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operative heal exploit


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It's bugged. Anyone who says otherwise cannot read.


It is not bugged as explained above, it should be redesigned to 50%.


ehh, tbh, imo they should keep it the way it is (well, make it work even when you have kolto probes up). I don't think it's op, i think it's the only thing that makes oper viable.

Speaking only from a dps pov, no idea about heal spec


While stacks are present too.

Edited by Aetideus
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They're actually behind Snipers and waaaaaaaaay behind mercs.




They might be removing the mega heal, I'm not sure, but saying operatives are over performing now is just incorrect.


I looked at the datamine coding and comparied it to 5.0 abilities. From what I saw the coders completely removed the old Curative Agent utility and added a new one within the coding. It is extremely clear that they did change something within it. It is NOT clear what it is was though; i'm not a programmer.


I also heard reports from reddit that they "fixed Curative Agent".


For me, I would be more than happy that they fix it back to how it is intended to work. No healing class should have the ability to full heal a person or themselves instantly every 45 seconds with no downside. That is just as broken when Sorcs were a couple patches ago (remember all the people who argued that it was 'balanced'?).


Operative need help but this broken utility isn't the way to go about it.

Edited by kissingaiur
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I looked at the datamine coding and comparied it to 5.0 abilities. From what I saw the coders completely removed the old Curative Agent utility and added a new one within the coding. It is extremely clear that they did change something within it. It is NOT clear what it is was though; i'm not a programmer.


I also heard reports from reddit that they "fixed Curative Agent".


For me, I would be more than happy that they fix it back to how it is intended to work. No healing class should have the ability to full heal a person or themselves instantly every 45 seconds with no downside. That is just as broken when Sorcs were a couple patches ago (remember all the people who argued that it was 'balanced'?).


Operative need help but this broken utility isn't the way to go about it.


The "fixed" post from reddit shares the same assumptions we're all making. They fixed something but we're not sure which part was bugged at what they fixed. They changed the tooltip to now say new players only (as in with no probes) but that's not really indicative of anything.


With regards to the talent, if it was that broken you'd see a large over-representation of operatives in SR and TR, those graphs show that they're actually under-represented right now. Removing that can only lead to further under-representation from the class. Maybe we'll get a fix in another 6 months with the next patch.

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I looked at the datamine coding and comparied it to 5.0 abilities. From what I saw the coders completely removed the old Curative Agent utility and added a new one within the coding. It is extremely clear that they did change something within it. It is NOT clear what it is was though; i'm not a programmer.


I also heard reports from reddit that they "fixed Curative Agent".


For me, I would be more than happy that they fix it back to how it is intended to work. No healing class should have the ability to full heal a person or themselves instantly every 45 seconds with no downside. That is just as broken when Sorcs were a couple patches ago (remember all the people who argued that it was 'balanced'?).


Operative need help but this broken utility isn't the way to go about it.


The not intentional part, if there is, would be to emit 2 stacks but not their heals like Kolto Infusion.

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The "fixed" post from reddit shares the same assumptions we're all making. They fixed something but we're not sure which part was bugged at what they fixed. They changed the tooltip to now say new players only (as in with no probes) but that's not really indicative of anything.


With regards to the talent, if it was that broken you'd see a large over-representation of operatives in SR and TR, those graphs show that they're actually under-represented right now. Removing that can only lead to further under-representation from the class. Maybe we'll get a fix in another 6 months with the next patch.


Seeing how there is nothing wrong with the ability but the 100% heal to full bug, making an educated guess that they fixed the ability to remove the upfront heal (which isn't even in the description) is a safe bet.


But of course, we will see what happens when it goes live.


"But Operatives are poorly represented in SR/TR so they need this utility!"


