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Only Inquisitor makes sense for KotFE-KotET? [SPOILERS]

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My first play through was on my Merc. Absolutely ridiculous. Only done because I consider that one my main.


I'm working on my Sage. Sort of. Just can't get into the story again. Not because sage, but because same story and sad things like controlling the walkers. I chose sage, though, so I could go all goody-goody. I'm really looking forward to seeing the results with my Sin. That is, if I can stomach the actual gameplay yet again. :t_frown:


I enjoyed it on my merc, but then, his whole angle is he does crazy-*** things, and it sort of works with the Emperor being curious about him from time to time, as he's not a force guy but he's still pushing the galaxy around.


I'm closest to finishing class story next on my JC shadow, so I'm curious to see how it goes on the PUB side of things. She will probably not get along with Lana as well as her dad does.

Posted (edited)
The fact that the Force walking ritual is not mentioned during KotFE as a kind of important feature of the SI Outlander story is weird, and to me says that they didn't want to ruin the story for the other classes.


Actually at some point in the last couple of chapters (I can't remember which one) the SI has the option to choose a line mentioning the fact that you already hosted a menagerie of spirits in the past and managed to get rid of them as a warning for Valkorion.


Pay attention because various classes have their special lines (like the JK mentioning defeating Valk on Dromund Kaas when he speaks to you before Lorman, I mean Minister Lorman, comes to pick you).


Honestly? The story made perfect sense for my Sith Warrior, as his entire arc has basically been one long road to personal power - both temporal and in the Force


That's more of the SI story that you are describing who like many Sith Lords is indeed in a quest for power and immortality (remember the SI quest on Rishi by the way).


Sith Warrior, like the Agent, was more about realizing that you were just a pawn used by a greater power for their own agenda and how you emancipate from these powers to forge your own path. It was more a quest for freedom than power. That's the reason why my Warrior and Agent have had their LS choices here and there since SoR as they have seen through the deception of the Emperor for one and the Empire in general for the latter.

Edited by demotivator
Actually at some point in the last couple of chapters (I can't remember which one) the SI has the option to choose a line mentioning the fact that you already hosted a menagerie of spirits in the past and managed to get rid of them as a warning for Valkorion.


Pay attention because various classes have their special lines (like the JK mentioning defeating Valk on Dromund Kaas when he speaks to you before Lorman, I mean Minister Lorman, comes to pick you).


I played with my DS inquisitor. I may have missed that line, but i did get one with Lana were she ask me how i manage to get valk on my head or somthing like that. There is a choice were you tell her that you have deal with ghost before.

That was the only reference i got and not only that; While ending Story Class my choice was to keep the ghost enslaved but KOTFE/KOTET pretends i let them go.


I do have to agree, it all feels like a rehash of the SI story. You can perfectly see what valkorium will do from the very start. And I was like... Really???? It is just the same, different method. The difference is that valkorium actually gets inside you, but does not have full controll (like Zash/Khem :rak_02:) and instead of Thanaton you get Arcann/Vailyn.


It also bothers me that a full (or almost full) Dark side character does not makes much sence. Sure, the game lets it work and the alliance continue, but is not very realistic most reps would go away, even theron. The SI class story let you choose almost all dark choice and if you do, the only not realistic part is the Ashara romance. Now knowing (or suspecting) what valkorium is up to, why does doing the oposite of what he wants a light choice??? I refuse his power so he has less power over me, i even let arcann live not out of the goodness o my heart but because i just do the oposite. At least i got the option for arcann to kneel :rak_03:

Now also a lot of LS / DS choices are more of good choice/bad choice instead of character choice. And of course most DS choices are bad choices; i think the only DS choice with an advantage is to keep valkorium father.

But you get to sit on a throne, right? Not much Jedi left when you sit on a throne and command armies. If you play your Jedi straight, as in following the Code and always deferring to the Council, taking over a freaking Empire would never be an option. Which is why they should have let you hand it back to Arcann. If you're really the forgiving soul that LS JK is written to be, you would go that far with your forgiveness, but you'd never want to sit on a throne.

if you pick the light side choice you rule nothing you let Zakhull rule themselves, the ONLY thing you control is the eternal fleet and you choose to do so because without someone leading it the fleet attacked randomly and was killing thousands maybe millions.

Actually at some point in the last couple of chapters (I can't remember which one) the SI has the option to choose a line mentioning the fact that you already hosted a menagerie of spirits in the past and managed to get rid of them as a warning for Valkorion.


