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Only Disadvantages beeng a neutral sider sith??


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I'm playing my sith as I want my Character to be. No goal in reaching maestry in Light/Dark side. Just taking the decision at the moment according to the advantage/disadvantage I can get from the choice, and also according to the feeling I have in that moment.


In particular I don't like the Idea of a full light sith as a Jedi born on the wrong side of the war, but also I don't thik that all sith are psyco-killers that belive in chaos and free murdering.


There are IMHO many siths more calculative, that kills only on precise golas, capable also of good actions alternate with dark side action moved by feelings of revenge or just because "evil is not evil if in favor of the Empire".


For those that plays their character in this way, like me, the alignment can move from Dark rank 1 to light rank 1, but rarely can move upper or lower.


I'm realizeing that this game gives only disadvantages for these who play their character in this way, because while we grow up in levelling, objects requires higher and higher levels in dark/light sides.


I don't think this is a good choice by bioware, because I think people that don't follows full dark or light sides are the one who really lives more deeply the sory and their character and it's a shame if they get disadvantages.


What do you think about?

Edited by Garrhyck
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Hello Everybody!


We appreciate your interest in talking about the benefits and drawbacks of being neutral alignment but we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest continuing your discussion there.


Thank you!

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