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Stoked 4 Lokath PvP!!!


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I have been an advocate for some kind of incentive driven open world pvp for years now (Gree event is a lazy attempt). What keeps me subbed is that SWTOR has great potential for pvp immersion and every other new gen MMO is based on fantasy or has broken models. I have said this years ago, that SWTOR could easily implement open pvp by placing the carrots in the right places. Sounds like from what I read so far that there will be faction choice and dailies that will prevent zerg hugs (engine and comp stress) and some kind of balance. The illum fiasco at launch was to linear and was based on kills....rookie mistake on BW's part. I have seen almost every pvp model out there since AO broke my MMO cherry back in early 2001....and never bought into the excuses that so many use for SWTOR. Most have never played old Skool MMOs and yet think they know best. I have seen what works and what doesn't. Finally BW is doing something. Better late than never I guess. Edited by Josewales
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I have been an advocate for some kind of incentive driven open world pvp for years now (Gree event is a lazy attempt). What keeps me subbed is that SWTOR has great potential for pvp immersion and every other new gen MMO is based on fantasy or has broken models. I have said this years ago, that SWTOR could easily implement open pvp by placing the carrots in the right places. Sounds like from what I read so far that there will be faction choice and dailies that will prevent zerg hugs (engine and comp stress) and some kind of balance. The illum fiasco at launch was to linear and was based on kills....rookie mistake on BW's part. I have seen almost every pvp model out there since AO broke my MMO cherry back in early 2001....and never bought into the excuses that so many use for SWTOR. Most have never played old Skool MMOs and yet think they know best. I have seen what works and what doesn't. Finally BW is doing something. Better late than never I guess.


I am becoming so jealous when kills others players in open world in wow... every days he fights like 9-20 players lol. Swtor open world pvp - RIP. No open world pvp AT ALL.

Edited by omaan
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If you are expecting something good, just remember the PvP for the Gree event.


I was OK with the old pvp flag system, thought old Gree was decent, but I share Lundorffs concern and there's a reason why the pvp servers died. That same reason is the biggest threat to any open world related pvp activities.


I'm afraid that this is the beaten Horse last twitch, pun intended . .

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It might just be another area that's like 'the Outlaw's den' where PvPers go to..... um..... wait for days until someone else turns up.


Or an area like the Rakghoul tunnels where everyone is flagged and all the care-bare PvE-ers can't get their dailies done, so come crying to the forums.....


Or like Czerka where the empire and the republic fight for the same resources..... Only whenever you go there there's one other person from the same faction who doesn't want to group up to get the dailies done quicker....


Or like Ilum in the old days. Press attack ..... make a cup of tea...... see if you need to press it again......


An Iokath mini-WZ would be nice - no queue to pop, just go in.... Where you could queue up to go into an area with objectives and control points and massive scrum in the middle while planting bombs and running the huttball.... All instanced so several games can go on at once, but all 8v8 or whatever the server hamsters can achieve these days.


TBH I don't hold out much hope..... At best it'll only add a couple more orbits to a game that's already circling the drain.



Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I dont get how anyone can be excited for new maps or gamemodes for as long as basics such as classbalance remains unadressed :confused:


Btw. open pvp is even more range friendly...


Class balance has been addressed since Launch, just so you know, and balance in pvp isn't centered around class vs class, even if those said classes is said to be mirrored, balance in pvp is centered around the holy trinity of heals-dps-tank vs heals-dps-tank. But hey, very few people get that so . . .


But we're getting new stuff, that's always something:D

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Class balance has been addressed since Launch, just so you know, and balance in pvp isn't centered around class vs class, even if those said classes is said to be mirrored, balance in pvp is centered around the holy trinity of heals-dps-tank vs heals-dps-tank. But hey, very few people get that so . . .


But we're getting new stuff, that's always something:D


So the lack of trinity is whats wrong here? thanks for enlightning me, i never knew this game is perfectly balanced around tanks and heals :rolleyes:

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