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Please fix pvp eric musco


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I don't care about content or mercs or snipers or any of your story garbage but this ridiculous idea that healers can solo heal in pvp over anywhere from 5million to 10 million each and you match make 3 of them on a void star and nothing dies for 20 minutes, then we go to hyper gate for 20 minuites..... and nothing dies then we go to back to void and.....you guessed it nothing dies.


like where is the fun in this????


I don't die, he don't die, we all just get healed and stand hear with our rubber battons bashing dummys for hours a day what a joke fix it


jesus it aint rocket science, try anything new this formulae does not work I love my healer and god mode of being on it with my tank guard but no one can kill me it take at least 6 guys bashing on me for 4 mins before I die and we all know it we all do hyper gate and see that combo stand their on a pylon for 3 mins no problem against the whole team


then the door on void star 7 mins of bashing bashing bashing - where is the fun in that???? like god freaking damn

Edited by tyzza
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I died pretty darn fast as an operative healer. Last night in a 4v4 as dps operative everyone went after me first and I died so freaking fast.


Mercs though.. yeah nah can't damage them more than they can heal up. As a dps operative I can be irritating enough 1 on 1 that it can take some time to off me. But I'll pretty much die while their health will rarely dip below 60%. I'm in 230 gear though. Best that I can hope for in a 1 on 1 with a merc is that I annoy them to no end distracting them from their objective long enough before I die. I will die. There's no question on that. They do more dps than my heals can compensate for.

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Limit two healers per team in 8v8, one per team in 4v4. Only one healer per premade 4-man group. Never have two healers on one team and zero healers on the other (if it's imp vs imp or pub vs pub or Odessen, this is always possible to achieve) - in other words, never have a bigger healer discrepancy than one (when possible).



Edited by teclado
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Limit two healers per team in 8v8, one per team in 4v4. Only one healer per premade 4-man group. Never have two healers on one team and zero healers on the other (if it's imp vs imp or pub vs pub or Odessen, this is always possible to achieve) - in other words, never have a bigger healer discrepancy than one (when possible).





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Healers are not the issue. Utter lack of matchmaking is. The other day it was Pub vs Pub Civil War with 4 healers total. I have played with them all and they don't queue as a group. Other team had 3 we had 1. Our team had 5 tanks their team 0. Edited by HelinCarnate
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I read "Please fix eric musco" which makes alot more sense.


But I agree. The match should limit the amount of people with a specific role and switching roles once in the queue should kick people from the queue to prevent exploiting.


I played as sorcerer damage, sorcerer heal and guardian tank for the alliance alert. Fighting against 3 healers as a tank with one DD diddling your armor isnt fun. I even got flamed for not kicking the 3 healers sufficiently. Even tho all my abilities were on constant cooldown.

Also facing one healer and the rest damage isnt fun either. You just die all the time to the insane amount of incoming damage. Or fight too many tanks... nothing dies if each side has a healer.


Just limit it to 2 healers, 2 tanks and the rest damage. No need to ruin abilities under the pretence of "balance" because that doesnt create balance, it only ruins gameplay and eventually fun.

Edited by Zasszz
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Usually, the problem in 8v8 is that, even though the healer(s) are marked, nobody attacks them and just lets them free cast. I always mark healers when I see them and then maybe I'll get a second person to attack them with me while everyone else just tries 1v1 with everyone else on the team. Sorry, but a Sorc is NOT going to kill a healer 1v1.
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Usually, the problem in 8v8 is that, even though the healer(s) are marked, nobody attacks them and just lets them free cast. I always mark healers when I see them and then maybe I'll get a second person to attack them with me while everyone else just tries 1v1 with everyone else on the team. Sorry, but a Sorc is NOT going to kill a healer 1v1.

The problem is you know why one of the opposing team is marked. Most people dont. Also marking people for fun is a thing too. People need to be aware of such rules. But someone has to tell them, train them... Most players dont learn such things in random groups.

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But I agree. The match should limit the amount of people with a specific role and switching roles once in the queue should kick people from the queue to prevent exploiting.


You can't switch role once in queue.


I agree however roles should be balanced bewteen to sides.


Also there is no point to have more than 3 healers in a team. Or 3 tanks. Or 3 commandos.


But basic matchmaking was requested since years without any answer or progress.

Edited by Nkya
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Odessen is different because players are usually all over the place and healers will just kite you to infinity, so, its not like you couldn't kill them, its just that they will just run away, cause they'd be wasting time trying to fight you , when they team needs healing somewhere.
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Odessen is different because players are usually all over the place and healers will just kite you to infinity, so, its not like you couldn't kill them, its just that they will just run away, cause they'd be wasting time trying to fight you , when they team needs healing somewhere.


Odessen is just a good example of how having lots of objectives fixes the heal wall issue.


Imagine if all middle damage buffs in other warzones were turned a clickable that buffed your entire team.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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