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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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People say wow has so many fetures and swtor is bad because it does not have them... wow has had 7 years to improve upon its self. Give Swtor a chance and time to put in the things your ******* complaining about.... ¬.¬


WoW was not the first MMO nore was it original all WoW did was take the MMO template and improve upon it by removing things that were annoying (e.g crafting had a chance to fail) it did this with games Such as Ever Quest and so on.


SWTOR has done the same it has take the MMO TEMPLATE not copyed wow but taken the MMO TEMPLATE Which all MMO's use and removed useless stuff, ADDED its own stuff and improved upon existing stuff.


People need to remember WoW its self is a quoat un quoat "Clone" of the MMO's that came before it.


My final point. Who cares if it borrowed things from other games, it happens all the time in everything. just shut up, get on with the game and stop comparing it to WoW; an MMO thats long out lived its greatness WoW "died" along time ago and is just clinging onto life and dragging its self out to long. Its 7 gosh darn years old, its had its time at the top and has set a good standard for MMO's to go by and people should accept the fact its long out lived its awesomenes.

Edited by Sireene
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because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.

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I agree with you. I understand, SWTOR has to compete with WoW to be able to hold subscribers, otherwise people will go back to WoW. However, SWTOR has done a great thing making levleing enjoyable and less of a grind. They have the foundation and ability to make a great game, and they're working on doing just that. It's really hard, if not impossible, for an MMO to launch with the polish and content of WoW. However, SWTOR has launched much closer than any other game to date.


Give them time.

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People are stupid.


This is not the case.....de-meaning people doesn't help the community by any means.


OP: I think it's because people are so used to what WoW offers, and the different things that it has done over the years that they're wanting SWTOR to be similar if not the same. It's more of a comfort zone type thing. I'm enjoying the game thoroughly though!

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Because iPad 7 is completely brand new, but it doesn't have all the features that Android 1 had, and it doesn't have the features that iPad 7 should have either. It's just incomplete. Yet, they put it on sell anyway.


Clear ?

Edited by Pyrasia
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Because the bugs and design flaws that are a huge problem right now where seen in Alpha and Beta and nothing was done. This had 10x WoW's budget. It had twice the development time. It also had "blueprints" to a successful MMO.


A bug seen a year ago in Alpha should not make it to live. And hundreds have.


Anything else?

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I agree with you. I understand, SWTOR has to compete with WoW to be able to hold subscribers, otherwise people will go back to WoW. However, SWTOR has done a great thing making levleing enjoyable and less of a grind. They have the foundation and ability to make a great game, and they're working on doing just that. It's really hard, if not impossible, for an MMO to launch with the polish and content of WoW. However, SWTOR has launched much closer than any other game to date.


Give them time.


"Give them time" That is the problem. A game should be very polished and ready to go with minimal problems. In this day and age of MMOs, the competitive landscape is huge. Do it right the first time or you loose the subs and they won't be back. I personally think they should have spent another year on development. It feels a bit rushed to me. In fact a lot of the issues that many any beta have been complaining about for months still isn't fixed. Just saying...

Edited by rudols
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I love TOR, don't plan on cancelling, think it's a solid game.


But you don't compare video games from 7 years ago. To put it in perspective. Say someone's releasing a new multiplayer shooter, and they basically re-release the original call of duty game (Was released about 7 years ago). Do you think people would be swayed by the argument "well activision have had 7 years to polish call of duty, you can't expect a new game to be up to par"


Bioware have some quality of life things they need to address, and they need to address them fairly soon. 7 years ago, an mmo could stand to have a troubled launch without much end-game content. That isn't the case anymore, modern mmo's are made or broken on their first weeks

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OP, when you buy a new car you want to have all the features modern cars have, not just stuff that was common a decade a ago. Same goes for MMOs, they should have all the nice stuff early on (RIFT had done that pretty well, why can't BioWare with a much higher budged pull of the same?).
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This argument needs to have context but when a new product comes out it always needs to be an improvement on the old. Obviously it's silly to expect TOR to have more content than a game that's been compiled over 7 years. However, BioWare has and still needs to learn from the successes and failures of the competition to provide a product that, on the whole, is better than the games that came before it.


Personally, I think they've done a good job so far, and depending on how they manage their future releases this game is going to be where I spend my free time for a long time, but it's a free market and in order to be competitive you have to compete with what's available now and not just what was available 7 years ago.

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EA executives put pressure on Bioware to release for the holidays. This game was clearly rushed out the door and I am thinking not by choice of the Bioware developers. That is one of the things I like about the Activision / Blizzard relationship. Activision leaves Blizzard alone and allows them to take their time to release a product.


EA has a bad history of forcing developers to release unfinished games to earn a quick buck.

