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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: Yes...by some stroke of fate, I seem to have accrued quite the, ah, fan club.

Theron: We.

Quinn: I-- what?

Theron: ...we have quite the fan club. I'm here, too.

Quinn: *grits his teeth* For six more days.

Theron: Oh, you're, uh, paying attention to the calendar... *sweat drop*

Quinn: Every. Second.

Theron: Right. I'll...be over here! *fast-walks away*

Quinn: *facepalm* Excuse his interruption. It happens...more often than I would like. As I was saying, my lord Kaedusz - yes, this thread has acquired a rather large following. Evidently, many of these people would never have come together if not for the existence of such a thread. Here, they can discuss one of their favorite characters - *blushes and quickly tries to hide it* - in peace, without fear of interruptions from trolls. Any actual trolls are dealt with, combining lethal doses of snark, logic, and a deluge of reporting the post(s). Here, all are united in--

*crunch crunch*

Quinn: ...all are united in--

*crunch munch*

Quinn: Shan. What is that infernal noise.

Theron: Kaedusz was right about the popcorn. :D


Oh dear. I love Quinn to pieces. But Theron is there being all adorably annoying. It is going to be a long six days.

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Quinn: Yes...by some stroke of fate, I seem to have accrued quite the, ah, fan club.

Theron: We.

Quinn: I-- what?

Theron: ...we have quite the fan club. I'm here, too.

Quinn: *grits his teeth* For six more days.

Theron: Oh, you're, uh, paying attention to the calendar... *sweat drop*

Quinn: Every. Second.

Theron: Right. I'll...be over here! *fast-walks away*

Quinn: *facepalm* Excuse his interruption. It happens...more often than I would like. As I was saying, my lord Kaedusz - yes, this thread has acquired a rather large following. Evidently, many of these people would never have come together if not for the existence of such a thread. Here, they can discuss one of their favorite characters - *blushes and quickly tries to hide it* - in peace, without fear of interruptions from trolls. Any actual trolls are dealt with, combining lethal doses of snark, logic, and a deluge of reporting the post(s). Here, all are united in--

*crunch crunch*

Quinn: ...all are united in--

*crunch munch*

Quinn: Shan. What is that infernal noise.

Theron: Kaedusz was right about the popcorn. :D

A rare direct message from the Purple Quinn himself for someone who came out from the depths of lurkdome to join the fun :)


In other news, I made another warrior with an almost Lammia Edition Quinn :D This customisation actually looks good with the sparkly eyes bug.


I also sent a PM to Keith regarding making Iokath replayable so we can see our custom preference of Quinn. I included a visual :)


EDIT: can someone remind me how to make TM correctly using the number keys? I think the post was deleted.

Edited by Sarova
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Quinn: Yes...by some stroke of fate, I seem to have accrued quite the, ah, fan club.

Theron: We.

Quinn: I-- what?

Theron: ...we have quite the fan club. I'm here, too.

Quinn: *grits his teeth* For six more days.

Theron: Oh, you're, uh, paying attention to the calendar... *sweat drop*

Quinn: Every. Second.

Theron: Right. I'll...be over here! *fast-walks away*

Quinn: *facepalm* Excuse his interruption. It happens...more often than I would like. As I was saying, my lord Kaedusz - yes, this thread has acquired a rather large following. Evidently, many of these people would never have come together if not for the existence of such a thread. Here, they can discuss one of their favorite characters - *blushes and quickly tries to hide it* - in peace, without fear of interruptions from trolls. Any actual trolls are dealt with, combining lethal doses of snark, logic, and a deluge of reporting the post(s). Here, all are united in--

*crunch crunch*

Quinn: ...all are united in--

*crunch munch*

Quinn: Shan. What is that infernal noise.

Theron: Kaedusz was right about the popcorn. :D


Thanks for the chuckle Grand Admiral, it was much needed today. <3 And much love to Purple Quinn and Silver Theron...(I almost wrote Purple Theron and Silver Quinn...*headdesk*) :o

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Thanks for the chuckle Grand Admiral, it was much needed today. <3 And much love to Purple Quinn and Silver Theron...(I almost wrote Purple Theron and Silver Quinn...*headdesk*) :o


Quinn: That would have been a--hold on. ...what!?

