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The Time Between


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Vector is so hopelessly caught between two worlds, two devotions and I can only imagine how rough all of this is on him. He may have woven Rey'elle and his feelings into his song but clearly she's still very much present and a part of him too, even as he tries to serve the hive as well.


I was happy to finally find out more about the Night Herald, I'd been curious about him and his story even though obviously I didn't like him. It makes sense and I enjoyed the way you wove him sharing his history into the duel sequence. I did wonder about Vector's silence for a moment but then the "you talk too much" comment came and I had to laugh, thought that was rather perfect and a nice way of showing Vector's renewed vigor in a sense.


No doubt the hive will tend to Vector and his injuries now but like Luna, I still worry too and I hope he'll be okay. Not just with that but also his renewed role and where the hive will go from here now that the Night Herald is defeated, a thing I cannot see the Unu taking in stride.


Wonderful chapter as ever Misha and I so look forward to the next installment.

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Wow! :D



That was really amazing. First off, I felt so badly for Vector, he seems to be constantly forced to put off his search in favor of someone else's greater good. And just like Vector he accepted the challenge and made the sacrifice to help the nest.


The duel was exciting, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. For a while I thought the Night Herald would prevail, he certainly had the advantage with the Force, but I'm glad the Song of the Hunter found Vector to make the match more even and even more exciting. I also liked getting to know more about the Night Herald and was a bit surprised that he turned out to be a Jedi. I like the way you explained the darkness and that there are no half measures where it's concerned. You have to give yourself over to it completely. This line was my favorite of many amazing lines:




Even though Vector defeated the Night Herald, I'm worried about the injuries he took during the fight, so I'm eagerly looking forward to the next part.


A very entertaining and exciting chapter, thanks for that! <3


I still fret over fight scenes, not my strong suit for sure, but glad you found it exciting and engrossing. I figured it would be more appropriate or even surprising to have the Night Herald be a fallen Jedi and that his beef against Vector started even before Vector was joined. I also added the parts about the darkness because Karnis had not completely given himself over yet, whether due to his years under Jedi tutelage or something else, it proved to be his undoing.


Vector is quite held by his sense of honor and would do for the hive what is expected of him even to the point of setting aside his personal goals. It remains quite the burden for him.


Great chapter! <3


While I did enjoy the fight scene, to me Vector's inner fight was the more important one. My favorite part was this one:

He cannot abjure his duty to the hive, he wouldn't be Vector otherwise.


I hope he isn't too badly hurt. A good thing he made proper preparations. The part Kaliyo played in this made me chuckle.

Looking forward to the next part.


Vector has a lot of internal turmoil going on between his conflicting loyalties. He needs to protect the hive and he needs to continue his search and he is now driven by what is the most immediate thing that is required of him. The hive needs him now, and his search has been less than satisfying. And you are correct, he cannot turn his back on the hive, it is just not in his nature. He is lovely that way, or at least I think he is. :)


Vector is so hopelessly caught between two worlds, two devotions and I can only imagine how rough all of this is on him. He may have woven Rey'elle and his feelings into his song but clearly she's still very much present and a part of him too, even as he tries to serve the hive as well.


I was happy to finally find out more about the Night Herald, I'd been curious about him and his story even though obviously I didn't like him. It makes sense and I enjoyed the way you wove him sharing his history into the duel sequence. I did wonder about Vector's silence for a moment but then the "you talk too much" comment came and I had to laugh, thought that was rather perfect and a nice way of showing Vector's renewed vigor in a sense.


No doubt the hive will tend to Vector and his injuries now but like Luna, I still worry too and I hope he'll be okay. Not just with that but also his renewed role and where the hive will go from here now that the Night Herald is defeated, a thing I cannot see the Unu taking in stride.


Wonderful chapter as ever Misha and I so look forward to the next installment.


I think the whole story has been about Vector's internal conflicts and the fact that he is so important to the Kind makes it that much more agonizing for him. He could not turn his back on the nest any more than he can turn his back on Rey'elle and there is the quandary. Who gets what part of him and when, he is certainly a man divided.


I have always wanted to use that line 'you talk too much' in a story and this seemed the perfect place. And it also seemed appropriate that I weave the Jedi's story into the fight, it is closure of a sort I guess.


You are correct that Unu's requirements of Vector will change even as he must continue to change.


Another awesome and interesting chapter leaving me wanting more:)


Glad you are still following along and enjoying Vector's journey.


:) Thanks to all for the comments, I do appreciate each of you very much.

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I still fret over fight scenes, not my strong suit for sure, but glad you found it exciting and engrossing. I figured it would be more appropriate or even surprising to have the Night Herald be a fallen Jedi and that his beef against Vector started even before Vector was joined. I also added the parts about the darkness because Karnis had not completely given himself over yet, whether due to his years under Jedi tutelage or something else, it proved to be his undoing.



I thought what you did in making him a Jedi was perfect. It made total sense, and I loved the vendetta too. Really well done. As you know the Night Herald fascinated me and you met my hopes and expectations about him and then some. :)

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A/N: A rather short chapter because I was going to do something else, but then decided against it, the story does as the story does.


Chapter Sixteen


Vector woke thirty six hours later, looking out into the interior of the medbay on his shuttle through shifting currents of kolto. He saw Tus and Lianna there as he raised his finger to tap on the glass.


Together they removed him from the tank and Lianna ran a scan on him to make sure he was healthy enough to be up and about then brought his clothes and helped him get dressed. Tus informed him that the queen wanted to see him as soon as he was able.


“Are you well enough to go to the queen now?” asked Lianna.


“The arm and shoulder will be stiff for a time as well as the leg, and the scar tissue burns when stretched, but if we are summoned, we must not delay,” he answered as Lianna helped with the fastenings of his armor.


Vector walked to the chamber to face his queen who was no longer just his but queen to all and dropped to one knee as he extended his arm. He felt her immediate response and rose to take his place beside her while she told him what had transpired while he was healing.


The Unu queen’s fate was sealed as soon as the Night Herald fell and she had come forward to present her neck to the, now reigning queen, who chewed through the fibrous chitin that connected head to body. All hives were present for this except Kolosolok and Horoh who had left the circle once the Night Herald died.


“Will they return?” asked Vector.


“In time. They are hive creatures and will feel the loss eventually. By their very nature they will be driven back to us. It is the way of the Kind.


“We also ordered all of the black membrosia givers be killed as their corruption could not be undone. All orbs were destroyed as well as the hatchlings and eggs of the brood. We must start anew, your aura will help us heal.”


Vector could already feel the gravity of what had been thrust upon him. He must seek new ways for the hive to grow, new worlds to explore and negotiations to be made. He would be diplomat for the hive as well as warrior, peacekeeper as well as judge and executioner. His road would be long and difficult but he must not forget Rey’elle, his search must continue and his queen could not deny him this.


“Vector,” the queen’s voice broke through his thoughts. “We cannot help your empire, you must understand this. We are unknown to this enemy who threatens the core worlds and we will not risk exposure. On that the old Unu queen was correct, our ascension changes nothing.”


