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Reached GC Rank 300. No 242s.


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for what do you need 242 gear?


in former times you needed to run master mode operations, to get master mode gear. now everyone is whining around, because it takes so long to get master mode gear by doing heroics. deal with it!


you cannot do master mode solo stuff? okay. maybe you should read a class-guide.

okay, mostly you will fail by doing master mode chapters with a 220 toon, but you can

buy or craft all the 240 stuff. often not that nice, than the 240 tokens, but hey. it is enough.

i ran master mode chapters and operations with 240s with 224 armors with set bonus and

was not failing or the weakest dps. okay. i'm not playing a sorc, but that is the important thing:


if you don't want to care about your luck with crates or farming cxp for a higher rank,

than take your credits not buying senseless styleitems, but modifikations, barrels, enhc., etc.



and if you don't want...don't play pvp or gsf. if you want master mode gear, go and play

master mode operations. or maybe kill the single bosses, like eyeless. never saw them

not giving a 242 token. same with the others.



last weeks i pushed my meele from rank 35 to 235 within 12h ingametime. i got one usefull

234 item, or i should say, that i just used the armor. but i dont care anymore.

Edited by fabsus
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Okay, just have a question here.


242 Gear. How often did you get the top end gear before with OPS and/or PvP? Did you get it all in a day? A piece a day?


If you got a new piece of top end gear every 5 days before with heavy playing and can open 20 crates a day with heavy playing, one would figure 100 crates for a piece of top end gear is very likely.


That depended entirely on your own motivation to run ops. Since each boss in the Op of the week (224 gear at that time) had a guaranteed drop of a specific slot you could run the op of the week on your main and as many alts as you wanted to increase your chance of getting the piece that you need. Even if you didn't get the piece that you wanted you still had a good chance of getting a piece for another toon that you use so it didn't feel like a wash.


Now with everything tied to RNG it's completely random and unpredictable. In 4.0 we could supplement the lack of a certain slot operations item with certain stats with Com gear until we got the operations item. Need more crit buy the commendation crit earpiece, need more alacrity buy the commendation alacrity implant and further bolster with augs. Now I have to keep using my old 224 pieces until I get lucky enough to have the proper statted item that is actually better than my 224 instead of the greens and blues with the wrong stats. Basically all of our control to min\max our stats is out the window which is where RNG kills good operations gearing. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if every boss had a guaranteed drop of a certain slot unassembled piece, we'd still have no fall back position without commendation gear but at least we could gear faster.

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I reached GC rank 300 two days ago without having received any 242 armor piece. I have not been able to bring myself to play the game since then. The subscription is ending in 4 days and I'm conflicted about renewing. While I will likely do so at the last minute, it will only be because I like the Star Wars IP.


But this post is not about that. It is about the idea that Galactic Command is the primary means of gearing. It is about the argument that PvP and Ops are supplementary means that can be useful in filling specific gaps in gear. These statements will only make sense if one is able to actually gear oneself through the Galactic Command system. If I received say 10 pieces, I could try to do Ops to get the Tier 1 or Tier 2 unassembled gear and use the unassembled components from doing some PvP to upgrade them. This'd require some serious PvP, but at least it is doable; the required Command Tokens from the Command Crates would not be a problem either. But if I have to get all 14 pieces from Ops and PvP, that means the Galactic Command is just a waste of time after rank 101 (You need 615 command tokens at most to get Tier 3 gear, which you'll receive by rank 101.) Getting all gear using only unassembled components requires over 6,000 of them; even if one got all gear pieces at 236 rating from HM Ops, upgrading them to 242 will still require nearly 3,000 unassembled components. Neither is a realistic option for most players; certainly not for me. Much of this has been discussed in other posts.


The biggest fallout is how demotivating and demoralizing this whole enterprise is.


Are you in geared in all 240 plus set bonus? If so I dont see what the problem is, The 242 is suppose to be legendary which means very rare to acquire and I personally don't see how only being in gear 240 with set bonus would hold up any gameplay.

