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LF a guild


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Hey folks,


I am looking for a guild to do Ops and FP's. Republic or Empire side does not matter to me.

Looking to either heal or dps. Been tanking on WoW for 7+ years not doing that again :D


I currently have: a lvl 70 Bounty Hunter healer,

a lvl 62 Agent dps but can switch it to healer,

a lvl 70 Jedi Sentinel,

a lvl 70 Sith Jugg (yes a tank :p),

a lvl 50 trooper vanguard also a tank both of those i could switch to dps ofc.

And finally a lvl 52 Sith Assasin dps.


Currently leveling a Gunslinger and a few characters here and there.. but nothing set in stone yet so i am looking for a guild that might need a dps or a healer for FP's or Ops as i am looking to get into those.


Been playing on and off since the launch of the game but never done any of the Ops. So hoping for a group that can teach and doesn't mind a few wipes.. Been raiding on WoW for a long enough time to know that **** on the floor is bad hmmmkay..

If there are any new guilds that still need to learn stuff that would be great, otherwise a bigger guild that might get to work on a second group or what not is also fine by me.


There is one catch.

I work in shifts so as for raiding times (i guess i can still call it that right..) I would prefer it in the weekends, not really going to work if a op's run is planned when i am at work and you expect me to be there.


Anyway that enough info i hope.. if not feel free to just leave a message here on the thread i will see it soon enough.


Thanks for reading the little wall of text, hope to hear from you.


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Hey Unholybp!


Are you still looking for a guild?


We are Silent Guardians on the rep side, we are a middle-sized/large guild with many members like you, starting and restarting the game, and a few veterans who are willing to teach the ins and outs of ops, so you are more than welcome to join.

We are working on our ops schedule, so nothing set into stone yet, we are flexible about joining times.


If you are logged in either look for Bok (that's me) or Sen-sia (our Guild Master) and let us know any questions or feel free to ask for an invite!


Hope to meet you in game soon!






Silent Guardians

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