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I want to meet pvp dev'er for some questions


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A real sit down stream with them that isn't some big promotion, but a question and answer discussion going both ways would be good.

Snave has done ones like this with Eric, but it's only Eric and he can avoid answers by saying he would need to check or he deflects them because he isn't a Dev.

What we need is something like that with the Devs, not the Community manager (no offence Eric).

I would like to see Snave and maybe a few other respected pvpers who have a good relationship with Bio and the community and can ask the really hard questions, get together in one stream. They could also take questions from us like Snave does.

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Think the answer is; Do you want A PoP or NO PoP . . .


There's a tendency to overestimate the sheer number of PvPers at this stage of the Game . . . just saying


Try telling this to a majority of the ppl who enjoy solo que regs and constantly get stuck on teams with no heals going up against teams with multiple healers.


I'm guessing when you pvp you run with a group so to you this is a non issue. Pretty easy to spout off opinions when the only person and game experience you're thinking about it your own and not the ppl you share a server with...the same ppl that help make the que pop on and off throughout the downtime hours of the week....

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Try telling this to a majority of the ppl who enjoy solo que regs and constantly get stuck on teams with no heals going up against teams with multiple healers.


I'm guessing when you pvp you run with a group so to you this is a non issue. Pretty easy to spout off opinions when the only person and game experience you're thinking about it your own and not the ppl you share a server with...the same ppl that help make the que pop on and off throughout the downtime hours of the week....


Mate, I'm trying real hard to see where I'm offending anyone with my comment. But fair enough, you don't know me and I suspect you been wronged by someone in someway.


For starters; The OP is showing us a picture of 2 Arena teams. Is he upset about the new FoTM assembling on the one side or is offended by the "perfect" group gathered on the other? Damned if I know. Is he upset of the lack of matchmaking? Really these "Tell it all" pictures is a bit over the top for my taste, and, news flash, they're not that clear a message as the ones posting them think they are, most likely it could be explained as an Online Filter Bubble phenomenon.


But you're right my empirical "facts" is my own, and I present them from my point of view. These past years I've been pvping on TRE. PoT5, Ebon Hawk and the Prog, I've prolly done more solo PuG runs than Team runs.


My message is only one; The pvp population is so small all over that any kind of rules as how and if the PvP Q should pop will ultimately make the PoPs suffer . . .

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My message is only one; The pvp population is so small all over that any kind of rules as how and if the PvP Q should pop will ultimately make the PoPs suffer . . .


Exactly. I dont understand why more people dont understand this. +10

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