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General Fan Fiction Thread


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Greetings, fellow fan fiction readers!


Inspired by a thread of another site under the same name, I thought it'd be good for the fan fiction community here to have a thread dedicated to fan fiction discussion. A general fan fiction thread! This thread is for pretty much everything related to writers of SWTOR fan fiction - discussions about how to write good fan fiction, suggestions for SWTOR fan fiction you feel like other people should check out, asking for help with ideas for plots, ect.


The intention is to share, advice and jab at each other with an eye for improvement. To see examples and other points of view on a particular idea, or in how its executed. Or just to have an entertaining time looking upon how other's develop their stories from the perspective of the writer. Maybe you've been wondering if anyone's interested in your idea about the wonderful coming-of-age romance of Blizz and his Rocket Launcher.


Go nuts.

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Like Jenny, I do give you an A for initiative. I am just not sure if many people are still even reading fan fiction for SWTOR and it seems that everyone, except for a few of us, is pretty quiet.


I think it is all wait and see right now. Thanks for the thought though. :D

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Hey Code :)


Nice idea. Like the others said, it seems fairly quiet around here, but I'm sure as things come up, we can discuss them here.

It could be a bit like a blog too, where people can put up a decent length post about their swtor/fanfic/writing concerns.

Hopefully things will liven up with the new expansion.

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I have to agree with Jenny and Misha, you get an A for initiative.


I think it is an interesting idea. I do not normally wander off to other fan fiction/writing sites so I have not seen the thread you are referencing.

Trying to strike up an ongoing conversation or critique could be a nice way to get more individuals to become more active in this section of the Forums. Which would be a wonderful change of pace, aside from a handful of people it has become rather quiet.


I'm curious to see how things are going to go, and will be watching.

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I think it is an interesting idea. I do not normally wander off to other fan fiction/writing sites so I have not seen the thread you are referencing.


I meant as in another discussion form for a different community started up a similar thread, and I enjoyed the idea of writers trading ideas and perspectives. Because sometimes you just want a space of like-minded people who can give you a different perspective on your own approach, because not everyone has that one friend they can spam to death :D

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Hello! This is definitely an interesting idea and I will try to contribute when time allows. It is sad that so many have gone quiet on these fic forums lately, I being one of them. In my case, it was simple burnout with the game, many bouts of writers block, and lack of time due to my return to work. Plus I'm a Mom of two kids, one of which is a 5th grader who has been involved in a lot of extracurricular stuff this year.......I swear some days I feel like the family chauffeur! I know that I'm not the only fic author in those situations either, so I'm sure some of our favorites are still lurking here and there as I have been.


I have missed participating in these forums though, although I have finally managed to update a shared story thread I have with another author twice these past couple of months......unfortunately people likely gave up on it after that long hiatus. I do plan to at least be better about leaving comments, which definitely helps to encourage authors to keep posting, and perhaps I'll work on dusting off my unfinished fics folder and toss something up on the SFC thread. Also, I really should get around to updating the index one of these days :eek:.

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In my case, it was simple burnout with the game, many bouts of writers block, and lack of time due to my return to work.


I had a similar case after a few dramatic 'interruptions' in my life, with a bunch of new stuff coming up (Apparently, there's this thing called 'a life')


Plus I'm a Mom of two kids, one of which is a 5th grader who has been involved in a lot of extracurricular stuff this year

So, utter chaos the size of the Eternal Fleet?

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Very nice idea.


Our guild used to do roleplays on the forums but we decided to move to a goggle page due to the fact we could at lease restrict those posting due to the fact some would post that had nothing to do with the storyline. Good luck.

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Here's a prompt to start us off:

When you're writing, do you ever have any fear or apprehension to how people will react to your portrayal of the Companions? Especially love interests, considering how close people feel their character is to them?


I have a plot point where a certain companion pretends to be with the enemy for a short time, and the audience isn't supposed to know until later, and I know I'll get flak in the mean time because of how the companion is being bathed in a bad light :D

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Here's a prompt to start us off:

When you're writing, do you ever have any fear or apprehension to how people will react to your portrayal of the Companions? Especially love interests, considering how close people feel their character is to them?


Yeah, that happens. I always worry about my portrayal of companions, getting them just 'right' and if I decide to villainize one, I worry for people's response. I just try my best not to let that get to me and go ahead with my own plans hoping once it all plays out, readers will understand.

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Here's a prompt to start us off:

When you're writing, do you ever have any fear or apprehension to how people will react to your portrayal of the Companions? Especially love interests, considering how close people feel their character is to them?


