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Bioware Please Merge Servers


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The game was not designed to be low population. This is an MMO, server mergers are inevitable.


That remains to be seen. Ultimately that decision is up to BW.


Even if BW does elect to merge servers at some point in the distant future, I would not expect them to do so until/unless ALL the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause have been addressed and resolved. That is just my opinion, though.

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I never spoke of a majority here. I'm quite sure that the people who would never play on an english speaking server whatsoever are in fact a minority (even though considerably more would be upset, albeit not a dealbraker for them). But again: Who can say how big that group is, and if they are really less than the people that would noticeable (!) benefit from a unified european server? I for sure can't. All I can say is that this group DOES exist, and it is big enough to be noticed on the german servers.




I meant to write 40, apologies (the 90s are still just ten years ago, I swear, I'm sure of that...).^^




Where did I say that? ;)

I used it as an example because I didn't want to write "pvp, fps, ops, gsf, etc.", but if you want to be precise: At some point it doesn't make a difference anymore if a warzone pops every 3 or 4 minutes, ranked pvp every 10 or 12 minutes, group finder for veteran fps every 1 or 2 minutes, group finder for master fps every 10 or 12 minutes, op groups fill within 5 or 7 minutes,...

(really, do you have to include a "for example" in each and every case, where it should be obvious?)




Me too. Since Oblivion, by the way, with their... creative abbreviations in the german translations ("Schw. Tr. d. Le.en.-W." was seriously the name of a potion there. Supposedly meaning "Schwacher Trank der Lebenswiederherstellung", but really, you can't infer anything from that name alone...).

And by the time I started to do progression raiding, that was also kind of an issue, because most people in my raid group used the german client and sometimes we didn't know which skill someone was referring to, because the names are translated. I usually just described the skill icons then, but that's also a potential issue. Imagine someone playing with the german client in a group getting told to use "Resurgence" more. I mean, I had to look up the translation for that word. Sure, you can adapt to everything, but why make it more complicated for everyone? Because that no only affects the german/french players. Right now you can be reasonably sure that everyone playing on the Red Ecplipse at least uses the same language files for their game. That wouldn't be the case anymore.


My dream solution would be two european servers, by the way, one PvE and one RP, because I don't really care for the language and more about the overall community. But from all I heard over the years from gildies and other players on the german servers, I'm a minority in that regard, and I seriously feel that closing these servers would cause an outcry that is far worser than just keep 3 serves for europe.

It would really be interesting to have some numbers of people that transferred from a german/french server to a higher populated english one. That could give some estimates on how big the groups are.


But maybe that's the wrong question. A better one: how much worser off is T3-M4 compared the Ebon Hawk/Red Eclipse etc.? My personal opinion is: not noticeable worser. I don't really see a difference between prime time pops on Red Ecplise and T3-M4. Is it therefore really necessary to merge them? No, definitely not. It would be a completely different question if all german servers were in the condition of Jar'Kai Sword, but they are not. So, why doing more harm than good here?


At the very least then they should merge all German servers into one, french into one and english into one. EU servers tat is.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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At the very least then they should merge all German servers into one, french into one and english into one. EU servers tat is.


Yup, and I suspect it will happen eventually. I visited one of the French server the other day, and there were 5 people at fleet during prime time. They could probably merge all EU servers into TRE, but for language purposes that will probably never happen.

Edited by Lundorff
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But it's ok for the "Merge servers NOW!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!" crowd to continue to demand server merges ad nauseum when BW has apparently chosen to leave the choice of server and server population in the hands of the individual players?


No, I don't think I will stop.


Regardless of whether people agree with your position, no one appreciates what you are doing. You are not as clever of a troll as you think you are.

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At the very least then they should merge all German servers into one, french into one and english into one. EU servers tat is.


That's what I was arguing for from the beginning, so I completely agree. ;)

I can only speak for the german servers though (but I guess for the french ones it's comparable), where T3-M4 is doing just fine, Jar'Kai Sword is completely dead and obselete anyway by now as a former PvP server and Vanjervalis Chain is about to die.

