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The Time Between


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The new planet for Oroboro sounds awesome. I loved the description of the cave, especially Vector's thoughts on its acoustics. It's good to see Vector leaving the Killiks although I doubt, we've seen the last of the Night Herald.

I have always headcanoned Vector as having a strong connection to the Force, amplified by his joining. So it sounds very natural to me that he is able to pick up Rey'elle's heartbeat like this. And he wouldn't be Vector if he didn't follow its call.

While Scorpio's leaving comes as no surprise, I do wonder what prompted her to leave the way she did.


I do admire your way to condense all that happens in this chapter to the important parts. It's something I always struggle with. The path between too much and not enough information is a tricky one for me. You provided an excellent example of how to do it right. Kudos!

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The new planet for Oroboro sounds awesome. I loved the description of the cave, especially Vector's thoughts on its acoustics. It's good to see Vector leaving the Killiks although I doubt, we've seen the last of the Night Herald.

I have always headcanoned Vector as having a strong connection to the Force, amplified by his joining. So it sounds very natural to me that he is able to pick up Rey'elle's heartbeat like this. And he wouldn't be Vector if he didn't follow its call.

While Scorpio's leaving comes as no surprise, I do wonder what prompted her to leave the way she did.


I do admire your way to condense all that happens in this chapter to the important parts. It's something I always struggle with. The path between too much and not enough information is a tricky one for me. You provided an excellent example of how to do it right. Kudos!


Thanks for the comments. And, no the killik stuff is not quite ready to end yet, nor is the Night Herald.


It is funny that you mention a connection between Vector and the 'Force' since his connection to the universe and the song is very similar to what force users must experience. Of course, it does not manifest until he is joined, and is primarily a killik trait, but still, they are very close to each other by comparison and whatever it is, Vector has it in spades, maybe more than most.


As for Scorpio, this was just my way of explaining how she got to Zakuul. She knows or suspects what is up with the eternal fleet, and it was a moment of opportunity that she took. She did require some time to become 'lady of sorrows' and now was as good a time as any, plus it fit in with my story.


And thank you for the lovely compliment. I sometimes struggle with transitions, like was that too abrupt or too long? But I try not to harp on the same thing for too long or until it gets tedious, not sure I always get it right, but nobody wants to read about a blade of grass over twenty paragraphs. I think I repeat myself sometimes, but nobody has called me out on it yet, so I'll just keep on, keepin' on. :)



Chapter Twelve


Vector sat in the med bay with his hand soaking in a solution of kolto. Lokin had calculated the route to Bakura where they would refuel and then head back to Alderaan and the hive. The ship was already in hyperspace and he was leaving her behind again.


He was so tired of having no choice and simply moving as was required, he would rather die in the cold of space searching for her than be constantly flung in the opposite direction from where he knew she was.


Her heartbeat was so slow and faint that he wondered if she would even be alive when he found her. His resolve hardened around him like the chitinous shell of the killik and he would go on, he must go on, he just wasn’t sure he knew how any more.


The only information that Lokin could collect from Bakura when he went around the spaceport asking about Zakuul was some old legend about a great serpent that lived in the deep folds of space and devoured planets whole. It was no more helpful than the ghost fleet that he and Temple had heard about on their first trip here.


The two weeks from Bakura to Alderaan were the most trying of all for Lokin. He watched his friend withdraw into a despair that grew deeper each day and as hard as he tried no amount of discourse seemed to pull Vector back from the brink of utter defeat.


Vector prowled the ship for hours, walking the same course over and over again as if he feared to stop or be still. As if he were afraid that he would hear something of her again that would straighten the downward spiral into a slide with some horrible pit waiting at the bottom.


Two days before Alderaan, Lokin grabbed his arm and forced him to stop, turning Vector to look into his eyes. “You cannot continue this way, you are literally eating yourself alive with grief and it will do neither Rey’elle or you any good in the end. Go back to the hive, let the pheromones do their work and continue to look for her as you are able.”


“We could not bear to lose our love for her, she is the blood in our veins, the marrow in our bones, the reason we draw breath. We would cease to live.”


“Perhaps,” said Lokin. “But living is relative, you could exist, much as you did before you met her. Is there no way for you to preserve those feelings? Lock them safely in some corner of your mind and access them when they are most needed? It could be like a safe room where only you have the key. You could store them and use them when you needed to search for her, is there no way?”


Vector remembered his struggle to access his humanity, but, if he could learn a different way, something new.


He rubbed his chin as he began to consider. “Maybe. The Aebea nest showed us how to suppress the pheromones for brief periods of time and the Dawn Herald of Iesei, Lianna, may be able to help us learn to do more. We feel that she knows secret things that she might share.


“When we were joined, our humanity was taken by force, caged in a place so deep we forgot it even existed. But, something already hidden cannot be touched, it cannot be fettered.”


Vector actually smiled and grasped Lokin by both shoulders. “We would kiss you if it were not inappropriate, doctor. You may have saved us once again with your logic and common sense.”


Vector arrived at a new understanding that hope was a fragile and fickle thing. Renewing and breaking in equal measure, visiting like an ill gotten guest and then sneaking away under cover of the dark. It lurked in shadows, playing tricks, giving gifts then taking them back, laughing at the foolish who dared believe its lies.


Hope would not heal his broken spirit it would only fester into an open wound. He would be wary of hope, taking it at face value, knowing that the shining visage could turn dim and ugly at the whim of fate.


The advice of a good friend and patience were his allies now and he would wait a lifetime for her, if need be, but he could not sit idle in the interim. He finally came to grips with the fact that he must return to the hive, it was the only path to damnation and salvation that was open to him.


By the time they docked in Rhu Caenus, it had been nearly eleven months since the Agrona had exploded, nearly a year that he had searched and questioned and been led to false ends or cold trails. He needed sanctuary for his mind and heart and some surcease from the daily infliction of pain, he needed some way to bury his love, keep it safe until he saw her face again.


But, now, there was a task that Vector dreaded more than he cared to admit, the time had come for him to confront Lokin with the fact that the doctor would no longer be able to accompany him for the remainder of his journeys.


He walked into the med bay where the doctor was busy, as usual, running tests on whatever new formula was his latest development.


He cleared his throat as he walked through the door. “We apologize for the intrusion, but there is a matter of import that we must discuss with you.”


Lokin looked up from his monitor. “Well, my boy, out with it.”


“We are not able to articulate this in a kinder way so blunt truth would serve best. You will not be able to follow us where we must tread. The queen of Unu has declared that you are unwelcome to ever set foot on Finas Eth again, this also includes Gravis 5, where we must now go. She has vowed to end your life should you intrude upon the nests territories again and we have no doubt that she will follow through with that threat.


“You must leave us now, my friend, go to your safehouse and work on what will save your life, our paths can no longer converge.”


“I see,” said Lokin. “Her threats do not frighten me but the thought that you could get hurt or killed in my defense is the greater concern. My alter ego could tear her head from her shoulders and rip half her hive apart before she knew what had happened, but numbers would eventually overwhelm and both of us would be dead, nonetheless. Not a pleasant prospect for either of us.


“I require another two days to finish gathering data from my latest experiment. If you can give me that time, it would be much appreciated.”


“We will go to the hive in a short while to ask the queen to finish her preparations, we will give you what time we can but you may wish to start packing your things. We are sorry, doctor, for both of us, we will miss your company and council.”


“And I will miss yours as well, but we can save the goodbyes until later. We both have things to do, let’s just get to them.”


The queen was excited to see Vector and hear of the new world where Oroboro would establish its home. He opened up his mind and showed her all of the images he had committed to memory and she was pleased. A tremor of awe and anticipation ran through the entire hive mind as all participated in his sharing and he sensed a renewed drive to be on their way.


Efforts on the spitcrete ships would be doubled, and preparations would continue for the queens and eggs to be transported right away. Vector was told that he was expected tomorrow evening to pick up his cargo and he agreed but with one stipulation.


“What does the Dawn Herald deny to the nest? Such a request is unusual,” stated the queen as she studied his face.


“There is one room on the ship that must not be entered. It is small, hardly worth consideration but it is sacred to us,” said Vector.


“Sacred? We do not understand.”


“It is a place that holds our past, the scent of memories, it must not be breached.”


“Your request will be honored since you have found the new world for the hive, but should it be needed during the journey, we expect entry, there will be no argument in this.


“Come closer and tell us of the other hives that you met and how things fare for Unu and the Kind.”


Vector shared all that he had seen and heard while on Finas Eth including the revelation about the new Night Herald and the black membrosia. He could feel that the queen was distressed over hearing these things but could not read what her intentions were. She also questioned the wisdom of absorbing a force sensitive into the hive, it had been done generations ago and it had changed the Kind even up to this day.


She was particularly concerned that this Night Herald was aggressive and had already seemed to influence Unu’s thinking and goals. However, she also knew that her newly established nest would be too weak to make a difference at this time, but she thanked Vector for the warning and would take all information into consideration.


He was given leave to return to his ship to finish his preparations as well and they reaffirmed the hour when he would come back to the cave, she said that all would be ready.


When Vector was back on board the Phantom, he placed his first call in weeks to Vowrawn. The Darth did not appear pleased that he had not contacted him for such an extended period of time.


“My lord, there was nothing new to report,” explained Vector.


“Nevertheless, we expect certain concessions to be made. So where have you been?”


“A mission for the hive and also the empire to see what the killiks can bring to this dire situation.”


“And?” inquired Vowrawn impatiently.


