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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Theron: Darth Lunafox! Sarova, rachetsw! *hugs merc* Hey, good to see you all again. :D

Quinn: Shan?

Theron: Yeeees?

Quinn: There's a mysterious noise in the basement. Go check it out, would you?

Theron: ...what.

Quinn: I insist.

Theron: Oh. Right. You're not getting rid of me that easil--

*general sounds of scuffle, a few colorful words, somebody yelling LET GO OF MY FOOT YOU CLODHOPPING WILDEBEEST, and then a chainsaw noise*

...um...guys...? What just happened?

Quinn: ...er, the mysterious noise in the basement was a monster. I'm sorry to report Theron Shan's untimely demise.

Theron: *muffled* i hate you

Quinn: *attempting not to hear that*

That's one VERY determined ghost.

Quinn: Well, you see--

Theron: *bursts out of the basement, all disheveled, covered in duct tape and stray packing peanuts* REALLY, QUINN!?

Quinn: Do I come over to YOUR thread and take it over?

Theron: *shaking packing peanuts out of his hair* I'm not taking it over! I'm just passing through! Sheesh... *stomps away* I'll be over here, reading SpaceBook, if anybody needs me.

Quinn: I feel the urge to tape a "Kick Me" sign to his back, but that would be a little too petty.

Wrapping him in duct tape and packing peanuts WASN'T petty?

Quinn: "Too" petty. There is a limit.

Is it going to be like this for the entirety of Theron's visit?

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

...oi vey.


Aaaaand they're at it again. :D The annoying little brother Quinn never knew he didn't want.


*helps brush packing peanuts out of Theron's hair.*


Quinn, your jealousy is adorable. ❤

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Theron: Darth Lunafox! Sarova, rachetsw! *hugs merc* Hey, good to see you all again. :D

o/ waves :)

Aaaaand they're at it again. :D The annoying little brother Quinn never knew he didn't want.

In my story I've put them around the same age; I've never thought of Theron as being young. Ages are weird in the SW universe!

*helps brush packing peanuts out of Theron's hair.*

Don't you mean what's left of Theron's hair??? :D I really hope Theron has a part in whatever it is they are giving us on the 28th and is not just standing there glaring at us with his new clothes and hairdo.


Fortunately while I wait, I've discovered tonnes more stuff I haven't done with Quinn yet. And I mean planetary & exploration quests :rolleyes::p

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o/ waves :)


In my story I've put them around the same age; I've never thought of Theron as being young. Ages are weird in the SW universe!


Don't you mean what's left of Theron's hair??? :D I really hope Theron has a part in whatever it is they are giving us on the 28th and is not just standing there glaring at us with his new clothes and hairdo.


Fortunately while I wait, I've discovered tonnes more stuff I haven't done with Quinn yet. And I mean planetary & exploration quests :rolleyes::p


Well as soon as we get him back his hair is getting changed to his rooster comb. :p


Yeah, there is a lot of different planets that you can go and explore Quinn, I mean with Quinn.

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o/ waves :)


Don't you mean what's left of Theron's hair??? :D I really hope Theron has a part in whatever it is they are giving us on the 28th and is not just standing there glaring at us with his new clothes and hairdo.



I'm still traumatized by that hair er rather what's left of it. Traumatized I tell you. I'm suffering from Post-traumatic Hair disorder. I do miss him though and I do worry he'll just run by us in the distance, take a pot shot and disappear. I'll be fuming if that happens, I really want some good story with this next bit they're giving us. :o

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I do miss him though and I do worry he'll just run by us in the distance, take a pot shot and disappear. I'll be fuming if that happens, I really want some good story with this next bit they're giving us. :o


Quinn: ...I would be perfectly happy if that happened. Provided, of course, that he misses wildly. And that I get to shoot back. Repeatedly.

Theron: Oh, yeah, right. Like I'm really going to do that. :mad:

Quinn: *imagine spot*


~ from the mind of Malavai Quinn ~

The Outlander - Commander - Emperor/Empress - Peacekeeper - whatever the heck title they're going by now! - is on Copero. All of a sudden, they hear/see/sense someone speeding up to them. They turn just in time to see an oddly-dressed human go windmilling by in the distance. The human takes a flying leap, shooting like a maniac at the Commander (every single shot misses by approximately three miles), mohawk waving dramatically in the wind...then lands on his head, skidding across the pavement to land in an awkward heap against the side of a chiss beach house.