“Your word is law,” said Vector as he left her side to greet the leaders of all the hives that were still present.


He circled around to Iesei where he greeted Lianna and asked her to walk with him. He looked at the queen who nodded her head and he and Lianna left the cave behind to walk in the grass and sunshine. He was tired of the dark.


They strolled to the top of a small hillock and Vector sat down in the tall grass, closed his eyes and leaned his head back feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. He felt the gentle touch of Lianna’s hand as she caressed his cheek and treasured this momentary time of quiet.


“What will you do now?” asked Lianna.


“Stand at her side until all folds back into place and the nightmare of the past few years can be left behind. She will need us for a time and then we will resume our search for Rey’elle. We are less than whole without her and as much as we have already lost to the pheromones and auras, she has never lost her importance to us. You understand this above all others.”


“Will you still visit us at the Synapse Comb?”


He turned his head to look into her eyes. “Not as much as before, time will be a problem and we feel that there is not much for either of us to hang on to. The humanity wanes and will soon be eclipsed by other matters and you must also continue your search for Lan.”


“Will you spend this night with us?” she asked as she lay her head against his shoulder.


“Yes,” he replied.


Months he spent with the queen until they both felt it was safe for him to begin his search again but he was always bound by the distances he could travel between refueling stations and he had found nothing new in such a long time.


He returned to Gravis 5 and checked with the new queen of Oroboro to assure that the nest was growing and secure and to find out if the last spitcrete ship had arrived. It had not been seen and all assumed it had been either destroyed trying to leave Alderaan or was lost to the unforgiving expanses of space. It was a great loss to the hive but they would continue, nonetheless.


His visits to Lianna had ceased completely and at four years, seven months, during a visit to Finas Eth she told him that she would be leaving Iesei soon to follow a very promising lead in finding her husband.


Iesei would give her time but would replace her eventually if she did not return and he felt the loss to the hive but nothing personal touched his heart. He was pleased for her but all other emotions were long past his understanding.


Five years two months came and went and he forgot how to count time, the need to find Rey’elle now came from some unconscious place. He knew she was important to him, he knew he could never stop searching but the reasons had transformed from desperation and need to matters of fact, like numbers added in a ledger. The reasons did not matter, only the act was relevant.


His latest trip to Bakura gleaned some information about a place in wild space called Asylum where refugees from the war and from Arcann could find sanctuary. He paid a dear sum for the location, and when asked, the spacer had no information about the location for Zakuul but Asylum might prove to be someplace where he could find some help in his search.


The round trip calculations brought him very close to running out of fuel but he must take the chance, the subconscious drive to find her overrode any sense of self preservation so he made the jump as soon as he left Bakuran space.


He exited from hyperspace to see what looked like a giant space station in the distance and as he got closer it seemed to be a cobbled mass of several platforms welded together. The place had been bombed into ruins, the giant spire was cut in half and hanging loose by bent and broken girders. Husks of buildings stood like tombstones among the rubble, the external docking ports floated free connected only by hoses and his scans showed no signs of life.


Had he been himself he would have been broken by this but his mind, now, simply catalogued the data as one more dead end. He had come to that point of quiet acceptance that Lianna had called a blessing and a curse, and he wondered if it was better to feel the old agonies than next to nothing at all.


He could almost remember, almost grasp what he once was but it dripped through his hands like water. The closest he came was when he dreamed of her and those visions had become more elusive as time passed. He felt the peace of the hive, but there was a kind of death in that peace, a sameness that crippled the soul.


He opened himself to the song to see if it offered any new information but even the song had changed since he had lost his humanity. It was still there but somehow seemed less, more confined even dulled. He must remember to tell the queen of this revelation.


He returned to Bakura and then to Finas Eth and simply waited for the day when she would be his again. He had never learned how to live without her, so he stopped trying. He drew breath, he existed and it was enough for now. The important thing was that she was safe, locked in his song and although he had fashioned the key, he could not use it. That secret was safe as well.


(To be Continued)

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Wow, what a fascinating chapter....although short, it contains so much, and evokes a lot of emotions.

I felt relief that the Night Herald was dead, but was a little horrified at the manner of the old Unu Queen's execution even if I didn't like her.


Surprisingly, I feel sad about Lianna and the fact that they will no longer see each other....but a sadness that neither of them seem to feel at all.


Vector's losing his humanity is frightening......what if by the time he finds Rey'elle he cannot regain it? In a way it must be a good thing for him, since it prevents him from having to suffer the agony of her loss for all those years. And now more than five years has passed.......


I am curious about the place Vector found when he went searching for Asylum. Is this Zakuul right after the Eternal Fleet bombarded them and before Rey'elle would have taken the throne? I may be missing something here.



To wrap it all up, I enjoyed this chapter very much, and will eagerly look forward to the next one:)

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:) That was truly wonderful.



I really felt a sense of melancholy through the entire chapter. It was subtle but ever present and it really spoke of what Vector was going through, and had become.


The tying up of the loose ends, like the fate of the Unu queen and the destruction of the dark membrosia touched constructions of their world added to the air of finality about everything, and the last night between Vector and Lianna had the same effect.


I like that you took the time to research the insect anatomy for the proper term when you described the death of the Unu queen. It gives it a sense of authenticity I can really appreciate.


I can't help but be sad for Vector, even though he keeps her with him, he's a changed man and I wonder how this will affect their relationship should he find her again.


The finality of Vector's ordeal here suggests a direction and I have a sneaky feeling about where you will take it next, given our discussion. I'm curious to see if I'm right. I am looking forward to seeing what comes next and how everything will come together ultimately and how this awful separation between them is resolved.


It was a beautiful chapter, and one I very much enjoyed. Thank you. :)


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Oh, he was so close.

Of course I knew there was no hope he would find her on Asylum, still this hurt.

Poor Vector.

The melancholy of the chapter is heartwrenching.

Hang on, Vector!



Edited by frauzet
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Nice to see Vector make a full recovery and the Night Herald/Unu situation fully dealt with. Hopefully that's the last of them and their violent wishes.


Sad to see him say goodbye to Lianna too. It had to happen at some point but I felt in some ways she was his last connection to the human world, humanity, though I am glad for her she's found a solid lead on her husband and hopefully they will reunite.


It's cold and sad to see Vector lose his humanity in the way he has now. Not surprising and I have faith with time, should he find Rey'elle, it'll return to him. I don't think their love, his love for her, can remain buried forever not once she's close again. It was also sad to see him arrive on Asylum but only too late, after the battle... still, it's a step closer which makes me hopeful.


Very well done chapter and once again you're brilliantly and fluidly moved through the time line while keeping things interesting as well, good job.

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Wow, what a fascinating chapter....although short, it contains so much, and evokes a lot of emotions.

I felt relief that the Night Herald was dead, but was a little horrified at the manner of the old Unu Queen's execution even if I didn't like her.