I have a plot point where a certain companion pretends to be with the enemy for a short time, and the audience isn't supposed to know until later, and I know I'll get flak in the mean time because of how the companion is being bathed in a bad light :D


I haven't written much about the companions so far, but from what little I did write, I know the feeling. There are times when I am a little bit glad my favorite companions aren't the most popular ones around here.

What helps me, is to remind myself, that we all see these fictional characters a bit differently. Our interpretation is influenced by our own background and experiences. Keeping this in mind also helps me to enjoy versions of characters that differ a lot from how I see them. It's a bit like having episodes with parallell dimensions in your favorite show, where the characters have developed in an other way.


I understand why you are worried about your planned plot-twist. Yet so far I have only experienced very supportive readers here on the forum. And at least some of the readers will be suspicious when a character behaves out-of-character. My advice would be to not keep them waiting for the conclusion for too long, and maybe drop some small hints on the way there.

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Here's a prompt to start us off:

When you're writing, do you ever have any fear or apprehension to how people will react to your portrayal of the Companions? Especially love interests, considering how close people feel their character is to them?


Definitely. I try not to change them so much that they are unrecognizable. However, if the big reveal to a story is that a companion, especially a love interest, has been the main characters nemesis, there has to be a darned good reason why it happened, or unfolded that way. It might even be an interesting twist on a story if done well and doesn't get so outrageous that it drives the reader away.

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I understand why you are worried about your planned plot-twist. Yet so far I have only experienced very supportive readers here on the forum. And at least some of the readers will be suspicious when a character behaves out-of-character. My advice would be to not keep them waiting for the conclusion for too long, and maybe drop some small hints on the way there.


Specifically, with the companion who's pretending to be an antagonist, it's one of those hotly hated companions. So, a lot would simply assume that any out-of-character actions are just me being a hater who wants to humiliate the character (Which is a common story thread in fanfiction, where you make the characters you don't like act out of character for no reason so the author can justify all the crap they put that character through) .


I think this thought stems from my time in the Harry Potter fandom, where everybody seemed to just hate poor Ronald Weasley :D

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I know there are companions and NPC's that I am more apprehensive to include in my fics. Some it's just that I don't feel like I know them well enough to do them justice, others ones I worry because they are popular and I might see them in a different light. Regardless, people are pretty open minded and friendly about it on these forums and many are supportive as well. Darth Marr is one that comes to mind for me, one I included in a few more recent stories I've posted SFC thread. I was really nervous about those because I took some liberties since I could find little in my research. I received a lot of support in the form of positive comments after those posts and a few even asking for more so I felt a little relieved.


I, for one, love to see how others view the different companions in game. There are always the haters out there, but who doesn't have a companion they dislike. I have quite a few, but I don't let that stop me from enjoying all the fics out there and even taking another look after reading someone else's version of that companion.

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In dealing with companions, I'm usually concerned foremost in doing their character justice. I want them to be recognizable to the reader. For some characters, it's easier than for others. I would say research is your friend when writing about a companion or an NPC from the game, you want to learn as much about them as you can; but as Alaurin said, sometimes there is precious little to be found on the various Wikis and fan sites and that's when you have to go with your gut and ask yourself, given what you know, 'Would this character say this? Do that?'


If not, then could a good enough reason be injected into the story to make the character act the way you need them to? As Misha said, there has to be a damn good reason for a person to behave in a way that may be 'out of character' for them. In this sort of situation you have to consider cause and reaction. If a player/writer's character is abusive and belligerent you have to expect that on some level, the companion is going to resent being treated that way and if this goes on for long enough, they'll hate the player/writer's character.


I also think, that some companions are going to 'write themselves' more easily based on your own personality. If you have a similar disposition to a character, it's going to be easier to write them.


If writing a companion for the first time, I would suggest, play through the class that has that companion, and if you don't have time for that, youtube is your friend as well.


Finally, you can't allow worry to dictate what you do. People will like it or not. If you put a villainous spin on a much-beloved character you can expect that some people will tell you they don't like it, some may say, they don't like it but understand it, and some will get down right nasty about it lol. It happens, but it's your story and if you can justify the behaviors, that's all that matters. You mustn't let yourself be deterred from what you want to do and explore with your story.


If a story is well written with good grammar etc, that also drives a reader to 'forgive' quite a lot and to have a bit more faith in where the writer is taking the story. I hope this helps. :)

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Anyone else have those quotes from their writing that stick in their mind (For either good reason... Or for bad reasons), or those ones you can't wait to write out the scene for the quote?



"If God existed, and you got the chance to talk to him, what would you ask him?" Koth leaned back in his chair, straightening out the knots in his joints with a satisfying click, before his eyes returned to skimming through secruity footage.


