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Shut down empty servers! (Jung Ma, Tomb of Freedom Nadd and a few others!)


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I wonder how many players they lose from keeping those servers around.


Personally, I like the quietness of small servers. General Chat also isn't that hostile like e.g. on Harbinger, and not being filled with that much filth, too.


The only drawback is, that group play is difficult on smaller servers.

Which is especially striking on events like the past DL-Event, where HM OPs were required to get to a certain tier ...

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I've got toons on both Harbinger and Red Eclipse. Both servers have a healthy population [...]

It's like the forum whiners live in an alternate reality and never actually play the game.


Not sure what you're going for here. Seems like you haven't even read a single word in this thread. Everyone knows that TRE and Harbinger are healthy. They are among the 4 or 5 last healthy servers this game has. The rest is dead weight and that's what this thread is about.



I play on the servers I want to play on, not the servers others demand I play on.

BW please ban this topic out right.


Some people are so naive and ignorant, it's almost funny. You seem to think the world revolves around you. Nobody demands anything from YOU. People are demanding a server merge FROM BIOWARE, because dead servers DAMAGE the game. New and returning players who start on dead servers will get discouraged and assume all servers are ghost towns like that, and they'll quit eventually. You seem to think Bioware should to pay for dead servers and lose potential new/returning players in the process, just so you can play single player :rak_02:

I'll tell you a secret: You can play single player on a healthy server too, just disable chat and don't interact with anyone.


Personally, I like the quietness of small servers. General Chat also isn't that hostile like e.g. on Harbinger, and not being filled with that much filth, too.


The only drawback is, that group play is difficult on smaller servers.

Which is especially striking on events like the past DL-Event, where HM OPs were required to get to a certain tier ...


You forgot to mention some other downsides (like an empty GTN and no PvP pops) and the only advantage you mentionend doesn't really make sense to me. On TOFN the only players writing in chat are credit sellers 99% of the time, literally nobody else. Do you think this is good for the game or will make a good impression on new/returning players? On a healthy server on the other hand you can simply turn the chat off if you'd like to. You can also customize your own chat tabs in a way they don't include General chat, so you don't have to see the "filth".

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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I've got toons on both Harbinger and Red Eclipse. Both servers have a healthy population and there's nothing "handful" about its subscribers either. I joined my first rounds of FPs last night and it was one of the more joyful experiences in an MMO I've ever had (played MMOs since 2005).


Great players who helped out and didn't moan and whine when things got rough. It's like the forum whiners live in an alternate reality and never actually play the game.



Wow flashpoints. That's exciting content. The harbinger is where casuals play now. Game is dead.

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You forgot to mention some other downsides (like an empty GTN and no PvP pops) and the only advantage you mentionend doesn't really make sense to me. On TOFN the only players writing in chat are credit sellers 99% of the time, literally nobody else. Do you think this is good for the game or will make a good impression on new/returning players? On a healthy server on the other hand you can simply turn the chat off if you'd like to. You can also customize your own chat tabs in a way they don't include General chat, so you don't have to see the "filth".


Sorry, these are not downsides to me. I haven't bought (or sold) anything on the GTN since 2014 (I think) and I hardly ever notice chat - except when I play on Harbinger and I have to turn off chat (especially when the US was close to an election - whew!).

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Sorry, these are not downsides to me. I haven't bought (or sold) anything on the GTN since 2014 (I think) and I hardly ever notice chat - except when I play on Harbinger and I have to turn off chat (especially when the US was close to an election - whew!).


de·ni·al noun /di- ˈ nī(-ə)l, dē-/


Definition of DENIAL


1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality


2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality


3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant

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You forgot to mention some other downsides (like an empty GTN and no PvP pops) and the only advantage you mentionend doesn't really make sense to me. On TOFN the only players writing in chat are credit sellers 99% of the time, literally nobody else. Do you think this is good for the game or will make a good impression on new/returning players? On a healthy server on the other hand you can simply turn the chat off if you'd like to. You can also customize your own chat tabs in a way they don't include General chat, so you don't have to see the "filth".


Well, I must admit that I'm talking about Vanjervalis Chain, and Credit Sellers are not that many there, right now. I hope that they find out that there is not much to win with such a low population.