“The killiks are not prepared to go to war on behalf of the empire, my lord. They will not be swayed in this.”


“Damnation!” Vowrawn swore. “So we are truly on our own then. The Chiss will not join nor the killiks and who knows about the Mandalorians, we have yet to corner them to a commitment as it seems their worlds are beleaguered as well. Nox and I continue to prod the council into approaching the republic for a united show of force but now Mortis has all but cloistered himself in his apartments refusing to even attend meetings.


“My banking associates have noted movement of funds by Aruk and Rictis which indicates that they may abandon us at some point, like pests from a sinking ship. The only good news, of late, is that several republic and empire fleets have refused to engage which means that Admirals and Captains may have come to their senses and ignored orders from higher up. Of course, there are the hardliners who follow without compunction, but other than that, there may be hope that we can salvage something out of this mess.


“Bah! Emperor Arcann, my bright, red a.ss! They invaded our space first and have the temerity to turn the tables on us. They just keep coming, with the bunkers, the platforms and hunting our fleets down in space leaving nothing but wreckage. Our people are disheartened and frightened with good cause. Arcann intends to break our backs and then our spirits and for the life of me, I cannot think of any way to stop him.


“We sense Vitiate behind all of this, somehow, someway, it is our old emperor. One thing Beniko neglected to tell you was that after we sensed Marr’s passing there was a surge in the force, not an indication of someone else’s passing, but a shift. We do not know what it was for we had never felt anything like it before, we can only speculate and it is just one more unanswered question.”


“What would you have of us, my lord?” asked Vector.


“Continue on with your killik duties, search for information. You would do nothing here except fight off Nox’s advances and you would lose, I swear the woman gets moist at the mere mention of your name. Do what you can, my boy, contact me when you are able.”


“Well, that was an uplifting conversation,” said Lokin as he walked into the room.


Vector nodded. “And we are just beginning. Seems the dark council is just as selfish as they have ever been and we doubt that they will stay intact for much longer, Lord Vowrawn has his hands full.


“One more thing, doctor, the queen wishes to depart tomorrow evening, it appears that you will not have time to complete your experiment after all. We are sorry for this but we dare not disobey.”


“Not to fret, I will gather my notes and can start again when I am away from here. Excuse me while I continue to pack.”


Late the following morning, Lokin was ready to leave. Clothes, supplies, data pads and crystals constituted the bulk of what he owned. He stood in the middle of the med bay looking around to make sure he had not forgotten anything and had he been an overly sentimental man he might have been sad but he looked upon this change as just another unavoidable chapter in his life.


Vector entered the med bay to help Lokin move his bags nearer the exit door. “Well, doctor, it appears that both of us will be leading a solitary life for quite some time. We can check on you whenever we come back this way.”


Lokin set down his duffel and looked into Vector’s eyes. “Please don’t, my boy. I prefer to be left in peace with my studies and experiments and would like for you to remember me as I am now, a relative picture of health. Both of our trips will be long and painful, I am afraid, and I am sorry I cannot continue to travel with you.”


Lokin opened the airlock and extended the ramp then turned to Vector and offered his hand. “I hope you find her, Vector, I truly do. Kaliyo is right on one thing, neither of you is worth a s.hit without the other.”


Vector took the doctor’s hand. “It will be lonely without you to talk to, old friend. If you require anything at all, you know the frequency, we will come if we can. We do not accuse, but may we assume that you have not taken a copy of the star maps to Gravis 5? The nest must stay safe and hidden.”


“Nothing taken that is not mine, Vector, if I should be captured, there is nothing that can lead to you or the hive. Ah, I almost forgot, I left you a copy of some Kaas opera. You may be in need of breaking the unending silence from time to time. May I suggest the ‘Aria of the Fifth Moon’ or the ‘Foundation of Stone’ duet? Both are quite elegant if a bit maudlin, however, your mood might warrant such a diversion.”


“We are forever in your debt doctor and we wish you well.”


Lokin pulled his hand from Vector’s, shouldered his bags and without looking back, walked down the ramp and out of sight.


Silence settled around Vector like a shroud and the emptiness of the ship was heavier than he had counted on. He shrugged off the weight of both for his path was set and he could no longer afford the luxury of such encumbrance.


(To be Continued)

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Another very well written chapter, Misha! :)



Also a very sad chapter in a way. I was sad to see them have to part ways, but I also understand the necessity of it, but even so, goodbyes aren't easy.


Seeing such good friends having to part company isn't easy. I can understand that Lokin would rather be left on his own to do his work and for Vector to remember him as he is.


I hope the Queen will respect Vector's wishes and stay out of his and Rey'elle's room.


Also, I enjoyed Lokin's idea of what would happen, if he were challenged by the killiks and how his altar ego would react and how such a battle would end up. The descriptions there were great.


This line was probably my favorite though, and very true of the nature of hope:


Vector arrived at a new understanding that hope was a fragile and fickle thing. Renewing and breaking in equal measure, visiting like an ill gotten guest and then sneaking away under cover of the dark. It lurked in shadows, playing tricks, giving gifts then taking them back, laughing at the foolish who dared believe its lies.


Thanks again for another great read, as always, I'm looking forward to the next part.


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I loved your description of hope:


Hope was a fragile and fickle thing. Renewing and breaking in equal measure, visiting like an ill gotten guest and then sneaking away under cover of the dark. It lurked in shadows, playing tricks, giving gifts then taking them back, laughing at the foolish who dared believe its lies.

I think Lokin gave good advice to Vector to store away his memories of Rey'elle and return to life with the hive and live as he lived before he met her. On the other hand, I'm a bit fearful of him becoming -too- absorbed with them over the length of the years to come. I guess we shall have to wait and see.


It's so heartbreaking that Dr. Lokin has to leave though. It was inevitable at some point, but a shame that it had to happen sooner than later.



I really enjoyed this chapter....looking forward to the next as always:)

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Throughout the chapter and despite the conversation with Lokin you made me feel the silence and emptiness creeping in. They were almost palpable when I reached the last sentences.

I don't envy Vector, even if the shrugging off of this additional burden worked.

Then again, he won't be truly alone, with the presence of the killiks.

Will his next journey bring them closer again, or divide them further?



I wonder if there will be a situation that will call for breaching his sacred place on the ship.

I suspect this flight won't go as easy as planned.



Looking forward to find out what happens next.

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And there's the parting of the last remaining two, makes me kind of sad but we knew it was coming sooner or later. Such a shame though as the friendship between Lokin and Vector really is quite lovely and I'll miss seeing their chats.


As others have said, the part about hope was really beautiful and so true and I like the fact Lokin helped Vector one last time in his struggle to deal with everything he's going through, and offer him a possible solution or at least something that'll ease it all.


I hope the hive will honor Vector's request they stay out of Rey'elle's quarters... he's sacrificing much already and it seems like such a small and simple request. Let him hold on to that last piece.


"My bright red as.s"... I laughed, bless you Vowrawn. You do him nicely and he amuses me endlessly... also had to chuckle at the comment about Nox's moist panties. Hussy lil bi.tch, it's probably a good thing for Vector that there's not much for him to do if he returned to Dromund Kaas. Best keep away.


A pleasure as always Misha, well written chapter and I look forward to the next. I'm guessing the time is nearing to find out where Vector ends up for the next couple of years and though I dread it, I'm endlessly curious too. :)

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Another very well written chapter, Misha! :)



Also a very sad chapter in a way. I was sad to see them have to part ways, but I also understand the necessity of it, but even so, goodbyes aren't easy.


Seeing such good friends having to part company isn't easy. I can understand that Lokin would rather be left on his own to do his work and for Vector to remember him as he is.


I hope the Queen will respect Vector's wishes and stay out of his and Rey'elle's room.


Also, I enjoyed Lokin's idea of what would happen, if he were challenged by the killiks and how his altar ego would react and how such a battle would end up. The descriptions there were great.


This line was probably my favorite though, and very true of the nature of hope:




Thanks again for another great read, as always, I'm looking forward to the next part.


The parting of Lokin and Vector is one of my greatest sorrows, I will miss writing Lokin's voice. He is and always has been one of my favorites. Lokin is also one of those pragmatic characters, he accepts what life throws his way and would not want Vector to see him in a lessened state. He was also very honest about what his alter ego would and could do, but that death would be inevitable. Above all, Lokin was never the fool.


I am happy you enjoyed my description of hope, it is such a two edged sword and walking that fine edge seldom ends well.


Thank you for the kind comments. :)

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I loved your description of hope:


Hope was a fragile and fickle thing. Renewing and breaking in equal measure, visiting like an ill gotten guest and then sneaking away under cover of the dark. It lurked in shadows, playing tricks, giving gifts then taking them back, laughing at the foolish who dared believe its lies.

I think Lokin gave good advice to Vector to store away his memories of Rey'elle and return to life with the hive and live as he lived before he met her. On the other hand, I'm a bit fearful of him becoming -too- absorbed with them over the length of the years to come. I guess we shall have to wait and see.


It's so heartbreaking that Dr. Lokin has to leave though. It was inevitable at some point, but a shame that it had to happen sooner than later.



I really enjoyed this chapter....looking forward to the next as always:)


Everyone seems to have liked my description of hope which pleases me no end. I have lived long enough to see my truth in some of what I write, I guess it is reflected sometimes.


Yes, Lokin comes through again for Vector who can be his own worst enemy by not being able to step back and see the whole picture outside his need for Rey'elle. Lokin fills that spot as well as friend and confidant. Both Vector and I will miss him.