Theron: Hey! That's my color! ... oh no.

Quinn: :eek:

Theron: Uhhh, please hold, we're experiencing an identity crisis...I kind of want to break out my best Imperial accent imitation and wear my hair in a cowlick now...

Quinn: This is a disaster! Do you even know how many forms I have to fill out in the case of swapped identities!?

Theron: Uh...yeah, the SIS dealt with stuff like that all the time...

Quinn: They did?

Theron: *deadpan* Oh sure. General Garza once got mixed up with SIS Director Trant. The SIS nearly imploded over that level of snark, sarcasm, dry wit, and the ol' "unstoppable force meets immovable object" collision.

Quinn: You're joking.

Theron: Yeah.

Quinn: *facepalm* ...wait, weren't Garza and Trant married?

Theron: As I said, the SIS nearly imploded.

Quinn: I don't want to think about the logistics of that. *shudder* Could we get this fixed?

Oh, fine. *snaps fingers*

Quinn: You have my gratitude. *salute*

Theron: Great! I no longer feel an urge to lick the boots of every Sith I meet--ACK *runs away, being chased by a very angry Quinn*

Edited by Jagaimee
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Quinn: That would have been a--hold on. ...what!?

Theron: Hey! That's my color! ... oh no.

Quinn: :eek:

Theron: Uhhh, please hold, we're experiencing an identity crisis...I kind of want to break out my best Imperial accent imitation and wear my hair in a cowlick now...

Quinn: This is a disaster! Do you even know how many forms I have to fill out in the case of swapped identities!?

Theron: Uh...yeah, the SIS dealt with stuff like that all the time...

Quinn: They did?

Theron: *deadpan* Oh sure. General Garza once got mixed up with SIS Director Trant. The SIS nearly imploded over that level of snark, sarcasm, dry wit, and the ol' "unstoppable force meets immovable object" collision.

Quinn: You're joking.

Theron: Yeah.

Quinn: *facepalm* ...wait, weren't Garza and Trant married?

Theron: As I said, the SIS nearly imploded.

Quinn: I don't want to think about the logistics of that. *shudder* Could we get this fixed?

Oh, fine. *snaps fingers*

Quinn: You have my gratitude. *salute*

Theron: Great! I no longer feel an urge to lick the boots of every Sith I meet--ACK *runs away, being chased by a very angry Quinn*

It's this all over again...

That last sentence from Theron made me think of Quinn blowing a poison dart at Theron :D

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Quinn: That would have been a--hold on. ...what!?

Theron: Hey! That's my color! ... oh no.

Quinn: :eek:

Theron: Uhhh, please hold, we're experiencing an identity crisis...I kind of want to break out my best Imperial accent imitation and wear my hair in a cowlick now...

Quinn: This is a disaster! Do you even know how many forms I have to fill out in the case of swapped identities!?

Theron: Uh...yeah, the SIS dealt with stuff like that all the time...

Quinn: They did?

Theron: *deadpan* Oh sure. General Garza once got mixed up with SIS Director Trant. The SIS nearly imploded over that level of snark, sarcasm, dry wit, and the ol' "unstoppable force meets immovable object" collision.

Quinn: You're joking.

Theron: Yeah.

Quinn: *facepalm* ...wait, weren't Garza and Trant married?

Theron: As I said, the SIS nearly imploded.

Quinn: I don't want to think about the logistics of that. *shudder* Could we get this fixed?

Oh, fine. *snaps fingers*

Quinn: You have my gratitude. *salute*

Theron: Great! I no longer feel an urge to lick the boots of every Sith I meet--ACK *runs away, being chased by a very angry Quinn*


*claps* Just when I didn't think it could get any better, it does! <3 He hee, loved it. It's a pretty apt demonstration of how my mind and coordination as been going today lol. :o


Gentlemen, I do believe I like this side of you. You both look smashing in each other's text. :p


It's this all over again...

That last sentence from Theron made me think of Quinn blowing a poison dart at Theron :D


Haha! Yes it is :D

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Quinn: That would have been a--hold on. ...what!?

