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What is your best experience so far in SWTOR?


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Space Combat, it's more Star Wars: Assault on the Death Star the Arcade Game and less X-Wing vs. Tie-fighter, and yet it's still the only part of the game that actually feels like Star Wars.


Shooting into the distance and seeing the explosiontrails of enemyfighters you shouldn't had been able to hit accuratly at that distance, now that takes skill, not like this silly target mob -> press button, I'm using a blaster, not a magic wand!


Someone at BW clearly enjoyed space combat a hell of a lot more than they did ground combat when it came to designing. I wish that combat system had been the base for the rest of the game and not just thrown into a minigame :(

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I don't want to sound like a slicing nerf whiner, but I honestly really enjoyed the slicing skill benefits off being able to afford lots of game content level appropriate, as I've played so many MMO's I've grown very accustomed to skipping everything till max level/skills maxed.


It was working perfectly as my brother didn't have the slicing skill and I was helping him with money to run missions/mount/skills/repair bills. In return, he gave me the resources I was missing and I suppose was my companion so my actual one could run slicing missions.


I'm sure this is how it was supposed to work big picture too, but because the actual market takes a lot longer to settle than our micro economy, it appeared overflooded with money.



So anyway, yeah having enough funds to actually buy that purple level 18 item someone else was crafted for 5K because I figured I'd have enough again for my mount by 25 -was- the best experience of the game.

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Best experience was actually in the beta.


I had my level 47 Sorcerer on Korriban doing part of my class quest. There was a level 19 bounty hunter challenging anyone to beat him and he would give them 4k credits. I went about my business completing my class quest and I noticed he was still spamming chat for anyone to duel him by the shuttle.


When I got to the shuttle area I stopped a ways back so he wouldn't see me in the crowd and challenged him to a duel. There was a pause as I'm sure he was trying to find me in the crowd of people that had gathered. Sure enough he accepted the duel and once the counter hit zero it was a 2 shot and done duel.


His response in the general chat was "Oh snap" to which I replied that he must not have expected a level 47 to be in the area. He said he had been helping a friend and forgot what area he was in. I'm sure that was a line of crap, but it didn't take away the satisfaction I got for stomping him into the ground and giving him a taste of his own medicine. :)

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Another one I like is how the game does killing blows, even with regular attacks. That is one thing that separates this game from others. You can be hitting the same attack at the end over and over.. but when it actually kills them, the movements are different.
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Many things come to mind.


I love the space battles, the companions (mako is awesome), the spaceship and how professions work. Love blaster combat, and love holocrons. I was crying out for this type of stuff (holocrons) in WOW for years but sadly we only got archaeology which bloody sucked.


If Bioware can get this combat system and character responsiveness perfect in the next week or two, I'm sold, for the long term. However, its so fundamental to the game that it really needs sorted and if it isn't I'll probably cancel. PVP is not good just now, and that, alongside tough raiding will be the real hooks for me. Hoping at present, but not wildly optimistic that the issues in the "ability delay" thread can actually be overcome.


If they throw money at it, they will make it back many times over. If they don't get it right, the free period will run out and the game will permanently suffer as people run screaming back to wow for its beautiful smooth play.

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