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Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber for Direct Sale


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Yeesh, that's a lot of money for a virtual item. But then again, I play MWO and they once sold gold mech skins for $500.00 a pop.


If this is something that people are willing to shell out that kind of cash for, then more power to them for making it available - it's purely cosmetic, so it's not like it's placing the more frugal players at any sort of competitive disadvantage.


That being said, I would not be surprised to find out that this was an effort to pump up their income during a particularly disappointing fiscal quarter.

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I hope that they are successful with it ... people complain about the gambling packs, and now they complain that a direct sale item is too expensive. For those complaining, you do realize the BW/EA does have to make a profit at some point.
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I would much rather pay a high CC price to get the specific item I wanted than just buy packs and hope for the best.

Even with buying crates and converting them to credits, how many crates would I have to buy and hope that they sell just to pay the outrageous rates these things go for on the GTN?


Based on my current server prices for all items involved, it looks like 2-3.

This item on direct sale is cheaper than the cost of 2 hypercrates and is, therefore, a better value.

Not only that, I'm guaranteed to get it.

My hypercrates are not guaranteed to sell nor is there guaranteed to be one on sale when I'm ready to buy.


Now, that being said... I'd really like the devs to give us sppearance slots for our weapons.

You're really missing out on a revenue stream here.

There's all these great weapon shells out there but we don't use them because we'd have to keep swapping out mods every time we wanted to use a cool new weapon.


Not asking for non-class weapons... only to let us use the appearance of other weapons we'd otherwise be able to wield anyway, even if it means restricting the appearance weapon to the same type of weapon that's currently equipped in the case of classes that can wield multiple types.

Edited by Rankyn
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I hope that they are successful with it ... people complain about the gambling packs, and now they complain that a direct sale item is too expensive. For those complaining, you do realize the BW/EA does have to make a profit at some point.


Many of those complaining seem to feel that they should have everything that ever was in the game, that is currently in the game or that ever will be in the game for FREE, or at the most, a pittance.

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I hope that they are successful with it ... people complain about the gambling packs, and now they complain that a direct sale item is too expensive. For those complaining, you do realize the BW/EA does have to make a profit at some point.


A company making money rarely concerns people. How they go about making that money however is a concern.


bw moving this direction and at such a costly manner shouldn't be encouraged. One item that costs as much as 4 months for the average sub. or the same price as better games entire expansions isn't something this game should encourage as I see it driving away more than bringing in.

Edited by Quraswren
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Hey folks,


Later today we are going to be adding the first ever Platinum rarity item to the Cartel Market for direct sale, the Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber. The single-handed saber is going to be on sale from today, Tuesday 3/7 through next Tuesday 3/14 at the price of 7,600 Cartel Coins.


Before the item is posted we wanted to let you about why we are offering a Platinum item at all and the rationale for its price.


Why put up a platinum item for direct sale?

Because $$$$


Why the price of 7,600 Cartel Coins?

Because $$$$


Thanks everyone.





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I guess they gotta make some money to cover the haemorrhaging subs loss and all that overtime paid to 'fix' Galactic command.


Shame all my force alts are on the shelf while I GC up my sniper.


As another poster wisely put, "Gear isn't content."



Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Hey folks,


Later today we are going to be adding the first ever Platinum rarity item to the Cartel Market for direct sale, the Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber. The single-handed saber is going to be on sale from today, Tuesday 3/7 through next Tuesday 3/14 at the price of 7,600 Cartel Coins.


Before the item is posted we wanted to let you about why we are offering a Platinum item at all and the rationale for its price.


Why put up a platinum item for direct sale?

Since the introduction of Cartel Market packs we have had requests to allow more items, especially our rarest items, to be bought directly with Cartel Coins. The desire is to pay for the item and avoid the random nature of Cartel packs. For some time now, we have been direct selling more Cartel pack items and our data shows it’s a popular method of acquiring specific items from the Cartel Market. Yet, we have been cautious of doing this with Platinum items, as these items are intended to be exceptionally rare and we need to ensure we do not cause them to be undervalued, especially for players who got them from packs.


Why the price of 7,600 Cartel Coins?

It’s a lot of Cartel Coins, but this sale is directed at those players who have the resources to acquire the item. The price is set higher than current Hypercrates and previous Gold rarity items to help maintain the rarity of the Unstable Saber. We may discover that direct selling Platinum items erodes their value, and that will have an impact on how we handle these sales in the future. Basically, this is a test and we wanted you to be aware of what we are doing and why.


