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Returning the extra gear for another piece


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Actually when they set bolster to 230 it became important.


232 and yes, while armoring tier is more impactful in PvP than in PvE (bolster only looks at the tier of your armoring IIRC), the stat difference is close to irrelevant since those 6 slots don't nearly account for the majority of your stats if you include augments.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Crafted gear has less stats than the ones that coming from system .

Still is better than nothing,


Also if I am not mistaken, you can not return back a set gear (T1, T2, T3), if you dont have also the armor.

I think I tried to give back a T1 Gear Set with mods, in a custom Armor (for a T2) and It didnt recognize it.

So I have to return it, back to the other alt, who initially did the purchase of the gear.


You don't have to return anything, you just need the shell itself.

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My problem is:


1. I want players encouraged into operations and pvp, content that is more dependent on set gear anyway.


2. Two to three weeks of casual pvp (2-4 matches a day) is enough to get you a full set anyway, assuming you get nothing from crates.


3. I don't want more vendors to clutter up that supply section.


4. I don't want the system to become more convoluted.


I noticed that you say I want. I have done operations but I am considerate enough to know what I want and what is helpful to others is not always the same. I would rather have a system that works for all people, casuals, raiders, pvp players and allows people to enjoy the game the way they like it.


I hate pvp and with the rare exceptions (the companions and the D & L event) I don't pvp and will not do it just for the command points. To me doing something I don't like is not something I am going to do. This is a game and therefore I am not required to do something I don't like and we should have a system that works for everyone not for the game play we may enjoy.


Not everyone like everything I do and I am okay with that and I accept that. I don't want them to do something they don't like and I don't want someone to tell me what I am doing in the game is wrong and I will not do that to others, unlike some people.

Edited by casirabit
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It's fine that you tried it and didn't enjoy it. In 4.x you'd be locked out of top tier and sets, at least now you have a chance at getting full sets and a clear path to top tier gear.


Just for 1 character.

At least now I can understand why I see the same people in pvp, with T3 gear

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Crates aren't the primary means of obtaining set bonus gear, just like crystals weren't in 4.x (except you have a chance now).


Do PvP and Operations for guaranteed sets.


If those 2 are the primary means for gearing, then no vendor will come up in the future.

"Wanna find a gear piece? Play pvp and ops".


1 More question.

Can you return only the armor, without the mods, to claim a T2 or T3 gear (with components)


"What? You trade the shell in for a token which can be traded for whatever class/spec gear you want. "


Shell=Armor with no mods?

Edited by WizardGR
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If those 2 are the primary means for gearing, then no vendor will come up in the future.

"Wanna find a gear piece? Play pvp and ops".


It's more like "Want gear? Play whatever GC content you want. Want a specific set armoring or BiS piece? Play Operations and/or PvP."



Shell=Armor with no mods?


Shell = The piece of gear you place armorings/mods/enhancements/etc in.


If you have that in your inventory (it can have whatever in it, empty/full) you can trade it in for a token, as long as you have the required unassembled components.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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2. Two to three weeks of casual pvp (2-4 matches a day) is enough to get you a full set anyway, assuming you get nothing from crates.


How does this work exactly? I would love to know because it is not working for me...

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My problem is:


1. I want players encouraged into operations and pvp, content that is more dependent on set gear anyway.


2. Two to three weeks of casual pvp (2-4 matches a day) is enough to get you a full set anyway, assuming you get nothing from crates.


3. I don't want more vendors to clutter up that supply section.


4. I don't want the system to become more convoluted.



It's not just about doing operations. Actually it's about doing operations in nightmare mode only. Hm and story mode operations don't give the players the gear they want. And all the gear earned in these story and hardmode operations can't be upgraded on a pve way.


Oh and thanks for trying to encourage me to do pvp. I hate pvp from the bottom of my heart and this won't change even if the game forces me to pvp since there is no other way to upgrade my gear. Nightmare operations are NOT an alternative for most players.



You really have to understand that a lot of players don't want to pvp. They want to fight WITH others, not AGAINST them.

It's a mentality thing. Pvp is something you NEVER should force on someone, who has no fun in playing war games.



You don't want more vendors to clutter up that supply sections and this is more important than the valid wants of other players? I see where you're coming from...your gaming experience would be totally ruined with some more vendors while the gaming experience of other players doesn't really matter to you.



