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Bioware Please Merge Servers


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Guys please stop bickering and get back to the issue which is we have a population problem.


The problem with that is some of the people think the server they are on is fine but really it's not so it's always going to be a game on ping pong on these forums until Bioware can come out and talk about something that is an issue in the community I don't care if people say it's not the problem the server population issue is and needs to be addressed yes 90cc are great but it doesn't give the answer to some people and they keep refusing to respond to legitimate community issues that are effecting paying subscribers.

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The problem with that is some of the people think the server they are on is fine but really it's not so it's always going to be a game on ping pong on these forums until Bioware can come out and talk about something that is an issue in the community I don't care if people say it's not the problem the server population issue is and needs to be addressed yes 90cc are great but it doesn't give the answer to some people and they keep refusing to respond to legitimate community issues that are effecting paying subscribers.


Since no-one can stick to the one thread, I'll restate here, what I said in the other "merge servers NAOW" thread on the front page -


Merging servers will only (possibly) increase populations, but if the problems of merging servers cause the people to leave, is it really a solution?

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Guys please stop bickering and get back to the issue which is we have a population problem.


The problem with that is people's opinions on "healthy" or "low" server populations differ, sometimes vastly. Some of the people think the server they are on is fine but other players think that server's population is too low, usually because they are reliant upon the LFG tool for group activities.


Whether a server's population is "fine" or "too low" is a subjective matter, so it likely will always be a game of ping pong on these forums. Even if BW makes a direct statement, players will still have their opinions as to the "health" of their server.


The indefinite extension of 90cc transfers is great and leaves the choice of server and server population in the hands of the individual player, but it's not the answer that some people want to hear.


Some people simply do not care whether others feel their server population is fine.


I don't care if people say it's not the problem the server population issue is and needs to be addressed .



Some people refuse to acknowledge all the concerns, issues and roadblocks surrounding server merges--issues that deserve to be resolved so that server merges could be done in a a manner that:


1) will leave guilds intact with all guild assets intact, including guild banks and the contents thereof, guild strongholds and guild ships with all unlocked areas and all decorations left intact


2) will leave all personal strongholds intact with all decorations left intact


3) will leave all personal outfits intact in the outfit designer


4) will leave all personal legacy storage vaults intact with all items stored therein


5) will not require any name changes


6) will accommodate those players who have more than the maximum number of characters for a single server spread across multiple servers


7) will not force players who prefer a more civilized and respectful community to be subjected to a cesspool community


8) will allow those players who wish to play on more populated servers to do so





* Rata's concerns are worthless, not valid.

Edited by Ratajack
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The problem with that is some of the people think the server they are on is fine but really it's not so it's always going to be a game on ping pong on these forums until Bioware can come out and talk about something that is an issue in the community I don't care if people say it's not the problem the server population issue is and needs to be addressed yes 90cc are great but it doesn't give the answer to some people and they keep refusing to respond to legitimate community issues that are effecting paying subscribers.


That lack of communication is now becoming its own issue. They can talk about everything else, even the mundane things like what mouse do you use, but can't post something as simple as I'll bring this to the teams attention and get back to you Or we aren't going to do anything, so suck it up... Basically any response at the moment would be better than none.

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That lack of communication is now becoming its own issue. They can talk about everything else, even the mundane things like what mouse do you use, but can't post something as simple as I'll bring this to the teams attention and get back to you Or we aren't going to do anything, so suck it up... Basically any response at the moment would be better than none.


What "response" can BW give that will not get them tarred and feathered?


They cannot say that they aren't doing anything other than making the 90 CC transfer sale indefinite. They are already being tarred and feathered by those who want a different answer and by those who refuse to avail themselves of those transfers.


They cannot say that mergers are coming or even imminent without being tarred and feathered by those who are happy on their current server and do not want to lose their guilds and guild assets or be forced to play on a cesspool server.


They cannot say "we'll look into it". They took that approach late last year and they are being tarred and feathered now by those who read more into that statement than was actually stated.

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They cannot say that mergers are coming or even imminent without being tarred and feathered by those who are happy on their current server and do not want to lose their guilds and guild assets or be forced to play on a cesspool server.