A distant yell drifts across the breeze. "OW my FACE!"

With that, Theron quickly gets up, dusts himself off, and hightails it off into the sunset, firing wildly into the sky and bellowing a Tarzan yell, to vanish until the next flashpoint.


The Commander watches him go. Then they calmly turn to their allies and say: "So...Theron's completely lost it? ...you know, this explains a lot, actually."


Theron: Oh come ON, that's not going to happen!

Quinn: *rudely yanked out of his beautiful revenge fantasy* Well, one can dream.

Theron: If anything remotely close to that even happens, I'll...do something suitably notable to mark the occasion. Like give you bragging rights. ...maybe that's a bit too much...

Quinn: For your sake, let's hope it doesn't happen. :jawa_evil:


A'right - I'm pretty worried about how they'll treat Theron's character, too. They've already tried to pull the "LI betrays you" seeeeeeeeeveral times over, with varying degrees of success, in various games. There's Quinn, as an obvious example. Kaliyo. Potentially Koth. Jacob Taylor in Mass Effect (albeit without trying to kill Shepard). Bastila Shan, naturally, from KOTOR. Anders and Isabela from Dragon Age II. I can think of one notable one from Dragon Age Inquisition that split that character's fanbase pretty violently, from "I will crush his skull and [other acts of horrific violence] BECAUSE HE BETRAYED ME!*" to "I want to join him!!" to "I want to redeem him!" I personally am in the third camp, but I have no idea how large said camp is.


*DA:I spoilers related to that companion, plus musings on Theron.


"Because he betrayed me." Not because his plan is to destroy the entire world, killing untold numbers of innocent people. I have never seen anyone say "I want to kill him because he's GOING TO DESTROY THE WHOLE DANG WORLD, somebody needs to stop him!" But people want to kill him because...he betrayed the player character. .........I worry for people. O_O But this same thing goes for Theron. "I'd better get a kill option BECAUSE HE BETRAYED ME!" ...not because he's betraying the entire Alliance? Y'know, doing stuff that could overthrow said Alliance, put hundreds or thousands of people in danger, that sort of thing? That would actually be justifiable in killing him, but...no, it's because he betrayed THEM. The PLAYER CHARACTER.



Edited by Jagaimee
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Quinn: ...I would be perfectly happy if that happened. Provided, of course, that he misses wildly. And that I get to shoot back. Repeatedly.

Theron: Oh, yeah, right. Like I'm really going to do that. :mad:

Quinn: *imagine spot*


~ from the mind of Malavai Quinn ~

The Outlander - Commander - Emperor/Empress - Peacekeeper - whatever the heck title they're going by now! - is on Copero. All of a sudden, they hear/see/sense someone speeding up to them. They turn just in time to see an oddly-dressed human go windmilling by in the distance. The human takes a flying leap, shooting like a maniac at the Commander (every single shot misses by approximately three miles), mohawk waving dramatically in the wind...then lands on his head, skidding across the pavement to land in an awkward heap against the side of a chiss beach house.

A distant yell drifts across the breeze. "OW my FACE!"

With that, Theron quickly gets up, dusts himself off, and hightails it off into the sunset, firing wildly into the sky and bellowing a Tarzan yell, to vanish until the next flashpoint.


The Commander watches him go. Then they calmly turn to their allies and say: "So...Theron's completely lost it? ...you know, this explains a lot, actually."


Theron: Oh come ON, that's not going to happen!

Quinn: *rudely yanked out of his beautiful revenge fantasy* Well, one can dream.

Theron: If anything remotely close to that even happens, I'll...do something suitably notable to mark the occasion. Like give you bragging rights. ...maybe that's a bit too much...