There are players making suggestions to make the system more player friendly for everyone (!) and all you are thinking of is this? I couldn't care less if the system becomes more convoluted. But what I care for is that it would be awesome to be able to trade duplicates for other pieces or components.

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How does this work exactly? I would love to know because it is not working for me...

6 set pieces cost 550 UC's. One unranked daily gives 26 components on average. A weekly gives 40 components.


That's 222 components a week on average, which is enough to reach 550 in two to three weeks.


It's not just about doing operations. Actually it's about doing operations in nightmare mode only. Hm and story mode operations don't give the players the gear they want. And all the gear earned in these story and hardmode operations can't be upgraded on a pve way.


Oh and thanks for trying to encourage me to do pvp. I hate pvp from the bottom of my heart and this won't change even if the game forces me to pvp since there is no other way to upgrade my gear. Nightmare operations are NOT an alternative for most players.


You really have to understand that a lot of players don't want to pvp. They want to fight WITH others, not AGAINST them.

It's a mentality thing. Pvp is something you NEVER should force on someone, who has no fun in playing war games.


You can get T4 gear without NiM through GC crates or the GTN. But if you want guaranteed BiS and refuse to do content other than PvE, then you have do the hardest PvE content. NiM is supposed to be rewarding and not just something you do for achievements and bragging rights.


You don't want more vendors to clutter up that supply sections and this is more important than the valid wants of other players? I see where you're coming from...your gaming experience would be totally ruined with some more vendors while the gaming experience of other players doesn't really matter to you.


There are players making suggestions to make the system more player friendly for everyone (!) and all you are thinking of is this? I couldn't care less if the system becomes more convoluted. But what I care for is that it would be awesome to be able to trade duplicates for other pieces or components.


One of the complaints players were making as UC's were announced is that the gearing system was becoming too complicated. Introducing new complications isn't just something I personally want the game to avoid, it's a shared sentiment.

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One of the complaints players were making as UC's were announced is that the gearing system was becoming too complicated. Introducing new complications isn't just something I personally want the game to avoid, it's a shared sentiment.


Incorrect. The Devs claimed the old crystal/token method was too confusing for new players and so made, to their way of thinking, a much better and simpler method using rng crates to award gear. The players rebelled, cancelling subscriptions and flooding the forums with complaints. The Devs were forced to come up with this more complicated system to pair with their simple system. These people are simply trying to have this even more complicated situation suit the needs of the players.


On a side, imo the devs would not consider this hybrid system simple. It's basically what we had in 4.0 plus the crates. Your romantic notion of a shared sentiment is more likely one sided and not shared.

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Incorrect. The Devs claimed the old crystal/token method was too confusing for new players and so made, to their way of thinking, a much better and simpler method using rng crates to award gear. The players rebelled, cancelling subscriptions and flooding the forums with complaints. The Devs were forced to come up with this more complicated system to pair with their simple system. These people are simply trying to have this even more complicated situation suit the needs of the players.

If you were around when the changes were announced then you should remember the confusion of the playerbase regarding how the UC system works.

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I remember that the UC were the same as the old currency for Pvp just under a differing name. You still had to save up X to get a piece of gear. Trade in said piece with more of X and upgrade. I disagree that the player base was confused at that time, it was the time needed to acquire enough UC to get said gear that had the pvp populace in an uproar.
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I remember that the UC were the same as the old currency for Pvp just under a differing name. You still had to save up X to get a piece of gear. Trade in said piece with more of X and upgrade.


That's not quite how it works. You save up X to get a piece of gear or upgrade an existing one which has to be MK-3 or MK-15. Go to a vendor to get a token. Go to another vendor to get the gear, by spending token+Y.


I disagree that the player base was confused at that time


Let's agree to disagree.

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I remember that the UC were the same as the old currency for Pvp just under a differing name. You still had to save up X to get a piece of gear. Trade in said piece with more of X and upgrade. I disagree that the player base was confused at that time, it was the time needed to acquire enough UC to get said gear that had the pvp populace in an uproar.

Agreed. The notion that the old system was confusing is just bunk. The new system is though.

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Your original post didn't sound like a suggestion. It sounded like you were stating something you can currently do in game.


