suck. You play them once. MMOs are about repeatable group content, not stories and solo play.


This is where the problem comes into.

We have people that like


(1) Stories and Solo play

(2) Pvp

(3) Operations and Flashpoints

(4) Those that like them all.


It is not about 1 type of play. It is about trying to incorporate things that everyone likes not just a selective few.


We want more people to play not less. They made a mistake making it all about stories but they make another mistake if they make it all about group play.


There needs to be a medium where there is something for everyone.

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This is where the problem comes into.

We have people that like


(1) Stories and Solo play

(2) Pvp

(3) Operations and Flashpoints

(4) Those that like them all.


It is not about 1 type of play. It is about trying to incorporate things that everyone likes not just a selective few.


We want more people to play not less. They made a mistake making it all about stories but they make another mistake if they make it all about group play.


There needs to be a medium where there is something for everyone.


It wasn't even a GOOD story. If you are going to put all of your eggs in one basket, make sure that basket isn't full of holes :rolleyes:

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Congrats Keith!!




This is where the problem comes into.

We have people that like


(1) Stories and Solo play

(2) Pvp

(3) Operations and Flashpoints

(4) Those that like them all.


It is not about 1 type of play. It is about trying to incorporate things that everyone likes not just a selective few.


We want more people to play not less. They made a mistake making it all about stories but they make another mistake if they make it all about group play.


There needs to be a medium where there is something for everyone.


IF there was a cycle where each group got what they needed one after the other It could work. That as long as they kept to the cycle and didn't skip. Either that or bigger drops with a bit of everything.

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Congrats Keith!


I don't know if he'll do or change much, but I hope we'll see a steady flow of MMO content now. Here's hoping that we never get another two year drought again...

Edited by Radzkie
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Congrats to the new producer and embarrassingly enough, I don't know exactly what the producer does at BW; however, I do hope this means SWTOR will transition back to it's Vanilla roots and that Ben Irving will make a positive impact to whatever game he's transferred to. Edited by Edyn
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It wasn't even a GOOD story. If you are going to put all of your eggs in one basket, make sure that basket isn't full of holes :rolleyes:


Well some people like the last story so the story depends on each person. No story is going to fit everyone, even the original ones. You hear it all the time on general chat about this or that story, but my point was giving something to each group but what the hell, who am I , j ust a person that wants the game to survive and wanting people to see that it takes everyone but whatever.

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All you folks so chipper that Ben is moving on to something else.. and hated him so much.. they could put a gerbil in his place and you would all drool with anticipation and advanced praise. :rolleyes:


I don't know Keith, but I wish him well in the new role... but it wont' take long for the pack to turn on him and try to devour him with condemnation here in the forum. I feel kind of sorry for him already to be honest.


As for what his actual power is over the state of the game... I really think some of you way over-rate the power of a producer (good, bad, or neutral) in MMO games. And honestly... his prior role was live services director so I find it strange that they would tap him to replace Ben as producer.


He claims to have 28 characters and 10,000 hours of game play under his belt.. so that pretty well nerfs all the "you don't play your own game" memes in the forum though.

Edited by Andryah
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This is where the problem comes into.

We have people that like


(1) Stories and Solo play

(2) Pvp

(3) Operations and Flashpoints

(4) Those that like them all.


It is not about 1 type of play. It is about trying to incorporate things that everyone likes not just a selective few.


We want more people to play not less. They made a mistake making it all about stories but they make another mistake if they make it all about group play.


There needs to be a medium where there is something for everyone.


I am with you on this. Even periodic updates for each playstyle would be welcome. Or, give us a full expansion at some point incorporating each playstyle, I don't mind waiting for something that scratches each person's particular itch. Guess we will have to wait for their roadmap to see what is in store.


Oh, and best wishes Keith.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Dear sir,


This is no mean feat but a challenge worthy of the most fearless (or foolish) of Krayt-dragon-slayers!


Before you lies a gaping abyss. On one side is EA, Bioware and Disney. On the other side are the hordes of rabid gamers and (pre-disney) Star Wars fans alike who can (and do) make or break any video game aspiring to don the Star Wars mantle. And you... Well... you're essentially caught on a wibbly-wobbly tight-rope high above the cavernous maw of certain doom!


Congratulations! You have officially now assumed the Bendu role!


Bring balance back to the Force, oh wise one... Make peace between the sides of this epic conflict between game-makers and gamers. Take us, your humble companions (fellow gamers) to new worlds... or at least to another expansion. May SWTOR see another five years!


I wish you the very best.


