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I havnt played this game for years but today I found the account information and downloaded the game..i have a sage lvl 50 and a smuggler lvl 50 but I can't remember anything about the game:) shall I start fresh with a new chat or shall I try one of the old once? What will be less confusing?
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If you don't remember anything its always better to start again with another character so you can pick up the pace again.


It can depend if you're interested in the story, if yes than it is better to start again. If you're just up for the gameplay than i suggest giving a trial run in both characters and seeing if you remember how to use certain skills and etc.. even look up on guides.


If you don't want to look on guides, changelogs and etc.. i'd suggest starting over and seeing the changes for yourself.

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I've always recommended starting anew if you haven't played in the longest of times, simply because there's likely been a bunch of changes to your class since you've played last, either addition or removal of abilities, or reworked/retooled.


But I never discard old characters, just in case I feel like blowing the dust off of them again and catching them back up.

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The lvling goes fast..to fast..Im clueless over most of the things..got lost yesterday took a ship to the imperial city by mistake but asked a nice person and he/she told me what to do to get back to koorbin. Nice to see helpful people here and in the game !! I'm having a good time:) Edited by Meyastar
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Yes, the levelling can be rather fast. Recently, using the Victorious Pioneer armor set (which you probably don't have) plus XP boosts (you earn during the class stories) in addition to the 250% 'event' XP boost, I was able to level both a Sith Sorcerer and an IA Sniper to level 70 before finishing Ilum. :eek:

(In fact, the Sniper is level 70 and has not started Ilum.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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