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Fun idea to fix Galactic Command


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Maybe we should all just petition for EA to make the developers' weekly salaries RNG-based.


After all, a simple system where you put in X amount of effort and receive a direct reward for your hard work is far too complicated (not to mention much less thrilling). Would it not be more efficient for them to switch over to a randomly generated salary, where hard work and progress mean nothing, and luck means everything?


Think of all the possibilities! The hardest working member of the team that loves the game and spends 60 hours a week working could be payed nothing more than a minimum wage intern, whereas a disinterested slacker could see big bucks!


The system has been so well received by the players thus far, isn't it about time for the devs to adopt something similar in the workplace?







Really though...they clearly don't comprehend how terrible this system is, and how the overwhelming majority of the playerbase can't stand it. Maybe getting a taste of it for themselves would be enlightening.

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