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Reset Cooldowns upon Death in Kotfe/Kotet Chapters


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When you die in a single player game, you just reload your last save and give the boss/encounter that killed you another try. So after every reload you have the same abbilities available to try the fight again and hopefully beat it.


In the Veteran and more so in the Master Mode Chapters even normal mobs can do A LOT of damage. Proper use of defensive abbilities and even Heroic moment or offensive buffs like the 5 minute raid buffs are necessary to defeat some of the bosses. However, if you die and you want to try the fight again you either have to try without the abbilities on CD or you have to wait (5 minutes in worst case). Trying to beat a rough encounter is fun. Waiting 5 minutes in order to try again isn't.


Thus I would like to suggest some buff or some general mechanic that resets the cooldown of all abbilities when dying while you are inside a Kotfe/Kotet phase. Nothing would or should change otherwise. Repair costs would still need to be paid and used adrenals/medpacks would still be lost.

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