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Your rating in ranked does not mean a thing.


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I'm mostly talking to the fotm mercenary rollers who keep bringing up their 1800+ rating this also applies to other people aswell. Your rating does not mean you're good it means you had good placement matches or your class carried you in case of some mercs or you might have had better teamates. This especially applies to solo ranked because you have no idea what you're getting on your team along with the enemy team. So stop boasting your high solo rating because it means little to nothing in this game.


Coming from being a 2300+ 3v3 player in wow in the past. People with high group rating I respect more as it shows that you're able to work in a group towards a

greater goal.


-Thank you for reading this. It's not that all the high rated people arent good. Its just I've seen some waving their epeen around because they are a fotm roller and end up with unfair match ups then bash people when they have a lower rating or lose because they were at a disadvantage.

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In the current state of the game and lack of arena moderation... Yeah, sure. I gave up on racing with win traders and hackers.


Honestly, shouldn't it be so much easier for them given that there is only a handful of people doing that content? This is a paradox. There are so little people playing Rated pvp, nearly everyone knows each other on every server. It would be easy to carry out some serious policing and rule enforcement. Yet they do not do because of the little amount of participating players... Lol

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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The only reason why rating is still in demand - are such threads and posts.

If you really want to make rating mean nothing - you have to brace yourselves and stop being salty and whiney :)


Coming from being a 2300+ 3v3 player in wow in the past. People with high group rating I respect more as it shows that you're able to work in a group towards a

greater goal.


On a serious note, bragging about numbers in any game is kinda weird tho :o


Go play a real game if you care about rating like Dota2 or LoL


Also MOBA's are joke, calling them "real games" is insulting the game industry.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Rating means nothing while ever there are CXP "only" farmers in Ranked.


Personally I would ignore it and anyone else's. I think anyone who has a high rating at the moment is playing team ranked or is win trading. It's the only way anyone could ledgitmately have a high number


I don't mean to be a jerk or anything, but pretty much what the poster above said with things like hacking and win trading going on, you have to have some serious luck to even climb high sin solo ranked and even group play. I mean not to hate on people who do one to play this game competitively, but those who use their rating as an excuse to wave their epeen around and be an ahole to everyone.


I did mention my achievements in wow and quite honestly I played an op comp/class the last 3 seasons , not event I considered that an achievement myself.


-I hope I don't come off as hostile sorry if my first post seems that way, its just unlike other pvp communities I eant to keep this one a fun, and try to keep people pvping in the end.

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Sounds like someone is mad about their rating......


At some level your right about elo, but at some point it is on you. People have good ratings because they are good, and people that have awful ones are just bad.


Everyone has to deal with bad Q's, bads, and bad matchups, good people prevail no matter what.


This is how it is in MOBA's and in some ways here to.

Edited by DirtyDiggler
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