Theron: Hey! That's my color! ... oh no.

Quinn: :eek:

Theron: Uhhh, please hold, we're experiencing an identity crisis...I kind of want to break out my best Imperial accent imitation and wear my hair in a cowlick now...

Quinn: This is a disaster! Do you even know how many forms I have to fill out in the case of swapped identities!?

Theron: Uh...yeah, the SIS dealt with stuff like that all the time...

Quinn: They did?

Theron: *deadpan* Oh sure. General Garza once got mixed up with SIS Director Trant. The SIS nearly imploded over that level of snark, sarcasm, dry wit, and the ol' "unstoppable force meets immovable object" collision.

Quinn: You're joking.

Theron: Yeah.

Quinn: *facepalm* ...wait, weren't Garza and Trant married?

Theron: As I said, the SIS nearly imploded.

Quinn: I don't want to think about the logistics of that. *shudder* Could we get this fixed?

Oh, fine. *snaps fingers*

Quinn: You have my gratitude. *salute*

Theron: Great! I no longer feel an urge to lick the boots of every Sith I meet--ACK *runs away, being chased by a very angry Quinn*

Gross, Garza and Trant were married? Not sure which one I feel worse for... :rolleyes:


But I nearly spit my drink across the keyboard at that last line, freakin' Theron and the cheek of him. Love it.

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Every time I peek at the Vaylin for companion thread I have to bite my tongue so I don't end up trolling on their thread :o In general the Vaylinmancers ignore every bit of information provided about Vaylin's personality pre-Nathema in order to justify redeeming her and romancing her, and yet we Quinnmancers are the ones who have Stockholm syndrome and tolerate an abuser :rolleyes:
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Every time I peek at the Vaylin for companion thread I have to bite my tongue so I don't end up trolling on their thread :o In general the Vaylinmancers ignore every bit of information provided about Vaylin's personality pre-Nathema in order to justify redeeming her and romancing her, and yet we Quinnmancers are the ones who have Stockholm syndrome and tolerate an abuser :rolleyes:


Many people are like that. If you play Dragon Age and like a character named Solas, you get accused of supporting abuse and all kinds of things... Despite him not abusing you even once!



He dumps you and keeps his identity a secret, but that's not really abuse of any kind.


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Every time I peek at the Vaylin for companion thread I have to bite my tongue so I don't end up trolling on their thread :o In general the Vaylinmancers ignore every bit of information provided about Vaylin's personality pre-Nathema in order to justify redeeming her and romancing her, and yet we Quinnmancers are the ones who have Stockholm syndrome and tolerate an abuser :rolleyes:


I know right? It's like the Arcannmancers too. Talk about tolerating abusers... People will justify anything if they have a thing for a character. I can't even look at the Vaylin or Arcann threads. I just scroll on by lol.

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Those of us who like Theron are starting to get that treatment too, as does those who would love Scourge, or like Kaliyo or Malavai, Arcann or Vaylin..

Honestly, once someone doesn't like any character it seems they can't understand that someone might, even if for silly reasons since fictional characters, gotta love it when characters bring out the best and worst of people <3

I was always overjoyed to find people not out to insult me for loving Malavai hehe

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I know right? It's like the Arcannmancers too. Talk about tolerating abusers... People will justify anything if they have a thing for a character. I can't even look at the Vaylin or Arcann threads. I just scroll on by lol.


I'm curious about an Arcannmance, I admit. I like redemption arcs...if they're done well, and I want to see how they handle Arcann's. Atoning for crimes such as his - is that even possible? How so? So...yeah, I'm just curious. The romance aspect, for me, is secondary to his personal character arc. I hope they don't *just* make a romance arc and instead develop his character for both friends and potential romances.


Happy Thanksgiving to the Quinnmancers who celebrate it! :D

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I'm curious about an Arcannmance, I admit. I like redemption arcs...if they're done well, and I want to see how they handle Arcann's. Atoning for crimes such as his - is that even possible? How so? So...yeah, I'm just curious. The romance aspect, for me, is secondary to his personal character arc. I hope they don't *just* make a romance arc and instead develop his character for both friends and potential romances.