I still haven't tried it but i think it works like this:

When you turn your piece + component you don't get the next tier directly, you first get the same Piece the operation boses drop. So, with that you can get different spec for the current Toon (DPS to HEAL for example) or even get bonus set armor for different class alt and put the amoring/mods/enh in a Legacy orange armor. That only works for modded armor ( and main/off hand weapons i think), but not for ear/implant/relics. And you will always need to use the same toon to get the upgrades as the shell is BOP.


Now, all things considered that is a mess and duplicate exchange and Legacy UC (with a higher cap) should be implemented.

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But if you want guaranteed BiS and refuse to do content other than PvE, then you have do the hardest PvE content..


Thanks for finally realizing one of the biggest issues of the whole system.

Pve Players have to do the HARDEST content to get bis gear.

Pvp Players just have to rofl through unranked random warzones for bis gear.


I never before had to pvp for my pve gear. But right now most of my 242s are earned by pvp. The crates mostly only give me trash and I don't even know any guild on my server that does nim operations.


Me and many other players would be so thankful to finally have a chance to trade in duplicates for other pieces or components. But well that would obviously ruin the game for you.


Oh and thanks for explaining the whole system to me...without you I would have been lost.:rolleyes:

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Thanks for finally realizing one of the biggest issues of the whole system.

Pve Players have to do the HARDEST content to get bis gear.

Pvp Players just have to rofl through unranked random warzones for bis gear.


PvP players that want BiS still need to get the gear they need to upgrade, which can take a long time if you only rely on RNG and UC's. The new system favors the player who dabbles in PvP, GSF, and HM/Vet Ops. I'm sorry that you can't get fast BiS anymore by being a die-hard raider that avoids die-hard raider content.


I never before had to pvp for my pve gear. But right now most of my 242s are earned by pvp. The crates mostly only give me trash and I don't even know any guild on my server that does nim operations.


Me and many other players would be so thankful to finally have a chance to trade in duplicates for other pieces or components. But well that would obviously ruin the game for you.


It wouldn't ruin the game for me, it would however result in more players doing CXP grinding activities because crates will be the best way to get BiS again. The result won't be more players doing HM operations, it would be more people grinding Uprisings/Flashpoints/Chapters. All the while adding more vendors to the game to confuse new players with.


What you want isn't a way to redeem duplicates, you want BiS from HM ops again. The new operation will be giving BiS gear for Veteran mode, just relics for now but more will come. Until then, I suggest you do one or more of the following:


1. Get better and do Master Ops.

2. Do PvP/GSF alongside Veteran Ops.

3. Settle for near-BiS gear. The difference really isn't that major.

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It wouldn't ruin the game for me, it would however result in more players doing CXP grinding activities because crates will be the best way to get BiS again. The result won't be more players doing HM operations, it would be more people grinding Uprisings/Flashpoints/Chapters. All the while adding more vendors to the game to confuse new players with.


What you want isn't a way to redeem duplicates, you want BiS from HM ops again. The new operation will be giving BiS gear for Veteran mode, just relics for now but more will come. Until then, I suggest you do one or more of the following:


1. Get better and do Master Ops.

2. Do PvP/GSF alongside Veteran Ops.

3. Settle for near-BiS gear. The difference really isn't that major.


CXP grinding? Have you looked around? That is exactly what people are doing. Hence the reason for nerfing various elements of the game to try and force the issue of utilizing the whole game. What you fail to admit is that PvP is one of the best ways to grind cxp. Heh, it's even lauded as the best form in Gen Chat on a regular basis.


Get better and do Master Op's? There are very few that can do Master Op's. Maybe one or two guilds per server. On the other hand anyone can do PvP (GSF is still PvP). Maybe they should use the ratings from PvP as a bar to entering Rated Matches. Nah, wouldn't work and I admit that but it's on par with what you are saying about getting better in PvE.


There doesn't need to be more vendors on fleet btw. Adding unassembled components to the vendors list of goods in exchange for unassembled tokens would work nicely. Granted it doesn't have to be an equal exchange so that there is still the grind element sought after by the devs.


Settle for near-BiS? No one has to do that as the crates still give out the gear. The problem is the players don't wish to commit the amount of time the rng system forces. Hence why the devs came up with alternate solutions to that total time-sink and cluttered up your fleet with vendors. Wait, weren't vendors already there?

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