Surprisingly, I feel sad about Lianna and the fact that they will no longer see each other....but a sadness that neither of them seem to feel at all.


Vector's losing his humanity is frightening......what if by the time he finds Rey'elle he cannot regain it? In a way it must be a good thing for him, since it prevents him from having to suffer the agony of her loss for all those years. And now more than five years has passed.......


I am curious about the place Vector found when he went searching for Asylum. Is this Zakuul right after the Eternal Fleet bombarded them and before Rey'elle would have taken the throne? I may be missing something here.



To wrap it all up, I enjoyed this chapter very much, and will eagerly look forward to the next one:)


Vector has locked his emotions and his love for Rey'elle away in his song. I think it is the only way he could have survived all those years without doing something stupid in his search for her that would likely have gotten him killed. Actually it was Asylum that he found, but it was after Arcann had destroyed the sanctuary and there was nothing left, no trail for him to follow. Glad you enjoyed the chapter despite the short length.


:) That was truly wonderful.



I really felt a sense of melancholy through the entire chapter. It was subtle but ever present and it really spoke of what Vector was going through, and had become.


The tying up of the loose ends, like the fate of the Unu queen and the destruction of the dark membrosia touched constructions of their world added to the air of finality about everything, and the last night between Vector and Lianna had the same effect.


I like that you took the time to research the insect anatomy for the proper term when you described the death of the Unu queen. It gives it a sense of authenticity I can really appreciate.


I can't help but be sad for Vector, even though he keeps her with him, he's a changed man and I wonder how this will affect their relationship should he find her again.


The finality of Vector's ordeal here suggests a direction and I have a sneaky feeling about where you will take it next, given our discussion. I'm curious to see if I'm right. I am looking forward to seeing what comes next and how everything will come together ultimately and how this awful separation between them is resolved.


It was a beautiful chapter, and one I very much enjoyed. Thank you. :)


Vector has reached that point of accepting what his life is without her and although he continues to search, his reasons come from a different place. His trysts with Lianna had to end at some point and wrapping up Unu and enabling the hive to move on from the effects of the Night Herald was necessary.


I am happy that the sense of melancholy came across as I intended as I wanted to convey the profound change that has befallen Vector, he is, indeed a changed man. Thanks for the Kudos on the demise of the Unu queen, I actually did have to research the insect body and how the different parts are connected.


Oh, he was so close.

Of course I knew there was no hope he would find her on Asylum, still this hurt.

Poor Vector.

The melancholy of the chapter is heartwrenching.

Hang on, Vector!




Yes, so close and yet so far. If he had only gone a month or two earlier he might have found her, bad timing, as always. The chapter was intended to be melancholy, to show how little of the human side of him remains. Hang on Vector, indeed.


Nice to see Vector make a full recovery and the Night Herald/Unu situation fully dealt with. Hopefully that's the last of them and their violent wishes.


Sad to see him say goodbye to Lianna too. It had to happen at some point but I felt in some ways she was his last connection to the human world, humanity, though I am glad for her she's found a solid lead on her husband and hopefully they will reunite.


It's cold and sad to see Vector lose his humanity in the way he has now. Not surprising and I have faith with time, should he find Rey'elle, it'll return to him. I don't think their love, his love for her, can remain buried forever not once she's close again. It was also sad to see him arrive on Asylum but only too late, after the battle... still, it's a step closer which makes me hopeful.


Very well done chapter and once again you're brilliantly and fluidly moved through the time line while keeping things interesting as well, good job.


I like to think that Lianna found her Lan and all is well with them although we will likely never know. Vector, now, is much as he was before he met Rey'elle. What joy he experiences comes from the hive, there is a sense of exhilaration during some of the rituals and songs, but other than that, he merely exists, his drive to find her is simply a compulsion now. As for time passing, I try to hit on those important things and leave the mundane alone, it moves the story along and thank you for noticing. :)

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I clicked on this thread by mistake thinking it was a topic in General. I'm so glad I did because I just spent the last couple of hours reading everything :)


(*Note to Self: read the Voss story as I clearly missed a few references).


Anyway, I can say, without a doubt, that this is far better written, more thought out, and gives a much better explanation of what's going on with Vector than whatever one line sentence BW will give us when he canonically returns in game (which I'm pretty positive will be along the lines of, "We were on Alderaan all along, Agent. We don't know why Theron Shan couldn't find us until this very moment, despite the fact you've been here a couple times before!")


I really, really like what you've done with Vector. I skimmed over the comments you've made about how you've agonized over some things you felt might be a bit out of character. But you presented them so well that his actions are very logical and they made complete sense; it's not like they were completely out of the blue. Every word of it, every one of his actions, are all completely believable in the context in which they were presented.


I think a lot of thoughts about Vector Hyllus. Probably more than I should (thankfully my husband tolerates it :p). A couple of things you addressed, mainly Vector's worry about losing his humanity and thus his love for the Agent and how he locked that part of him away for the time being, are almost identical to what my solution would have been were I writing something like this. Let's just hope whoever at BW is writing his return is just as thoughtful.


I'm really looking forward to your next update and I think, for the first time in four years, I will actually subscribe to a thread on these forums :D

Edited by AngFour
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I clicked on this thread by mistake thinking it was a topic in General. I'm so glad I did because I just spent the last couple of hours reading everything :)


(*Note to Self: read the Voss story as I clearly missed a few references).


Anyway, I can say, without a doubt, that this is far better written, more thought out, and gives a much better explanation of what's going on with Vector than whatever one line sentence BW will give us when he canonically returns in game (which I'm pretty positive will be along the lines of, "We were on Alderaan all along, Agent. We don't know why Theron Shan couldn't find us until this very moment, despite the fact you've been here a couple times before!")


I really, really like what you've done with Vector. I skimmed over the comments you've made about how you've agonized over some things you felt might be a bit out of character. But you presented them so well that his actions are very logical and they made complete sense; it's not like they were completely out of the blue. Every word of it, every one of his actions, are all completely believable in the context in which they were presented.


I think a lot of thoughts about Vector Hyllus. Probably more than I should (thankfully my husband tolerates it :p). A couple of things you addressed, mainly Vector's worry about losing his humanity and thus his love for the Agent and how he locked that part of him away for the time being, are almost identical to what my solution would have been were I writing something like this. Let's just hope whoever at BW is writing his return is just as thoughtful.


I'm really looking forward to your next update and I think, for the first time in four years, I will actually subscribe to a thread on these forums :D


I am so glad you clicked on the wrong link also. :) It is wonderful to see a new reader and I want to thank you for the lovely comment and compliment. Vector is my favorite companion and I always want to do credit to his character so I am quite pleased that you like my depiction of him and the way I see him handling the agent's disappearance.


It made sense for him to return to the hive given the turmoil that had befallen the empire, and the personal turmoil he is going through and there would not have been much of a story if he just returned to Oroboro and stayed there.