How is that argument to keep a obviously broken utility in the game? Operatives are poorly represented in the game because of the current meta. In the meta players play the class that will take them the least effort to get the maximum results. That is why many players rather go on their Sorc healer than their Operative in competitive PvP. You lose NOTHING by going Sorc but playing Operative you would have to work harder to get the same results in most cases. It's not that Operative healers are terrible it is just that players will ALWAYS play the easiest class in healing or even DPSing in majority of situations in PvP. Seeing how there is a constantly decline in solo ranked and team ranked activities in every patch, only the players who are left are the only who are going straight for meta classes. Basically SR/TR statistics in a nutshell.


Again Operative need some slight help in some areas but bang-wagoning a broken utility isn't going to solve the issues within the class. All it does in the end is creates more balancing problems.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Seeing how there is nothing wrong with the ability but the 100% heal to full bug, making an educated guess that they fixed the ability to remove the upfront heal (which isn't even in the description) is a safe bet.


But of course, we will see what happens when it goes live.


Personally I think the mega heal part is bugged but a person watching my stream had the opinion that the wording "immediately grants two stacks" could also mean that it's intentional. I don't necessarily agree with that person but I am able to see their perspective. FYI it's around a 40% to 60% heal which will get you to 100% if you're within that threshold, it is not a 100% heal.


"But Operatives are poorly represented in SR/TR so they need this utility!"


I didn't say that and I'm not sure why you're trying to infer some kind of emotional aspect to my response


How is that argument to keep a obviously broken utility in the game? Operatives are poorly represented in the game because of the current meta. In the meta players play the class that will take them the least effort to get the maximum results. That is why many players rather go on their Sorc healer than their Operative in competitive PvP. You lose NOTHING by going Sorc but playing Operative you would have to work harder to get the same results in most cases. It's not that Operative healers are terrible it is just that players will ALWAYS play the easiest class in healing or even DPSing in majority of situations in PvP. Seeing how there is a constantly decline in solo ranked and team ranked activities in every patch, only the players who are left are the only who are going straight for meta classes. Basically SR/TR statistics in a nutshell.


Like I said, the bugged part isn't obvious hence us discussing it and the miners not knowing what part they changed. The rest about the meta is a little bit silly. Yes, people will tend to play overpowered classes. The argument is operative are overpowered because of this ability, the numbers show they are not. If I had a random nail sticking out of my wall that was put there by mistake but it turned out pulling that nail would collapse the wall I'd suggest keeping it so you don't make the situation worse until you have a suitable solution for both.


Again Operative need some slight help in some areas but bang-wagoning a broken utility isn't going to solve the issues within the class. All it does in the end is creates more balancing problems.


I'm not bandwagoning anything, I'm saying we don't know what part is broken because we don't. Personally, I think the mega heal is the broken part but I DON'T KNOW that it is so I don't pretend that I do. You are right in saying this will create more balance issues, just not in the way you mean.

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Looks confirmed here: Curative Agent and Sly Surrender no longer provide more healing than intended.


I look forward to joining my Jugg and Powertech brothers.


Lethality is viable and plenty Solo scenarios that Heals + Internal + AoE are effective.

Edited by Aetideus
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Operatives actually heal more than sorcs, but all that crazy amount of micromanaging to keep the heals up I just find it so asinine after a few matches.


That's me in a nutshell. I always try to stay in practice on all my healers, but after a few matches the tedious task of HoTing everyone becomes quite boring and monotonous for me.


I feel like I am constantly playing whack-a-mole with probes on the entire ops frame of players with little effect too.

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That's me in a nutshell. I always try to stay in practice on all my healers, but after a few matches the tedious task of HoTing everyone becomes quite boring and monotonous for me.


I feel like I am constantly playing whack-a-mole with probes on the entire ops frame of players with little effect too.


Operative healing always just feels like I'm trying to farm numbers rather than actually save people. IMO, the spec should be reworked somewhat to let it keep that signature "Hot-y" feel, but.. make it feel like it has more of an oomph rather than "Target switching and refreshing probes simulator".

