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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Edit: Oh, and I just passed that part in the warrior's story where Quinn's voice changes for a few lines. It...really does sound like the guy who voices Lord Scourge. o_O Weird.


Maybe he had cold or something when he recorded those lines, or the mic was having issues that day.

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Edit: Oh, and I just passed that part in the warrior's story where Quinn's voice changes for a few lines. It...really does sound like the guy who voices Lord Scourge. o_O Weird.

Several warriors later and i still don't know where this is/what conversation :confused: Care to enlighten an idiot please?

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Maybe he had cold or something when he recorded those lines, or the mic was having issues that day.


I admit I thought this the first time people in the thread brought it up, but a couple of months ago leveled another character and yeah very much a different voice actor for only like 1-2 lines.

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Woah you are right, though never picked that choice to shock vette... will have to listen to it when I get there.


Oh no, me neither but you don't have to shock her to hear him speak. I think you just have to ask his opinion. This video is interesting though not just because of Aussie Quinn, but because you also get to see what Vette is like when you leave her collar on/mistreat her.


This video is the main reason I don't really believe that Quinn secretly likes Vette. I mean, in addition to when he flat out asks the warrior for help because Vette harasses him.

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Maybe my ears are messed up but I still hear Richard in that clip, though it sounds like he might have been coming down with something.


I guess it's a white dress/blue dress thing, but to me it's very clearly a different person with a different accent :o

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A better picture of said Pureblood, if anybody's interested. XD

i have an obsession with black and gray, send help


The shiny eyes in cutscenes are making Quinn look cross-eyed. :(


Finally got Jaesa and kept her light, and now she and Leas are conspiring to reform the Empire from within. They're cute in their idealism. :rolleyes:


Oh he's lovely all right. <3 As psycho as dark Jaesa is, I can't get behind LS Jaesa, she's so goody and wholesome I want to throw up LOL. :D Sorry. But I'm glad you're having fun with her.

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Maybe my ears are messed up but I still hear Richard in that clip, though it sounds like he might have been coming down with something.


I thought he was having a cold too, but if you listen a certain way, I swear to god it sounds like Joe.

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A better picture of said Pureblood, if anybody's interested. XD

i have an obsession with black and gray, send help


The shiny eyes in cutscenes are making Quinn look cross-eyed. :(


Finally got Jaesa and kept her light, and now she and Leas are conspiring to reform the Empire from within. They're cute in their idealism. :rolleyes:


Oh purr, hi... :o I... I need to make a call to Pureblood Addicts Anonymous...


Is it bad I usually don't pay attention to whatever Jaesa's yapping on about and just hit the LS or DS option depending on how I want her, spacebarring through her convo's like mad? :rolleyes:


I thought he was having a cold too, but if you listen a certain way, I swear to god it sounds like Joe.

Yeah I've listened to it repeatedly now and he DOES have a strong hint of Joe there but I still think he's just a bit nasally. Either way... I mean, Joe, Richard, delightful... it all works for me. :D

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A better picture of said Pureblood, if anybody's interested. XD

i have an obsession with black and gray, send help


The shiny eyes in cutscenes are making Quinn look cross-eyed. :(


Finally got Jaesa and kept her light, and now she and Leas are conspiring to reform the Empire from within. They're cute in their idealism. :rolleyes:


He looks great xD I've been making dudes myself a lot lately, I don't know what it is (that's a lie, it's because eye candy) but I never used to play them at all :o


Either way... I mean, Joe, Richard, delightful... it all works for me. :D


I like this, I'm going with this :D

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You guys are making me (almost) feel bad about horrifically messing up Leas's good looks later down the line. :p (Remember when Baras tries to kill the warrior at the beginning of Act III? Virne got out of that mess relatively unscathed. When Leas's master attempts the same thing...well, Leas, uh, doesn't really escape.)


To the point of being nearly unrecognizable as a living being.


He gets better, I swear. :o


ANYWAYS! I'd forgotten how nasally Quinn's voice can be. o.O Playing a male warrior makes for a very different experience than a female warrior. At the end of Act I, Quinn pulled Leas aside and asked, point-blank, why his methods of accomplishing things were "unorthodox." (Meaning light-side.) Leas said something about forging the Empire together in peace, not bloodshed (...can't recall the exact line), and Quinn neither approved nor disapproved but gave a suspiciously forced-enthusiastic response about "I'm with you on that goal, all the way, yessir, of course, 100%!!1!" ...Leas just glanced sideways at him as Quinn marched off.

I trust this version of Quinn less than I can throw him. Without the Force. XD (for contrast, Quinn asked Virne - who had juuuust hit Dark Side I as a result of corrupting Jaesa - what she planned to do now. She told him that Baras had better watch his [baras's] back, because sooner or later Virne would be sticking a lightsaber in it. Quinn approved and almost seemed to be genuinely smiling when he said something to the affirmative - again, can't recall the exact line. ...I wondered who this guy was and what he'd done with Quinn.)

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Woah you are right, though never picked that choice to shock vette... will have to listen to it when I get there.

I have :jawa_evil: and her pathetic cursing makes me want to force choke her!


I don't know if its because I'm British and used to hearing British accents, however I've heard that line many times and it sounds to me like Richard Teverson on a "I just can't be arsed" day leading to Quinn having a much more casual voice. Probably why I've never really realised that was the bit you all referred to. It's very similar to when Quinn says the "...later we'll show it" line - much more casual and less snippy. I like it.

Imagine you're given a list of lines to do with no context/story or anyone doing the opposite/other lines (due to swtor secrecy). After a while I'd probably lose the will to live and drop the character's accent by accident a couple of times without gallons or Red Bull and Coffee!

Edited by Sarova
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