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I Suggest a Server Merge


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So paying sub is not enough to expect my chars and guild transfer from dead server? Which is dead thanks to their brilliant actions? Now i have to write the code for them while still paying sub? Daaaamn.


That sounds to me like an admission that it is much harder to code and implement guild transfers with all guild amenities than you originally claimed.


Since guild transfers are not possible at this time and BW has no plans to merge servers at this time according to the latest statement from them, it would seem that your options are to remain on the server you are on with your guild intact with all its amenities or transfer one or more characters and create a new guild on a new server.

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That sounds to me like an admission that it is much harder to code and implement guild transfers with all guild amenities than you originally claimed.


Since guild transfers are not possible at this time and BW has no plans to merge servers at this time according to the latest statement from them, it would seem that your options are to remain on the server you are on with your guild intact with all its amenities or transfer one or more characters and create a new guild on a new server.


Cant say i care how it sounds to you, since its clear you want hear what suits your theories. Not my *********** job to code for game, they have ppl taking money for it, my money included.


And no, i have another option, stop play game where theres no care for players left on dead server and move on. Many people already done it and theres more to come with that devs attitude.

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Guild flagship go with the active guild master. Basically what they did for the apac server. The problem is the over population of the one server. Because the people leave the game and come back, turns a standard server into a high wait in a q server. All you have to do is move the warzone only players to bastion and the ops only players to harbinger and anyone who wants to do both just picks. Plus have toons on both servers, warzones toons on one and your pve toons on the other. Or just get rid of the bots stop using non SWTOR launchers to get into the game and merge the servers for everything but physically being on the server. Gtn, ops, fps, wz, gsf, you get it right.


Or tell the guilds to stop group Qing to allow solos to pop.

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Cant say i care how it sounds to you, since its clear you want hear what suits your theories. Not my *********** job to code for game, they have ppl taking money for it, my money included.


And no, i have another option, stop play game where theres no care for players left on dead server and move on. Many people already done it and theres more to come with that devs attitude.


It may not be your job to code for the game, but you were the one who was claiming how easy it would be.


Neither you nor I have any idea how difficult that coding might be.


I do agree with you that is unfortunate, at best, that guild transfers are not supported. It is also unfortunate that threatening to quit (or even actually quitting) is not likely to change that.


For me, the decision would be an easy one. One (maybe a couple) cheap transfer(s) (using my "free" stipend of CC's so it won't cost me any additional money) to "move" my legacy with all unlocks and a healthy starting supply of credits to a new server, then create new characters. Leveling is ridiculously fast and easy these days.

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It may not be your job to code for the game, but you were the one who was claiming how easy it would be.


Neither you nor I have any idea how difficult that coding might be.


I do agree with you that is unfortunate, at best, that guild transfers are not supported. It is also unfortunate that threatening to quit (or even actually quitting) is not likely to change that.


For me, the decision would be an easy one. One (maybe a couple) cheap transfer(s) (using my "free" stipend of CC's so it won't cost me any additional money) to "move" my legacy with all unlocks and a healthy starting supply of credits to a new server, then create new characters. Leveling is ridiculously fast and easy these days.


Multiple other games done it so its possible if theres any devs interested in it.

And its not threating, its stating a fact. Why continue to pay and play if devs piss on players left on dead servers.

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Multiple other games done it so its possible if theres any devs interested in it.

And its not threating, its stating a fact. Why continue to pay and play if devs piss on players left on dead servers.


First, I said threatening to quit, OR ACTUALLY QUITTING will not change the fact that this game does not support guild transfers.


Second, until you actually quit, it is only threatening to quit. If you are going to quit, then quit and walk away. Don't just threaten to quit, claiming "it's a fact".


As for other games allowing guild transfers, that is all well and good for those games, but do you know how the coding for those games differs from the coding for this one, or how different engines may affect coding. I don't, but maybe you are more omniscient than I am.


Do those other games have guild strongholds or guild ships, both of which can be unlocked and customized with the placement of various decorations? Do those other games run on different engines? Do those other games have a "legacy system" with legacy banks, unlocks, etc.?

Edited by Ratajack
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First, I said threatening to quit, OR ACTUALLY QUITTING will not change the fact that this game does not support guild transfers.


Second, until you actually quit, it is only threatening to quit. If you are going to quit, then quit and walk away. Don't just threaten to quit, claiming "it's a fact".


As for other games allowing guild transfers, that is all well and good for those games, but do you know how the coding for those games differs from the coding for this one, or how different engines may affect coding. I don't, but maybe you are more omniscient than I am.


Do those other games have guild strongholds or guild ships, both of which can be unlocked and customized with the placement of various decorations? Do those other games run on different engines? Do those other games have a "legacy system" with legacy banks, unlocks, etc.?


No idea! But devs of that game were able to respond themselves without advocates (like you). Last time ive check this sub forum is called Suggestion Box, where players are suppose to throw ideas and devs are suppose to respond whether its possible and if will be ever done.