I guess some of the RP folks at Vanjervalis Chain wouldn't be too happy to be merged with T3-M4 (the RP community is still present there and they are quite happy about their not overcrowded server), but I don't think they are a majority compared to the people that originally only played on that server for a more mature community and are now finding themselves more lonely each day. Especially during the last month the decline in population was severe at Vanjervalis Chain, and I guess by now it's only a question of time that server is dead too.

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Please BW do not merge servers, forced renames suck.


Give out free transfers instead.

What does this solve exactly? As long as the dead servers are left open, new players will still be making toons there and returning players will still return to find a dead game. I think they need to CLOSE the deadest servers...


In the past, they would send the highest populations to the lowest pop servers to avoid as many naming conflicts as possible. They'd also need to do a name purge to boot all the players no longer playing and free up those names. I don't think there is nearly the worry about naming conflicts, among active players, as you seem to fear there is.

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What does this solve exactly? As long as the dead servers are left open, new players will still be making toons there and returning players will still return to find a dead game. I think they need to CLOSE the deadest servers...


In the past, they would send the highest populations to the lowest pop servers to avoid as many naming conflicts as possible. They'd also need to do a name purge to boot all the players no longer playing and free up those names. I don't think there is nearly the worry about naming conflicts, among active players, as you seem to fear there is.


Solve? You mean as far as the game failing, nothing, merging servers won't change bad content.


That is why they should not merge, just give free transfers and close the servers.


It is really just a wind down the game move.

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Solve? You mean as far as the game failing, nothing, merging servers won't change bad content.


That is why they should not merge, just give free transfers and close the servers.


It is really just a wind down the game move.

Ahhh...ok! I was thinking you wanted to leave all the servers active still. I agree with you.

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What does this solve exactly? As long as the dead servers are left open, new players will still be making toons there and returning players will still return to find a dead game. I think they need to CLOSE the deadest servers...


In the past, they would send the highest populations to the lowest pop servers to avoid as many naming conflicts as possible. They'd also need to do a name purge to boot all the players no longer playing and free up those names. I don't think there is nearly the worry about naming conflicts, among active players, as you seem to fear there is.


A name purge, using the same criteria as the last one, might help with naming conflicts.


That does not even begin to address all the other myriad issues that should be addressed and resolved prior to any server merges. Or, do you advocate just ignoring those issues and "too bad for the players who are forced to suffer the headaches and nightmares those issues will cause them."

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Regardless of whether people agree with your position, no one appreciates what you are doing. You are not as clever of a troll as you think you are.


Fortunately for me, I do not care one whit whether my refusal to blindly support server merges and forcing numerous players to suffer the headaches and nightmares those server merges would cause, offends anyone. I will continue to voice my opinions on this topic for as long as threads such as this continue to be spammed and regurgitated.

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Even that second hand, third party podcast you keep throwing around as "proof" that BW promised that server merges are absolutely going to happen and are imminent never said "they were going to merge servers."


I've listened to that podcast and even those podcasters could only say that "someone from BW" (they could not even say who) said that BW was aware of server population concerns, but that there are many roadblocks to merging servers, and BW did not want to merge servers unless it could be done is such a way that no one would have a bad time-- that there were many issues to resolve, such as things like guilds and guild assets would remain intact, individual strongholds would not have to be redecorated, individual legacy storage vaults would remain intact, naming conflicts were not an issue, etc.


It seems that once again someone is taking second hand, third party information and reading into it only what they want to see and hear, and completely disregarding the fact that there has been NO official statement from BW regarding server merges.




If I recall correctly.. their last gold post on server merges (back before 5.0 released) was that they will look at the question after 5.0 released, with the indications that it would be spring of 2017 timeframe for such assessment.


> They never said they would actually disclose to players the results of their assessment. And, logically speaking, if their review decided that merging or closing some servers was the right thing... we as players would hear about it from the studio so we are informed and can make plans accordingly.


