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mer electro dart


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Hey guys,


I am currently leveling a Mercenery, I am at level 12.

I received the ability Electro Dart, am i to be correct that it is the equivalent of electro net on commando? Then why is it a 10 m range but not 30?


electro net will be called, electro net hence the name electro net

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Electro Dart = Cryo Grenade (basic stun)

Electro Net = Electro Net (verdammt 8x8 objective spam by the five mercs on the other team :)



Lol, iv felt it ! :D What level u get electro net? Is it one of the "late abilities"?

Edited by AlCorazon
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Hey guys,


I am currently leveling a Mercenery, I am at level 12.

I received the ability Electro Dart, am i to be correct that it is the equivalent of electro net on commando? Then why is it a 10 m range but not 30?

Yeah! Another merc ...


Nerf Vanguard/Powertech ... :rolleyes:

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