Pay attention because various classes have their special lines (like the JK mentioning defeating Valk on Dromund Kaas when he speaks to you before Lorman, I mean Minister Lorman, comes to pick you).


Yeah, I picked that. Also, I believe the very first thing you say as a SI when you find Valkorion in your head in Chapter 2 is something like, "hey, now there's a ghost I've always wanted for my collection". But considering how uniquely suited the only living Force Walker is for Valkorion's plan, these mentions feel... weak, you know?


Pretty much all of the people the JK respects are telling them the Galaxy is doomed into chaos unless they take the throne throughout all 25 chapters. Friends, enemies, and frenemies alike. Companions, Satele Shan, Darth Marr, Empress Acina, Heskal, Valkorion (admittedly for his own ends), etc. It's not surprising that they do.


if you pick the light side choice you rule nothing you let Zakhull rule themselves, the ONLY thing you control is the eternal fleet and you choose to do so because without someone leading it the fleet attacked randomly and was killing thousands maybe millions.


You sit on the throne pretty damn triumphantly before that. Doesn't Senya tell you "you deserve this"? A perfect moment for a power-hungry Force-user either teetering on the edge of the dark side under Valkorion's corrupting mental influence or fully immersed and hiding it from his allies Palpatine-style. But for the selfless LS JK who was never even tempted? Ugh.


My JK is a pretty straight-shooting, loyal-to-the-Order type of guy, and I can't see a universe where having him on a quest to take over an Empire is not taking a massive dump on the character, and especially that moment when he plants his butt on that throne that felt so right on my Sith. Saying that you want to take over an Empire "for the greater good" is nasty nasty nasty stuff, "work sets you free"-level nasty, and peer pressure don't make it any less so. It'd be just sad to watch my JK go down that path, which is why I'm reluctant to do KotFE with him.

Posted (edited)

Yeah but a *completely* selfless LS JK doesn't exist in the star wars universe (TOR or Lucas) because pure heroes are boring fiction. It's their flaws that make them interesting. This is true of knight heroes in fiction all the way back in history, including Lancelot, Percival, Achilles, and Beowulf.


Or, as CS Lewis put it, it's difficult to write pure, selfless heroes because it's hard to write about characters better than yourself. So they rarely come out well.


The Star Wars universe is actually a pretty bleak, war-torn place. Your JK is a product of his environment as well as his own attunement to the light side.

Edited by stoopicus
Sith Warrior, like the Agent, was more about realizing that you were just a pawn used by a greater power for their own agenda and how you emancipate from these powers to forge your own path. It was more a quest for freedom than power. That's the reason why my Warrior and Agent have had their LS choices here and there since SoR as they have seen through the deception of the Emperor for one and the Empire in general for the latter.


My warrior was pretty much all Dark Side, all the way. At every juncture at which he had the opportunity to gloat that he was going to strike down the next person in line above him, he took it, and this was the culmination of that for his story. It was always all about power for him.

Posted (edited)
Yeah but a *completely* selfless LS JK doesn't exist in the star wars universe (TOR or Lucas) because pure heroes are boring fiction. It's their flaws that make them interesting. This is true of knight heroes in fiction all the way back in history, including Lancelot, Percival, Achilles, and Beowulf.


Or, as CS Lewis put it, it's difficult to write pure, selfless heroes because it's hard to write about characters better than yourself. So they rarely come out well.


The Star Wars universe is actually a pretty bleak, war-torn place. Your JK is a product of his environment as well as his own attunement to the light side.


I'm not saying it's unrealistic, but each universe has its own rules. Achilles can get away with what we would call mass murder today and still be a hero. Beowulf can become king and not only be a great hero as well, but by the rules of his own universe, because he is a great hero. By SW universe rules, the JK has to be tempted by the dark side in order to actually go for the throne. The path of the light side as presented by the game is that if you try to take over an Empire and sit on a throne, you're doing it wrong (applies to this universe too). And I'm not saying that this is not very interesting from a storytelling point of view. It's as if Paplatine was trying to tempt Luke in the Death Star II by offering him his position as Emperor instead of trying to fuel his anger and taunting him to strike him down -- temptation by desire for power instead of temptation by anger. What I'm actually saying is that the Outlander story is not a very good fit for the LS Jedi Knight storyline, because the JK in his strictly LS options rejects any offers of power consistently.

Edited by Altus_Esterhazy
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