Vector is outside the realm of true choices now, he cannot go back to the empire, he cannot find Rey'elle and the nest is the only avenue open to him that will preserve his sanity. Hello rock, meet hard place. It is a worry for sure.


I think you for reading and commenting.

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Throughout the chapter and despite the conversation with Lokin you made me feel the silence and emptiness creeping in. They were almost palpable when I reached the last sentences.

I don't envy Vector, even if the shrugging off of this additional burden worked.

Then again, he won't be truly alone, with the presence of the killiks.

Will his next journey bring them closer again, or divide them further?



I wonder if there will be a situation that will call for breaching his sacred place on the ship.

I suspect this flight won't go as easy as planned.



Looking forward to find out what happens next.


Thanks Frauzet. I am happy that you could see and feel the encroaching emptiness that is probably Vector's future. What I intended and how it came across seemed to fall in line and I am pleased that you recognized it.


Vector is never truly alone, he always has the hive since the joining, but it will never be enough for him since he met Rey'elle. Had he never known her, his life would have been so much simpler. But it is too late now and he still recognizes and treasures all that the hive has to offer although his existence is much lessened now without her in it.

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And there's the parting of the last remaining two, makes me kind of sad but we knew it was coming sooner or later. Such a shame though as the friendship between Lokin and Vector really is quite lovely and I'll miss seeing their chats.


As others have said, the part about hope was really beautiful and so true and I like the fact Lokin helped Vector one last time in his struggle to deal with everything he's going through, and offer him a possible solution or at least something that'll ease it all.


I hope the hive will honor Vector's request they stay out of Rey'elle's quarters... he's sacrificing much already and it seems like such a small and simple request. Let him hold on to that last piece.


"My bright red as.s"... I laughed, bless you Vowrawn. You do him nicely and he amuses me endlessly... also had to chuckle at the comment about Nox's moist panties. Hussy lil bi.tch, it's probably a good thing for Vector that there's not much for him to do if he returned to Dromund Kaas. Best keep away.


A pleasure as always Misha, well written chapter and I look forward to the next. I'm guessing the time is nearing to find out where Vector ends up for the next couple of years and though I dread it, I'm endlessly curious too. :)


And then there was one, reminds me of that old song, 'One is the Loneliest Number', great now I have that stuck in my head, lol. Anyway, I will miss the comradery between Lokin and Vector as well. And it is so like Lokin to leave a possible solution to Vector's problem along with some Kaas Opera for his travels.


Sooo, happy you caught my attempt at humor with Vowrawn, it just seemed so like something he would say. Thank you for noticing and that it gave you a chuckle or two, and yes, Nox's panties, another thing Vowrawn would say, he is shameless in his astute observations and dialogue. Love him.


Vector still has miles to go before his long journey ends, I just hope I can make the trip worth the while.


Thanks for reading and for the comments. :)

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A/N: still five chapters ahead, so why not? :)

Chapter Thirteen


Vector checked in with Minister Beniko before it was time for him to depart Alderaan. He had nothing new to report and she had nothing new to tell him, their conversation was short but he did inform her that he would be out of contact for an extended period of time. It did not matter if she agreed or not it was simply the manner of things as they now stood.


He tried to contact Kaliyo but got no answer which either meant that she was dead or had moved on to other pursuits, Vector suspected the latter. Above all else, Kaliyo was a survivor.


He spoke briefly to Temple and was informed that the bunker now included some sort of tower structure on top and looked to be completed in mere months. Hoth was still being blockaded and the space platform was a least two thirds complete or at least seemed so from all exterior views. She was still sending updates to Beniko but, at this point, everything around the galaxy was steadily grinding to a halt while the Eternal Fleet acted as watchdogs and executioners.


His last call was to Lianna who had given her frequency code to him before he left Finas Eth. She seemed pleased to hear from him and he inquired if they could spend some time together once he got Oroboro settled on Gravis 5. She invited him to visit her at the Synapse Comb on a small moon orbiting an uninhabitable planet on the outer rim. He told her to expect his call but could give no timeline, waiting was just part of his life now, something he had learned to take in stride.


It had been a while since he had piloted the ship but he had taken turns with Raina and Kaliyo at the helm so the controls were still familiar to him. He requested spaceport control to tractor him out then activated the sublights until he was a few parsecs from the planet. He tracked the time on his crono until the appointed hour then returned to Alderaan and engaged the cloaking device which would keep him shielded until he could land as close to the entrance of the cave as possible.


Almost immediately workers began to appear carrying cocooned eggs and he directed them to the cargo bay and crew quarters where they were stacked from floor to ceiling, even the refresher was used as a holding space.


One by one, the queens arrived, three of them including the leader, then a few attendants, followed by warriors and assassins, the deadliest of all the fighters. Each settled into a given spot and did not move except to make room for more. The last on board were the workers, there was no room left for another living being and Vector had to squeeze through them to get back to the cockpit so he could take off.


His queen went with him and settled herself between the pilot and co-pilot seats, observing as he took the controls and eased them up and off the surface. The ship seemed sluggish, likely due to the added weight, but he finally pulled free from the gravity well, used the sublights to get some distance and jumped to hyperspace using the destination he had pre-programmed into the navicomputer.


Three jumps to Ilum then on to Acosta prime and then Gravis 5. The entire trip would take three weeks, five days and since he did not have Lokin with him he had to don the cloak to arrange for refueling and payment while keeping his eyes hidden. He also had to take care not to reveal his cargo, closing and locking the hatch each time he exited and entered.


The queen drilled him with questions about the ship, the hyperdrives, space travel and for some reason, Rey’elle, which he was grateful for since the pheromones were thick in the closed environment and he could feel their effects already.


He began to wonder if his queen were trying to keep the memories alive for him but he also needed to get to Lianna soon because he was starting to lose the battle. Despite the constant reminders and the fact that he had turned off the vents in his room to preserve some clean air and Rey’elle’s scent, he felt pieces of himself slip away. He could not hold Aebea’s technique long enough to make any difference as he rode the tide and protected his love for her as best he could.


When they exited hyperspace above the planet the queen sent images to the nest of what she saw. Vector could sense the growing restlessness as the others began to chitter amongst themselves in anticipation of departing the ship.


The air blew cool and fresh through the open door as Vector extended the ramp so that the workers could begin to unload their precious cargo of eggs. His queen stood in the grass with her face turned toward the sun and he got a sense of peace from her that he had never felt. The warriors and assassins guarded the workers and queens as they ascended the path and entered, for the first time, the cave that would be their new home.


The hive was oddly subdued as if the awe of this place overwhelmed them and the fingerlings, that had inhabited the ship for years, grouped together in a tiny swarm cloud that flew out to greet this new world.


Vector turned up the air scrubbers to remove as much of the pheromones as possible and told 2V to monitor the systems as he grabbed his staff and exited the ship.


He followed the queens up the rocky path and into the cave then led them all to the great cavern where the entire hive began to sing letting the sound echo around the chamber in a melody so melancholy it nearly broke his heart. Then, just as quickly, the song changed to one of elation and joy, a song of homecoming. They mourned for home lost and rejoiced in home found and the continuation of Oroboro.


Guards were already posted at the entrance while assassins prowled and scouted the immediate area. The workers had moved all of the eggs into a side chamber and were now busy seeking new quarters for the queens and other tunnels that would suffice for traversing the cave until the new brood of workers had hatched. They would require givers and drones also as the stores of membrosia they had brought would not be enough to sustain them all and, of course, the drones would be necessary to mate with the queens.


The assassins would scout and hunt to bring meat back to supplement the hives diet and they were happy to do so. The humans on Alderaan had made hunting problematic for the hive for decades and they were eager to take up the hunt again.


Vector slept in his ship each night and returned to the hive each morning for the Hour of Revitalization. Many of the fingerlings returned to the ship with him as they worried over his mental state when he could not sleep or was haunted by dreams. He held on to Rey’elle’s memory with a vengeance and his emotions, where she was concerned, were raw from the struggle. If they were flesh, they would bleed.


He stayed for two months waiting for the new hatchlings, who would grow quickly and be able to assume duties although it would be some time before they were developed enough to assume the sort of work loads that the original adults could handle. But, the hive would flourish and it would grow.


The indigenous species of reptilian people could be seen observing them from a distance but offered no problems and seemed more curious than aggressive. Vector and his queen both agreed that the hive should leave them alone and, perhaps, try for contact at some time in the future. Vector had the hunters leave a fresh kill for them, once a week, it in a clearing about a mile from the cave. They could be seen dragging the carcass away, but never came any closer.


At the end of the two months, Vector asked the queen for her leave to visit the Iesei hive for a while, stating that he had business with their Dawn Herald. She gave him permission as long as he promised to return to Gravis 5 when his business was completed. He gave her his word which was the only bond she required from him.


It took three weeks to travel from Gravis 5 to Solon 3, the secondary home of Iesei. He made a ground landing at the coordinates given by Lianna and she met him at the ship.


“Vector, we are so happy to see you. Come, meet our queen, then we can talk.”


The Iesei queen was welcoming, if not a little distant, but membrosia was offered and he shared with the hive as a show of friendship and goodwill. She inquired about his reason for coming to the Synapse Comb and the migration of Oroboro, he answered as best he could before Lianna begged the queen's permission to leave.


“We should go to your ship, away from the pheromones,” Lianna suggested and followed as Vector led her from the hive.