> The fact that there has been no such disclosure about coming closures or merges AND the fact that they have now extended the transfer price discount (90cc) indefinitely -----> pretty clear that they have no plans anytime soon to address the handful of dead servers, much less merge any of the still active ones.


^^ This is not rocket science to understand...... and I believe the discussion they do not want to have with us is how to keep guilds and guild assets whole in any server closure or merging efforts. At some point they will consolidate some servers, somehow, someway. But the fact that they continue to stay silent about it.. other then to make low cost transfers now indefinite .... to me pretty well says what their thoughts on this are for now --> no action on servers, people remain free to move around at the discount transfer price of 90cc.


People demanding a "definitive response" to this thread and others like it are playing games here in the discussions because what they actually want is a definitive commitment to actually close and merge servers. Any other answer will be unacceptable to these particular people, which is why these threads keep coming up over and over again.

Edited by Andryah
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But it's ok for the "Merge servers NOW!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!" crowd to continue to demand server merges ad nauseum when BW has apparently chosen to leave the choice of server and server population in the hands of the individual players?


Sorry to interrupt y'all again, but, while I tend to agree with you on some things, in all fairness to the merge server crowd, they wouldn't have a need to "demand ad nauseum" if BW would actually communicate. Instead it's out of site out of mind, business as usual for them. So until they actually say something on the subject I'm going to just assume they don't care and have no plans to do anything at any time, now or later.


I said my peace on the topic long ago, but you all can continue bantering on and butting heads as long as it entertains you. No gold posts makes it a non-starter.


So, once again, I remind you all to blame BioWare not each other.

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Sorry to interrupt y'all again, but, while I tend to agree with you on some things, in all fairness to the merge server crowd, they wouldn't have a need to "demand ad nauseum" if BW would actually communicate. Instead it's out of site out of mind, business as usual for them. So until they actually say something on the subject I'm going to just assume they don't care and have no plans to do anything at any time, now or later.


I said my peace on the topic long ago, but you all can continue bantering on and butting heads as long as it entertains you. No gold posts makes it a non-starter.


So, once again, I remind you all to blame BioWare not each other.




IMO, an third party, unbiased and reasonable person would agree that BW has communicated, albeit not as directly as I, and others, would prefer and definitely NOT the answer that many demand. It appears that the "Merge servers NOW!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!" crowd simply refuses to accept that answer since it is not what they want to hear, and continues to make their demands, pestering the devs like children who are told they cannot have that cookie they want so desperately and without which they will surely die of malnutrition.


BW stated last year that they had no plans to merge servers at that time and that they would re-evaluate server populations after the first of the year.


There has been no direct statement one way or the other from BW on this issue, although at least one poster has linked a second hand, third party "source" that stated that someone from BW (the podcasters could not even say for sure who from BW made the statement) said that BW was aware of server population concerns but that IF they were going to merge servers, they wanted to do it in a manner in which no one would have a "bad time" and that there were (too?) many roadblocks to server merges that had to be resolved. The podcasters did not even state that BW said they were working to resolve those roadblocks. Those podcasters only said they hoped that BW had people working on the issues.


While there has been no direct statement from BW, they DID extend the 90 CC transfer sale indefinitely, coincidentally doing so after the first of the year, which is when they said they would re-evaluate server populations. This leaves the choice of server and server population in the hands of the individual player, while not forcing a myriad number of players to suffer the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause.


I, for one, do not find their lack of a direct statement on this issue surprising, If BW were to issue a direct statement that they had no plans to merge servers at this time and that anyone who wished to play on a more populated server could take advantage of the extended 90 CC transfers, they would likely be tarred and feathered by the "Merge servers NOW!!!!" crowd. Conversely, if BW were to announce that server merges were coming, or even imminent, then they would likely be tarred and feathered by all those players who would have to suffer the headaches and nightmares those mergers would cause. BW appears to be in a no-win situation.

