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Which tier which content?


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So as someone who never really did ops in 4.0 and geared through crystals, crafting and spending a fortune on left side pieces to get my main and a few alts in *close* to BiS 220 without set bonuses, I'm wondering what the new tier ratings are now that there are half tiers and whatnot and what tier you actually need to complete what content.


Let me know if I'm understanding this right:


The old base tier 208 was craftable from the trainer and there was 112 gear that was poorly optimized that you could RE some stuff to obtain and others came straight from the trainer. This gear also dropped from TFPs (208).


216 gear dropped from SM OPs with set bonuses and was pretty much well optimized but needed a little tweaking in some cases. You could get poorly optimized 216 from the vendor for glowing crystals (no set bonus) and you needed this level of gear to complete HM OPs and it helped a lot with some of the harder HMFPs.


220 set bonus dropped from HM OPs and could be bought for radiant crystals with the same caveats as above and you needed it to attempt NiM OPs which dropped 224 BiS set bonus gear and then you were done.


You could in theory craft your way to a well optimized 220 (no set bonus) armour and weapon set by buying the mods and enhancements off the GTN, putting them in gear, pulling them out and RE-ing them to learn the schematic. It was pretty expensive but I did it for the unlettered lethal mod and the adept, quick savant and initiative enhancements. For the armourings I just used the crystal gear because they were the same. The mats weren't cheap but because I had already foregone set bonus, I only needed one set for my DPS classes. The left side, I relied on crystal gear for my alts and just laid out the money for my two mains. I did all this in about six weeks and I was happy with it. I didn't really need that level for the content I was running HMFPs, PvP (seperate gear) and Heroics/SFs/EC/Other solo content but I wanted it and I got it.


Now I'm a bit confused.


I'm killing myself to get a full 230 set and this is what? The Equivalent of 208 or 212? Say I get lucky and gear out in BiS 230 gear with set bonus what is this good for? Is it just story mode OPs, Veteran FPs, SM Uprisings and PvP regs which already have bolster? Is 230 enough to complete vet chapters even though the devs said tier 2 with a level 20 comp? Are people doing HM OPs in 230 gear? Is 230 the new 216 or the new 208? Are people in ranked PVP already in tier 2 gear? I played some ranked matches and checked out some of my team and they were not but some matches we were just creamed like we didn't stand a chance so I have to wonder.


What is the hardest content you are doing in your 230 gear? Is it worth even bothering with when it is only a fraction above 228 crafted. Is anyone just disintegrating everything in the hopes of getting to tier 2 more quickly?


Feedback appreciated.

Edited by ForjKlahaa
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