“So, Vector, what is it that you desire from us?” Lianna asked as she settled on the couch in the common room.


“We apologize for becoming personal, Lianna, but we require information and help that we feel you can provide. Your aura is much like ours and we detect some sense of humanity in you although you hide it well, we must know the secret of the hiding.”


“This concerns the female you mentioned, yes? We also felt that we have much in common but please, tell us your story.”


Vector told her of how he met and then lost Rey’elle, of his search for her and his reasons for returning to the hive. He also revealed his fear of losing all that he had fought to regain and stated that the signs of the pheromone saturation was already taking its toll.


“What of your story, Lianna?”


A wistful smile crossed Lianna’s face. “His name is Lantol Reise. Lan is magnificent, tall, handsome, intelligent and kind. All the girls at academy were atwitter over him, but we were the one to catch his eye and his heart. We married right after graduation and settled into our careers and a comfortable life, until Korriban.


“Lan was on Korriban when this Eternal Fleet devastated the planet and he was pronounced missing as his body was never found. He is alive, Vector, we would know if he were dead, his song has not ended.


“What we told you about Iesei and the joining was the truth, however, we were on Tatooine following up on a lead that Lan had been seen wandering the wastelands. We have been searching as much as we can since then.


“But we noticed the changes that the joining brought about, and we almost lost our humanity, our love until the universe showed us a way. It was almost a dream, a whisper in the dark, but we learned to hide our humanity in the song.”


“How is this possible? The song is heard by all, changed by all, contributed to and taken from by all.”


“But not your song, it belongs to you alone. Vector, when you were joined there was no one special in your life, correct?”


“There was Anora, we were to be married, and we loved her.”


“Did you? Think, Vector, the nest locked away your humanity, your emotions and you never fought against it, never questioned its absence? How could you never realize it was gone until you met Rey’elle? This woman, not Anora, holds your heart, and I believe you now know the difference. Caring is not the same as loving.”


“Can you teach us how to do this thing?” asked Vector.


“Perhaps, but it will take time and patience. You must find that place in your song where you can put a copy of all you feel for her because what you have in your mind is already lost. There is no place in your mind where you can create a fortress strong enough to fight this forever. To remain with the hive you will surrender all, it is the way.”


For a month Vector stayed with Lianna, learning to separate his song, which was like a subtle undercurrent in the wider song of the universe. He learned to open it, manipulate it and sing his heart and soul into the threads that wove around him.


He wrote the verses of Rey’elle into the melody, taking great care with each image, each emotion, striving for perfection when remembering her face, her body and each sensation they had shared.


He transcribed the quickening of his heart when he awoke each morning and saw her there beside him, he preserved the salty taste of her tears, the way she chewed on her thumbnail when she was deep in thought, the breathy, seductive sound of her voice. He tucked it all away, all the years of their life together, every minute detail, every moment of joy and pain, and then, he created the key and locked it.


“It will be excruciating when you unlock it all, Vector,” explained Lianna. “Your mind will be assaulted, all at once with every emotion you have protected. Your individuality will remind you to look for her, you will remember that she is important, you will continue to search, but, as time passes, you will not remember the love that drives you. You will accept it as a mission of due course without the constant agony and pain you now endure. It will be a blessing and a curse.”


“We can never repay this gift you have bestowed upon us,” said Vector. “We thank you for taking time from your own search to aid us in this. If we may ask, without seeming cruel, what will you do when you find your Lan? You were not joiner when you were parted, will he accept this change in you? It is not something readily hidden.”


“We live on hope that our love will be enough to bridge this gap. We have lived with this fear since our joining but Lan is extraordinary in every way and a man of reason, we do not believe that this change in us will alter how he feels. Yes, the possibility and doubt is always there, but we choose to ignore it until we find him. The truth will be in the reunion when all will be revealed. And, although it shames us to admit, we would take the curing on Dromund Kaas to separate us from the hive, for him, we would do anything.”


“We understand and count ourselves fortunate that we were already joined when first we met Rey’elle. We might feel much the same if circumstances had been different but she grew to love us as we are and are grateful that we will never have to make that choice. The hive offers much that we could never replace and to lose the song would be a sorrow beyond measure.


“We must return to Oroboro tomorrow, we have been away too long. Your aura tastes of honey and ginger, we will not forget.”


(To be Continued)

Edited by MishaCantu
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Mm yay happy Wednesday! :cool:


So, Kaliyo's fallen out of touch huh? Was only a matter of time I suppose *coughs*goodriddance*coughs*


I'm having really vivid images of the IA's ship literally being chock full of dozens and dozens of kiliks... kinda gives me the heebie jeebies but I suppose Vector can handle it just fine lol.


I liked getting some more background story on Lianna, and I have decided I like her. :D I hope she finds her Lan again at some point.


I'm also glad she helped Vector weave Rey'elle into his song so he may hold on to her still while being with the hive. The process sounds absolutely beautiful and... I don't know, it has something romantic and epic about it, very unique. I loved it though I dread the sudden surge of emotions he may go through when/if he finds Rey'elle again... still plenty of tough times ahead I think.


Loved the chapter as always, can't wait to see where it goes next. :)

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I really enjoyed this chapter. I was impressed that the Oroboro Queen seemed to be trying to help Vector keep Rey'elles memory alive on their way to the new home. That was a really scary thought that Vector could stop remembering her. Thank goodness Lianna had a way to help him and was willing to share it with him. The process was beautiful and romantic to me. I do so look forward to him finding Rey'elle and do hope you include that in your story, even if it is a long way off.



So...4 more extra chapters, huh? I will be greedy and ask for those too LOL. I can't get enough of this story and can't wait to see where it leads us next!:)

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A very enjoyable surprise for my Wednesday! Thank you! :D


It makes sense that Kaliyo would bugger off to do her own thing. I'm amazed she stuck with things as long as she did honestly.


I'll never look at the agent ship quite the same way again, I'll keep imagining killiks crammed in every corner lol. The new cave seems like a good fit, and it appears that Oroboro will find a good home there.


Like Jenny said, it was nice getting some details about Lianna and because of those details, I'm less inclined to watch her with the glaring protective eye of 'keepyourwriststoyourselfladyhe'staken' :D


I'm glad she taught Vector how to weave Rey'elle into his song, so that things are a bit easier for him, when around the nest. The process was beautiful, and as always everything was so well described; I feel more in touch with the killik race than I ever have. :)


Looking forward to the next parts! :)

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This is my favorite part:

He transcribed the quickening of his heart when he awoke each morning and saw her there beside him, he preserved the salty taste of her tears, the way she chewed on her thumbnail when she was deep in thought, the breathy, seductive sound of her voice. He tucked it all away, all the years of their life together, every minute detail, every moment of joy and pain, and then, he created the key and locked it.
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Mm yay happy Wednesday! :cool:


So, Kaliyo's fallen out of touch huh? Was only a matter of time I suppose *coughs*goodriddance*coughs*


I'm having really vivid images of the IA's ship literally being chock full of dozens and dozens of kiliks... kinda gives me the heebie jeebies but I suppose Vector can handle it just fine lol.


I liked getting some more background story on Lianna, and I have decided I like her. :D I hope she finds her Lan again at some point.


I'm also glad she helped Vector weave Rey'elle into his song so he may hold on to her still while being with the hive. The process sounds absolutely beautiful and... I don't know, it has something romantic and epic about it, very unique. I loved it though I dread the sudden surge of emotions he may go through when/if he finds Rey'elle again... still plenty of tough times ahead I think.


Loved the chapter as always, can't wait to see where it goes next. :)


Kaliyo flew the coop as we all knew she would. She is not one to stick around when things get out of her control, plus being selfish to the nth degree, yep, she would haul a.ss without a backward glance.


The ship full of killiks, like chock full, gives me the heebie jeebies also, new appreciation of them or not.


Glad you liked the little backstory for Lianna, she has experienced much the same as Vector and they have a great deal in common.


The writing of Rey'elle into his song was the only way I could think of for him to preserve her, and, goodness, 'romantic and epic and unique' thanks for the nice compliment. :)


I really enjoyed this chapter. I was impressed that the Oroboro Queen seemed to be trying to help Vector keep Rey'elles memory alive on their way to the new home. That was a really scary thought that Vector could stop remembering her. Thank goodness Lianna had a way to help him and was willing to share it with him. The process was beautiful and romantic to me. I do so look forward to him finding Rey'elle and do hope you include that in your story, even if it is a long way off.



So...4 more extra chapters, huh? I will be greedy and ask for those too LOL. I can't get enough of this story and can't wait to see where it leads us next!:)


I always thought that Vector had a great deal of influence on the Oroboro hive and that his queen could even see some worth in his feelings for Rey'elle. Not that the hive could ever be as sympathetic as a human, they are not made that way, but I think she sees benefits to the hive without making them weak.


And yes, Lianna will be a great help to Vector, their stories are so similar and they are both going through much the same thing.


Sometimes the chapters burn a hole in my pocket and I just want to post them all at once, patience has never been my long suit. Another one coming on Sunday for sure. :)


A very enjoyable surprise for my Wednesday! Thank you! :D


It makes sense that Kaliyo would bugger off to do her own thing. I'm amazed she stuck with things as long as she did honestly.


I'll never look at the agent ship quite the same way again, I'll keep imagining killiks crammed in every corner lol. The new cave seems like a good fit, and it appears that Oroboro will find a good home there.


