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Unassembled Components as a reward for all activities in the game?


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So, dear Devs,


I would suggest, to add unassembled components as a reward for more, than just pvp. E.g. solo-players may also benefit from a faster gearing process. So, add it to chapters, heroics, flashpoints, conquest, world bosses and, very important, add it to uprisings. Currently Uprisings were just done because of content and cxp (mostly Fractured). I don't know, how long the players can motivate themselves to do them without a reward (like exotic materials & crafting schematics in ops and pvp).


You said to us, we can play like we want to. Don't force us to do GSF and Last-boss-lockouts in operations to get our gear. So, upgrade your (new) content and make it worthwile to play, please.

Edited by Exocor
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I was then discussing this with my partner i 100% agree!


They need to make unassembled components available from everything from Flashpoint bosses to Herioc mission rewards because not everyone likes/wants to do pvp. As a pvper myself the unassembled component rewards of just 5 for a win and 2 for a loss is a joke! Make them lagacy bound and reward them from all aspects of the game at least then it will make gearing alt friendly and people can at least get some gear without being forced to pvp and i say "forced" because you are if you don't pvp when you are online to get gear u will fall behind and as bolster is only 232 (I think) now those who pvp more will get gear faster and have a advantage in pvp over others.

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I can't agree with the title enough. There is so much content that isn't really worth doing anymore. I actually love space missions, but there is zero reason to bother with em. Currently, there is no reason to do anything but PVP. I guess operations as well.


Lets be real, this game has been a push to a single player game, with instanced PVP and a couple raids. Why not let people advance regardless of what they are doing. it would let people do what they enjoy without feeling like they are wasting their time.


Right now, people that hate pvp, are pvp'n. because it's about the most efficient way to chase that carrot. So we get stuck with half afkers in warzones that don't even try, because the reward for a pvp loss is still better than almost everything else.

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