Quinn: For your sake, let's hope it doesn't happen. :jawa_evil:


A'right - I'm pretty worried about how they'll treat Theron's character, too. They've already tried to pull the "LI betrays you" seeeeeeeeeveral times over, with varying degrees of success, in various games. There's Quinn, as an obvious example. Kaliyo. Potentially Koth. Jacob Taylor in Mass Effect (albeit without trying to kill Shepard). Bastila Shan, naturally, from KOTOR. Anders and Isabela from Dragon Age II. I can think of one notable one from Dragon Age Inquisition that split that character's fanbase pretty violently, from "I will crush his skull and [other acts of horrific violence] BECAUSE HE BETRAYED ME!*" to "I want to join him!!" to "I want to redeem him!" I personally am in the third camp, but I have no idea how large said camp is.


*DA:I spoilers related to that companion, plus musings on Theron.


"Because he betrayed me." Not because his plan is to destroy the entire world, killing untold numbers of innocent people. I have never seen anyone say "I want to kill him because he's GOING TO DESTROY THE WHOLE DANG WORLD, somebody needs to stop him!" But people want to kill him because...he betrayed the player character. .........I worry for people. O_O But this same thing goes for Theron. "I'd better get a kill option BECAUSE HE BETRAYED ME!" ...not because he's betraying the entire Alliance? Y'know, doing stuff that could overthrow said Alliance, put hundreds or thousands of people in danger, that sort of thing? That would actually be justifiable in killing him, but...no, it's because he betrayed THEM. The PLAYER CHARACTER.



Oh, Grand Admiral, Purple Quinn's dream sequence lol, that's so totally him. I love it :D I do hope we and Theron get better than that, but like you say the whole thing worries me plenty. There's so much betrayal in this game it's a way of life and it's getting ooooooold. You bring up a true and interesting point, how the betrayals are taken very personally and that usually brings out the zomg I must have a kill option crowd. Some betrayals have been worse and more meaningful than others and a lot has to do with whether you personally like/love the character. They really need to hook on to another trope, the betrayal thing everywhere you go is a bit much.


Major Quinn, or shall I say, 'General Quinn' (that way I can call you 'GQ' which fits nicely with the whole Gucci thing and the promotion I gave you in my fanfiction this weekend) I didn't realize how vivid an imagination you had! I know the GA does, but Quinn...you surprised me. And Theron, I do hope what ever you do on Copero is memorable. Still the whole mohawk fluttering in the wind thing...*shudder* Kindly regrow your womprat locks, plz and thx lol. :D

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There's so much betrayal in this game it's a way of life and it's getting ooooooold. You bring up a true and interesting point, how the betrayals are taken very personally and that usually brings out the zomg I must have a kill option crowd. Some betrayals have been worse and more meaningful than others and a lot has to do with whether you personally like/love the character. They really need to hook on to another trope, the betrayal thing everywhere you go is a bit much.


Aye. Betrayal used once or twice is shocking, epic, and thought-provoking. Betrayal used all over the place quickly gets boring. It becomes a once-a-game (or once-a-storyline) experience of "okay, who's the inevitable traitor THIS time? [sigh]"

And for people yelling for a kill option because *they personally* were betrayed...a'right, I can see that working if you're roleplaying a Sith, or someone with psychotic anger issues. (That would be my female smuggler. In her case, however, there is something legitimately wrong with her head. :/ And it's genuinely disturbing to get into her mindset.) But for other, rational people? Uhhh...? ...granted, that's in headcanon and roleplay, but still. It's kind of concerning to see the number of people yelling for a kill option. Is it really their *character* who takes the betrayal personally, or the *player*? The latter is...even more disturbing in its implications. o_e (Sorry, I'm tired, and not making much sense. :p)


Major Quinn, or shall I say, 'General Quinn' (that way I can call you 'GQ' which fits nicely with the whole Gucci thing and the promotion I gave you in my fanfiction this weekend) I didn't realize how vivid an imagination you had! I know the GA does, but Quinn...you surprised me. And Theron, I do hope what ever you do on Copero is memorable. Still the whole mohawk fluttering in the wind thing...*shudder* Kindly regrow your womprat locks, plz and thx lol. :D


Quinn: A...a general? *straightens up* My lord. You honor me beyond words. *bows* I cannot express my gratitude in--

Theron: Hold on, what mohawk?