Like Jenny said, it was nice getting some details about Lianna and because of those details, I'm less inclined to watch her with the glaring protective eye of 'keepyourwriststoyourselfladyhe'staken' :D


I'm glad she taught Vector how to weave Rey'elle into his song, so that things are a bit easier for him, when around the nest. The process was beautiful, and as always everything was so well described; I feel more in touch with the killik race than I ever have. :)


Looking forward to the next parts! :)


I think one of the nicest things about writing this story has been the insights into the killk culture, the hive, how they are affected by each person they join, their need for home, their songs and their connection with the universe. It is almost like delving into the force, but on a different level. And, I am glad that, perhaps, I have changed a few minds about Vector and the hives. Of course, I am first and foremost a romantic, but there are so many things at play that it has been great fun looking at all of it from a different point of view.


Thanks for your comments, I am happy that my descriptions do not disappoint. :)




He transcribed the quickening of his heart when he awoke each morning and saw her there beside him, he preserved the salty taste of her tears, the way she chewed on her thumbnail when she was deep in thought, the breathy, seductive sound of her voice. He tucked it all away, all the years of their life together, every minute detail, every moment of joy and pain, and then, he created the key and locked it.


This is my favorite part:


Glad you liked that bit of Vector locking her away so that he does not lose all. Sometimes I think I wax too poetic, but then again, maybe not, it's just the way my mind works. :)

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Chapter Fourteen


By the time Vector returned to Gravis 5, fourteen months had passed since the Agrona incident. The days had seemed to drag and yet go so quickly and he was locked into the life that had been chosen for him. The sun rose and set all the same, and future days seemed to meld together.


He watched the hatching of the broods, hunted with the assassins, and explored this new world finding wonder in each new vista. He remembered her more clearly each time he entered their room and smelled her scent, he read and reread her cheesy novels using any tool he could to pull her to the forefront of his mind.


He took forays into deep space trying to find the heartbeat he had heard but was greeted by resounding silence. He made trips to Acosta Prime to refill the fuel reserves so that his search could continue, he still clung to the fading emotions and did everything he could to hold her in an accessible place. Months passed and he never once, in all that time, returned to the core worlds.


He did not know that the Eternal Fleet had finally blockaded Dromund Kaas and Coruscant, nor did he know that Lord Vowrawn and Senator Evran had bowed to Arcann with treaties and concessions that would tax both sides to the breaking point.


It would be another year and a half before he would discover that Rictis, Mortis, Aruk and Nox had all disappeared, or were, perhaps, dead. Ravage, who was on his flagship Sekhmet’s Ire, when the Eternal Fleet had come out of hyperspace over Dromund Kaas, had to either flee or face annihilation. When put to the test, he chose life over pride. Darth Acina, with the support of the military, had assumed the role of Empress and Vowrawn had been demoted almost to the point of obscurity.


Minister Beniko had left imperial space after hearing a rumor of an outlander being held captive by Arcann somewhere on Zakuul and before she left, she had given a datapad with what information she had to the new Minister of Logistics, Gelmid Lorman.


She had asked him to forward this information to Vector Hyluss by broadcasting it regularly to the frequency of the Phantom, what she never suspected was that Lorman would read the information and press the delete button as soon as she was gone. Lorman did not want the agent found and Vector would never know how close he had come to some sort of direction for his search.


The hive continued to grow and prosper and they had developed a relationship, of sorts, with the reptilian tribe after one of their young hunters had been injured and saved by the hive. The young one had been joined although it was difficult with such a primitive mind. Most of what he told them was relayed in crude pictures as their language was more a series of grunts and hisses than true words.


He had told them that his name was Tus and the tribes were known as Hassuun, but he had been the key to opening up the limited dialogue between tribe and nest. Tus was the emissary and because of the structure of his brain, he would be more like a herald than a typical joiner, retaining much of his individuality.


Tus liked to shadow Vector wherever he went, perhaps feeling closer to the human than to the insectoid Killiks and they often went on long hikes together far into the fields and scouting out new territory. Tus had taught him how to catch fish and Vector found comfort in the simple action of standing thigh deep in water and casting the net, pulling in the catch to return to the hive. He even enjoyed mending the nets, using his hands in the repetitive work that brought a sense of peace that had been so elusive of late.


It was a couple of months past the three year mark when the sound of thunder that was not thunder broke the idyllic setting of Gravis 5. The warriors and assassins all poured out of the cave to look skyward to see the hulks of spitcrete ships burn their way through the atmosphere, the rest of the hive had arrived at last.


Vector shielded his eyes against the sun as he watched the great ships begin their downward arc to land in a grassy clearing about two miles from the cave as they were too large to get closer. Vector let the queen know that there were only two, but the increased population would provide much needed laborers, givers and warriors and more queens to populate the hive at a faster rate.


Tus seemed ill at ease at the site of so many killiks pouring from the ships and Vector was hard put to calm his new friend with assurances that the Hassuun was not in any danger. Alliances had been made and his nest stayed true to such treaties. Even so, Tus hung back and sullenly watched as hundreds of killiks trampled over the land that had belonged to his people for time uncounted.


After the ships were emptied and the cargo bay doors closed, Vector joined his queen and the others in their chamber to hear news of Alderaan and the other ships. There he discovered that one ship had sacrificed itself so that the other two could escape and the remaining ship was still completing construction after an engine flaw had been discovered that had required much work to correct. It should arrive within the next two or three months if it was allowed to leave Alderaan unmolested.


The newly arrived workers and givers set to their chores immediately and Vector noted that many joiners had made the trip as well, all would be needed in the years to come.


Vector stayed with the hive for a few more days to make sure that everything was settled but he had something to do that could not wait any longer. The ship that had been his home no longer held anything of her. The air had gone stale and nothing of her scent remained, it was time to go back to the core worlds and find a replacement. Whatever little humanity still clung to his mind was struck by such sadness whenever he entered he could no longer stand being inside this sepulcher of memories and loss.


He had thought that he would no longer be affected after spending so many years back among the hive but this place gnawed through his barriers finding those tender spots still left raw and vulnerable. The ship had become a distraction and a place he tried to avoid, a shadowy reminder of all he had lost, and all he had yet to lose, it was time to get back to the search and he could not do that here in this place of broken dreams.


He contacted Lianna as soon as he hit the outer rim letting her know what he was doing and to expect him in a different ship next time he visited. They had become close over the past two years and he had even shared her bed a few times, each trying to hold onto something that was constantly slipping away.


There was no love but a mutual caring between friends who were in need of help in fighting the inevitable. The pheromones would not be denied and each used the other as a reminder that they were still human. That thread was a weak lifeline that tethered them to each other as they faced the day when all would be gone leaving only what they had locked within their songs.


Lokin had been right and Vector had not counted on being without her for so many years. He had learned to find comfort in the hive and in Lianna’s arms and he could but hope that Rey’elle would find such comfort for herself.


He would forgive and so would she.


Vector tried to contact Vowrawn and Beniko but got no answer, he even tried Kaliyo again, but to no avail. His last contact was Raina who answered his call.


He was inundated with all the information Raina bombarded him with. The blockade, the treaties, the disappearance of nearly all of the Dark Council, the rise of Acina to Empress, Beniko leaving and Vowrawn’s replacement, Gelmid Lorman. Things had become so much worse since his departure and he was as helpless as any other to make any difference at this point.


“What of the space platforms and bunkers?” Vector asked.


“All are complete and just as deadly as the Eternal Fleet. There is a strange but powerful energy signature coming off the bunkers and they are using some shielding technology to protect the space platforms. The platforms themselves cannot be breached and any attempt at sabotage is met by some sort of plasma burst that is devastating.


“Our scientists are working on someway to disable that shield, but nothing has worked thus far, the technology is simply too alien.”


“Raina, we have a favor to ask of you. We are heading to Tatooine and will abandon this ship, we need a replacement, any shuttle will suffice, can you arrange for such a thing?”


“The Phantom is your best bet for survival, Vector. Why would you even consider such a reckless act?”


“It is a wound that will not heal, Raina, even after all this time and the effects of the hive, it is a place of loss. There is nothing of her left, it has become a thorn under our skin, a death we are unable to face. We require a new beginning to continue our search for Rey’elle, this past is too heavy to keep dragging behind us. It weighs us down.”


“I believe Saganu may still have some contacts on Tatooine, I will see what I can do. Contact me again when you are over the planet, but mind the platform, that one is fully operational as well. Raina out.”


Vector came out of hyperspace in high orbit around Tatooine. He could see the space platform in the distance and proceeded to the far side of the planet before dipping down into the atmosphere to look for a suitable place to set down. The cloaking device would last just long enough to hide his entry.


He flew low for nearly twenty minutes before spotting a clearing that would suit his needs. He set the ship down on the sand and contacted Raina.


“We have arrived, do you have something for us?”


“Lorman has things locked up pretty tight and the military is counting every credit as if it were their last, but we did find a contact that has something you can use. Saganu had to pull in favors for this one, Vector.”


“Can this contact be trusted?”


“He is Chiss.”


“Then Saganu has our eternal thanks, but time is short and we cannot be sure that our landing went unnoticed. The information, if you please, and Raina, should we not see each other again, it has been a pleasure to have served with you.”


“Likewise, Vector,” Raina said and then gave Vector the contact information before signing off.


Vector made his contact who said it would be around two hours before he could deliver the shuttle and Vector had much to do in the little time given.