The net result for us is we want to see if this is something our players have interest in. While ensuring it doesn’t undermine the value for players who already have one and see how receptive everyone will be to us continuing to rotate other Platinum items into the Cartel Market in the future. More than likely, we would not direct sale Platinum items until they’ve been unavailable from Cartel Packs for a number of months. This will also help maintain their rarity for a fairly long time.


Thanks everyone.




Considering the current state of the game and several server's populations. The lack of new content, The current backlash over Galactic command, and the obvious drop of subscribers. The general attitude of your players (check the number of negative threads on the first pages of multiple forum topics)


The very least you can do , if offer a please and thank you to the whales that you are asking to keep the game afloat.


it is sad that its come to this.

Edited by Extinctionzone
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Considering the current state of the game and several server's populations. The lack of new content, The current backlash over Galactic command, and the obvious drop of subscribers. The general attitude of your players (check the number of negative threads on the first pages of multiple forum topics)


The very least you can do , if offer a please and thank you to the whales that you are asking to keep the game afloat.


it is sad that its come to this.




"Swtor: The Cartel Market", this "expansion" runs for years already instead of new content. Such a long posting about such crap while the game suffers at every end...RIDICULOUS.

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the first ever Platinum rarity item to the Cartel Market for direct sale

For shame, Eric. This isn't true! The Black/Black dye module was just up for direct sale recently, and it's Platinum rarity. So are the White/White, White/Black, and Black/White ones, so the UAL will be the FIFTH Platinum rarity item up for direct sale.

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A specific item that is highly desired by some. Not in gambling packs but for direct and guaranteed sale. For a fixed price.


Seller gets to set the price. Those who want and can afford will purchase, others won't; no one is impacted because it is entirely cosmetic.


Not much to complain about.


Hope it makes money for them that they'll then funnel into bug fixes and new content.


PS: This is the sort of thing we can do without posts about. Plans to nerf CXP in upcoming patches, on the other hand, require full and pre-emptive disclosure.

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The single-handed saber is going to be on sale from today, Tuesday 3/7 through next Tuesday 3/14 at the price of 7,600 Cartel Coins.

Eric - I won't be buying the saber, but I would pay 7,600 coins for an option to block DvL pop-ups. Any chance of that?

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I would pay this amount for a complete set of Revan's armor.


By the way, $60 is the price for a console game. Hell, that was the price of SWTOR when it first launched.

Edited by Lium
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I don't see this as a problem in and of itself; I see this more of a sign of a bigger problem.


Stay tuned....



It sure is. Here is what is happening. EA/BW has this game on life support/milk and bilk mode.

They want to eek out as much money as they can while spending as little as possible. There will be no new content other than more grind and there will be a big push to the cartel market.


They will now "milk and bilk" everyone out of as much money as they can. Using techniques like this.


This game has ended. There will be no more game, no more REAL content. Bugs will not be fixed(as usual), more will be introduced. Just tweaks and minor changes to keep the addicted spending.


The reason the cost is so high is that they are directly targeting their wealthier addicted players.


If its worth 60$ to you to watch your lightsaber sparkle. Go right ahead.


But I will be loling at anyone in game with this saber and I will have pre-concieved notions about them and I may not want to group with them. ::shrug::


A title like Star Wars and this is how they treat it.

If I were Disney I wouldn't let them make anymore debacles with my brand name.


Can you imagine if this game were made by Blizzard or the company behind ESO? Its sad what could have been.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Want to know what I just bought for 60 dollars? Horizon Zero Dawn. Scratch that, actually 48 dollars with the Amazon Prime discount deal for PS4 games. That sure puts things into perspective with this game and the crap you guys pull with the gambling boxes and micro transactions. If you can even call it that when you sell an graphical art asset that is already in the game for 60 dollars.


That game I just bought definitely feels like it was worth $48. It's no wonder people are leaving this game when you guys pull this crap. 60 dollars for a saber. ( walks away with the laughter receding in the distance )

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I think I have honestly seen one or two people ever using that particular lightsaber, I will be interested to see tonight when I jump on if I see an increase in those using them.


Mass Effect: Andromeda costs $60.


That kind of put it in perspective for me.


That's where my money is going. :i_angel:

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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