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No idea! But devs of that game were able to respond themselves without advocates (like you). Last time ive check this sub forum is called Suggestion Box, where players are suppose to throw ideas and devs are suppose to respond whether its possible and if will be ever done.


You are only half right, I believe.


This is the suggestion box forum and players can throw out ideas, but unless I missed a memo somewhere along the line, I don't believe the devs ever indicated that they would respond to those suggestions in any way on these forums, or that they were even "supposed" to do so.


This is not, however, a "players throw out ideas and no one can have any dissenting opinions, or offer any possible reasons why an idea might not be good for the game as a whole" forum.

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to be honest i've seen people screaming about the end game gear being RNG being crap .....it's all random and even with the changes they are still making it a grind......i unsubbed cause of the expertise drop off for pvp, the RNG for end game and the customer support team deleting about 8 or 9 in game tickets i wrote them about what i thought about the changes and how much the changes would hurt the game and most of my guild in Harbinger has unsubbed including most the council and the GM of the guild.....several of my co council members of the guild made it to command rank 30 and only had one piece of actual purple set gear gear....and making it so hard to lvl up outside warzones and taking away expertise for pvp i think the devs have dug a hole they can't dig their way out of....i for one probably won't ever be back and most the ones i talk to on TS that was in guild are unsubbed and moved to other games.....like everquest 2, diablo 3, WoW, Overwatch, and several others.....they aren't paying attention to anything that was said before and after they implemented the changes. they're not just ignoring the Bastion but many many other things Edited by CorbinusAbersion
fixed a few sentences
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Time for a server merge. My server the Bastion is dead. 2-10 people on the fleet at any given time. I have not had a PVP que pop in months. I pay for a subscription to play this game and the dev team is willfully turning a blind to low pop servers. This cannot continue any longer.




POT5, Jung Ma... they are also badly affected by this SAME problem!



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They need to initiate server merges IMMEDIATELY, rather than give the game a chance to truly flounder across all servers and become an unrecoverable decline.


THE TIME IS NOW to at least merge all East-Coast servers into one and all West-Coast servers into one. This means we need to give up on all server types except for one PvE server on each coast.


. . . . The Harbinger (West Coast) <--- The Bastion, Begeren Colony

. . . . Jedi Covenant (East Coast) <-- Jung Ma, The Ebon Hawk, Prophecy of the Five, The Shadowlands


They can start transfers immediately by offering free character transfers into The Harbinger or Jedi Covenant, so people can immediately ditch out of any of the painfully low-population servers. And to follow up they'll need to force character transfers of the remaining characters on the deprecated servers.


They can also merge the European servers into the 3 language-specific PvE servers:

. . . . The Red Eclipse (English) <--- Tomb of Freedom Nadd, The Progenitor

. . . . T3-M4 (German) <--- Jar'Kai Sword, Vanjervalis Chain

. . . . Mantle of the Force (French) <--- Darth Nihilus, Battle Meditation

...although depending on population levels of these European servers, it might be necessary to be more drastic and merge all European servers into The Red Eclipse:

. . . . The Red Eclipse <--- Tomb of Freedom Nadd, The Progenitor, T3-M4, Jar'Kai Sword,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanjervalis Chain, Mantle of the Force, Darth Nihilus, Battle Meditation



Edited by anonnn
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First, I said threatening to quit, OR ACTUALLY QUITTING will not change the fact that this game does not support guild transfers.


Second, until you actually quit, it is only threatening to quit. If you are going to quit, then quit and walk away. Don't just threaten to quit, claiming "it's a fact".


As for other games allowing guild transfers, that is all well and good for those games, but do you know how the coding for those games differs from the coding for this one, or how different engines may affect coding. I don't, but maybe you are more omniscient than I am.


Do those other games have guild strongholds or guild ships, both of which can be unlocked and customized with the placement of various decorations? Do those other games run on different engines? Do those other games have a "legacy system" with legacy banks, unlocks, etc.?


Not sure how i forgot about it earlier, but SWTOR already did merge servers and moved guilds. Ive started this game on Lord Calypho server, long dead now and somehow they manage copy guilds to another server. Cant see reason not to repeat it with all this ghost servers around right now.

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Not sure how i forgot about it earlier, but SWTOR already did merge servers and moved guilds. Ive started this game on Lord Calypho server, long dead now and somehow they manage copy guilds to another server. Cant see reason not to repeat it with all this ghost servers around right now.


Maybe you were "on a break" when the first two waves of server merges took place.


No, they did NOT "copy" guilds to new servers.


The guilds had to be disbanded on the origin server, characters moved to new server, then the guilds had to be reformed (and hope that no one got your guild name before you did), the new guild then had to invite all the old members (and hope that none of the members had to change names) and submit at ticket to customer service to have the guild bank re-authorized with the bank tabs. Sometimes it took weeks just to get the guild bank re-authorized. IIRC, any items or credits that had not been removed from the guild bank on the origin server were lost because nothing that was in the guild bank was transferred.


It was NOT just a "copy/paste". The previous server merges caused no end of headaches, nightmares and problems for guilds, and that was BEFORE they had guild strongholds, and guild ships.

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