He gathered every duffel and satchel he could find and packed all his belongings, double checking so that he left nothing behind. He then went to the cockpit and prepared the navicomputer for a complete data wipe. Once he was sure the shuttle was not some sort of trap, he needed only to press one button and all travel history, all star charts would be gone.


He next went to the 2V droid and recorded a message, then ordered the droid to wipe its backup unit and transfer only that message. Lastly he ordered the droid to shut down, opened up the chassis and removed its memory chip and data core. There would be nothing left to follow, nothing to indicate that anyone had ever lived aboard. Time, wind and sand would take care of the rest.


He paced the ship rechecking everything when he heard the whine of a vehicle landing and opened the airlock and extended the ramp to see an older Lamda-class shuttle settle onto its landing struts.


The pilot and one other exited and approached Vector, offering to help with his bags while Vector finished inside then closed and locked the entry.


“Did you bring the detonite and camouflage netting?” Vector asked of the pilot.


“As requested. Shall we cover this thing, set the charges and be off then?”


The netting took some time since it was heavy and unwieldy for just three people but they finally got it placed over the ship and tied down. Then they set the detonite charges at the mouth of the entrance of the only land entry, set the timers and boarded the shuttle. Vector watched the explosion seal the ship off from any ground approach and the netting hid it better than he had expected, it might never be found, which was for the best.


Vector dropped off the Chiss at a remote base and then climbed through the atmosphere to head for home after transferring the star charts from his datapad into the shuttles navicomputer. The transponder codes of the shuttle were old but still valid and he should have no trouble refueling along the way.


He sat in the pilot’s seat for a long time letting the enormity of what he had done settle into acceptance. On one hand it would appear that he was stripping her from his life while on the other he knew of the necessity of the steps he had taken. There was nothing left on the Phantom to miss, the ship had become completely devoid of all that was her, even the bed they had shared cut into him like shards of glass. The scales would balance given time.


In a sense, he was moving on, but the direction was always to her, forever to her.


(To be Continued)

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I think of all the chapters, this one conveys Vector's despair the most.



When he was disposing of the Phantom, I was like, 'No no! Don't do that, keep it! It's crazy to be rid of it...it's such a pretty ship.' But I get why he did it, both for his own reasons, and also to explain how he and the crew had become parted from the ship in order for Theron or the Alliance to locate it.


Also, the passage of time was done so elegantly, marked by simple actions like the fishing, that could have lasted a day or months, even years. I loved how you achieved that, and it was very smoothly done, not at all jarring as sometimes happens in other stories I've come across.


I see that he and Lianna ended up having a thing...I'm still protective of him and was like, 'damn you Lianna' lol. But that's just me. I get why it happened and the reasons, and it was portrayed very realistically. Despite this bit of comfort I am glad that he still searches for Rey'elle with an unmatched singlemindedness, that's comforting to me.


It does come across that Vector was surviving more than living, and I did like that he made a new friend in Tus. I think Vector needs a good friendship like that...not quite the same as Lokin, but something to soothe the intellect and pass the time. Even if Tus was simple because of his species, there is still the stimulation that comes in finding ways of communicating and understanding, which I think would appeal to Vector's diplomatic nature.


Such a lovely and well written chapter (arent' they all though? :D) but I feel compelled to say it just the same. Thanks Misha, I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the next, I'm curious to see how you'll handle the next leg of the tour, so to speak. :)


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This was a wonderful chapter. You truly are very poetic in such a beautiful way to be able to write a story like this. It amazes me every time I read a chapter to be transported in my mind to a different world and made to feel all there is to feel in that world. Even though it is nearly all sadness it is sadness we don't mind sharing with our Vector because we love him so much.


I cannot blame him for Lianna. She would never be a threat to Rey'elle or even to her memory, but she does provide some comfort that I am sure Vector desperately needs. But the very last line of the chapter is the one that I loved most of all:


" In a sense he was moving on but the direction was always to her, forever to her"


I can't wait to see what happens next. Got another extra chapter in your pocket?:)

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Not that I needed another reason to despise Lorman...


I agree with Luna, it's great how you marked the passage of time, and like before skipped anything unnecessary, and told us the important things.

You've come up with a very good reason why the ship returns to Odessen without any trace of the crew. That's one of the most interesting aspects of fanfiction for me, to see different explanations for the things that aren't explained ingame.

I am looking forward to see, what happens next.

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As others have said, I really enjoyed the flow of the time line, the little snippets that tell us just enough as the years begin to pass. I also appreciated the small glimpse at how/where the Dark Council in your eyes vanished to, the mention of Ravage and his choice which is something I feel the game utterly lacked and still does and that bothers me to no end so I enjoyed your take.


Lorman, what a piece of sh.it. The list of reasons to hate him grows...


Tus sounds kind of adorable and I had half seen the Lianna thing coming. As protective as I feel over Vector, I can understand what he's doing and what it means to the both of them, why they need it and she actually struck me as a decent person so it doesn't rile me up half as much as Anora did.


Ah the ship, one of the last things to go I suppose tying up loose ends and bringing us to the situation as we know it with the crew scattered and the ship sitting around somewhere abandoned. This chapter made me feel sad for Vector. In all this time he's struggled so much but it feels like in this, he's really in a way letting go of the last few reminders although that last line wrapped it up beautifully.


Wonderful addition as always Misha.

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I think of all the chapters, this one conveys Vector's despair the most.



When he was disposing of the Phantom, I was like, 'No no! Don't do that, keep it! It's crazy to be rid of it...it's such a pretty ship.' But I get why he did it, both for his own reasons, and also to explain how he and the crew had become parted from the ship in order for Theron or the Alliance to locate it.


Also, the passage of time was done so elegantly, marked by simple actions like the fishing, that could have lasted a day or months, even years. I loved how you achieved that, and it was very smoothly done, not at all jarring as sometimes happens in other stories I've come across.


I see that he and Lianna ended up having a thing...I'm still protective of him and was like, 'damn you Lianna' lol. But that's just me. I get why it happened and the reasons, and it was portrayed very realistically. Despite this bit of comfort I am glad that he still searches for Rey'elle with an unmatched singlemindedness, that's comforting to me.


It does come across that Vector was surviving more than living, and I did like that he made a new friend in Tus. I think Vector needs a good friendship like that...not quite the same as Lokin, but something to soothe the intellect and pass the time. Even if Tus was simple because of his species, there is still the stimulation that comes in finding ways of communicating and understanding, which I think would appeal to Vector's diplomatic nature.


Such a lovely and well written chapter (arent' they all though? :D) but I feel compelled to say it just the same. Thanks Misha, I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the next, I'm curious to see how you'll handle the next leg of the tour, so to speak. :)


Thank you for the lovely comments, Luna. The ship did have to go for various reasons and I felt that the way I did it fit Vector's story.


Time bridging can be difficult especially when speaking of years and I try to add just enough activity that can explain the years passing without going into details, which can be boring as hell if not done right. Glad you liked the fishing bit though. :)


He and Lianna had a thing for the mutual benefit of both. I felt it was necessary, for what it was, to enable both of them to cling to something that was constantly eroding. Their stories were so similar that it made sense to have them come together for whatever they could give each other.


Tus has been a god send to Vector in a way. Although, clearly, not Lokin's intellectual equal, he gives Vector a sense of comradery that is sorely lacking in his life at this time.


Yes, Vector is reaching that existing not living phase that he knew would come when he went back to the hive, but, he would likely be dead if he hadn't returned. I think his despair would have driven him to do something incredibly stupid and risky and we can't have that, now, can we? Not with our Vector.


This was a wonderful chapter. You truly are very poetic in such a beautiful way to be able to write a story like this. It amazes me every time I read a chapter to be transported in my mind to a different world and made to feel all there is to feel in that world. Even though it is nearly all sadness it is sadness we don't mind sharing with our Vector because we love him so much.


I cannot blame him for Lianna. She would never be a threat to Rey'elle or even to her memory, but she does provide some comfort that I am sure Vector desperately needs. But the very last line of the chapter is the one that I loved most of all:


" In a sense he was moving on but the direction was always to her, forever to her"


I can't wait to see what happens next. Got another extra chapter in your pocket?:)


What a lovely compliment Foxfire. It truly pleases me to know that you can be transported to the world(s) in my story to see and feel all I am trying to convey. Vector's story is a sad one indeed but I never saw it any other way for him, especially.


Lianna means no more or less than she was meant to and, no, she can never replace Rey'elle. Vector is pretty single minded in that fact. Glad you like the last line and had hoped it conveyed Vector's frame of mind at this point in time.


Not that I needed another reason to despise Lorman...


I agree with Luna, it's great how you marked the passage of time, and like before skipped anything unnecessary, and told us the important things.

You've come up with a very good reason why the ship returns to Odessen without any trace of the crew. That's one of the most interesting aspects of fanfiction for me, to see different explanations for the things that aren't explained ingame.

I am looking forward to see, what happens next.


Lorman is a piece of work, or s.hit, either will do. Now everyone reading will have another good reason to kill him in game, I know I do. :)


I do try to not burden the reader with a lot of unnecessary BS just to lengthen the story and it seems to move along quite well without it. Thanks for noticing.


It always sort of vexed me, in game, that they never took the time to explain things. Like how the hell did Kaliyo and Scorpio get to Zakuul, why was the outlander's ship found abandoned? The list goes on, but I did try to answer a couple of things in my story.


Thanks for the lovely comments.