Tora let out a grunt in response, hitting the hilt of her wrench against the pipe in her attempt to 'communicate' with the other engineers. "I'd ask him where my socks are. No matter how many pairs I buy, POOF" An exasperated sigh followed, before the pipes let out a howl that tore into Koth's ears. And from Tora's reaction of violently smashing the wrench against the pipe, he could guess that it was a rather offensive response. "How about you?"


"Me? I'd ask him..." The pilot's words trailed to a halt as the security feed switched to the cargo bay, allowing him to witness the multiple armed Sky Troopers breaking out of various storage crates. Prompting Koth to add a sigh. "...Why does all this crap happen to me?"


The rifle went off the instant Pierce's fingers wrapped around the barrel, wrenching it too the side just in time for the shot to miss Quinn's head. For the most part, Major Quinn seemed to be unable to muster up surprise over the close save, instead striking a more annoyed look. "I'll make this clear, just for you, Maggot" Pierce's gruff edge to his aggressive tone, couple with his eyes narrowing in anger as he glowered down at the soldier, made for an intimidating image. "Anyone who messes with the Major. Gets. Shot."


"Shall I initiate the heroic musical accompaniment for our daring rescue, Sir?"

"Initiating One-Liner: That's an order, Forex. Make the meat-bags tremble."


"We're here to take your booty, the gold kind AND the fleshy kind!"

"We're not with him!"


"For centuries I've foreseen this as a possibility, the position was always the same, you were always different, the setting different. For every other Outlander. The Major and the Consular would stand here where you are, the Knight would met me the Star Fortress, the Agent would have abandoned Beniko to her fate. I wonder,

would they have let so many die?"


"My life means nothing. Valkorian must be stopped, no matter the cost! If I must face the hatred of my people to save them, then let them hate me. Who cares if no one will ever mourn me? If I must damn all memory of me, then so be it."


"Wait, so I can do force stuff now? I'M GONNA GO AND STEAL EVERYONE'S TROUSERS!"


Ashara's eyes darted around the base as she yelled out "Master!?" And Dragous couldn't help but give an amused smirk, the invisible presence beside him trying to place its incorporial hand over his mouth.


"Don't tell her I'm here!"


"Master, I can sense you!"


"I think someone's looking for you..."



"You are but a mortal man. I AM A GOD!"


"Wait, you're our God? ...My life is all one big disappointment"



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  • 4 weeks later...
Anyone else have those quotes from their writing that stick in their mind (For either good reason... Or for bad reasons), or those ones you can't wait to write out the scene for the quote?


No idea if this counts as necro-ing a thread or not, but I like the idea of it and figured I may as well hop in.


When I'm writing normally I don't tend to write anything I'd call quoteable, but sometimes I think of a really cool thing I want a character to say, or a bit of description. I shove those right at the bottom of my Word document, queued up in order until I get to the point I need to use them. I'd quote one here but the one that has me really excited is kinda spoilery :D


But yeah, I'm looking forward to writing that scene so much. I'm thinking I'll put Anakin's Dark Deeds on in the background when I do.

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@Myddelion: I do that, too. For stuff I do not intend to use in the near future I keep extra documents for notes.


I use this also for reminders for things that happened, or need to happen for whatever reason.

For instance I'd keep a reminder that my char has a broken rib, so I don't have him jumping around without being in pain. :)

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@frauzet I'm terrible for remembering to read my notes. I tend to write them on receipts and forget where I put them (or mainly in my head, where I forget them). I've been trying to improve recently by going more digital, since that's where I write anyway, but for one of my projects this has led to having documents in NovaMind, YWriter, Word and Twine all at once! Here's hoping I get the hang of it at some point XD
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I bought a writing tool back when I started writing regularly. It's been a great help with keeping my stuff somewhat tidy and organized. I'd lack the discipline to do it with various documents and folders, as I can see everytime I check my recordings of the game for some specific scene. Hours later...
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On another note, I'm interested to know if anyone has tried doing 'choose-your-own' fan fiction on this forum. I'm considering writing one after exams are over, but since it relies heavily on reader voting, I'm not sure there's high enough traffic to make it successful. What are your thoughts on the possibility, or have you ever tried running one?
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On another note, I'm interested to know if anyone has tried doing 'choose-your-own' fan fiction on this forum. I'm considering writing one after exams are over, but since it relies heavily on reader voting, I'm not sure there's high enough traffic to make it successful. What are your thoughts on the possibility, or have you ever tried running one?


I'm not quite sure what you mean, by 'choose your own'? There is the Short fic weekly challenge thread, where a host of topics are offered up to choose from and you can do the current prompts or pick a favorite from the past, and then write the story and post it in that thread...is that like what you meant? Or do you mean, you choose a few topics and then people choose from that and you write it?


Personally, I think if you want to write just go ahead and write, and do it about what you want. :)

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