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"Give them time" That is the problem. A game should be very polished and ready to go with minimal problems. In this day and age of MMOs, the competitive landscape is huge. Do it right the first time or you loose the subs and they won't be back. I personally think they should have spent another year on development. It feels a bit rushed to me. In fact a lot of the issues that many any beta have been complaining about for months still isn't fixed. Just saying...


And in this day and age, writing script takes time. Fixing things takes time. Seriously, for a game to launch perfectly, it'd take a decade to release, and then it'd be outdated. Not every bug is easily fixable. Fixing one bug normally causes other bugs.


This is without a doubt the most polished MMO launch ever. Edging out RIFT because TOR is about 3x the size of RIFT.


Also, keep in mind, TOR had the largest MMO launch of all time. If things are handled well, It could easily see 3 million subs at its peak.

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"Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget" "Bigger Budget"



..... most of that Budget went into the Amazing voice actors if you remove that cost then its probably had less money than WoW or any other mmo at design + wow had once again 7 years of 10,000-ish players play £10, $15, etc etc to fund their game Swtor has most of those At launch and removed the useless **** wow failed at.

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No one is comparing the amount of content in WoW to that in TOR. No one intelligent anyway. That would be silly, I mean, WoW had 7 years of constant content development.


The gameplay features, on the other hand, can and should be compared. LFG tool, character responsiveness, good UI, etc.

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there are three things about wow to consider..


1) some things fixed in wow over 7 years were bugs.

2) some things "fixed" in wow over 7 years were advancements in the genre.

3) some things "fixed" in wow over 7 years were a result of the game maturing.


was wow better or worse than SWTOR on point 1? who knows?


IS wow better than SWTOR on point 2? In some cases yeah.


is it fair to compare wow to SWTOR on point 3? Of course not.


high res textures not being in the game is attributed to point 1.


PvP queues, arena seasons, and other PvP niceties are examples of point 2 (i.e. wowo didn't launch with them either). They are common in a 2011 MMORPG, but to compare it to wow is pointless..


LFD is an example of point 3. Some features need a game to be mature, or established. Having the majority of your game population all in the same spot and still progressing through all parts of the game provides for a wholly different environment than the majority of your population having 3-4 characters all max level, or the majority of your non-max population having put in 2-3 hours a week for the last 1.5 years.


anyway, comparisons are inevitable but that's how I see it. Fix the bugs. Slowly bring the game up to 2012 speed. and once the game has been out for 9-12 months start rolling out the quality of life features for those of us leveling up our 3rd or 4th character.

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People say wow has so many fetures and swtor is bad because it does not have them... wow has had 7 years to improve upon its self. Give Swtor a chance and time to put in the things your ******* complaining about.... ¬.¬


WoW was not the first MMO nore was it original all WoW did was take the MMO template and improve upon it by removing things that were annoying (e.g crafting had a chance to fail) it did this with games Such as Ever Quest and so on.


SWTOR has done the same it has take the MMO TEMPLATE not copyed wow but taken the MMO TEMPLATE Which all MMO's use and removed useless stuff, ADDED its own stuff and improved upon existing stuff.


People need to remember WoW its self is a quoat un quoat "Clone" of the MMO's that came before it.


My final point. Who cares if it borrowed things from other games, it happens all the time in everything. just shut up, get on with the game and stop comparing it to WoW; an MMO thats long out lived its greatness WoW "died" along time ago and is just clinging onto life and dragging its self out to long. Its 7 gosh darn years old, its had its time at the top and has set a good standard for MMO's to go by and people should accept the fact its long out lived its awesomenes.


So you want us to shut up, cancel our subscription and come back in 7 years?

Edited by Sireene
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Change it to Themepark MMO template.


WoW = Thempark MMO.... SWTOR = Themepark MMO with almost all of the same things WoW has, but missing a few features.


People will compare them when they are so similar.


That's the problem I have with it, I wanted a brand new MMO from BIOWARE (an amazing company) in the star wars universe, but alas for business that was not going to happen with the success of the Themepark MMO genre with how many subscribers WoW had over the years.

Edited by Tarianz
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They should compare to some degree.


People seem to take an extreme view on either side.


1) Vanilla WoW didn't have it, so SWTOR doesn't need it.

2) It's 7 years after WoW, SWTOR should have everything WoW has now


Neither is really correct, IMO.


A game made in 2011 should have more features than a game made in 2004. I'd be pretty annoyed if a game came out and it looked and felt like a 1995 game. Everyone would.


However, not everything needs to be in the new product or should be. Some features are not really necessary. Some cannot be done (you cannot possibly expect 7 years of content in a new MMO). What some people view as core features required for success, really are not.


There is a balance somewhere in the middle, and this is subjective. I personally think SWTOR has done okay, but different people will feel differently.


I do think a game needs more than 8 days to be given a fair review, though, but I do also think it's okay to compare to older games (especially industry standards) as long as the comparisons aren't unreasonable.

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