As others have said, I really enjoyed the flow of the time line, the little snippets that tell us just enough as the years begin to pass. I also appreciated the small glimpse at how/where the Dark Council in your eyes vanished to, the mention of Ravage and his choice which is something I feel the game utterly lacked and still does and that bothers me to no end so I enjoyed your take.


Lorman, what a piece of sh.it. The list of reasons to hate him grows...


Tus sounds kind of adorable and I had half seen the Lianna thing coming. As protective as I feel over Vector, I can understand what he's doing and what it means to the both of them, why they need it and she actually struck me as a decent person so it doesn't rile me up half as much as Anora did.


Ah the ship, one of the last things to go I suppose tying up loose ends and bringing us to the situation as we know it with the crew scattered and the ship sitting around somewhere abandoned. This chapter made me feel sad for Vector. In all this time he's struggled so much but it feels like in this, he's really in a way letting go of the last few reminders although that last line wrapped it up beautifully.


Wonderful addition as always Misha.


Like I have said, the game explains so little and even though I did not want to go into detail, the Dark Council was worth mentioning, even in passing. I mean, Nox is an outlander as well as the wrath, in game, but where the hell did the rest of them go? And Ravage did deserve special mention, just because of who he was and the position he held.


Yep, Lorman, the man we all love to hate. Tus keeps Vector occupied and is a much needed companion for him, and yes, the Lianna thing happened for as long as it can last. Glad she did not get the Anora hate, lol, but Lianna fits a very specific role in Vector's life right now, it was bound to happen, as you said.


Vector is, I guess, letting go of the last vestiges of his 'old' life so that he can continue on with what he must do for the hive and to search for her. I had hoped that the last line would sum it up and, according to you and Foxfire, it did. I am pleased.


Thank you all for continuing to follow and your continued support, it truly means a great deal to me. :)

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Chapter Fifteen


Vector arrived back at Gravis 5 to disturbing news. The Unu queen and her Night Herald were attempting to ramp up their efforts in inciting the other hives to invasion of nearby planets, upping the timetable for expansion and conflict.


Vector stood before the five queens, at a loss for what to do, or what had driven Unu to such immediacy.


“The Jooj Dawn Herald came to us with this news,” stated his queen. “Unu already sways Kolosolok and Horoh and Manam is very close to joining their ranks. Saras has withdrawn from Finas Eth and closed communications, but they will fight if pushed. All others stand perched on the edge. We must give them a way out.”


“But why now?” asked Vector.


“They have already set their sites on four worlds, all inhabited, with two very close to Chiss space. The Chiss will not tolerate this and reprisals are certain. More importantly, they fear the nests uniting behind us with you at our side. We know you do not want the burden but we ask again that you take up the mantle of Dawn Herald to all nests before it is too late.”


Vector felt overwhelmed by her request. “We can leave, never to return, you may kill us if you wish, surely that would be enough to appease Unu.”


“It is not appeasement that they desire but subjugation. Their queen must die as well as their Night Herald, you must call him out.”


“Cannot the other hives unite against them? Would they not have a better chance against Unu if they attacked together?”


“It is a matter of ascension and hierarchy. We must call them out, and only you, as Dawn Herald of all can do this at our side and with our blessing.”


“Surely there is another Dawn Herald that can be promoted, surely we cannot be the only one.”


“Vector!” said the queen, and he was taken aback at her forceful use of his given name, she had never done so before. “Your arguments are hollow and a tactic to delay what you know must be done. You bring calm, reason, diplomacy and a caring nature that none can match but you are also a warrior, unafraid and determined to do what is right for the Kind, no matter the cost.


“The universe touched you alone with the dream of the ones scattered since the Great Migration, you alone found them so that we could become whole again.


“You bring balance in the midst of turmoil, only you can stand in the middle and reach all who form the circle that surrounds you. There is no other, if you do not do this thing, all will be lost, the hives will go to war and if they cannot turn the aggression outward, they will turn it inward to the destruction of us all.”


Vector was stunned by her words. “But what of our search for Rey’elle? We are pledged to her side always, we cannot abandon this, not even for the hive. We cannot do this.”


“You may resume your search once this is settled, are you so close to finding her that you can ignore the plight of the Kind? That is not in your nature.”


“And who will assume the crown of queen of Unu?” asked Vector.


“We will assume that station. As primary queen of the mother nest, it is our right. The Colony needs peace, we need to grow and forget such conflict. Perhaps, some day in the far future we will have no option but to expand, but not now, and not in this way.


“The Night Herald and his queen would kill Tus and all of the Hussaan to insure Killik supremacy, it will be the same for any world they invade. Nothing will survive. We have been at the receiving end of genocide attempts before, it is an inefficient waste and will not benefit the Kind. You have shown us that the universe holds wonders, as yet, unexplored and sentients are part of this wonder.


“You will stand at our side and assure trade, exploration, exchange of skills and seek new worlds for settlement, but it must be done without war, without malice.”


“Why has Unu not moved against us already? We were weakened after the migration and could not have withstood such an assault, it seems a wasted opportunity at best.”


“They would have forever lost the other hives had they done this. Unu may have forgotten the old ways in their madness, but the others have not. To move against the mother nest would have availed them nothing except to alienate the other hives and they would have been left on their own.


“Their queen is counting on time to corrupt the others, time for her Night Herald to insinuate himself upon their minds, change them with his aura, the effects are already showing. She needs time for the black membrosia to break down their barriers to suggestion and control. It has been done before, millennia ago, and we barely recovered from it.”


Vector was trapped again, between his duty to the hive and his duty to Rey’elle and no matter where he looked he could find no exit. It had been three and a half years since he lost her and he was no closer to finding her today than he was then. He could die if he fought the Night Herald but without her, he was already dead and the needs of the Kind were immediate.


“Tell us what you require and we will see it done,” he sighed.


For the next five weeks, Vector practiced with the assassins, sometimes two, sometimes three at a time and each night the hive treated the cuts and bruises he sustained, fed him meat for strength and membrosia for healing and stamina.


Tus would often enter the fight using his wooden stave against Vector. Being young and quick, Vector had to adjust his movements to match Tus’ attacks, avoiding being tripped or knocked down, learning to be more agile, anticipating movement, watching Tus’ eyes for any hint of where he might strike next.


In the early morning, he and Tus would run through the mist and fog that rose from the grasslands as dew spattered their legs and offered slick footing, they ran up mountain paths learning to be watchful for loose stones and building strength in their legs. They swam in the river that flowed a few miles from the cave, anything to keep moving, anything that would help Vector in the fight to come.


Late each night Vector fell into bed aboard the shuttle, too tired to dream, too exhausted to be haunted by memories, falling asleep almost immediately as the nest sang. At the beginning of the sixth week, the queen informed them that they would make the trip to Finas Eth soon, and one way or the other, this would be ended.


Vector had five more days to prepare before he, the queen and a small contingent would fly to whatever fate the universe had planned. He would be either the hive’s savior or its doom, he would either live or die.


He thought back to when he fought the false Jedi on Voss and remembered he was hard put to just defend against the force users attacks let alone do damage or kill him. He would not have Lokin, Kaliyo or Scorpio here to aid him this time, he would be alone in this battle. There was no further training that would avail him in the fight to come and he took the extra time to take care of his equipment and continue his endurance regimen.


The queen summoned him to her chambers the night before they were to leave to explain the protocols of what would or should happen although now, she was unsure that the old ways would be observed and that they should expect anything and everything.


Vector dreamed of Rey’elle that night. She was locked in ice high on the slopes of some mountain and he could not reach her. No matter how hard he tried, his feet could find no purchase on the rime slick slope that led up to her and all he could see clearly was her face frozen in a scream that never escaped her prison.


He yelled her name and awoke with a start as he realized his own voice had jarred him to wakefulness. He was shaken and covered with sweat and did not know if the universe was showing him something that he must yet seek or something that was beyond the possibility of him ever attaining.


He dropped his legs over the side of his bed and lowered his face into his hands. He would have cried if he still remembered how and he would continue to look for her, but not today or tomorrow, or…..the possibly finally dawned on him..... not ever again.


While in flight, Vector showed Tus and one of the joiners how to operate the kolto tank and arranged syringes full of kolto, stims and sedatives in a row in one of the drawers, explaining the use for each one. If he survived, he might need medical care beyond what the nest could provide and Vector had started to appreciate one of Scorpio’s favorite terms; contingencies.


He also went into great detail to explain to Tus that interference of any kind would not be tolerated. The fight was his and his alone, and Tus must remain neutral, no matter what happened.


Their small entourage was met by curiosity and nervous tension as they entered the meeting chamber of the Unu queen. Neither she nor her Night Herald was present but Vector had no doubt that their absence would quickly be remedied.


Not all of the hives were in attendance but news of their arrival had spread quickly and the chamber began to fill with joiners and killiks of the various nests, each inclining their heads in deference to the Oroboro queen as she stood patiently waiting.


‘Stay calm, Vector’ he heard her voice in his head. ‘She hopes to unhinge us and make the grand entrance, it is her right but changes nothing.’


Vector stood straight as oak at his queen’s side, hands locked behind his back and only his eyes moved as he scanned the room, listening to the quiet hum of low voices, the scrape of boots and feet against the stone floor as more hives entered from the side passages.


He caught sight of Lianna as she entered with Iesei but gave no indication that he saw or recognized her, like his queen, her warriors and Tus, he waited silently and unmoving.


The sudden silence was a material thing that could be held in the hand as the Unu queen finally arrived taking her place on her dais with her Night Herald positioning himself at her side.