Like you, I am afraid of what the game will have him doing for the past seven years or so, and you are likely correct that they will have him be on Alderaan on some diplomatic mission to the killiks, which I hope they are more creative than that. Maybe Acina sent him to Zakuul on a diplomatic mission and Arcann froze him in carbonite also, ugh. I hope we are pleasantly surprised.


Anyway, thank you again for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me when someone takes the time to acknowledge my stories, it is fuel to keep me going. :D

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Like you, I am afraid of what the game will have him doing for the past seven years or so, and you are likely correct that they will have him be on Alderaan on some diplomatic mission to the killiks, which I hope they are more creative than that. Maybe Acina sent him to Zakuul on a diplomatic mission and Arcann froze him in carbonite also, ugh. I hope we are pleasantly surprised.



No lie, I'm kinda depressed now. Depressed because the very best fan fiction is supposed to ENHANCE the source material, not completely outstrip it in quality, which yours has. This is not bagging on your work, this is commending it. It's just...you're doing this for fun and for free, while Charles Boyd and whatever other writers BW:A still has is being paid good money to churn out unimaginative stuff. And that makes me sad. Depressed because they COULD be good, but they just aren't because it seems like they don't care.


Part of me is tempted to not play the actual story anymore and fully accept your story as canon and be done with it.


Ah, who am I kidding? I know I'll play the new stuff and totally cringe when Vector does come back with some asinine story like I had mentioned previously.


Le Sigh :(

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No lie, I'm kinda depressed now. Depressed because the very best fan fiction is supposed to ENHANCE the source material, not completely outstrip it in quality, which yours has. This is not bagging on your work, this is commending it. It's just...you're doing this for fun and for free, while Charles Boyd and whatever other writers BW:A still has is being paid good money to churn out unimaginative stuff. And that makes me sad. Depressed because they COULD be good, but they just aren't because it seems like they don't care.


Part of me is tempted to not play the actual story anymore and fully accept your story as canon and be done with it.


Ah, who am I kidding? I know I'll play the new stuff and totally cringe when Vector does come back with some asinine story like I had mentioned previously.


Le Sigh :(


Such high praise, *blushes* and thank you so much.


As for the other stuff, of all the LI companions, I see Vector as sort of the outlier in the return story.


Doc could be doing medical stuff behind enemy lines, Andonikos went back to his pirating and causing havoc with the eternal fleet, Risha is on Dubrillion, Kira, Nadia, Ashara and Jaesa are all doing force stuff either for the sith or Jedi, Iresso, may be back with the military, Raina, I can actually see back on Hoth, Akaavi perhaps learned of a surviving member of her clan, Corso is really on Port Nowhere doing his schtick or went back to his family farm on Ord Mantell, Mako joined a group like her old one, slicing into stuff, etc. Hope I didn't miss anyone. :p


But Vector, was a diplomat, not tied to military, spying or other war time stuff, and not a force user. So, what to do with Vector, in game. It would almost have to be Killik related, synapse comb perhaps, or some other diplomatic mission and I have no idea how they will pull it off. Guess all we can do is wait and see and hope for the best.


Like you, I will play through it and see where BW:A takes us. However it ends up, I just hope they at least make it plausible or half way interesting. :)

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Chapter Seventeen


The queen and the hives demanded more time of Vector than he had counted on. Kolosolok and Manam had confronted his queen with demands for expansion since their worlds were becoming so populated that resources were becoming increasingly hard to find.


Vector broached the argument that perhaps a less aggressive breeding program would help ease their burdens, they simply could not continue to produce the thousands of young each year that taxed their environments to the brink of total depletion.


What he proposed was akin to heresy and a denial of the old ways and only the word of his queen prevented another trial by combat between him and the Dawn Heralds of both nests. She agreed to help them find new places of settlement if they agreed to maintain their populations accordingly. It was something she had done herself on Alderaan and it had proved beneficial to Oroboro. She further stated that the Kind were not here to devour the universe but to enhance it.


Vector was sent out to assist in finding suitable planets and Tus went with him more and more on his missions for the queen or to find word of Rey’elle. The Hassuun was actually learning a few words of common although his mouth structure struggled with pronunciations. What little laughter graced Vector’s days came from their friendship.


Vector had requisitioned the Oroboro artisans to construct a staff very similar to his and offered it as a gift to Tus who honored it as his most cherished possession. They often sparred together each teaching the other new tricks and movements, sometimes coming away with cuts and bruises and a sense of comradery he had not felt since Lokin.


In his search for Rey’elle and opportunities for the hive, Vector beheld wonders in the unknown regions. A crimson nebula that resembled flames licking at the surrounding blackness, a world where long dead and forgotten architects had built great fortresses and castles from solid crystal. He visited a planet where tiny fireflies banded together in swarms so immense they could be seen from space and a water world where giant waterspouts danced together to music only they could hear. Each of these things he memorized with great care and brought back to his queen as a gift in the sharing.


He and Tus found three worlds suitable for Kolosolok and Manam but had to discard one since it was too close to Chiss space and the Chiss had no patience for encroachment. He led the two nests on their first expeditions to these new worlds and expanded his star charts to something even the Claatuvac Guild on Kashyyk would envy.


One of Vector’s most treasured memories was when he had come out of hyperspace amid a hive of the enormous killiks who roamed the deep places of the universe. He, Tus and the fingerlings sang and cast their song out into space to commune with these giants of the Kind.


They filled a vast region of space and sang back to the tiny ship that was dwarfed by their size. Vector learned that they were called Tanetenat and had come together in a breeding swarm. They were graceful and supple in their movements as they came together and pulled apart in a delicate dance belying their enormity.


They lived in space by scooping gasses like oxygen, hydrogen, and methane into great vents in their bodies that they could open and close as they skimmed the atmosphere of planets. An internal mechanism enabled them to recycle these gasses throughout their systems feeding organs, replenishing fluids and using methane as a food source.


They were solitary and nomadic and the queens would lay their eggs at a spawning place hidden among the stars, leaving as soon they finished, abandoning the young to live or die as the universe willed. Genetic memory being the only hope for the newborn's survival.


Vector and Tus stayed for hours observing and communing until the great swarm dispersed and only the emptiness of space remained. Vector wished that Rey’elle could have been there with him to witness this miracle, he would remember to tell her when he saw her again.


Six years came and went, he had helped his queen bring peace to the Colony. He had found worlds and negotiated trade with the help of Saras and their natural penchant for such endeavors. He had found sources for parts for their dartships, bartered for schematics and set up crude but efficient manufacturing stations and averted conflict when hive groups had split into factions that bordered on civil war.


Every place that he had gone, he searched for her, opened himself to the universe and still, nothing. He needed to widen his search but his duty to the hive never ceased and as the months passed he had less and less time to devote to his quest.


He was as lost in the hive as he had been before they met and only his stubborn determination drove him to seek someone who was merely a face in his memory. His individuality allowed him to remember this and he continued without reason or cause and accepted this truth as simply a matter of course. He blindly followed a calling possessed of only a name; Rey’elle.