The GTN is never empty, but the prices are high ... well, I guess that's the norm by now.


There are almost no PvP pops in low end and mid range, end game PvP pops seem to be fine, people say.


To "turn off chat" I usually switch to the chat's "system messages" tab, that's the easiest way I can have it.

I have no "profanity filter" on, because I don'Ät need to, but I must admit that I was quite shocked to see the trash in the chat of Harbinger. I've never seen a person writing in the chat ... I'd better delete that here, or I might get banned ... Well, that isn't there on VC. I really have no idea why - maybe because it had once been an RPO server - but people appear to me to be more civilized there, in chat. I have no idea what goes on via voice chat, though.


Yes, small servers do have their flaws. But for introverts they have their good sides, too.

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Personally, I like the quietness of small servers. General Chat also isn't that hostile like e.g. on Harbinger, and not being filled with that much filth, too.


The only drawback is, that group play is difficult on smaller servers.

Which is especially striking on events like the past DL-Event, where HM OPs were required to get to a certain tier ...


Find a good guild. We never have issues getting things to pop (seems to take about 5 minutes if that) because we work as a guild and have a couple of other guilds who sometimes run with us.

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de·ni·al noun /di- ˈ nī(-ə)l, dē-/


Definition of DENIAL


1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality


2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality


3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant


It's not denial. It's called "Someone else has different preferences than you and plays the game differently."

If they enjoy nearly dead servers (as do I) and don't think the bad things are bad that's their opinion. Everyone has a right to one. That's why I'm all for free server transfers to anyone who wants to be on larger servers.


In the end if (and probably when) they merge my server (the Bastion) with another I'll still play and enjoy myself as long as my guild is there. I rarely interact outside of my guilds anyway and I can always turn off viewing too many other players if it's getting in the way of my experience since I prefer to play solo.

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The should merge servers, only reason they don't is greed, that's why they never reply in these threads, but they also know a few idiots will always defend them.


Besides the name issue, which we all have to bare closing server like TOFN (which makes me sad but that's life) is the very best way to go, but BW/EA have shown since the release of this game, that they are most of the time clueless to whats best for the game.


Its more about how much more cash can we squeeze!, to stupid to realize that the squeeze is costing them more!

Edited by Nemeses
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The should merge servers, only reason they don't is greed, that's why they never reply in these threads, but they also know a few idiots will always defend them.


Besides the name issue, which we all have to bare closing server like TOFN (which makes me sad but that's life) is the very best way to go, but BW/EA have shown since the release of this game, that they are most of the time clueless to whats best for the game.


Its more about how much more cash can we squeeze!, to stupid to realize that the squeeze is costing them more!


It's not only greed. Doing a server merge now right after that half-arsed expansion has dropped would be publicly admitting things are not doing well. Can't do that.

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It's not only greed. Doing a server merge now right after that half-arsed expansion has dropped would be publicly admitting things are not doing well. Can't do that.


Its mostly about greed, they can get around the merges by using new tech reason, there are tons of reasons they could use, but greed holds them back, not only in the making the very few coins from transfers, but also the cost to themselves of putting together a team to carry out all the work it involves, plain and simple old greed!!


In fact if they were not so deluded into thinking that people would come back and re fill these servers with the expansion (been deluded is the one thing that's constant with BW) they could have used the new expansion as a reason to merge, IE new tech allows larger servers etc..

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I wish, instead of that, they'd just give us more to, um, do and then more people would play


These servers are dead beyond the point of return. They won't recover. If you go from 3-4 fleets during primetime to less than 10 people during primetime within two expansions you've disappointed too many people. If they merge servers now, they remove the risk of losing new and returning players who start on these dead servers.


On the other hand, IF enough people return, they could still open new servers (or open old ones back up, whatever) after they have merged. Which would result in VERY good press IF it happens.

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I would prefer a low pop server were not for items I want off the GTN that will probably not be found there. Once I get them, I'll probably move off The Ebon Hawk for a "dead" server.


I think a cross server GTN like GW2 has probably would be a better solution, though it may be inescapable that at least some servers are merged. Merging two dead servers doesn't make a busy server, but I think it's fair to state that not everybody likes being on a busy server.

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