“We welcome the queen of Oroboro but wonder why you have come. Is your new home not to your liking?” the Unu queen asked.


“The queen of the mother nest has come to check on the state of her children and to make an announcement,” stated Vector’s queen.


Unu’s queen spread her four arms. “As you can see, all is well with the Colony, there was no need for your visit and what announcement could you possibly have to make in this place?”


Vector’s queen took one step forward and he followed suit. “Wellness is evidently open to interpretation, we smell the beginning of rot at the core and now see the cause. And, the Dawn Herald of Oroboro has now become Dawn Herald to all nests.”


The chamber clamored with voices at this announcement. The Unu queen glanced about the chamber as she yelled, “Silence!”, then let her gaze halt when it reached Vector’s queen.


“The queen of Oroboro oversteps her authority, she has no right without our consent.”


“The queen of the mother nest has every right, as it has always been and his assignment was already approved years ago by all nests, or has Unu forgotten?”


“Kolosolok and Horoh have withdrawn their consent and Unu alone has the right to grant such a position. Your Dawn Herald declined this offer, we have granted the position of Herald to all of the Kind to our warrior, there cannot be two, you know what this means.”


Vector’s queen stepped backward, leaving him standing alone.


“We know what this means and we call out the Night Herald to decision by combat. May our blood determine the outcome,” he stated clearly and calmly as he removed his staff from its harness and planted it by his side.


The Unu queen nodded to her champion and a toothy grin split the Night Herald’s face as he removed the lightsaber from his belt, igniting it as he danced forward toward the middle of the chamber. To Vector’s surprise, the blade was not red, as he expected, but had a white core bordered by pale green, a Jedi weapon.


“So be it,” said Vector as he gripped his staff with both hands and strode forward watching the Night Herald swing his saber from side to side, listening to it buzz like mites in a swarm. He watched the man slightly bend his legs and leap at him, lightsaber brandished high above his head and Vector raised his staff to catch the downward blow on the spitcrete rod. The man spun left then right and Vector blocked both strikes.


The Night Herald continued to dance around Vector taking small, easily blocked swipes with his blade and then he spoke. “Vector Hyluss of the empire, do you recall Penham? A small agricultural and mining world sitting at the edge of Sith space. You were not a joiner when you came to our world, just the empires lapdog and harbinger of doom.


“The great diplomat, spreading empire lies and when Penham would not join, you bombed my world to ash. When we returned to Penham from Tython, nothing was left of our home, our family. Nothing was left, but in our search we found the fragment of a holo recording and it was your face. Your face!”


The man spun to the right pulling Vector in that direction to block, but just as quickly, he switched hands and came from the left drawing first blood as his blade cut through Vector’s armor, slicing into the meat of his hip.


Vector countered with the fulcrum end of his staff catching the Night Herald in his mid-section then brought the trident end of the staff into play as the two points drove into the man’s thigh, deep enough to hurt, to draw blood, but not enough to do any real damage.


The Night Herald began his dance again as well as his diatribe. “Hate quickly fills the empty places of a man’s soul. We returned to Tython, we learned your name, but the hatred grew and we were no longer Jedi. We slaughtered all imperials we came across, we could not be Sith so we ran and both sides hunted us mercilessly. The Empire to kill us, the Jedi to cure us. Fools!


Vector’s eyes were suddenly filled with stone dust the man had pulled from the floor and hurled at his face. Partially blinded, Vector saw the man move but could not turn quickly enough as the Night Herald went airborne coming down behind him with a vicious downward slash that sliced through his armor opening his flesh the length of his shoulder blade.


He could feel the warm trickle of blood down his back and the sting of salt as sweat entered the wound. Both his back and hip were on fire now but pain was so easily pushed aside by adrenaline and resolve.


Vector managed to spin around and bring his staff under and up, ripping the end of his trident through the side armor, opening a gash along the Night Herald’s ribs. The man moved back a few steps then advanced again, his lightsaber whirling so fast it created a solid disc of light in the air, Vector spun his staff in response and they clashed again, sparks flying and the saber’s blade sizzling each time it struck.


The Night Herald’s face fluctuated between the taunting grin and the frown of frustration as he backed off again and began his circling dance, calculating, evaluating. They continued this way, engaging, whirling, cutting, slicing and Vector was being bled little by little. What damage he had done to the Night Herald was negligible.


He is toying with us,’ thought Vector as he came to realize he could not win this fight and yet he could not give up, he fought for the Kind and for her and he was going to lose.


“At last you see,” scoffed the Night Herald. “You will know our name before the killing blow, Karnis Mul at your service.”


Vector felt the wave of energy hit his chest as he was lifted and thrown backward across the chamber, landing on his back, cracking his skull against the stone. He barely managed to roll to the side as the lightsaber pierced his chest, just inches above his heart.


Karnis had left himself open just enough that, even through the shock and pain, Vector managed to bring his staff up and hit the man in the side of the head, stunning him and knocking him away.


With his remaining strength, Vector fought to right himself, and with the aid of his staff, pull himself to his feet. He stood, slightly swaying as he watched Karnis gather himself for another attack when he heard the trilling inside his mind, the universe had answered his unuttered plea.


The universe had bestowed a gift, the Song of the Hunter. It filled every pore and strode across sinew and bone like a giant, it renewed his strength, gave him foresight into his opponent's intentions. He became one with the song, letting the melody carry him to an apex of perfect clarity and unwavering calm.


The pain was a distant annoyance and Vector stood straight and defiant, as the world around him centered solely on his opponent. He could see the man’s aura shift colors and move a split second before the Night Herald’s body followed suit. Vector saw nothing, heard nothing except the man before him, the song honed his senses, slowed time, gave him focus as each second ticked into the past.


Karnis saw some change in Vector he did not understand as he glided forward slicing left, then right then feinting left, right again as Vector blocked each blow easily. Karnis leapt backward and raised his hand pulling chunks of rock from the wall, hurtling them at Vector as he watched the Dawn Herald duck and sidestep each piece of debris. Killiks and joiners scurried out of the way and still Vector said nothing and did not move to attack.


Karnis’ face twisted into a feral snarl. “We will watch the universe burn and your body will be at the center of the pyre. Have you nothing to say?”


“You talk too much,” Vector replied as he finally began to move.


Twirling his staff faster and faster Vector seemed to float across the floor as he advanced on the Night Herald. They, once again, collided in the middle, ducking, dodging, weaving, whirling as they swung their weapons, blocking what they could, taking cuts and bruises when they could not.


Vector felt no pain or tiredness, he was something outside himself, letting the song move him, place him where he needed to be. When Karnis threw waves of force energy his way, he dropped to a lunge position letting the energy break around him like water around rock, riding the current backward then rising to his feet again.


Karnis called on the force, wrapped himself in the power, forgetting that one cannot corrupt a thing and so easily become its master and the darkness was new to him, it fought for control as he fought the Dawn Herald and a battle split cannot be won.


He had not yet fully accepted that to wear the darkness he had to become the darkness, a façade was simply not enough, the darkness did not pretend, it did not play the willing servant. It consumed.


Vector fed on a different power, not so easily divided between light and dark. It was immutable, immovable, as stolid as the universe itself, it wrote its own laws. They were evenly matched for a long time but the impatience of the darkness would be the deciding factor. What it could not control, it betrayed.


Karnis had over compensated on a riposte and Vector took the brief opening to bring the trident up under the ribcage and drive it upward into the chest of Karnis, taking no pleasure in seeing the shock in the man’s eyes as the Night Herald gurgled blood from his mouth and fell.


Vector watched the lightsaber skitter away across the floor, the blade extinguished as he gazed down into the face of the dying man. Karnis’ eyes begged for an end and Vector obliged, plunging the trident through the man’s heart.


It was over, the song faded away and Vector’s world went dark even as he reached for her face.


(To be Continued)



The song of the hunter is a real thing. I affects the killik when in battle, I just embellished.


Edited by MishaCantu
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Wow! :D



That was really amazing. First off, I felt so badly for Vector, he seems to be constantly forced to put off his search in favor of someone else's greater good. And just like Vector he accepted the challenge and made the sacrifice to help the nest.


The duel was exciting, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. For a while I thought the Night Herald would prevail, he certainly had the advantage with the Force, but I'm glad the Song of the Hunter found Vector to make the match more even and even more exciting. I also liked getting to know more about the Night Herald and was a bit surprised that he turned out to be a Jedi. I like the way you explained the darkness and that there are no half measures where it's concerned. You have to give yourself over to it completely. This line was my favorite of many amazing lines:


He had not yet fully accepted that to wear the darkness he had to become the darkness, a façade was simply not enough, the darkness did not pretend, it did not play the willing servant. It consumed.


Even though Vector defeated the Night Herald, I'm worried about the injuries he took during the fight, so I'm eagerly looking forward to the next part.


A very entertaining and exciting chapter, thanks for that! <3


Edited by Lunafox
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Great chapter! <3


While I did enjoy the fight scene, to me Vector's inner fight was the more important one. My favorite part was this one:

Vector was trapped again, between his duty to the hive and his duty to Rey’elle and no matter where he looked he could find no exit. It had been three and a half years since he lost her and he was no closer to finding her today than he was then. He could die if he fought the Night Herald but without her, he was already dead and the needs of the Kind were immediate.

He cannot abjure his duty to the hive, he wouldn't be Vector otherwise.


I hope he isn't too badly hurt. A good thing he made proper preparations. The part Kaliyo played in this made me chuckle.

Looking forward to the next part.

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