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Light side Emperor


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I don't remember what choices we had. What were they? Would would have you preferred to have instead?


He just said...you only get 2 choices . Keep the Throne and rule as a DS . Or hand it over as a LS . And he said he want to keep the Throne and rule as a LS .

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I think it was LS; Peacekeeper, DS; Emperor/Empress. I too would have liked a LS Empress option however given the Star Wars history, I think Emperor/Empress is mostly seen akin to 'evil dictator' so they probably felt that wouldn't work and for Jedi especially (unless you play them really dark) being any kind of Emperor just wouldn't work hence the Galactic Peacekeeper thing instead.
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It doesn't matter because endgame has you as neither, you are a galactic mall cop putting down tiny seemingly inconsequential uprisings, good luck.


I wish I hadn't destroyed the Star Fortresses.


If I'd left those I could have crushed the Hoth and Tat uprisings so easily.


*Clicks Button*

*Rebel Scum die*

*Sips Hot Chocolate and enjoys Life Day with Ashara/Nadia/Kira/Jaesa*


Seriously, where are my Inq, Con, Knight, DS SW lovers?

I care more about that than the ending.

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I think it was LS; Peacekeeper, DS; Emperor/Empress. I too would have liked a LS Empress option however given the Star Wars history, I think Emperor/Empress is mostly seen akin to 'evil dictator' so they probably felt that wouldn't work and for Jedi especially (unless you play them really dark) being any kind of Emperor just wouldn't work hence the Galactic Peacekeeper thing instead.


Or just lazy..


a Smuggler can be LS and would rule just fine . Ok so maybe Jedi doesn't fit the ruling critera...


But hell...lazy is lazy......


They are afraid of hurting that dialogue wheels....too many branch and it crack lol

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I believe it is because, at its core, Star wars is a classic good vs. evil space opera.


The light side is the lawful/good paladin shiny happy goodness justice hero..


The dark side is the chaotic evil greedy sadistic mastermind villain..


So the dialogue choices reflect that viewpoint. It was pretty much the same with the inspiring/oppressive speech choices the character gets on Odessen during ch. 9 of KOTFE.


My Inquisitor would absolutely take the throne, but she would NEVER give such a provocative and oppressive villain speech like that. It would have been nice to have a more neutral "I'm in charge now but I can still work with people" kind of speech option.


..or perhaps just an option to skip the speech entirely and just announce the Eternal Alliance, then roll credits.


Either way, the writers are most likely going to have to knock the player character off that pedestal in some way come next expansion.

Edited by Taramayne
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I would have preferred if they'd had a less drastic choice there too. The Emperor/Empress speech is really oppressive and foreboding, and it seems like SWTOR's devs were taking the tack that there was no way to be a benevolent/non-evil ruler. If you take that choice, later on Indo Zal says that he regrets replacing one tyrant with another, so I guess they ran with that idea.


ETA: I just realized how old the original thread was, holy necro there. :eek:

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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