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The Eternal Grind


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I have played this game religiously for 5 years. It has been a "large" part of my life. I was a little on edge during KOTFE, but was still having fun. When KOTET dropped, I was excited and played a fair amount. But with the announcement of 5.2 and how they are increasing the gear rating to 248, I just cannot find the enjoyment anymore. I stopped playing because what was the point of grinding 242's when next month, its going to be "worthless"? There is no fun in it. Maybe if there was a crap ton of new content, but uprisings? Are you *********** kidding me? They are boring and a waste of time. Doing it once is boring. I remember grinding cxp last month. I literally felt like I was losing brain cells. This game used to be a challenge. Now its just a joke, because they catered to all the whiners. This was a good game until SoR. That was when the game started to go downhill and now its ****. I honestly get emotional about it, because I love this game. I've met so many great people and had a blast! But unfortunately, this has come to an end like all good things. I will keep my sub for a while, but I doubt I will be logging in much. I bid all of you adieu and live long and prosper (oops, wrong series :rolleyes:)

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Well you should prepare for 5.2 !!


They are listening to feedback and got rid of the 100 extra ranks, all gear will be set bonus, drop rates are increased etc. So I wouldnt see it that negative. Just stack up cxp packs for 5.2 and when it hits, keep opening them for cxp and 248 gear.

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thay saied it wont work mate


Opening the crates itself won't give you 248 gear but I would think that disintegrating the stuff from those crates will give you new crates which will give you a chance on 248 gear. As long as you have rating 300 of course.


As for the OP. Well, this is the problem we have with each expansion when the level cap is raised yet again and new tiers of gear are introduced. For the life of me I cannot understand the reason for new levels, because they can be covered in a short time but do temporarily block you from doing endgame.


Don't forget though that the new set up in 5.2 means reliable drops are back in operations so it will become a lot easier to get 242 gear as it will drop in HM operations like EV and KP HM (oh, HM = Veteran for the new people).


So does it feel like you're a bit screwed for 5.2? Well it depends on how you look at it. You're ready to go for 248 gear right away and if you have ungeared alts it will be easier to gear them up. And if you don't to gear up alts, well, then it's something new to aim for I guess.


They seem to be pushing 230 gear out of operations entirely so the new baseline will be 236 there. Personally I am just happy that I can gear my alts properly again. Call it OCD but I like to have a consistent feel in my gearing and not have 3 different colours and tiers mixed together in my gear. It's not just about the stats for people like myself. There is also the satisfaction of completing a tier of gear on a toon. That's the collector in me.

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thay saied it wont work mate


Im sorry i explained it wrong. I stack up GC crates and cxp packs, but ONLY for the cxp and disintegration, not for the gear itself. I know that the tier 3 crates wont have tier 4 gear in them, the thing is that im at rank 300 on my toons and there is no reason to open the 70 crates i have now, just to get stuff to disintigrate. I rather disintigrate in 5.2 for some tier 4 ranks.

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Why would your 242s be worthless?

Common claim from minmaxer types: only the toppest of the top has any value or utility at all. It's nonsense, of course, especially in a situation like 5.2 where they will add 248 to the range - 242 will just as effective against existing content as it was before the patch, and so every bit as valuable.

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Common claim from minmaxer types: only the toppest of the top has any value or utility at all. It's nonsense, of course, especially in a situation like 5.2 where they will add 248 to the range - 242 will just as effective against existing content as it was before the patch, and so every bit as valuable.


Unless you are a pvper of course

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Well you should prepare for 5.2 !!


They are listening to feedback and got rid of the 100 extra ranks, all gear will be set bonus, drop rates are increased etc. So I wouldnt see it that negative. Just stack up cxp packs for 5.2 and when it hits, keep opening them for cxp and 248 gear.


Pvp is still a slow way of gearing up + can you imagine what suffering will be when new players will come or someone old will create a new character (alt)? Yes it will be internal grind starting from lowest green gear and getting up to 248, especially for pvp players.

Playing with low gear on warzones is like to be aimed and killed by everyone. New system sucks

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Pvp is still a slow way of gearing up + can you imagine what suffering will be when new players will come or someone old will create a new character (alt)? Yes it will be internal grind starting from lowest green gear and getting up to 248, especially for pvp players.