Happy Thanksgiving to the Quinnmancers who celebrate it! :D


Hrm, this. ^


I'm not feeling butterflies over Arcann, nausea is likely closer but I am curious in terms of his redemption arc. I want to see if, and how, they pull it off and like Jagaimee said, I hope they will develop his character rather than just toss in a cheesy romance.


Arcann: I know I'm a mass murderer and I had a nice time trying to kill you repeatedly but, look at my abs! And my head, it's so bald and shiny. Did you see my scars? Sexy, am I right? Yeah baby, come and get it.

Player: Oh my goshh, Arcann is sooo buff! I love him, I want his babies! .... Oh, his crimes, what? *giggles* The only crime here is that he's still wearing pants, rawr! Oooh baby!


... I mean, that sh.it would suck.


Oh btw, Happy Thanksgiving to all you American folks!

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Hrm, this. ^


I'm not feeling butterflies over Arcann, nausea is likely closer but I am curious in terms of his redemption arc. I want to see if, and how, they pull it off and like Jagaimee said, I hope they will develop his character rather than just toss in a cheesy romance.


Arcann: I know I'm a mass murderer and I had a nice time trying to kill you repeatedly but, look at my abs! And my head, it's so bald and shiny. Did you see my scars? Sexy, am I right? Yeah baby, come and get it.

Player: Oh my goshh, Arcann is sooo buff! I love him, I want his babies! .... Oh, his crimes, what? *giggles* The only crime here is that he's still wearing pants, rawr! Oooh baby!


... I mean, that sh.it would suck.


Oh btw, Happy Thanksgiving to all you American folks!


ewww at that type of way to handle it, nope nope nope. I may like the idea of Arcann's romance (for one sole character, not my 20+ others) but I seriously hope it does not boil down to something like that, I only wanted it for the one character that the "tried to kill multiple times" would fit (ie: "every other guy who I've fallen for has tried to kill me afterwards, at least this one got the temptation out of the way well beforehand"), no others of mine would go near him with a 6 foot pole, criticism on the character's actions is well justified (just not insulting the person for liking the character).


I just honestly want a better LI conversations across the board ... it sucked for me with a non-romancing warrior and Malavai's return, and I know it was worse for those who had a few characters romancing him etc which is why my warriors that are with him have not touched the content at all. Please let them never mess up so badly again seeing as they've teased returning so many more LI's, are they all getting tiny fragment few lines of dialogue as well?

I'm curious for if there's going to be a more fuller expansion next year...


PSA : I know I had one rant post in the past somewhere that was meant to be aimed at the personal insults to people liking Arcann parts, but l I got over it. Especially since 2 days later I had a mental breakdown and am currently still fighting to manage clinical depression on top of asd. I have no hard feelings, it was a bad time and it happens to everyone, I'm sure. I got back into writing to help distract myself from other stuff at least :D so sorry if people are still holding a grudge over one post made weeks ago, didn't mean crap to go that far.

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I made a character specifically to romance him, because I want to see if all eventually. But every time I think of romancing Arcann all I can think about is a part from Venture Brothers (it is inappropriate but still made it onto tv, just warning)


I just always pictured it like this:


Arcann: You pushed me off a ledge in Asylum to fall to my death...


Player: Only after you stabbed me in the chest...


Player: That was so hot... *make out ensues*

Edited by Nightfrogger
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PSA : I know I had one rant post in the past somewhere that was meant to be aimed at the personal insults to people liking Arcann parts, but l I got over it. Especially since 2 days later I had a mental breakdown and am currently still fighting to manage clinical depression on top of asd. I have no hard feelings, it was a bad time and it happens to everyone, I'm sure. I got back into writing to help distract myself from other stuff at least :D so sorry if people are still holding a grudge over one post made weeks ago, didn't mean crap to go that far.


The only thing I hold against you is how mean you are to Theron. I am sure you will make it up to him later. *snicker*


Depression sucks. Been dealing with it myself lately off and on. More good days than bad, but when they are bad...well...you know. I hope you start feeling better soon.

