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Anyone else leaving their merc cus of how op they are?


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K, so i basically resubbed recently for the expansion and i used to be a merc main. From what i have read and from what i saw when i did a few wzs(at 65), things are pretty insane. This is not what i signed up for when merc became my favorite class. If i wanted this crap i would have been a sorc healer at 4.0.


Mara here i come.

Edited by Kaedusz
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K, so i basically resubbed recently for the expansion and i used to be a merc main. From what i have read and from what i saw when i did a few wzs(at 85), things are pretty insane. This is not what i signed up for when merc became my favorite class. If i wanted this crap i would have been a sorc healer at 4.0.

Mara here i come.


Not sure if you actually play this game since the level cap is 70 and not 85.

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Try and duel good players. You won't think Merc is OP anymore.

If someone has the intelligence not to attack you when you pop your 6s bubble you will find that you are out of cooldowns rather quickly. Obviously with the right utilities your energy shield and kolto overload have gained much in 5.0


I switched to merc in 4.0 because my main was a sorc and I didn't like doing wzs as the 7th sorc on the team.

Now the same thing is happening and I don't intend to switch.


And yeah I have won multiple 1vs2 in wzs in 5.0. Even against other mercs and jugs that died faster then they should (possible still not all CD's active but still going down to fast). But I have died against lots of ppl 1vs1. That says more about the other 2 players knowledge of their own class then the merc being OP.

People in this game need to learn to not complain about this and search if there are ways to beat a merc.

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K, so i basically resubbed recently for the expansion and i used to be a merc main. From what i have read and from what i saw when i did a few wzs(at 85), things are pretty insane. This is not what i signed up for when merc became my favorite class. If i wanted this crap i would have been a sorc healer at 4.0.


Mara here i come.


I hate it when my fav classes become FOTM. Come play a Fury Mara if you don't want to play a FOTM Carnage Mara ;)

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Try and duel good players. You won't think Merc is OP anymore.

If someone has the intelligence not to attack you when you pop your 6s bubble you will find that you are out of cooldowns rather quickly. Obviously with the right utilities your energy shield and kolto overload have gained much in 5.0


Eh, mercs are still kings in duels - they were pretty damn good in 4.0, but they got the long stick compared to other classes, which brings them on top. You could remove echoing deterrence and mercs would still be a superb dueling class.

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I am not PvPing my 'mando because of this. Not going to contribute to the population problem there.


What evidence are you basing the "population problem" on (it might just be these forums but I am interested either way)


Their new bubble needs to be toned down, Gunslingers got their bubble nerfed within a day. Why did the juggernauts, mercs, and sorcs get to keep their new ridiculous buffs?


Them darn snipers too eh, they should get a nerf, they gots them shields and stuffs. :rak_02:


You know, to hek and all fire with it, I can jump on a bandwagon with the best of them, lets just all play Marauders and peacefully protest on fleet until our voice is heard.

Edited by Dalthanar
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spelling mistake


Then I'm going to assume you meant 65 in which case it's bad idea to judge the class in midbies.


Bolster at that level is somewhat wonky and allowing numerous classes to do 40K+ damage in a hit. This seems to normalize once a toon hits 70.


Secondly, you're judging how a class performs in an environment where most of the most experienced players have already gotten their mains to 70. In other words, you're PvPing against players that aren't quite as experienced and don't know their classes as well.

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K, so i basically resubbed recently for the expansion and i used to be a merc main. From what i have read and from what i saw when i did a few wzs(at 65), things are pretty insane. This is not what i signed up for when merc became my favorite class. If i wanted this crap i would have been a sorc healer at 4.0.


Mara here i come.


You really are going out on a limb man, I mean marauders are so weak now. :rolleyes:

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Eh, mercs are still kings in duels - they were pretty damn good in 4.0, but they got the long stick compared to other classes, which brings them on top. You could remove echoing deterrence and mercs would still be a superb dueling class.


Yeah, and you lost last 1vs1 tournament TRE at the beginning because Mercs are still kings of duels? lol. I like how you are throwing false statements even though you are not good on your fav class anymore. And actually never was. All your rating was due synching with your guild :\

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K, so i basically resubbed recently for the expansion and i used to be a merc main. From what i have read and from what i saw when i did a few wzs(at 65), things are pretty insane. This is not what i signed up for when merc became my favorite class. If i wanted this crap i would have been a sorc healer at 4.0.


Mara here i come.


Nice fake post, Mr. Jugg/Mara.

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Yeah I played merc for a few days, then left for sin and slinger. It made me feel dirty.

You know Deception is broke atm right? Damage is way higher than it should be because of the double stance bug(I think)- you build static charges way too fast, highest parcing spec in the game.

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I never understood why people would stop playing a class they love playing just because it becomes good. If I love playing a class, I'll play when it's bad, good, brokenly op or whatever. I had played healing sorcs since launch in pvp and even in 2.0 when they were garbage I still played them. But when 3.0 and 4.0 came around and they became stupidly strong, that didn't stop me from playing the class, it just let me steamroll people because I had already known how to play the class. Same thing with combat/carnage now, even during the height of smash I still played carnage because I loved the spec, it being strong now isn't going to stop me from playing it. The people maining mercs in pvp before this expac deserved some love from how bad they had been for so long. So many mercs now are just bad fotm rerollers, the people that main them before should still stand out since they would likely know how to play the class correctly. I've lost count how many times I've seen mercs death from above on a single target. The people switching never really loved the class, they just loved being the "hipsters" and always straying away from the strong class.
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The people switching never really loved the class, they just loved being the "hipsters" and always straying away from the strong class.

That's not true at all. I love deception for example. Alot it's one of the first specs I've ever played (the very very first was madness sorc, then deception sin, then Marksmanship sniper). But I loved it when it was either balanced or slightly underpowered. It doesn't feel the same when it's OP or when it's severely nerfed it actually becomes a bit discouraging to play in those scenarios. It's not that I don't like the class it's I don't like it being overtuned/undertuned. (Also before someone jumps on my deception just needs bugs fixed to be balanced it's just these aren't funny bugs like lol slash constantly hitting).


Some people just don't like playing overpowered classes even if they enjoy the class. That's all there is to it.

Edited by Raynezazki
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That's not true at all. I love deception for example. Alot it's one of the first specs I've ever played (the very very first was madness sorc, then deception sin, then Marksmanship sniper). But I loved it when it was either balanced or slightly underpowered. It doesn't feel the same when it's OP or when it's severely nerfed it actually becomes a bit discouraging to play in those scenarios. It's not that I don't like the class it's I don't like it being overtuned/undertuned. (Also before someone jumps on my deception just needs bugs fixed to be balanced it's just these aren't funny bugs like lol slash constantly hitting).


Some people just don't like playing overpowered classes even if they enjoy the class. That's all there is to it.


Deception is possibly the only exception to this this patch due how op their bug is, which also completely changes the rotation and how it plays. I can understand someone not wanting to play a class because it becomes so weak it becomes discouraging to play, but when it becomes strong, the people that are switching care more about not playing a strong class than playing a class they love, if it were the other way around they wouldn't be switching.

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