Quinn: *grumbling something about a ruined moment*

Theron: *gingerly pats his full head of hair* ...no, really, what mohawk?

Quinn: The one you--*double-take* ....the one you magically cut, trimmed, flattened, and then regrew the rest of your hair in five seconds flat?

Theron: The...ohhhh, you mean the one Copero!Theron is wearing. Yeah. No, I'm Silver Theron. There's a difference.

Quinn: ...right. You keep telling yourself that.

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Yeah, there is a lot of different planets that you can go and explore Quinn, I mean with Quinn.




What's everyone going to be up to during the downtime? I'm probably going to visit my WoW characters for the day, make sure they haven't been ransacked. You never know with that game. (Long shot but anyone else on Kirin Tor?)


Also, anyone want to get this hexid business out of the way when we get back? 😐

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That is always something to look forward to. And since we haven't had it


Also where's Lammia? Did she leave or have I just missed her posts?


I don't think Lammia's left the forums - she's still posting, as of this morning. Miss her in this thread, though! :(


I miss her too. It's not quite the same without her. :( But I guess I go like that myself, in fits and starts where I post a bunch and then go radio silent...mostly when real life gets busy.


I'm sitting here with my jaw dropped, shocked anyone noticed. :eek:


I left, then started lurking a bit again. I guess the thread is too addictive to just walk away. :o

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I'm sitting here with my jaw dropped, shocked anyone noticed. :eek:


I left, then started lurking a bit again. I guess the thread is too addictive to just walk away. :o


It's the Quinn pheromones wafting from the thread, you can't resist :)

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I'm sitting here with my jaw dropped, shocked anyone noticed. :eek:


I left, then started lurking a bit again. I guess the thread is too addictive to just walk away. :o

You're one of the main reasons I'm still here! I'm furious on your behalf that they messed up Quinn's Iokath return customisation. I have not given up on them fixing it by at the very least making Iokath replayable in full with romance returns intact

unlike chapter 9 of kotfe which removes the Theron romance reunion when you replay it :mad:


I've updated my signature again - in yer face BW! Now server merges will be done, no excuses for fixing Quinn.

Plus you're the reason behind many of us falling in love with the customisation we now call Quinn: Lammia Edition (I'd like to add a TM but I don't know how to do that on these forums)!


And are you not she who gave us Gucci by Gucci? That one clip makes so many of us smile :)

Edited by Sarova
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You're one of the main reasons I'm still here! I'm furious on your behalf that they messed up Quinn's Iokath return customisation. I have not given up on them fixing it by at the very least making Iokath replayable in full with romance returns intact

unlike chapter 9 of kotfe which removes the Theron romance reunion when you replay it :mad:


That actually is random. I once had the romance option popping there: the first time I replayed it. When I did it again after that, it wasn't there, and I panicked I broke my romance flag. :eek:


I've updated my signature again - in yer face BW! Now server merges will be done, no excuses for fixing Quinn.

Plus you're the reason behind many of us falling in love with the customisation we now call Quinn: Lammia Edition (I'd like to add a TM but I don't know how to do that on these forums)!


Really? I kinda felt out of place not swooning over the guy with blue eyes you all adore, which is the main reason I felt I don't really belong here, so stopped posting.

And are you not she who gave us Gucci by Gucci? That one clip makes so many of us smile :)


Guilty as charged.:o

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You're one of the main reasons I'm still here! I'm furious on your behalf that they messed up Quinn's Iokath return customisation. I have not given up on them fixing it by at the very least making Iokath replayable in full with romance returns intact

unlike chapter 9 of kotfe which removes the Theron romance reunion when you replay it :mad:


I've updated my signature again - in yer face BW! Now server merges will be done, no excuses for fixing Quinn.

Plus you're the reason behind many of us falling in love with the customisation we now call Quinn: Lammia Edition (I'd like to add a TM but I don't know how to do that on these forums)!