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for what do you need 242 gear?


in former times you needed to run master mode operations, to get master mode gear. now everyone is whining around, because it takes so long to get master mode gear by doing heroics. deal with it!


you cannot do master mode solo stuff? okay. maybe you should read a class-guide.

okay, mostly you will fail by doing master mode chapters with a 220 toon, but you can

buy or craft all the 240 stuff. often not that nice, than the 240 tokens, but hey. it is enough.

i ran master mode chapters and operations with 240s with 224 armors with set bonus and

was not failing or the weakest dps. okay. i'm not playing a sorc, but that is the important thing:


if you don't want to care about your luck with crates or farming cxp for a higher rank,

than take your credits not buying senseless styleitems, but modifikations, barrels, enhc., etc.



and if you don't want...don't play pvp or gsf. if you want master mode gear, go and play

master mode operations. or maybe kill the single bosses, like eyeless. never saw them

not giving a 242 token. same with the others.



last weeks i pushed my meele from rank 35 to 235 within 12h ingametime. i got one usefull

234 item, or i should say, that i just used the armor. but i dont care anymore.


I agree totally. People are getting worked up about somethings that don't make sense. They say that they want the old system but majority of people before having priority ops were not geared in highest gear because to get that gear you would need to do Nim ops. Also to even be able to do Nim ops the best gear you would have is second highest. So if we were looking at the old system guess what the best gear anyone would have before doing any Nim Ops would be 240. To get 242 gear you would have to clear nim ops. Which majority of the server doesnt do. So what they do they made it easier and made priority ops. Now they gave another way and people still complain because the loot drop on 242 is high. It should be high, it should be rare. If you are not in 240 gear by lvl 300 then complain, you have a right to be upset. If you had a team that cleared Nim Ops before I am sure you can still clear Nim Ops with full set of 240 as before you were clearing Nim Ops with 220 full sets prior.

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actually i find that its the players that dont get it. BWs fault was when they turned 4.0 into ALTS-R-US and basically handing out gear. Like ive said in every post on the topic, GC gives you BONUS items... youre supposed to get BiS gear via PvP and PvE (Ops especially) ... those are the primary ways of getting gear (i.e. high end group content) which is right as it should be in an MMO. Now, if youre lucky you get some BONUS pieces along the way from GC... but that is all it is. They need to adjust the system... but its the players fault for thinking that is the main way of gearing... it is not...imho.


That is the way it should be but the problem is GC is the main way of gearing. Do any content to get gear.


With OPS only dropping gear 100% of the time on last bosses. That is no longer a main way to get gear. The other bosses before the last have much to low a chance. Running the simplistist of OPS (EV/KP - 10 bosses and only the last ones drop gear for us) That is not a main way to get gear.


Similar to PVP (and thats if you like PVP at all because PVP is a fickle beast when it comes to like/dislike). I wont begrudge anyone who dislikes PVP or OPS for that matter) But PVP could be a main way to gear unlike OPS but the drop rate are terrible and it takes much longer than it should to get even one item. Even the new adjust rates suck and are much to low.


Now, you could craft but I know few who have the resources to get the mats to gear out a toon in any timely fashion and It takes million upon million to buy them. It's just not feasible for most gamers. It's doable but not feasible.


So the main gearing is GC. That was the selling point of 5.0 and bw pushed the do any content for gear.


Problem is GC and how it is designed sucks. It's not a good system nor does it add anything to the game worth having except do any content for gear concept but 4.0 could have done that with crystals.


So GC is the main gearing method for most and it's simply atrocious at this day and ago of swtor to have.

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You need 242 gear to max out your character. So if you are a min/maxer, someone who is deticated to making sure their character is putting out optimum performance that their character can do, then you need 242.


This is important in PVE for NiM raids, when you're up against DPS check type encounters and then also putting encounters on farm.


For PVP, if you and Bob are the same skill but you have better gear, you'll likely win. The most minute advantage is huge in PVP. I have maxed everything else I can max, all datacrons, all companion buffs, I have my 4 buff etc, gear is just another part of that. I accept nothing less than max.


I got there in 547 command levels, half of it from crates but 6 of my 7 drops were from BEFORE 5.1, and only one 242 in the >250 crates after 5.1.


I am definitely not doing this on my alts. I'm just messing around and trying to de-burnout while I work up to 1000 comms banked and get ready for the next command level and gear increase.


My alt does, however, have all 240 mod/enh for both DPS and Healer set from all the extra 240 gear I got and scavenged.

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You need 242 gear to max out your character. So if you are a min/maxer, someone who is deticated to making sure their character is putting out optimum performance that their character can do, then you need 242.


