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Anyone explain simply the big uproar about the GC system?


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Not sure if this is a troll or youre being serious. In case of the 2nd:


Before you had Priority ops, where anyone with least amount of skill could get 224 gear in 2 weeks on his toon if he just did EV and KP HM, even before that Prio Ops HMs were doable and people could get good gear from them.


However now the gear is accessible to all, even people only doing Heroics or dailies, however at the price of a HUGE grind, which is never ending and only for one toon. The grind starts over on a new toon from rank 1. Also its RNG so you never know what you get. As you could see some ppl got 4 pieces in 40 ranks some got non in 70 ranks.


I am at rank 120 now and its getting slower and slower and still a long way ahead of me and no guarantee of getting the pieces i miss and then the grind starts over on my other toons. THis is simply too much, a grind combined with a RNG element.

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The crux is that those players who played for 3-4 hours 3 times a week doing nothing but ops could gear up their characters in a few raid nights doing exactly those ops with their guildies, that gave them the piece they needed . This also allowed them to quickly bring a new character up to snuff, when they weren't too busy telling everyone they're going to leave the game because there was no content.


Meanwhile, the filthy casuals who played the game for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, doing all kinds of content, had to grind HM Flashpoints for comms/crystals, that allowed them after a few months to be at a gear level where they may have been tolerated in a story mode ops group, if they also had the achievements to prove they know the op.



BWs concept for 5.0 is to reward playing much and any content. This means set-bonus gear is no longer locked behind the Ops gate, and those who play the game a lot will gear up much quicker. The balancing factor is that the gear-rewards are randomized, equalizing gear-progress across the playerbase, but clearly to the advantage of those that play a lot.



The main issue is that the set-bonus gear is A) rare, B) bound to a certain item slot, so you have to be lucky to get the set-bonus piece you need, in addition to getting a set-bonus piece at all. C) a must-have for the hardest ops that can only be cleared by those well-attuned groups that play this content and little else. So these players suddenly have to do lots of content they have no interest in playing in order to get the gear neccessary to do the content they like.


5.1 will bring back the ability to get a certain item-slot piece from a certain op, but progress for the raiders is still locked behind the GC grind, because they can't just take their token from the raid and use it to get their gear as before, but need a second type of token that is only gained with command ranks.

Edited by Mubrak
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Not sure if this is a troll or youre being serious. In case of the 2nd:


This question might have been spot-on in General Discussion, but is counterproductive in New Player Help.


To the OP: If I am assuming correctly that you have recently started playing the game, then you won't have to worry about the GC system until you complete the story / expansion and reach max level (70) with at least one character, which might take anywhere between a couple of weeks and several months, depending on how much time you spend playing the game. All you need to know until then is that the GC system only affects gameplay past max level - a.k.a. end -game content.


The replies from the other posters are detailed and informative, but if you reach max level at the end of January, you only have to worry about patch 5.1, which has eliminated a lot of the problems of patch 5.0 (but not all, as explained by Mubrak - I will only add that some aspects of GC will then be legacy wide, which helps incentive to use alternative characters). If you reach max level in March, who knows what BioWare might have done, depending on the subscription trends by players until then.


The bottom-line is, first enjoy the game until you reach level 70, and then start worrying about the GC system. :o

Edited by JannusFex
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