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Those of you who are into Arcann, have at it and have fun, I mean that. I personally want nothing to do with space Hitler and I don't give two craps about any sort of redemption arc for him. I also don't want anything to do with space Hitler's whiney shrew of a sister either. They're both dead to me.


So long as people are having fun, that's the main thing, that's what the game is for, I just figured I'd drop my two cents worth about those two characters. I make no apologies for my feelings and never will.


As for holding any sort of grudges about something like this, I can't be bothered. I have larger issues, including a struggle with depression to the point, where I even question if I should bother answering, but figured I should in case anyone mistakenly took my disgust and dislike against Arcann as dislike and disgust against them...that couldn't be further from the truth, and I felt it important to get that out too.


So yeah, have at it. And Happy Thanksgiving to American Quinnmancers, I hope you had a nice day.

Now, I'm going to go back to the namesake of this thread, because *he* is truly awesome. <3

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Does this help to bring us back on topic ;)


Yes it does. I love that conversation with him. I think I am going to go play my lowbie who just got to Balmorra instead of working on this chapter. Too many feelings that I don't want to feel right now.


More Quinn!

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I'm not offended by anyone liking, or disliking, Arcann. We all have our own way of playing the game and approaching NPCs, especially in situations where 'headcanon' plays a large role. For all I know, someone has their very own unique story developed around the Arcann romance in which it works for them and well, that's cool for them. For me, it's more a case of pure curiosity, disturbing curiosity in some situations. Arcann is also a controversial character, and even more so as a romance, as is someone else I absolutely do love and adore and still hold out hope for albeit in vain. If they can do the Arcann romance right, perhaps, maybe, there's a tiny chance they'll do my desired romance justice too, should he ever get the chance.


In any case, I'll be testing the waters on a boosted character I never play otherwise. My mains are too important and already madly in love with their current partners, I won't ruin them with Arcann.


As for depression, I can relate. I have BPD and some days, or weeks, are rougher than others. Those are the times where I barely post, where I hardly Facebook and spend most my time napping or just suffering in bed. On those days, simply getting up is a miracle. It's hard, it sucks. For me, it also makes me paranoid as fu.ck and has me question every word I read in a comment or post, wondering if someone's making a slight at me, if they're just faking being nice, if there's any veiled insults and I'll imagine in reality, everyone just sits there laughing at me behind my back. Yes, even on the interwebs. Really doesn't help the depression either. The holiday months suck, I don't know if that rings true for everyone but it seems extremely common, so that doesn't help either. It's just become one of those things, I'm "used" to it and just try my best to battle through it until it goes away, find minor things I know will make me smile. Watch a movie I know will make me cry, just so I can try and get at least some of it "out of my system". Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and I'll just curl back up in bed hoping to sleep, just sleep until it blows over.


Anyways, rambling, but I'm sending big hugs and so much love out to anyone else dealing with depression, in any form, and just saying, you're not alone. Ever.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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This may be my favourite line from him, lol


That's a great line. He has so many good ones. Atm, I'm having a hard time picking a favorite one. :)




As for depression, I can relate. I have BPD and some days, or weeks, are rougher than others. Those are the times where I barely post, where I hardly Facebook and spend most my time napping or just suffering in bed. On those days, simply getting up is a miracle. It's hard, it sucks. For me, it also makes me paranoid as fu.ck and has me question every word I read in a comment or post, wondering if someone's making a slight at me, if they're just faking being nice, if there's any veiled insults and I'll imagine in reality, everyone just sits there laughing at me behind my back. Yes, even on the interwebs. Really doesn't help the depression either. The holiday months suck, I don't know if that rings true for everyone but it seems extremely common, so that doesn't help either. It's just become one of those things, I'm "used" to it and just try my best to battle through it until it goes away, find minor things I know will make me smile. Watch a movie I know will make me cry, just so I can try and get at least some of it "out of my system". Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and I'll just curl back up in bed hoping to sleep, just sleep until it blows over.


Anyways, rambling, but I'm sending big hugs and so much love out to anyone else dealing with depression, in any form, and just saying, you're not alone. Ever.


Well said, thank you for that. <3

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