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Stop with the *********** one time passwords.


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BioWare tries to keep accounts secure so they don't have to deal with the hassle of customers with hacked accounts.

They give you a reward incentive to get a security key.

If you're too lazy for that then just deal with the One Time Passwords and stop complaining.

Edited by JediRelentless
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BioWare tries to keep accounst secure so they don't have to deal with the hassle of customers with compromised accounts.

They give you a reward incentive to get a security key.

I f you're too lazy for that then just deal with the One Time Passwords and stop complaining.


Or, they could stop holding everyone's hand and let them manage their own damn accounts like adults. I mean what the hell is this, Communist Russia? I don't need extra security.

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Or, they could stop holding everyone's hand and let them manage their own damn accounts like adults. I mean what the hell is this, Communist Russia? I don't need extra security.


I pay to have my problems taken care of for me, not to take care of them myself.

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If you're getting a one time password every time you log in, you're either hopping computers constantly or you're having internet problems. I've had this issue before and it was an issue with my internet constantly dropping (briefly) and causing my IP address to change. When your IP changes, you get a one time password. Might want to have your internet looked at.
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