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Here's what I'm seeing so far on one of my scoundrel healers. When I hit "surrender", my Slow-release Medpac is highlighted, and it stays that way through several activations / seconds, which never happened before. Before, I would hit it once and it may or may not have done the mega heal, but it would become unhighlighted right away. Not sure what's up with that.
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Here's what I'm seeing so far on one of my scoundrel healers. When I hit "surrender", my Slow-release Medpac is highlighted, and it stays that way through several activations / seconds, which never happened before. Before, I would hit it once and it may or may not have done the mega heal, but it would become unhighlighted right away. Not sure what's up with that.


The next time you notice it, look to see if your target already has stacks. It will not let you use it on anyone with two already.


And for the record, I absolutely miss the super heal, and I realize just how gimped I am against ars mercs and marks snipers. I honestly can no longer tolerate being melee in wz. Slowed by gun fire, knocked back by gun fire, knocked back by knockback, netted over and over. Can't close the gap against slingers in cover, while they're still able to roll away every 20 sec, and now have the totally awesome heal under the shield. They just roll away, bind the legs and fire. They say, ok let me knock you back with my penetrating blasts because your slow arse is getting too close..lol stupid op. Oh, and let me maim you because you're getting close to me again. OMG, stupid op, you're still pursuing me? Well, time for me to roll away again. Just blah. Merc, that's beating dead horse. Self heal, Res. safeguards, TR, KO.."Just don't hit the merc..blah blah blah." "Kill em w/ AOE..blah blah blah." Got it. Hit the merc, then don't hit the merc with anything but my 2k per sec AOE. Got it. In the meantime, this arenal merc can net me to prevent escape, heal to full, hit me with 15k tm, followed up with 35k hsm. I know, I know, I just have to be patient and wait for them to blow all their cooldowns. Insert the rolling eyes emoji here. Yeah removing the super heal pissed me off because more groups with any combo the two are making me their focus, and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. Whatever though.


The curative agent/surrender bug spoiled me by making think I could hang with someone at the same skill level 1v1. Nay. It'll make me cry, but I'm putting my op/scdrl on the shelf (at least for dps) if I can't make any progress in my ability to play the specs in this meta.

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The next time you notice it, look to see if your target already has stacks. It will not let you use it on anyone with two already.


And for the record, I absolutely miss the super heal, and I realize just how gimped I am against ars mercs and marks snipers. I honestly can no longer tolerate being melee in wz. Slowed by gun fire, knocked back by gun fire, knocked back by knockback, netted over and over. Can't close the gap against slingers in cover, while they're still able to roll away every 20 sec, and now have the totally awesome heal under the shield. They just roll away, bind the legs and fire. They say, ok let me knock you back with my penetrating blasts because your slow arse is getting too close..lol stupid op. Oh, and let me maim you because you're getting close to me again. OMG, stupid op, you're still pursuing me? Well, time for me to roll away again. Just blah. Merc, that's beating dead horse. Self heal, Res. safeguards, TR, KO.."Just don't hit the merc..blah blah blah." "Kill em w/ AOE..blah blah blah." Got it. Hit the merc, then don't hit the merc with anything but my 2k per sec AOE. Got it. In the meantime, this arenal merc can net me to prevent escape, heal to full, hit me with 15k tm, followed up with 35k hsm. I know, I know, I just have to be patient and wait for them to blow all their cooldowns. Insert the rolling eyes emoji here. Yeah removing the super heal pissed me off because more groups with any combo the two are making me their focus, and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. Whatever though.


The curative agent/surrender bug spoiled me by making think I could hang with someone at the same skill level 1v1. Nay. It'll make me cry, but I'm putting my op/scdrl on the shelf (at least for dps) if I can't make any progress in my ability to play the specs in this meta.


operatives are still the best 1v1 class (in concealment anyway). some specs can be a hard fight, but you should be able to win assuming skill is equal, sounds like someone was getting carried by the broken bug

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