And are you not she who gave us Gucci by Gucci? That one clip makes so many of us smile :)


ALT 0153 = ™ ;)Quinn: Lammia Edition™


Yeah I really HATE how I cannot replay the CH9 romance lock... I mean what's the point of replaying that chapter at all then? pff :( Stars I miss Theron bad, ugh. No offense Quinn but at least you're here while he's... well apparently going all "is it a bird? is it a plane? No it's Theron and his superBAD hair." :rolleyes:

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ALT 0153 = ™ ;)Quinn: Lammia Edition™


Yeah I really HATE how I cannot replay the CH9 romance lock... I mean what's the point of replaying that chapter at all then? pff :( Stars I miss Theron bad, ugh. No offense Quinn but at least you're here while he's... well apparently going all "is it a bird? is it a plane? No it's Theron and his superBAD hair." :rolleyes:


At least we can replay other Theron stuff (which I do plenty on chapters with flirty lines). My warrior hasn't seen her hubby since Rishi, and won't ever again. Not even replays, unless I run another warrior. :( So in a sense Theron is still within (repeatable) reach, while Malavai is simply gone and done.

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At least we can replay other Theron stuff (which I do plenty on chapters with flirty lines). My warrior hasn't seen her hubby since Rishi, and won't ever again. Not even replays, unless I run another warrior. :( So in a sense Theron is still within (repeatable) reach, while Malavai is simply gone and done.


That's a good point - after Iokath any Quinn stuff basically dries up again and he may as well just not be there. I don't like how BW handles that still but meh. At least there was an e-mail following Umbara afaik?

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That's a good point - after Iokath any Quinn stuff basically dries up again and he may as well just not be there. I don't like how BW handles that still but meh. At least there was an e-mail following Umbara afaik?


For me Iokath wasn't a reunion. But yes, there is a wonderful letter afterwards.


A friend posted one from Torian today; not as wordy, but I also liked it.

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For me Iokath wasn't a reunion. But yes, there is a wonderful letter afterwards.


A friend posted one from Torian today; not as wordy, but I also liked it.


Oh I agree. I mean it was a reunion in the most basic sense of the word but far too lackluster. Granted my SW has not yet done it (only my JK is that far into things) but I watched the videos and I am so disappointed. "Meaningful return" my as.s. "This is Quinn, he does stuff and looks nice. Okay now go ahead and play the rest of the Chapter and game without him." A three year old could have scripted a better reunion than that. HE WASN'T EVEN WORTHY OF BEING MALAVAI THEY JUST MADE HIM 'QUINN' LIKE... *mutters a bunch of stuff highly unsuitable for the forums* ... No really I'm totally fiiiine...

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Oh I agree. I mean it was a reunion in the most basic sense of the word but far too lackluster. Granted my SW has not yet done it (only my JK is that far into things) but I watched the videos and I am so disappointed. "Meaningful return" my as.s. "This is Quinn, he does stuff and looks nice. Okay now go ahead and play the rest of the Chapter and game without him." A three year old could have scripted a better reunion than that. HE WASN'T EVEN WORTHY OF BEING MALAVAI THEY JUST MADE HIM 'QUINN' LIKE... *mutters a bunch of stuff highly unsuitable for the forums* ... No really I'm totally fiiiine...


That's not what I meant.


My warrior married this guy: https://imgur.com/7npHxnX

On Iokath, she only talked to this guy: https://imgur.com/78rLL8E Her hubby was nowhere to be seen.


And on top of that goes all you said.

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That's not what I meant.


My warrior married this guy: https://imgur.com/7npHxnX

On Iokath, she only talked to this guy: https://imgur.com/78rLL8E Her hubby was nowhere to be seen.


And on top of that goes all you said.

Ohh that's right I forgot, your customization was affected in the play through. Another damn thing they broke and did wrong with the return of Quinn. :( I'm crossing my fingers they'll fix it but I have little faith these days.

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Ohh that's right I forgot, your customization was affected in the play through. Another damn thing they broke and did wrong with the return of Quinn. :( I'm crossing my fingers they'll fix it but I have little faith these days.


I'm not counting on a "fix". It's not broken in their eyes. They just didn't care. They made another NPC model that was "Quinn" until he replaced your companion after Iokath. Two different NPCs, so my Malavai was still summonable and wearing his custom during the chapter, while this guy stood in the phased area.

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