They can't ignore the issue either and letting forum threads like this one turn into a X vs Y as it already has some of the player base are in a dreamland and some are not.

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They can't ignore the issue either and letting forum threads like this one turn into a X vs Y as it already has some of the player base are in a dreamland and some are not.


IMO, they are not ignoring the issue. They may not be as communicating as directly as I, and others, would prefer, but they have addressed the issue.


They have not given the answer that many want to hear--that server merges are coming or even imminent, but they have addressed the issue by extending the 90 CC transfer sale indefinitely and leaving the choice of server and server population up to the individual players.


What do you think the response would be if BW were to issue a direct statement tomorrow that they will not be merging servers at this time or in the foreseeable future and that those players wishing to play on higher population servers should take advantage of those 90 CC transfers?


Is that the only statement they might issue? No, but when you add up:


1) BW's silence on this matter despite the numerous spammed threads and demands for server merges


2) the extension of the 90 CC transfer sale (which was done after the first of the year, when BW said they would re-evaluate server populations)


it may well be the most likely answer.

Edited by Ratajack
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What do you think the response would be if BW were to issue a direct statement tomorrow that they will not be merging servers at this time or in the foreseeable future and that those players wishing to play on higher population servers should take advantage of those 90 CC transfers?


If they were to give us a reply like that then people/guilds would be able to plan accordingly. Most likely abandoning their guildships and starting anew on either Ebon Hawk or Harbinger.


By saying nothing they are either:

A. Trying to work out the kinks in consolidating near dead servers into the higher populated servers

B. Instilling the notion of false optimism for folks on a near dead server that one day an expansion will come out bringing back old players and introducing new players to swtor

C. Avoiding a rush of people migrating to one or two servers thus taxing them so hard they will have to upgrade capacity

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If they were to give us a reply like that then people/guilds would be able to plan accordingly. Most likely abandoning their guildships and starting anew on either Ebon Hawk or Harbinger.


Guilds can already do this. What is stopping guilds from doing this now?


Guilds can even leave behind a placeholder GM in case serer merges happen at some point in the future and the guild and guild assets may be moved at that time.

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I just saw this from that other thread.


Hi everyone,


Earlier this summer we launched the Free Character Transfer Program which offered players the option to transfer their characters from specific origin servers to selected destination servers. Following the success of the Free Character Transfer Program, and after closely monitoring server populations, we have now taken the next step in our on-going server population balancing process. We have upgraded destination servers in order to support a significantly higher number of players. As of tomorrow, all characters on origin servers will be automatically moved onto the upgraded high population destination servers. By centralizing our player populations on these higher population destination servers, we feel that we can offer our players the best possible Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience.


Read More


It's happened before, I guess it will happen again. They should definitely start with free transfers to destination servers, something I've been saying all along


What we need is some dialogue with the Devs on how it's implemented so it has the least possible disruption and people don't lose things.

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I just saw this from that other thread.




It's happened before, I guess it will happen again. They should definitely start with free transfers to destination servers, something I've been saying all along


What we need is some dialogue with the Devs on how it's implemented so it has the least possible disruption and people don't lose things.


You do know that post is from well over 4 years ago, BEFORE the advent of strongholds (both personal and guild), guild ships, legacy storage vaults, etc., right?


I know some were not here to experience all the nightmares and headaches those server merges caused even without having to worry about those new pesky little nuisances like strongholds (personal and guild), placed or unplaced decorations (personal and guild), guild ships, legacy storage vaults, etc. I know that I was, and it was not a "good time".


I can only speak for myself, but I have no desire to go through that again, especially with all the added nightmares and headaches that merges would now entail.


IMO, servers merges should not happen until/unless BW resolves ALL the issues and roadblocks surrounding server merges. Anyone who wants to play on a more populated server can take advantage of the indefinite 90 CC transfer sale to move characters ( a few at a time, if necessary).

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I have returned to game after several months and have lost a chance to transfer from Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Now I am playing with 5 men and one goldseller in Imperial Fleet. Nice.


Looks like I can do one free transfer. Where should I go? Whic server have at least some players?

