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They listened:Patch notes


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Answer me this. Why do those who play casually would even need gear for?

Why would you deny casual players the option to gain better gear? Why remove one of the biggest motivations for players to go for harder difficulties in OPS, FPS and uprisings?


I liked the old classic concept where players gain blue gear in small group content and purple gear in raids. Occasionally you could build 1-2 purple items for specific armor types. Everyone had the gear they needed to reach for the next level of gear.

Now we have this mess. But the current system is very friendly to those that cant run the highest difficulties for various reasons. Yet those running the hardest OPs are still at the top. Does it diminish your accomplishment or something if others gain similar gear with less effort?

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Why would you deny casual players the option to gain better gear? Why remove one of the biggest motivations for players to go for harder difficulties in OPS, FPS and uprisings?


I liked the old classic concept where players gain blue gear in small group content and purple gear in raids. Occasionally you could build 1-2 purple items for specific armor types. Everyone had the gear they needed to reach for the next level of gear.

Now we have this mess. But the current system is very friendly to those that cant run the highest difficulties for various reasons. Yet those running the hardest OPs are still at the top. Does it diminish your accomplishment or something if others gain similar gear with less effort?


This. And I want the option to do raids but you need to be geared for them which is why raiders complained about the new gearing system. I don't want to be shut out of any aspect of the game. I want to learn new things and have fun.

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I like that we can do anything to get gear rather than specific activities. I like that everyone can get bis gear. Maybe a solo player would like a go at ops?


Solo players can have a go at ops without having BiS NiM rated gear, hell they dont even need entry level gear to do sm ops.

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Solo players can have a go at ops without having BiS NiM rated gear, hell they dont even need entry level gear to do sm ops.


Yeah but in 4.0 you couldnt even get good ops gear as a solo player. It'd take you weeks/months to get 216 gear and none was set bonus. Now I have 4 set bonus items. Im in gear 234-240 (blaster rifle is 240 only from gtn) but I could do an op in that, right? :D I got brave ebough to say yes but I told them I hadn't done one before and they didn't want me. But I'm on the right track to people who will be cool with a learning ops. I do pvp now and can survive 2 on 1. Sure I can't kill the other 2 but they can't kill me either so I know my class skills well now. I know to avoid enemy fire. Honestly, I'd still be grinding crystals for 230 gear if it was still 4.0 stuff.


Ps I don't like cxp or rng so not advocating that.

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To be fair in 4.0 you didnt need ops gear as a solo player, but you could easily get ops gear running sm ops. Yes you had to roll against other players but at least there was a set list of where you could go to get specific pieces of gear. Now you have to gamble that you get more than 1 piece from each operation to get a guaranteed piece, and no gear is guaranteed from rng gamble boxes. I've opened 300 boxes or more since i hit tier 3 and gotten 1 set piece. That is absolute crap. I'm glad you are having better luck now than you did in 4.0 but for raiders, depending on rng boxes, or pvp'ers depending on rng boxes or having to grind hundreds of warzones to get geared is absolute crap.
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To be fair in 4.0 you didnt need ops gear as a solo player, but you could easily get ops gear running sm ops. Yes you had to roll against other players but at least there was a set list of where you could go to get specific pieces of gear. Now you have to gamble that you get more than 1 piece from each operation to get a guaranteed piece, and no gear is guaranteed from rng gamble boxes. I've opened 300 boxes or more since i hit tier 3 and gotten 1 set piece. That is absolute crap. I'm glad you are having better luck now than you did in 4.0 but for raiders, depending on rng boxes, or pvp'ers depending on rng boxes or having to grind hundreds of warzones to get geared is absolute crap.


Yes agreed. But I think no one should have this grind. It's disgusting. And yes I'm doing the hundreds of wz. Unassembled gear pieces suck even more than command crates

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Solo players can have a go at ops without having BiS NiM rated gear, hell they dont even need entry level gear to do sm ops.

The current gearing system does not guarantee BiS NiM gear. And some players know they need better gear to compensate for lack of skill. Otherwise they would not need better gear or get better gear otherwise and run NiMs, wouldnt they?

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5.0 is the update where you have to be a subscriber just to grind existing content for a game pack which might contain rare gear enabling you to continue grinding existing content for game packs which may contain rare gear for a raid operation slowly rolled out over the course of the year for subscription maximization.


I'm ok with most of the above minus game packs featuring rare gear part.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I want to update my previous post in this thread with this: they did actually change the new AOE markers so that enemies are displayed in red. Good on them.


Not nearly enough to restore my faith in this dev team, but still nice to see them fixing a game-breaking bug that players wanted fixed right away,

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You're completely, 100% wrong here. They basically prioritized this bugfix (and the others) into the next scheduled patch they could, and should be recognized for fixing it. Sure, it's doing their jobs, but all the same, it's good they fixed it and got the fix out reasonably quickly. None of the bugs fixed were game-breaking, just nice things to clean up.

You praise a toddler for using the potty. Congratulating an adult for doing the same is weird.

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Answer me this. Why do those who play casually would even need gear for?


Everyone needs gear in an MMO. The actual level of gear "needed" vs "wanted" is where the angst and drama ensues.


For most alts (the exception being an alt that you play as a second main in hard content) you do not need any of the gear from GC at all. The player may want it.. but they don't need it. You can either craft, or snap up off the GTN 228s and a full set of augments and have an alt 90-95% up the power curve as fast as you can craft/buy and equip the gear.


For mains.... unless you play ranked PvP and are serious about it, or are in a progression OPs guild doing the hard mod content ... you also do not need any of the gear from GC at all. You may very well want it, crave it, obsess over it, but that is different then actually needing it.


4.0 spoiled a lot of players with the low hanging fruit in the form of easy access to gear. ANY system that reverted this in any way (including reverting back to the 3.0 approach) was destined to get a lot of player pushback no matter what. And I am sure the studio knew this too and saw it coming.. which may very well be why they are "allegedly" tone deaf to player concerns. They are not tone deaf, they knew they were going to take heat over it.. and planned accordingly.


Now.. it remains to be seen if GC gets fixed to where it works fairly well.. or if it forever remains the disaster they released it as. Vote is still very much out on that. But what is clear is that a lot (not all.. but a lot) of self-inflicted grinding and gnashing of teeth over getting gear via GC is not objective... it's fantasy perception by players.

Edited by Andryah
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