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Can I make money slicing


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Pre-Nerf: Level 95 Slicing Safe yielded around 300-500 Credits.


Post-Nerf: Level 95 Slicing Safe yields around 150-250 Credits.


Don't know how it had affected other level safes, but it's pretty bad, but as bad as it is please don't complain or they will nerf it further, it's still faster than collecting a trillion bio samples and selling them on the market and getting the money days later and having to wait an hour to get the digital credits via mail which makes little sense.

Edited by Erazimus
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If you only run missions for lockboxes, you'll see a little trickle of credits from Slicing, yeah. At 400/400, my average for Slicing missions is just a shade over 400 credits. It's a waste of time, really. Good to have while leveling, but you won't want it when you reach high levels. If you have a crafting skill, then take something useful to your craft, instead. If you're not going with a crafting skill, then Slicing should be OK for the lockboxes in the wild.
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