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5.x Utility Builds Compendium


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SWTOR Game Update 5.x Master Utility Builds Compendium


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The purpose of this thread is to compile a collection of the best PvP, PvE, and Hybrid utility builds for each class.


Please submit builds using the TORCommunity Discipline Builder found here. Simply copy the "Sharing URL" link and post it here along with the name of the Advanced Class, Discipline, build type (PvE/PvP/Hybrid), and the name you want to go by.



Jedi Sentinel - Combat - PvE - https://tor.community/l1ODbh - Hayward


If possible, please also include the mirror build for the opposite faction.


I'll compile them here and also include them in the TORCommunity Class Guide pages for easy viewing. Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions for the thread format!



Edited by theITfactor
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