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5.1 pvp is totally unbalanced


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Number one when 5.0 came out was fun again to pvp. cheats were at a minimum. Now back in full force.

Now the Imperials are totally over powered the snipers and mercs. Plasma probe can't get out of it and die with in a couple seconds. Tried breaks fast run can't move that is not right. I have no character that does that kind of damage and none you can't break and move out. Also the character classes that they can just stun constantly until they kill you is BS! you should not be allowed to be stunned more than 2 times with in a time limit. I get stunned while white lined don't even get to cast anything and killed. THAT IS NOT PVP. The classes need to be equal and the sport is to out think and out maneuver the competition. If you are not going to fix then give us another way to collect the unassembled components to purchase the gear. I don't enjoy playing anymore !

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No, you did not get stunned with full resolve. Record it, then watch and you will see it just doesn't happen. You can still be slowed and immobilized but not stunned.


Actually, not even immobilized. Just slowed to death.


2nd contestant that doesn't know game mechanics.

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pvp is very broken overall because healing scales more than damage for healers.

guards make it stupid

some classes have a lot of sustain while other classes have little to no sustain and depends on cd.


mercs is completely broken has everything the other classes have

sniper is also strong when stacked, nothing a meele classs can do.


you name it



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Actually, not even immobilized. Just slowed to death.


2nd contestant that doesn't know game mechanics.


Third contestant doesn't know all the game mechanics? You can still be immobilized/rooted while white barred. One ability in game can still do it. Engi Sniper Roll. The bombs will root even the whitest of bars. It's a short root, but it's still a root.

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it will always be unbalanced for 1 side or the other.. as long as there are unequal strong opponents on either team.. it should be broken down into 3 ranks . beginner . intermediate and master.. im sure that would fix it, so no one could complain anymore.. plus i do agree with the stuns.. the cooldowns on incapacitating moves should be 20 seconds , not 2 minutes .. being stunned for 20 seconds 3 to4 times in a row and getting hacked to pieces in the process is quite frustrating !.. might as well not even be there at all !.. and yes there should be pve. unassembled components as well. Edited by wasteroiujhhb
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