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Knights of the Enternal Throne Survey


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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




Well thats great after we already answered it. I was amazed that my 2 line response was 350 characters and I had to chop it down to what seemed like 3 bullet points that were very vague.

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Well thats great after we already answered it. I was amazed that my 2 line response was 350 characters and I had to chop it down to what seemed like 3 bullet points that were very vague.


Funny i never found about the 50 characters limit. My feedback was literally "more ops"

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Now find one that's been saying that for 9 months, which is what you claimed.


I guarantee you he can't. Because that person doesn't exist. It's just his poor abused strawman. XD But watch him sidestep the issue, or just flat out not respond to you now!

Edited by AscendingSky
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I guarantee you he can't. Because that person doesn't exist. XD But watch him sidestep the issue, or just flat out not respond to you now!


in his defense, there are those that have said in past I'm unsubbing and then have stuck around.


But this time is definitely different.

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As usual, I'm left out of the mailing list. This is the free CC giveway all over again. Thanks Bioware, glad I and my opinions matter to you.


It's things like this, not the RNGearing, not the lack of new content, not the bugs, that really grind my gears. It's the lack of respect for paying customers.


Your mail server might have auto-sorted it into a different group.

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its hilarious I didn't get a email cause I canceled my sub a couple of weeks ago, all good, the last thing I need to do is waste another ounce of my breath trying to convince a company that says they are listening to players when all they do is ignore feedback when they say they listen to feedback. This game is done like dinner now, there is no coming back from this cxp abortion, good luck on your live stream tonight, hopefully you unscrew this "very exciting" system you decided to implement after ptr players told you it was a horrible idea.
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its hilarious I didn't get a email cause I canceled my sub a couple of weeks ago, all good, the last thing I need to do is waste another ounce of my breath trying to convince a company that says they are listening to players when all they do is ignore feedback when they say they listen to feedback. This game is done like dinner now, there is no coming back from this cxp abortion, good luck on your live stream tonight, hopefully you unscrew this "very exciting" system you decided to implement after ptr players told you it was a horrible idea.


Yet here you are on the forums, posting away, totally not wasting another ounce of your breath......Interesting, don't you think? That's rhetorical by the way.

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Hmm, I haven't recieved one.

Yup, I got one.


That tells me the fallout from this is pretty serious, they must be hemorrhaging subs at the moment.


They sent out surveys after KOTFE launched (and probably for major updates before that), so I'm sure the implications aren't as grim as you think.

Edited by DarthZeroe
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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




Here is my feedback, since I'm not going to wait:


Sad that there likely won't be any more story until the next expansion.


Wish*non-story areas were better connected to the story, like uprisings. You can infer why they are happening, but more in depth story as to why those places and bosses would be*nice (why am I going to Ord Mantel and why do those Sith pose a problem for the Eternal Alliance?). Also missed opportunities to have Warzones, GSF, and Space*Combat maps connected to the new story. How cool would it have been to fly the shuttle in a Space*Combat battle of Voss mission?


With*a new rank of crafting materials, you shouldn't have mixed nodes on the same planets, Zakuul should have been rank 9 and Darvannis*rank 10.


DvL War is imbalanced, it Light side 99% of the time on my server, and the*World bosses seem very difficult, and despawn if you wipe, so haven't really been able to participate on my DS main.


Wish in general SWTOR would give more "fun"*mission rewards. Final chapter could have awarded an Eternal Throne Decoration. Iokath chapter could have given the Probe Droid you use as a non-crafting class droid companion. KOTFE had the same misses, could have had a Sky Trooper from*Gemini Deception, or a GSF fighter and/or deco from chapter 16.


Galactic Command*could potentially be cool, but right now its too RNG and*too anti-alt play. Rank needs to be legacy wide, otherwise any time spent on an alt is felt like wasted time. You also need to be better able to target the gear you want/need instead of just random rewards.* The Random rewards are best for rep tokens/decos/moddable custom gear/pets/mounts/etc.


I understand SWTOR is a business, and there are limited resources, but would like to see an Ops about once an expansion, maybe two story blocks drop an expansion, couple of FPs over the course of*an expansion, new*Warzone Map, GSF Map, and Space Combat mission.


As a totally unrelated side note, I'd pay $60 for a*PvE Starfighter expansion with gamepad/joystick support in the same vein as the old X-Wing Collectors/TIE-Fighter Collectors games. They were heavy story leading into the combat. I could totally see Lana or Theron standing next to a briefing screen giving me my mission objectives, jumping into my fighter,*and running the mission.

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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




I take it we can't re-take the survey though?

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I responded but found it pretty ridiculous that when they ask "How can we improve KOTET" you are limited to 50 characters. What can you really say in 50 characters that is constructive or meaningful?

By the time I got there mine was 400 and that was a struggle but really no-one should be surprised they can't even get a survey right first time. Now if the character limit for the final feedback section had been RNG it could have been "exciting" :D:D

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Didn't get anything but I'll say it here now. Some originality please, Bioware. If I wanted to watch X-Men Last Stand I'd hire the DVD. The story didn't just lift elements from it, it downright rips it off, even down to the final end of Vaylen. No where near as good, nor original, as KoTFE. Edited by Ulfrik_Wulfgar
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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




The team? You mean this doesn't go to EA or someone more senior than "Ben n the gang"?


That's really disappointing if so because that guys has demonstrated time and again he has no clue about our community here or even what gamers in general want from games.


Please tell us this goes to someone more senior than whoever is coming up with these idiotic changes? Otherwise this is a complete waste of our time.

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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




Can those of us who have already sent it in redo it then?

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Hey folks!


Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!



Hello Eric,


please notify us when it's fixed so for those who did not fill it already we know when it would be the better time.



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