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It appears that the "Merge servers NOW!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!" crowd simply refuses to accept that answer since it is not what they want to hear, and continues to make their demands, pestering the devs like children who are told they cannot have that cookie they want so desperately and without which they will surely die of malnutrition.


And this is why they don't listen to you, respect your opinion or accept your point of you. You chastise and disrespect them at every opportunity so why should they bother listening? You're only hurting yourself and your cause. The "I don't want to be merged crowd" has been hurt more by bad representation than the opposition. Calm down and take them on rationally and maybe you'll get more support for your cause. You're not endearing anyone.

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They still need to merge the servers. ;)


Again, the OP is way off the mark. No way does this game need another server merge. WAH about it all you want since you're too cheap to spend 90cc on a server transfer. We're not falling for it.

Edited by Willjb
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And this is why they don't listen to you, respect your opinion or accept your point of you. You chastise and disrespect them at every opportunity so why should they bother listening? You're only hurting yourself and your cause. The "I don't want to be merged crowd" has been hurt more by bad representation than the opposition. Calm down and take them on rationally and maybe you'll get more support for your cause. You're not endearing anyone.


How would you describe the pro-server merge population's refusal to accept the steps that BW has made to accommodate those who wish to play on higher population servers while not forcing the remaining players to suffer the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause and the continued spammed threads and regurgitation of this topic by the pro server merge population?

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Plus the ones demanding Server Merges must be players who completely missed out on the MAJOR Server Merges that happened 3 or 4 years ago --- that took the number of servers from 20/30/40 .... down to the 8 North American servers that we have now; as well as took the number of servers for Europe down to the 9 they have; and completely closed down the Pacific/Oceania servers. As well as they fail to take into account that most players also have jobs that they work at during the week, maybe only get one or two or three hours of game time in the evening; or happen to live on the other side of the world, and can't be on 24/7.


Not everyone's schedule revolves around the ones demanding server merges. If there's something that you want to run that you need a group for [if you don't want to put together a group at random through the Group Finder], check with your friends when there's a time that works out to run it --- such as on the weekend.


And, unless there's a raise the character limit per server that us players can make from 52 up to 100 [when the max amount of character slots are unlocked, using the Add Character Slot Unlocks and/or the Outlander Token], server merges might not be the most helpful of things right now. I take it that the ones demanding for server merges only have characters on one or two servers? And never once have made characters on any of the other servers?

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How would you describe the pro-server merge population's refusal to accept the steps that BW has made to accommodate those who wish to play on higher population servers while not forcing the remaining players to suffer the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause and the continued spammed threads and regurgitation of this topic by the pro server merge population?


Obstinate, but it's not without merit. There are some notorious few that are completely irrational in their demands (and it seems their access to the forums is longer being paid for) but it's not every one of them. Middle ground can be found and somewhat has been (in this thread and others floating around here), but it gets drowned out by the insults, name calling and bickering.

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Obstinate, but it's not without merit. There are some notorious few that are completely irrational in their demands (and it seems their access to the forums is longer being paid for) but it's not every one of them. Middle ground can be found and somewhat has been (in this thread and others floating around here), but it gets drowned out by the insults, name calling and bickering.


What would you suggest as a "middle ground" other than what BW has already put in place?


A "middle ground" that:


1) will leave guilds intact with all guild assets intact, including guild banks and the contents thereof, guild strongholds and guild ships with all unlocked areas and all decorations left intact


2) will leave all personal strongholds intact with all decorations left intact


3) will leave all personal outfits intact in the outfit designer


4) will leave all personal legacy storage vaults intact with all items stored therein


5) will not require any name changes


6) will accommodate those players who have more than the maximum number of characters for a single server spread across multiple servers


7) will not force players who prefer a more civilized and respectful community to be subjected to a cesspool community


8) will allow those players who wish to play on more populated servers to do so



What BW has put in place addresses and accomplishes every one of those.

Edited by Ratajack
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