Seven years, two months was hallmarked as the time when fortune changed. He was on his way back from Gravis 5 to Finas Eth when his private holo began to chime. He had received no messages on that device since he had left the core worlds, he had even forgotten that he had it and it was a wonder that its power core was still working.


The call was from a being he had never thought to hear from again.


“Scorpio?” he gasped.


“I do not have much time, Vector and do not know how long I can keep this communication open, you must listen carefully. I know where she is. Buried in this signal are the coordinates to a planet called Odessen, she is there.”


“Why now?” asked Vector.


“I owe her a great debt, she allowed me to come home, to see the faces of my creators, to, at last, find peace. I am no longer a slave, I am finally free. I planted algorithms deep within the systems of this planet and it has taken months for them to calculate a way to establish a signal strong enough to span all the lengths of space. Even had she destroyed me, the program was self perpetuating, self learning, nearly sentient and would have completed its directive regardless. She waits for you, go to her and my final debt is paid.


“Quickly, connect this to your navicomputer while I can still hold on to the signal, go Vector. Now!”


Vector ran to the cockpit, pulling wires out of the console to attach to his holo. Scorpio’s image began to flicker as the data was downloaded.


“Goodbye Vector, tell her…..” was the last thing he heard as the communication terminated.


Vector refreshed the navicomputer screen and beheld a new dot on the galaxy map, it shown like a beacon, it shown like her face.


He sat down in the pilot seat as a feeling he had dismissed a very long time ago swept over him; hope.


When he landed on Finas Eth and went to his queen she already sensed the change in him.


“You would leave us now, Dawn Herald? There is still much to do.”


“Yes there is much to do, there will always be much to do, but we hold you to your word that you would not prevent our leaving when the time came. We have found her at last, after all these years, we have finally found her.


“We will leave Tus as your protector and you must now rely on Saras for negotiations. The new Dawn Herald of the Iesei hive can be the enforcer of your laws, it might be good for the Colony to work as a unit for a while. We believe it will give the Kind a strength that has been missing for too long and we will return as soon as we can. We would like for her to hear the Twilight Song as only Oroboro can sing it.”


“Then go, Vector, we keep our word to you. However, you must return to us if you are called, we must have your word on this before you take your leave.”


“You have our word and our thanks, ” said Vector as he went to one knee and extended his arm. He felt the light pressure of her forearm against his armor and rose to begin the final stretch of his long journey.


Acosta Prime to Ilum, two stops in between then Bakura and nearly eight more days to Odessen. Time passed in its own set way neither faster nor slower than the pace given, and Vector watched each second tick into oblivion.


He neither paced nor fretted but merely settled in and felt the universe spin, as it always had and always would while his ship cut through hyperspace on a course given as a gift from one no longer chained.


As he came out of hyperspace over Odessen he was broadcasting the shuttle’s transponder code, hoping it was enough to keep him from being shot down. He was instructed to follow a very specific trajectory and not to deviate until he came to rest in a large hangar cut into the side of a mountain.


As he walked down the exit ramp he was greeted by both imperial and republic soldiers, their guns at the ready, and watched as a Bothan approached.


“Your name and purpose for landing,” demanded the Bothan.


“Wait! Wait! I know this man,” came a very familiar voice as Vector saw Doctor Lokin practically running toward him.


“My stars, Vector, I never thought to see you again. How did you find us?” the doctor asked as he grabbed Vector’s hand and pulled him in for a half embrace and hearty back slapping.


“Where is she?” asked Vector as he retracted the ramp, closed the door and locked it.


“Of course, my boy, this way.” Lokin said as he motioned for everyone to lower their weapons and led Vector across the hangar.


“She’s in the new war room, she let her hair grow, she has been through a lot,” Lokin tried to explain but Vector was too single minded to respond.


As soon as the elevator stopped and Vector stepped off the platform, he saw her, standing next to a man in a red jacket looking at something on a data terminal. Her back was turned to him and as he began to walk forward the room went quiet and nearly everyone turned to stare.


“Well, I’ll be damned,” someone who sounded like Kaliyo said.


Rey’elle and the man finally turned around and all Vector saw was her face. He saw the look of shock and disbelief cross her eyes, watched her legs give way, watched the man catch her as she fell.


He sprinted forward pushing the man away as he knelt by her side pulling her into his arms and when she reached out to touch his face it was as if an electric shock drove into his brain. His song opened and it all came rushing back. Her touch was the key he had so lovingly made, the secret to unlocking all of him.


He shut his eyes against the searing pain and felt his chest tighten as his heart hammered against his ribs. He had heard of this thing happening in the seconds before people died where their life flashed before them, scene after scene, in rapid fire. He must have died and was being reborn, was being remade into something new, brought back to life by the touch of her hand.


“Vector?” she said, concern in her voice as she stroked his cheek.


“We can hear your song again, my love,” he responded as he rose to his feet and lifted her into his arms, noting the staring faces scattered around the room. “Please, someplace where we can be alone.”


“I can walk, Vector,” she said but lay her head against his shoulder and hooked her arms around his neck.


He kissed the top of her head. “We can carry you across galaxies. Where?”


Rey’elle glanced over Vector’s shoulder to see Lokin grasp Theron’s arm to keep him from following, they appeared to be arguing. She turned her head away and placed her lips against the side of Vector’s neck feeling his quickened pulse in the vein that throbbed beneath her mouth.


She directed him through the base and across the metal walkway that led to their ship, their home and felt his embrace draw her closer and closer as if he were trying to pull her under his armor and into his skin.


Inside the ship he gently lowered her legs to the floor and turned her to so that he could cup her face between his hands.


“We never thought to see your face again,” his voice was barely above a whisper. “We never thought to hold you again.”


She took his hands in hers and kissed the palm of each then led him to their room and closed the door.


His voice was urgent and almost shy. “We must see all of you, Rey’elle. Take our breath away and let us lose ourselves in you as if it were the first time.”


He held his breath each time an article of clothing slid to the floor and restrained himself from extending his hands to touch the pale softness of her skin. Her aura glowed around her form as frost and spices settled on his tongue, whetting his appetite and awakening the hunger that had lain unsated for too long.


“Our dreams of you are inadequate to this moment,” he breathed as he began to undo the straps and buckles of his armor.


She tried to walk forward to help but he held up his hand to stop her. “If you touch us now we will be undone and melt like snow in the heart of a sun.”


Totally exposed, they stood for a few moments staring at each other as if caught in a bubble of time that neither wanted to burst. Vector took those few steps across the chasm of space and time that had kept them apart and lifted the Ukinuo gem that she wore on a chain about her neck.


“We had forgotten the gem,” he said, sadness and remorse sending a tremor through his voice.


“I never could,” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair and pulled his face toward hers. He willed the universe to stop as their mouths united, but the second her body met his, he was consumed.