(And if you have read this hearing HK-47's voice - mission accomplished. :D )

Edited by CaldoChaud
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It wasn't even a GOOD story. If you are going to put all of your eggs in one basket, make sure that basket isn't full of holes :rolleyes:


I think that was one of the biggest problems with KOTFE/KOTET, though a lack of new Ops didn't help.


Those who liked the story content for this game wanted more Star Wars stories (Republic vs Empire), not the Eternal Empire and Jedi and Sith discovering the power of friendship. They also wanted more content with the original companions rather than those companions being taken away to make room for the Lana and Theron show.

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All you folks so chipper that Ben is moving on to something else.. and hated him so much.. they could put a gerbil in his place and you would all drool with anticipation and advanced praise. :rolleyes:


I don't know Keith, but I wish him well in the new role... but it wont' take long for the pack to turn on him and try to devour him with condemnation here in the forum. I feel kind of sorry for him already to be honest.


As for what his actual power is over the state of the game... I really think some of you way over-rate the power of a producer (good, bad, or neutral) in MMO games. And honestly... his prior role was live services director so I find it strange that they would tap him to replace Ben as producer.


He claims to have 28 characters and 10,000 hours of game play under his belt.. so that pretty well nerfs all the "you don't play your own game" memes in the forum though.


So you're going to come into this thread.....like you do in other threads...and take a big squat on all this good cheer. Honestly Andryah, you must be one hell of a rotten person to be around all day in real life. Please go smell some flowers or something.

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They could put a gerbil in his place and you would all drool with anticipation and advanced praise.

Pretty much, wonder why?


Aw the guy who forced Galactic Command on us after we told him how horrible it would be and then talked about how humble he was and how he wants to please players in an interview right afterward got fired? I mean, moved on to better things? Aw.


Hey what soon to be not better things did he move on to so I can avoid them? (important)


Still hopefully there were some unannounced moves, or removals, in the QC and PVP departments.


Maybe EA finally listened to all the snail mail letters I sent them about firing this team.


Either way this can only be a good thing.


Congrats on the new job Im SURE 100% SURE you will do better than the last "person".

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Hi Keith, welcome. I hold no expectations but do wish you all the best and good luck! Oh and if you could tell Charles to make Lord Scourge love me, that'd be swell. Thanks!


Yes, Scourge love would be most excellent. Been bugging for some Scourge loving for a long time. <3

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He claims to have 28 characters and 10,000 hours of game play under his belt.. so that pretty well nerfs all the "you don't play your own game" memes in the forum though.


Well, I claim to have 29 characters and 10,001 hours under my belt, so that pretty well nerfs all the, "you don't play the game more than the producer," responses to the memes in the forums, though.


Besides, the guy completely lost all credibility with me once I heard Malavai's name pronounced, "Mahlahvee," in a live stream. At that point, I seriously wondered if he even played each class story at least one time through... and that is a scary thought.

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Well, I claim to have 29 characters and 10,001 hours under my belt, so that pretty well nerfs all the, "you don't play the game more than the producer," responses to the memes in the forums, though.


Besides, the guy completely lost all credibility with me once I heard Malavai's name pronounced, "Mahlahvee," in a live stream. At that point, I seriously wondered if he even played each class story at least one time through... and that is a scary thought.


Oh god, that was heinous. Malavee indeed. *shudder* I still have nightmares and flashbacks about that.

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This is where the problem comes into.

We have people that like


(1) Stories and Solo play

(2) Pvp

(3) Operations and Flashpoints

(4) Those that like them all.


It is not about 1 type of play. It is about trying to incorporate things that everyone likes not just a selective few.


We want more people to play not less. They made a mistake making it all about stories but they make another mistake if they make it all about group play.


There needs to be a medium where there is something for everyone.


Totally agree with this. There is more than one facet to a successful mmo, and one part can't be neglected for the sake of the other.

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After reading Keith's Producer Letter, I'm excited to see this change. This change is A Good Thing and well overdue.


I won't say anything about the "last producer" - I've forgotten his name already.


When upper management uses the line "Thanks, but we'll take it from here" or " moved on to a great new opportunity " - it means they sucked at their job and they were dumped. It's the unspoken truth, I've seen it 100s of times at work.


and yeah...he did suck at his job - as evident by the terrible state of the game right now.


And yeah, they will have to do a major direction change + additional $$$ for development to fix this mess. Changing a producer won't be enough....but it's a step in the right direction.

Edited by Terrimando
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I'll reserve judgment for now. This cycle is already ruined for me, and I don't imagine one swap like this will suddenly make everything better, but considering how unhappy I was with how things were being run, any such change does feel like a welcome one to me.


Will keep an eye on developments, but changes to the game might make me excited, not changes in management.


Eh.. good look to Keith.

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