Edited by TheMeatCake
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I have returned to game after several months and have lost a chance to transfer from Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Now I am playing with 5 men and one goldseller in Imperial Fleet. Nice.


Looks like I can do one free transfer. Where should I go? Whic server have at least some players?


TRE where most of them went I think

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Earlier today I just Transferred my last character from my original server to one more populated. Operations were never (really, not even once), GSF was unlikely even on the weekends so nobody advances, new players never get the practice to be anything more then "New" on GSF.The GTN was sparse and when I resumed my SWTOR a week or so ago I find my guild had ALL moved to another server. Nobody was there (Server).
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You do know that post is from well over 4 years ago, BEFORE the advent of strongholds (both personal and guild), guild ships, legacy storage vaults, etc., right?


I know some were not here to experience all the nightmares and headaches those server merges caused even without having to worry about those new pesky little nuisances like strongholds (personal and guild), placed or unplaced decorations (personal and guild), guild ships, legacy storage vaults, etc. I know that I was, and it was not a "good time".


I can only speak for myself, but I have no desire to go through that again, especially with all the added nightmares and headaches that merges would now entail.


IMO, servers merges should not happen until/unless BW resolves ALL the issues and roadblocks surrounding server merges. Anyone who wants to play on a more populated server can take advantage of the indefinite 90 CC transfer sale to move characters ( a few at a time, if necessary).


Neither do we. It took months just to get our guild bank bank with the vaults we had unlocked We had the information but that still didn't help. Now with our guild strongholds I shudder to think about the mess they could make of that and that is just the guild stuff, not to mention personal strongholds.

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I just saw this from that other thread.




It's happened before, I guess it will happen again. They should definitely start with free transfers to destination servers, something I've been saying all along


What we need is some dialogue with the Devs on how it's implemented so it has the least possible disruption and people don't lose things.


Server mergers should happen without the obvious unwanted problems. If the problems are to be had, then let them be had and then fixed. It's pretty obvious really.

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Server mergers should happen without the obvious unwanted problems. If the problems are to be had, then let them be had and then fixed. It's pretty obvious really.


Am I misreading? Are you saying: "merge the servers, let the chips fall where they may, and then have CS restore stuff"?

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Am I misreading? Are you saying: "merge the servers, let the chips fall where they may, and then have CS restore stuff"?


No you are not misreading, that would imply your question is an accident. I see it more as deliberate - the usual logic and character deficiency-induced straw man debate tactic.

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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Server mergers should happen without the obvious unwanted problems. If the problems are to be had, then let them be had and then fixed. It's pretty obvious really.


Yeah, I think things have come along way since 2012 with what they can now do. I'm sure they wouldn't do mergers without working all of that out first. Maybe that's the delay. But some communication would be good.

I did notice they are doing backend server maintenance on Jung Ma and will do some on other East Coast ones too later on.

I wonder if they are prepping a test run for it because that's what they did with the original mergers. I know there have been some server issues, but they are game wide and not just east coast. Seems funny they would only mention east coast. Maybe all servers will be merged there.

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Yeah this game really just needs mega servers tbh, and a maximum character limit of like 200 but can only have 50 active at a time just like any ordinary server, and you can decide which ones to be active at any given time, since all of them will be on the same server.
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Yeah this game really just needs mega servers tbh, and a maximum character limit of like 200 but can only have 50 active at a time just like any ordinary server, and you can decide which ones to be active at any given time, since all of them will be on the same server.


That's not a bad ideas with the character limit. Sort of like preferred have to do if they more than 2 characters.

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That's not a bad ideas with the character limit. Sort of like preferred have to do if they more than 2 characters.


Yeah just make it 200 capped for everything F2p / Pref / Subbed but have it so you can only activate up to 5 at a time for F2p, 7 for Pref and 50 for Subbed just like it is now or whatever # is it now I forgot.

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Yeah just make it 200 capped for everything F2p / Pref / Subbed but have it so you can only activate up to 5 at a time for F2p, 7 for Pref and 50 for Subbed just like it is now or whatever # is it now I forgot.


Nah too high for F2P an preferred. It should stay as it is for them.

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