His fingers explored every plane of her existence, the angles, edges, curves, peaks and valleys of her landscape. There was no expanse of him that escaped her hands as she rediscovered the byways and passages that ran the length and breadth of his being.


His mouth floated along her senses and murmured endearments that penetrated to her soul, her mouth whispered secrets against his skin that echoed to his core. Their sweat mingled like exotic nectar and they sipped from the divine brew, licking the salt from their lips and thirsting for more.


The bed became a silent audience to their union, the pillows were mute bystanders and the sheets a canvas where they painted a mural of grief and longing and joy.


She opened herself to the promises that only his body could keep, he poured the long years of yearning into the waiting chalice. She sighed his name as he brought her to the brink of climax and gently tipped her over the edge. Her hips rose and fell to the tempo of their song as her legs folded across his back, binding him to her, urging him to the shuddering release of all he had endured.


Rapt with wonder and certainty that she would not vanish into the stuff of dreams, he looked down into her face and kissed her lips before rolling to his side and pulling her close so that their faces were mere inches apart. She placed her leg over his hip and toyed with the sparse hairs on his chest as he absently stroked her thigh. She could barely hear him as he began to speak.


“We spoke to you in dreams and every word was chiseled into our heart. We loved you in our dreams recalling every line of your body, every sound, every taste until it seemed that dreams were all we would ever have.


“We held you in our song but dared not sing it and went mad for a time, then numb and then dead inside. We surrendered love so that we might save love and your touch redeemed us. You are more beautiful than we remember and we love you. We will never leave your side again, we do not think we would survive.”


She smoothed his hair back from his forehead, her voice was close to a whisper. “When I was in carbonite, Valkorian, the Sith Emperor showed me visions of your lifeless body lying on countless worlds, sometimes with the crew, sometimes alone. And then when I found Kaliyo, Lokin and Scorpio I hoped you were alive as well but so much time had passed and hope became so fragile.


“I lived in this horrible realm of not knowing if you were dead or alive. I felt like a shadow drifting through life, walking with one foot in dreams of you and one foot in a world where I no longer fit. I searched for you and waited for word that never came. I never wish to experience that depth of despair again.”


He moved his hand and caught a tear that had started to slide from her eye and over the bridge of her nose then surveyed the moisture before it evaporated away. “These hands will never release you again, Rey’elle, they are strong enough to hold what is ours….no, what is mine. The universe has given us a miracle, my love, and we will not squander the offering.”


She put her fingers to his lips, “hush, beloved, you are home now, the long nightmare is over for both of us and I am not going anywhere. Hold me and sleep, this time of peace will not last forever, it never does and we have a lifetime to talk.”


He rolled to his back, pulling her on top of him. “We did not know if we would ever feel this way again. Sleep can wait and conversation is not what we desire.”



Chapter Eighteen [Epilogue]


For three days neither Vector nor Rey’elle left the ship. They made love and talked and slept enjoying what time the universe would give them before the next incident demanded their attention.


Food appeared outside the airlock three times a day, likely provided by Lokin and no one interrupted them, even the comlinks were silent and they enjoyed the respite like the gift it was.


They had both learned the lesson of not taking anything for granted, not life or love or each other. They cherished each moment as the fleeting thing it was and took the future, not as a guaranteed commodity, but as seconds waiting to be written to memory and nothing more.


Vector slid out of bed early on the morning of the fourth day and put on his pants, boots and undershirt. He needed some air and to stretch his legs. Glancing down at her sleeping form, he smiled and his heart lurched as it did every time he looked at her face. He never wanted to lose that sensation again.


He was standing on the metal walkway watching the first colors of dawn appear above the treetops. He could see each mote of light and each spectrum of color as the sun spread its glory across the brightening sky. He could taste the change of the atmosphere, the dew on the wind and realized that his connection to the universe and its song was enhanced by his returned humanity.


He heard the boots approaching from the direction of the base and knew the time had come that was dreaded and inevitable.


“Vector,” said agent Shan more as a statement than a greeting.


“Agent,” replied Vector without looking at the man.


“The name is Theron, and, I suppose you know about Elle and I?”


“She told us.”


“So, what do we do now?”


“There is nothing for either of us to do, the decision is hers and always has been, the only question that remains is, do you love her enough?” asked Vector.


“I have loved her since Yavin 4, nearly eight years.”


“And we have loved her for eternity. Your point?”


“My point? She nearly went mad not knowing if you were dead or alive. She had everyone searching for you, had me searching for you. She would have given up anything or anyone to find you, where the hell have you been? What the hell have you sacrificed?”


Vector finally turned to look at the man who stood before him. “You have no idea what we have sacrificed for her nor would you understand. We searched year after year, you at least knew where she was but our life, our hands were empty.”


Theron’s brows knitted into a frown. “She has been through hell for seven years, and she and I have been through hell together the past two years, she nearly died twice. I think that is worthy of mention.”


“If you require a history lesson of hell, agent Shan, let us provide one for you. We were there at her side when the Castellan Restraints nearly drove her mad and when she suffered torture on Corellia that few men could have endured. We were there when the knowledge of the Empire’s treachery almost broke her.


“We nearly died for her on Hoth and on Voss we laid her on a bed of blankets, stripped her bare and stood guard while another man made love to her so that she could live. Again we ask, do you love her enough?”


“I love her, isn’t that enough?”


“If you do not understand the question, then you have no answer. To put it simply, do you love her enough to let her go? To stand by her side knowing you can never touch her again, hold her again, kiss her again. Do you love her enough, Theron?”


“Yes, I believe so. Yes.”


Vector exhaled a long sigh. “We do not just believe, we are certain, and have always been. Therein is the difference.”


“You sound as if you have already won.”


“This was never a contest, agent Shan. We never lost,” stated Vector as he walked back to the ship, back to her; his love, his life, his home.


The End



Sorry for the length of this post, but the epilogue was so short, there was no point in a separate posting. Also, I had started Rey'elle's part of the story, even got four chapters done, but decided not to include it here.


This is Vector's story and always has been. To add Rey'elle would have changed the dynamic, mood and tone of the entire story and was not something I wanted to compromise. Plus, no matter what sort of spin I put on the in game chapters, I just wasn't sure I had it in me to go through all of that.


I am not sure I have another story in me at this time and unless some lightening bolt of inspiration strikes me soon, I might be done for a while. I may post Rey'elle's telling at some point, but that remains to be seen.


That being said, I don't know how the game will reunite Vector with the agent but this is my telling of what occurred and I hope that you have enjoyed it somewhat. My eternal thanks for those who took the time to read and especially those who took the time to comment.


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Misha, you've crafted a truly beautiful love story between Vector and Rey'elle. I knew eventually this day would come, I didn't expect it quite so soon, and I have to say that I'm sad that it's over. Your story really made me look forward to Sunday mornings!


I can tell you put a lot of care and soul into the writing of this, and for that matter, your other stories too. Beautifully written, with wonderful characterizations and descriptions. Your prose has a lovely poetic style that I enjoy and everything is phrased so elegantly, especially Vector's thoughts and dialogue.