This is important in PVE for NiM raids, when you're up against DPS check type encounters and then also putting encounters on farm.


For PVP, if you and Bob are the same skill but you have better gear, you'll likely win. The most minute advantage is huge in PVP. I have maxed everything else I can max, all datacrons, all companion buffs, I have my 4 buff etc, gear is just another part of that. I accept nothing less than max.


I got there in 547 command levels, half of it from crates but 6 of my 7 drops were from BEFORE 5.1, and only one 242 in the >250 crates after 5.1.


I am definitely not doing this on my alts. I'm just messing around and trying to de-burnout while I work up to 1000 comms banked and get ready for the next command level and gear increase.


My alt does, however, have all 240 mod/enh for both DPS and Healer set from all the extra 240 gear I got and scavenged.


To be a min/max player before they made it easy by having priority ops you had to do Nim Ops. So to the first two answers the same. Before priority ops the only way to get top gear was to do Nim Ops. To do Nim Ops at best you had to be geared with the second highest gear. So basically you should be able to do Nim Ops with 240 gear/set bonus. So basically this is a better system to get BIS over the past prior to Priority Ops.


Last one about PVP, tbh people who are worried about killing other people are why teams in wz lose. I would take a group of 8 people who know the strategy in pvp with gear of 240 over people geared with 242 that just want to go in blazing and looking for solo kills. Unless your doing ranked gear doesnt matter as much as people willing to play objectives.

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Last one about PVP, tbh people who are worried about killing other people are why teams in wz lose. I would take a group of 8 people who know the strategy in pvp with gear of 240 over people geared with 242 that just want to go in blazing and looking for solo kills. Unless your doing ranked gear doesnt matter as much as people willing to play objectives.


You're making the assumption that the 242 people don't know strats/do objectives? In pvp, even if you are objs tryhard, which I am, you will have to fight people eventually. But yeah, it doesnt matter what gear you have when you click on a node. THUMBS UP

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You're making the assumption that the 242 people don't know strats/do objectives? In pvp, even if you are objs tryhard, which I am, you will have to fight people eventually. But yeah, it doesnt matter what gear you have when you click on a node. THUMBS UP


It also doesn't matter while you're standing unobtrusively in a corner guarding a node. Until a pair of opponents come to steal it and you have to warn in chat and defend and stay alive till reinforcements come in.


Not sure why some people (not Wimbleton in this case) have to set up a hypothetical match up between 240-clad competent players and 242-clad incompetent players. How about equally competent players all around with one side in 240s and another in 242s? In fact, how about equally competent players all around with one side in blue 230s bolstered to 232 and another in 242s?

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That is the way it should be but the problem is GC is the main way of gearing. Do any content to get gear.


With OPS only dropping gear 100% of the time on last bosses. That is no longer a main way to get gear. The other bosses before the last have much to low a chance. Running the simplistist of OPS (EV/KP - 10 bosses and only the last ones drop gear for us) That is not a main way to get gear.


Similar to PVP (and thats if you like PVP at all because PVP is a fickle beast when it comes to like/dislike). I wont begrudge anyone who dislikes PVP or OPS for that matter) But PVP could be a main way to gear unlike OPS but the drop rate are terrible and it takes much longer than it should to get even one item. Even the new adjust rates suck and are much to low.


Now, you could craft but I know few who have the resources to get the mats to gear out a toon in any timely fashion and It takes million upon million to buy them. It's just not feasible for most gamers. It's doable but not feasible.


So the main gearing is GC. That was the selling point of 5.0 and bw pushed the do any content for gear.


Problem is GC and how it is designed sucks. It's not a good system nor does it add anything to the game worth having except do any content for gear concept but 4.0 could have done that with crystals.


So GC is the main gearing method for most and it's simply atrocious at this day and ago of swtor to have.


Not to mention that when 5.0 originally dropped, Galactic Command was the ONLY way to get endgame gear and/or schematics needed to craft non-BiS gear. There were no Unassembled Components from PvP. There were no drops from ops bosses. NOTHING. The illiterate individual you were responding to in your post willfully ignores that fact and pretends GC was only ever meant as a 'bonus' (which is categorically false), as well as the fact that we only have those supergrindy secondary methods of getting gear in PvP and PvE now because people protested... both on the forums, and with their wallets. Since then EAWare has been in full-on damage control mode, trying to find a way to 'tweak' GC to keep it in the game to preserve Ben Irving's fragile ego while simultaneously stanching the hemorrhage of subs bleeding out of this game.


