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<MANDALORIANS> [ PvP/OPs/Conquest/ Social/ Progression/ Veteran ]


An open guild of veteran to intermediate players. Looking to have lots of fun with the game and it's community.

Joining is on a basis of commitment and social motivation. We appreciate both, yet we understand if you can't use voice. Guild chat is still acceptable. Just don't be a stranger.


We have strict rules on new members in both guild bank and privileges. For reasons of having various issues in the past. These as a result have made us a better community. So we ask for the respect of all our members.


We are also currently looking for new players. We are a active social community. Fairly relaxed. We mostly hang out on discord for voice communication. Yet guild chat is always buzzing with banter. Out main drive in game is PvP/Operations all tiers, and Conquest. We've been going fairly strong since launch. Most of us are veteran players, willing to lend a hand to anyone in the need.


If you need more information please contact. Fly-ing'baboon in game via mail or by /w if seen. Or simply ask for Fly in general chat on fleet at any time. One of us will notice.


Hope to see you guys soon. Vor'entye.

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