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Do only jerks play ranked?


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competitive? :D Solo ranked in swtor is by no means competitive in any way. If you think otherwise youre just deluding yourself.

Actually, real competitive gamers (which have abondond swtor, mind you, thats why losers like you feel like theyre any good) tend to be nice and friendly. That is because having lots of social skills is an essential part in performing in team based competitive games.


So there is no correlation between competitive gamemode and players beeing rude and insulting, the actual correlation is that players that lack social skills often lack gaming skills aswell. So people like you who lack the intellect to realize that playing a "competitive" gamemode is no excuse for insulting, are a big part of the problem.


Honestly, people ranting in swtor pvp are nothing but losers and i feel pity for them, ranting in game that has no pro scene at all is nothing but bankruptcy declaration of their life.


It has some irony that players think they could insult others for beeing not that good, while 99% of the gaming world would just die laughing about swtor pvp called "competitive".

But that doesnt matter. Its irrelevant what game, or even real life, it doesnt matter how good you are you always should treat your teammates and enemies with respect. A true champion like lionel messi wouldnt yell at his keeper if he did a mistake, he would try to motivate him to keep going. Thats called sportsmanship.


P.S.: There is literally nothing to gain in solo ranked swtor at all that is worth anything besides fame and respect. But you wont get any of it if you dont act modest, honorful and be with full respect before others.


You still presume that i am calling people names when playing Yolo. I haven't said anywhere that i aprove talking other players into suicide. In fact i haven't said anything about it focusing purely on the matter of skill OP has. Because that is the main reason he was called in the first place (rightfully or not).


Stop this crap with: "rest of the world would this and that". Are you the rest of the world combined? I hear the same bullcrap talk every time i play an MMO: "this game is laughable and not very competitive". EVERY MMO.


As for insulting me personally. It is proven that smarter people are actually not only cursing more, but also insulting others more (you can find various reaserches about that subject published by renowned research parties). Not being nice might have nothing to do with lack of social skills. As i said. I do not expect fireman to be nice when my house is burning. I expect that he will use all his skills to put the fire down before i will lose the building.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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I wasn't giving you advice; and I will queue until i get 40k tokens, best believe it. If you are that good learn to carry people. Plain and simple.


Besides, solo ranked ain't all that, 2 games and my daily is complete. So, why not queue? My team is winning anyways... OP queue the hell out of ranked and if they grieve you, paid it back by not healing them but DPS. Then you'll be the one having fun and not them. Sometimes you gotta play their game.

I carried a lot of people, the problem is not them being noobs actually, it's noob distribution. If you have noob healer in your team against a decent healer, you will never win, but if you have 1 noob dps it is possible. Same with tank.

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