GC as a SUPPLEMENT to the 4.X gearing system would have been absolutely fine. But they put GC in as a REPLACEMENT for the previous gearing system, which is where they screwed up. Trying to claim now that GC is just a 'bonus' is either blind ignorance or deliberate lying.

Edited by AscendingSky
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You're making the assumption that the 242 people don't know strats/do objectives? In pvp, even if you are objs tryhard, which I am, you will have to fight people eventually. But yeah, it doesnt matter what gear you have when you click on a node. THUMBS UP

No I am making my assumption based on my opinion in all the wz's I have done over the years. If I end up complaining its more of people not doing objectives then peoples gear. Think of all the wz's you done and then reflect on how the group chats are. My guess is you will have more people saying WTH you doing. Good job no call, ETC more than people saying damn man your gear stinks. I think its safe to say unless you do ranked your gear matters a lot less then people think.

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It also doesn't matter while you're standing unobtrusively in a corner guarding a node. Until a pair of opponents come to steal it and you have to warn in chat and defend and stay alive till reinforcements come in.


Not sure why some people (not Wimbleton in this case) have to set up a hypothetical match up between 240-clad competent players and 242-clad incompetent players. How about equally competent players all around with one side in 240s and another in 242s? In fact, how about equally competent players all around with one side in blue 230s bolstered to 232 and another in 242s?


Its not setting up a hypothetical match. Its talking about the current and past wz experience I have and making a judgement on that. In my past all I hear is WTH you doing. Where are the no calls. Man another good match no healers on our side. Going up against premades. They are hacking. I never read in chat people saying man I cant damage that person. That persons gear is insane. This tells me gear means very little in wz and its all about group makeup and communication. Not sure how your chats are in wz but I find it hard to say its different.

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So you base your opinions of what people say in warzones? Lol.


Was gonna say. The first thing most people think when some dbag starts whining in general about "premades" or how the other team cheating is that the whiner is a total bad. Bads out themselves by whining in warzones all the time.

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Its not setting up a hypothetical match. Its talking about the current and past wz experience I have and making a judgement on that. In my past all I hear is WTH you doing. Where are the no calls. Man another good match no healers on our side. Going up against premades. They are hacking. I never read in chat people saying man I cant damage that person. That persons gear is insane. This tells me gear means very little in wz and its all about group makeup and communication. Not sure how your chats are in wz but I find it hard to say its different.


My PvP experience doesn't show that higher level gear makes people bad players and lower level gear makes them great players. If the players are all strangers, I'll take higher geared ones any day. Players bolstered to 232 will have a hard time competing against players in 242s given the same level of competence for all. Not sure why this has to be argued even.


As for my PvP chat, it varies. At the best of times, it is purely about strategy and tactics and complimenting players where necessary. But most times it is just a mix of noxious insults, boasts, useless chatter, politics, racism and some calls from node guards. I wouldn't go by the chatter in PvP as the basis for anything, generally speaking.


The bottom line is this though: Ops require endgame gear. Starting this expansion and its patches, the following also will benefit from end game gear:


- Master Mode Uprisings

- Master Mode FlashPoints

- Some Veteran Mode Chapters

- Master Mode Chapters

- PvP (because bolster level has been reduced to 232)


It is extremely painful, grindy, time-consuming and frustrating to get that end game gear. To top it all, BW's claims of what is the primary gearing mechanism (GC Crates) and what is a secondary, gap-filling mechanism (Unassembled Components through PvP and Ops drops) doesn't hold water.


Oh, I didn't see where the game tries to educate players about gearing either.

Edited by mike_carton
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I stopped playing the character that I got to level 300 when they announced the tier 4 gear that is coming with 5.2. The way I look at it is seems ridiculous to me to grind for 242 gear when it is being made obsolete next month. The only problem is that I have such a long grind to go on my alts to get any of them to level 300 that I am not sure what I want to do in game until 5.2 comes out.
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I stopped playing the character that I got to level 300 when they announced the tier 4 gear that is coming with 5.2. The way I look at it is seems ridiculous to me to grind for 242 gear when it is being made obsolete next month. The only problem is that I have such a long grind to go on my alts to get any of them to level 300 that I am not sure what I want to do in game until 5.2 comes out.