Playing with low gear on warzones is like to be aimed and killed by everyone. New system sucks


teamwork is what wins you the game, not gear. saying gear makes you lose is an excuse

Edited by MotherCrusher
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I have played this game religiously for 5 years. It has been a "large" part of my life. I was a little on edge during KOTFE, but was still having fun. When KOTET dropped, I was excited and played a fair amount. But with the announcement of 5.2 and how they are increasing the gear rating to 248, I just cannot find the enjoyment anymore. I stopped playing because what was the point of grinding 242's when next month, its going to be "worthless"? There is no fun in it. Maybe if there was a crap ton of new content, but uprisings? Are you *********** kidding me? They are boring and a waste of time. Doing it once is boring. I remember grinding cxp last month. I literally felt like I was losing brain cells. This game used to be a challenge. Now its just a joke, because they catered to all the whiners. This was a good game until SoR. That was when the game started to go downhill and now its ****. I honestly get emotional about it, because I love this game. I've met so many great people and had a blast! But unfortunately, this has come to an end like all good things. I will keep my sub for a while, but I doubt I will be logging in much. I bid all of you adieu and live long and prosper (oops, wrong series :rolleyes:)

I'm very sorry to see you go...I hope something is released that changes your mind...but you're far from being alone.

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Yeah well I'm the EQ1 generation (led endgame raids, did epic quests, etc) and I feel the CXP RNGrind is utter crap too.


You can ignore cxp completely starting with 5.2 if you're gearing through raids though right?! I mean you'll still get it but it will be like a byproduct of playing the game... If anything drops then great, if not, no skin off my back...

Edited by Valceanu
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Yeah well I'm the EQ1 generation (led endgame raids, did epic quests, etc) and I feel the CXP RNGrind is utter crap too.


I hadn't noticed. I don't play for cxp, I play for pvp and star wars. The gear gap isn't as bad as many make it out to be, even for perpetually underpowered classes like Vanguards. A lot of people here complain just to complain, and a lot more join in because that's just how they are. I have already noticed some of the vocal complainers here spreading their usual discontent on the ESO boards, which I find infinitely amusing.


That being said, this in no way compares to the old EQ grind, where there were no quests and no pvp, and the only form of xp was endless mob killing. Remember those days, where an hour of group pulls would net you 4-6% xp? And you guys think this is a grind? And that was nothing compared to L2.


Even still, I want BW to make everyone happy. While an impossible task, if people want change, there should be change. I'm not opposed to it.

Edited by Vember
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I hadn't noticed. I don't play for cxp, I play for pvp and star wars. The gear gap isn't as bad as many make it out to be, even for perpetually underpowered classes like Vanguards. A lot of people here complain just to complain, and a lot more join in because that's just how they are. I have already noticed some of the vocal complainers here spreading their usual discontent on the ESO boards, which I find infinitely amusing.


That being said, this in no way compares to the old EQ grind, where there were no quests and no pvp, and the only form of xp was endless mob killing. Remember those days, where an hour of group pulls would net you 4-6% xp? And you guys think this is a grind? And that was nothing compared to L2.


Even still, I want BW to make everyone happy. While an impossible task, if people want change, there should be change. I'm not opposed to it.

Hello Topper. :p


Seriously though, just because grinding was terrible in other games doesn't mean we want it to be terrible in this game as well, nor even a fraction of terrible.

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I hadn't noticed.


touche :)


That being said, this in no way compares to the old EQ grind, where there were no quests and no pvp, and the only form of xp was endless mob killing. Remember those days, where an hour of group pulls would net you 4-6% xp? And you guys think this is a grind? And that was nothing compared to L2.


Yes I remember, and yes of course the amount of grind is no comparison to EQ1 (particularly hell levels, or the rng around the epic quests).


The CXP grind, however, is vastly more *pointless* than the EQ1 grind was. EQ had the excuse that it was an early MMO and people hadn't figured out how to balance them at that time.


SWTOR, on the other hand, went from a mature MMO loot system driven by player choice into an RNG abomination. It's like the game intentionally lobotomized itself.


I know you didn't accuse me in particular of it, but don't think I am complaining just to complain. I love this game, it's among the best MMO I have ever played overall and up through SoR and Ziost it was amazingly well done. 4.0 had a lot of merit too, but 5.0 took a great thing - the purely choice driven loot system - and turned it into a RNG crapfest, apparently just for shiggles. So yeah, that irritates me.

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I used the term, "worthless" because I do a lot of pvp and that's how I find enjoyment in this game. With the return of gear dropping from operations, I don't really care because I've done them all so many times it's just boring. That is why I said "worthless", because from a pvper's perspective, I need all the stats I can get when I'm fighting 2-3 min/max 242 mercs or snipers on a melee class. (P.s. mercs weren't bad in 4.0, people just sucked at using them. It was easy to pull above 3k dps in pvp and I finished high silver rating before I got bored of merc).
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Yes, it means the 8-10% advantage of high end gear will continue, which is a large gap when you factor in the grind it takes to get it now. In 4.x it took days at most to get very close to the max gear for PvP, which was perfect, because PvP shouldn't be about gear.


This seems to be hard for PvE folks to understand. PvP players don't want BiS gear because gear matters in PvP and we all lust after it. We want it because BW has made it the only way to take gear out of the equation.


A better fix would be for them to just put Bolster back above the max gear level. That was amazing and for a short time was a golden age for alts in SWTOR PvP. Then I would literally not care about gear rating at all.

Edited by stoopicus
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