I loved that Tus will become a guardian of sorts for the hive, and I really loved that Vector gave him a twin staff--very fitting. I'm relieved that the business with the hive was completed on a positive note for Vector and I'm glad the queen kept her word to him. They way that the information came to Vector was believable and fit well with the story. It almost made me like Scorpio. :D


The reunion between Vector and Rey'elle was lovely and everything I'd hoped for--so much more satisfying than the game has ever given us. Passionate and perfect, I loved every moment.


I enjoyed the 'confrontation' between Theron and Vector and my heart broke for both men. I felt Theron's pain, it was palpable and heartbreaking, and I personally do think he loves her enough and I think he will let her go, because he has to know what she suffered to find him, and of course, we readers know what he suffered through to find her. As bad as I feel for Theron, this love is for Vector. He and Rey'elle are meant to be and this was truly a beautiful story and I thank you for sharing it with us.


I'm a bit sad too, that you think this is it for a while. I will miss reading your work. I'm hoping that after a little break the bug will be biting and you will feel the need to write more. I really hope you will.


Thanks again for a breathtaking story. Simply beautiful. <3


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This chapter is so beautiful I can barely find the words to describe it. I am unable to pick out any special lines and say "this was my favorite" because I would have to rewrite the entire chapter here to do that. When I began reading I didn't realize that their long awaited reunion was about to happen......when I did realize it I think my heart stopped and I could not breathe until I had read every word to the end.


You have so much talent.....everything you write is pure poetry, and most especially this last chapter. I have read it twice and may yet have to read it several more times:)


I would really love to read Rey'elles telling of her story, but you are certainly entitled to whatever break you need:)


Thank you so much for the gift of this truly amazing story.....

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An amazing final chapter.

I loved the description of the wolrds Vector visited, and it got only better afterwards.

The part about Rey'elle opening the lock Vector had created had me close to tears. Beautiful!

I like how you solved the confrontation with Theron, even though I feel a bit sorry for him. Vector is absolutely right though.

A wonderful happy end.



Thank you very much for sharing.


P.S.: I do hope inspiration will strike you again soon :)

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Absolutely beautiful. I had not expected this to be the last addition although it makes sense given the vast amount of time which has passed now in-story.


Misha you've written something so wonderful here and I am glad that despite your initial doubts you went ahead with writing and posting this. Your Vector is, in my opinion, even better than the in-game version and I love the voice you gave him. It's so him. And the others for that matter, Kaliyo, Scorpio, Lokin. Vowrawn, fantastic.


I also feel that story-wise you've maintained a really good balance between your own imagination and telling and in-game events. Weaving them in here and there without letting it take over your story. It made everything so enjoyable to read and I still find your reason for Vector's absence most perfect; BioWare's will fail in comparison and I think you can be proud of the fact you've given readers and Vector-fans especially something as beautiful as this. Thank you.


I love how you've wrapped this up too. Tus as the protector, Scorpio giving a final 'thanks' to Rey'elle by reaching out to Vector and showing him to Odessen. Quite clever really. And the reunion... oh my heart was racing and for a brief moment I was like "Please don't let her kiss red jacket guy while Vector's behind them watching!" lol. And both their reactions, her touch being the key to the song... I melted, genuinely. It was so perfect.


Really enjoyed the epilogue too, the two men discussing their love. It had a bit of a "mine's bigger than yours" feel to it but nicer, sweeter, discussing their love for Rey'elle and the lengths they've gone through for her. I thought Vector's... calm and confidence about it was great. That last line "we never lost", perfect. Sorry Theron you're adorable but I think the bond between Vector and Rey'elle transcends far beyond just love, you cannot compete with that.


Really stunning work Misha, I'm in awe of you. Saddened to hear you may not post anything new for a while and as a selfish 'fan' I do hope inspiration strikes soon. I will definitely be keeping my eye out. Thank you for writing and sharing this.

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I am incredibly sad that this story is over. On the other hand, I'm happy that I found this story so late so I only had to wait for the last update instead of nail biting for months wondering what was going to happen next. :D


This was beautiful and with the exception of my Agent romancing Theron (because mine didn't), I'm kind of adopting this as canon.


I loved the key. I wondered what the key might have been and her touch being it was so Vector.


“You sound as if you have already won.”


“This was never a contest, agent Shan. We never lost,” stated Vector as he walked back to the ship..


This part made me laugh out loud. If Vector was just a slightly different person, this would come across as a very macho, zip-thud sort of comment. Basically, "We don't see you as a threat." BUT, Vector's not like that so it comes across as so very matter-of-fact. There was no contest. Vector > Theron (Don't get me wrong, I adore Theron. But I like Vector ever so much more). However, I don't think Theron would understand this. Oh well.


A wonderful ending to a wonderful story. The only downside is that it's over but where else was it going to go? The previous chapter had a pretty final sounding ending so though I'm disappointed this was the epilogue I wasn't surprised to see that it was the epilogue.


Back in the day I used to write fan-fic of sorts (Sim stories with the pictures and stuff) so I know how it is with losing inspiration and just feeling burned out in general. However if/when you do get back to writing Rey'elle's side of the story I'll look forward to reading it :)

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Misha, you've crafted a truly beautiful love story between Vector and Rey'elle. I knew eventually this day would come, I didn't expect it quite so soon, and I have to say that I'm sad that it's over. Your story really made me look forward to Sunday mornings!


I can tell you put a lot of care and soul into the writing of this, and for that matter, your other stories too. Beautifully written, with wonderful characterizations and descriptions. Your prose has a lovely poetic style that I enjoy and everything is phrased so elegantly, especially Vector's thoughts and dialogue.


I loved that Tus will become a guardian of sorts for the hive, and I really loved that Vector gave him a twin staff--very fitting. I'm relieved that the business with the hive was completed on a positive note for Vector and I'm glad the queen kept her word to him. They way that the information came to Vector was believable and fit well with the story. It almost made me like Scorpio. :D


The reunion between Vector and Rey'elle was lovely and everything I'd hoped for--so much more satisfying than the game has ever given us. Passionate and perfect, I loved every moment.


I enjoyed the 'confrontation' between Theron and Vector and my heart broke for both men. I felt Theron's pain, it was palpable and heartbreaking, and I personally do think he loves her enough and I think he will let her go, because he has to know what she suffered to find him, and of course, we readers know what he suffered through to find her. As bad as I feel for Theron, this love is for Vector. He and Rey'elle are meant to be and this was truly a beautiful story and I thank you for sharing it with us.


I'm a bit sad too, that you think this is it for a while. I will miss reading your work. I'm hoping that after a little break the bug will be biting and you will feel the need to write more. I really hope you will.