I wrote up what I'm doing in post #85. Summary:


1. Doing Uprisings, FPs and Ops to get CXP Packs


2. Saving CXP Packs


3. Stopped opening crates

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Was gonna say. The first thing most people think when some dbag starts whining in general about "premades" or how the other team cheating is that the whiner is a total bad. Bads out themselves by whining in warzones all the time.


Sorry I guess I thought I wouldnt have to break it down more. Obvious if the group chat doesnt make sense I ignore it but a lot of the times it does make sense. Prime example, when you captured 2 of the 3 in civil war and you call for help and when you die you realize some person is over at the third one you dont own. So you say WTH you doing. Obvious if that person would be helping defending the ones we own we would have a better chance of winning. Or when your in huttball and people are running around and not doing objectives, Or you log into a match and you have 0 healers. Or you log into a match against premades and your team is made up of all pugs. Obvious it doesnt matter how good your gear is if people are playing rogue and not helping the team. Or your going up against a premade in all TS or Vent while your team is made up of pugs. Just saying if your team loses a wz I would guess that its a lot more reasons then gear.

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My maincharacter reaches rank 300 a while ago. Since around 100 boxes I got nothing this charakter could use.:eek:

In the RNG system a lot of drop is crap, crap, crap. :mad::mad::mad:

I don't want to complain too much, because I have a good mix of one 236 relict and the rest in 240/242 gear. But for that gear I had to play too much PVP and GSF, what I didn't want to do play, to get 3 pieces of 242 gear.

The RNG droprate has to be better, that you will get more dops of BIS gear, as higher you are in the command rank.

If there will be no significant change, the system fails again!!!


It should be also possible to upgrade 240 gear to 242 with less components than 236 to 242.

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Sorry I guess I thought I wouldnt have to break it down more.


no worries :)


Prime example, when you captured 2 of the 3 in civil war and you call for help and when you die you realize some person is over at the third one you dont own. So you say WTH you doing. Obvious if that person would be helping defending the ones we own we would have a better chance of winning.


That's actually not obvious. If I am on my Jugg, then yeah I will always respond to help calls and be where the defensive action is in that case. If I am on my Operative or maybe my 'Sin, I will instead often stealth the other node. If the guy on the other node does not call for help there is a very good chance I will cap it; if he does, then I am tying up 2-3 people that could have been attacking you in the other node fights. And I can do that all day. (the 'Sin goes either way as they can more quickly run between nodes.)


But of course even that is situational; if I know there's only one guy watching one of the nodes then I'll usually "adopt" them and be a de facto second guard there, and always go back, even with my op. It all depends. For some reason people haven't learned that leaving lone guards is a bad idea when you have two nodes. 2-6 is the minimum split you should do, with 4 responding to help calls. So yeah in that case, I'll swear, make myself the second guard, and always run back, or even just stay.


Just saying if your team loses a wz I would guess that its a lot more reasons then gear.


Yeah agree completely. I don't find gear to be the primary factor (yet) on my main. Alts - this will get worse over time as more people hit T3.

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no worries :)

For some reason people haven't learned that leaving lone guards is a bad idea when you have two nodes. 2-6 is the minimum split you should do, with 4 responding to help calls.


And you can't educate them during the WZ. People would rather go try cowboy stuff at the third node than stay and defend the two nodes through to the end.

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At rank 275 and I've gotten an earpiece and two set pieces so far. If I thought the content required absolute BiS I'd be annoyed and more so if I did not PvP. In that case, I'd find this intolerable. It's still a failing system as it is.


Hey developers


MarkkuJ at Reddit thread about this topic had an amazing idea.


1) Disintegrating items should give players unassembled components (MVP)

2) Choice between Unassembled Components or Command Tokens when disintegrating


How about it BW? In that scenario disintegrating would play towards getting a wanted piece of gear.



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MarkkuJ at Reddit thread about this topic had an amazing idea.


1) Disintegrating items should give players unassembled components (MVP)

2) Choice between Unassembled Components or Command Tokens when disintegrating


How about it BW? In that scenario disintegrating would play towards getting a wanted piece of gear.




very good idea actually... and even makes sense "flair" wise... lol

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