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Pub DPS LF Progression Team Late(ish) Night


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Hey guys, love Republic but I'm stuck on Harbinger with very few options as far as progression raiding goes. I'm looking to transfer if I can find a good fit/team that raids around 9:30pm est. I can raid any day and for however long but that start time is unfortunately set in stone.


A little about me, I've raided at a high level in WoW for about 4 years, casually raided for another 3 years prior to that. For the past 2 years, I ran with a top 100 then eventual top 25 US guild (Eternal Kingdom-Alliance-Proudmoore). I do have a history with this game as I beta tested for roughly a year then played at (I think) a high level through the first couple of tiers. I honestly can't remember the name of the guild I was in but it was Imp and I believe it was PotF or Harb, honestly a little clouded. I've come back to this game a few times but shortly quit again and wanted to wait it out this time. I've been back for about a month which is twice as long as usual and I'm completely hooked and determined to find a raid team. I wouldn't be putting this out there if I knew I would be quitting again, I've grown to love the playstyle, feel, and overall enjoyment I get from just playing SWTOR.


Feel free to holler on here or message me in-game on 'Latele' (pub on Harbinger) and thanks for reading!

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