Thanks again for a breathtaking story. Simply beautiful. <3


The story of Vector and Rey'elle was always a love story with a bit of trial, tribulation and action thrown in for good measure. It was fitting that Tus should replace Vector at the Killik queen's side. The fact that Scorpio should be the one to guide Vector back to Rey'elle seemed fitting and the only logical choice for my story. I am pleased that the reunion did not disappoint, I wanted to make it intimate and lovely and hope that came across. The confrontation between Vector and Theron hints at what would be in Rey'elle's story but I don't know if I will ever finish it. Thanks for hanging with me through all my stories and for getting me started on this journey.


This chapter is so beautiful I can barely find the words to describe it. I am unable to pick out any special lines and say "this was my favorite" because I would have to rewrite the entire chapter here to do that. When I began reading I didn't realize that their long awaited reunion was about to happen......when I did realize it I think my heart stopped and I could not breathe until I had read every word to the end.


You have so much talent.....everything you write is pure poetry, and most especially this last chapter. I have read it twice and may yet have to read it several more times:)


I would really love to read Rey'elles telling of her story, but you are certainly entitled to whatever break you need:)


Thank you so much for the gift of this truly amazing story.....


Your kind words and comments have been delightful and encouraging and I thank you. A poetic style is just the way I write and I doubt that will ever change, I am glad you appreciate the care I put into the scenes and dialogue. It has been my pleasure to write something you feel you needed to read twice. A bit of a break is what I need right now but who knows, I may be back.


An amazing final chapter.

I loved the description of the wolrds Vector visited, and it got only better afterwards.

The part about Rey'elle opening the lock Vector had created had me close to tears. Beautiful!

I like how you solved the confrontation with Theron, even though I feel a bit sorry for him. Vector is absolutely right though.

A wonderful happy end.



Thank you very much for sharing.


P.S.: I do hope inspiration will strike you again soon :)


Glad you enjoyed this final installment. I really wanted to show how much Vector had traveled and some of the wonders he had seen, he has been out there searching for a long time and had surely seen things other than just empty space. You always noticed the little things and I always appreciated your insight. And, yes, Rey'elle was the key to Vector, she always has been and always will be.


Absolutely beautiful. I had not expected this to be the last addition although it makes sense given the vast amount of time which has passed now in-story.


Misha you've written something so wonderful here and I am glad that despite your initial doubts you went ahead with writing and posting this. Your Vector is, in my opinion, even better than the in-game version and I love the voice you gave him. It's so him. And the others for that matter, Kaliyo, Scorpio, Lokin. Vowrawn, fantastic.


I also feel that story-wise you've maintained a really good balance between your own imagination and telling and in-game events. Weaving them in here and there without letting it take over your story. It made everything so enjoyable to read and I still find your reason for Vector's absence most perfect; BioWare's will fail in comparison and I think you can be proud of the fact you've given readers and Vector-fans especially something as beautiful as this. Thank you.


I love how you've wrapped this up too. Tus as the protector, Scorpio giving a final 'thanks' to Rey'elle by reaching out to Vector and showing him to Odessen. Quite clever really. And the reunion... oh my heart was racing and for a brief moment I was like "Please don't let her kiss red jacket guy while Vector's behind them watching!" lol. And both their reactions, her touch being the key to the song... I melted, genuinely. It was so perfect.


Really enjoyed the epilogue too, the two men discussing their love. It had a bit of a "mine's bigger than yours" feel to it but nicer, sweeter, discussing their love for Rey'elle and the lengths they've gone through for her. I thought Vector's... calm and confidence about it was great. That last line "we never lost", perfect. Sorry Theron you're adorable but I think the bond between Vector and Rey'elle transcends far beyond just love, you cannot compete with that.


Really stunning work Misha, I'm in awe of you. Saddened to hear you may not post anything new for a while and as a selfish 'fan' I do hope inspiration strikes soon. I will definitely be keeping my eye out. Thank you for writing and sharing this.


I am pleased that you enjoyed the wrapping up of the story, the reunion, the fact that Rey'elle was the key to opening Vector's song, my head canon for the reason behind Vector's long absence, and Scorpio showing him the way back. You are right, no matter how adorable Theron may be, there is something so deep between Vector and Rey'elle that anything else pales by comparison.


I am incredibly sad that this story is over. On the other hand, I'm happy that I found this story so late so I only had to wait for the last update instead of nail biting for months wondering what was going to happen next. :D


This was beautiful and with the exception of my Agent romancing Theron (because mine didn't), I'm kind of adopting this as canon.


I loved the key. I wondered what the key might have been and her touch being it was so Vector.

“You sound as if you have already won.”


“This was never a contest, agent Shan. We never lost,” stated Vector as he walked back to the ship..


This part made me laugh out loud. If Vector was just a slightly different person, this would come across as a very macho, zip-thud sort of comment. Basically, "We don't see you as a threat." BUT, Vector's not like that so it comes across as so very matter-of-fact. There was no contest. Vector > Theron (Don't get me wrong, I adore Theron. But I like Vector ever so much more). However, I don't think Theron would understand this. Oh well.


A wonderful ending to a wonderful story. The only downside is that it's over but where else was it going to go? The previous chapter had a pretty final sounding ending so though I'm disappointed this was the epilogue I wasn't surprised to see that it was the epilogue.


Back in the day I used to write fan-fic of sorts (Sim stories with the pictures and stuff) so I know how it is with losing inspiration and just feeling burned out in general. However if/when you do get back to writing Rey'elle's side of the story I'll look forward to reading it :)


As I said before, I am glad you clicked on my story by mistake and am pleased that I may have provided a head canon version that Vector lovers can use in case the BW:A version of the reunion disappoints. I am sad it is over also because I have truly enjoyed writing their story from Voss to this conclusion. You are also correct in that I really had no where else to go with the story, there is only so much time fill that can be written.



So, my last post about this story before it fades into obscurity behind pages uncounted. The Vector and Rey'elle story arc has been a labor of love for me and I am pleased that many have received it so well. Luna, Foxfirerose, Jenny, Frauzet, you have been with me from the start and your constant encouragement and kind comments have kept me inspired. AngeFour, even though you came late to the party, your comments make me think it was all worth while.


I am always a bit sad when a story ends and this one especially, but, there really was nothing else to say once Vector and Rey'elle were united. I am happy with the ending and hope others are also.


With that said, I bid farewell to the fanfic forums for a while, at least. Thanks again for stopping by, peaking in and, hopefully, staying long enough to read my words. *exits stage left*

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You're killing me Misha...you have no idea how badly I miss your writing!:( I do understand, but it makes me very sad just the same.


I feel the same way. You get used to a voice, especially one as lovely as Misha's and then when the story is over, it's very sad.

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@Foxfirerose and Lunafox:


That you both for the lovely sentiments. I actually miss the Swtor universe and writing stories about the characters we all know and love. I may return to my Rey'elle story or even finish my Corso story one of these days.


Right now all my energy is going into a novella-novel-book that I have been toying with for a long time. I'm almost half way done, so we will see where I go from there.


In any case, it is a delight to know that my stories are missed and my voice was distinctive enough to be remembered.


Love to you both,



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